Clandestine Lovers (Friendship Chronicles Book 3)

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Clandestine Lovers (Friendship Chronicles Book 3) Page 8

by Shelley Munro

  “He has a room here.” Susan lowered her voice in case the loitering waitress was eavesdropping. “Room 612. That’s where I’m spending the night.”

  “Don’t tire him out too much,” Connor said. “We need him to play rugby.”

  “You and your rugby.” Susan stood and kissed him on the cheek. Ryan received the same treatment, and she gave Maggie and Julia a swift hug. “Don’t worry. I’m not a kid. I’m not a virgin either,” she whispered. “Although things might have sealed over because it’s been a hell of a long time.”

  Maggie grinned and Julia chuckled.

  Susan made her way to the elevator and hit the call button. The lobby was empty. She stepped into the car and waited for the door to slide shut. Nerves swirled in the pit of her stomach, but they were the good kind. No second guessing. She really liked Tyler, and at least he wasn’t married.

  She tapped on his door, and it opened abruptly.

  “What took you so long?”

  Chapter Six

  “I didn’t want our disappearance to look too obvious.” Susan stepped inside and the door clicked shut, closing down outside distractions. “I’m here now. What are you going to do with me?”

  Tyler prowled toward her and backed her up until the wall hit her spine. His mouth covered hers before her startled cry could emerge. Then he was all hands, mouth, teeth, dragging her into temptation, tossing her into lust and passion and shoving aside every single bit of past history with other men.

  Her mind and body focused on him, the enticing rasp of his callused fingers against her collarbone. The ravenous hunger of his mouth. A shiver worked down her body, her nerve-endings singing. Each pleasurable blast from his attentions, the press of his lips, the stroke of his tongue, pooled at the needy spot between her legs.

  The contact gentled, and she moaned, clutching his broad shoulders in case he decided to do something stupid, like lift his head to breathe.

  Oh yes. She had to kiss him again, let him kiss her in return. Feed the simmering passion gathering inside her like one of those romance novel infernos she’d started reading after Maggie introduced her to the erotic romance concept.

  Finally, Tyler lifted his head. “I thought I’d never get to kiss you again. The one taste in the office wasn’t enough.”

  “More,” she demanded.

  “Don’t you want a drink? I arranged room service to deliver a nightcap.”

  Susan raised her hand and ran her fingers over his jaw. She liked the rasp of sound and repeated the move, petting him like a cat. “I’ve had enough to drink. I want to remember everything we do together.”

  “I have a rugby game tomorrow. I’m under strict instructions to get plenty of sleep.”

  “If you want to sit back and let me do the work, I’m up for that.” Susan tried to keep a serious expression, but her twitching lips spilled her lurking jocularity. If he called her on this, she might muck up the seduction process. Maggie might think sex was like riding a bike. Susan wasn’t so sure. Those memories lived in the dim recesses of her mind.

  Heck, maybe it was best if she went on instinct anyway. Just strip away his clothes and explore his lovely, muscled body to her heart’s content. She could take him into her body or impale herself on his hard cock and grasp pleasure. Humor spurted forth, and she pretended to ponder. “What do you think about me tying you up?”

  “As long as I get my dick inside you soon, I don’t care what you do.”

  She blinked. Not the response she’d expected.

  Someone knocked on the door. “Room service.”

  Tyler tugged Susan away from the wall and held her to his side as he opened the door.

  “Room service, sir,” the young male attendant said.

  “Thanks,” Tyler said, standing aside to let the lanky employee wheel his cart into the room.

  Susan took the opportunity to take in the details she’d missed when she’d first entered. It was a standard room with a huge bed. Pillows in various shades of green, cream and brown festooned the end nearest the headboard. A sage green cover spread across the king-size mattress while a chair and desk sat against another wall. It was the view that drew her, and she moved away from Tyler to kick off her heels. Her bare toes sank into thick carpet as she made her way over to the huge window.

  During the day, Tyler would have a gorgeous view of the harbor and the bridge that spanned the water. Now, she could see the lights from the buildings hugging the coast and those of vehicles driving over the bridge, but the actual water was dark. A lone ferry bobbed across the expanse, one of the many night charters full of party people.

  Behind her, Tyler closed the door and she turned to him. “I never tire of looking at the harbor. It’s so pretty in all its moods.”

  “You’ll like Clare. The sea isn’t too far away. Eric’s farm is partly flats and the rest is hills. The views over the valley toward the town are spectacular. We’re about twenty minutes drive from the township. We have nearby vineyards and lots of places to walk.”

  “You like it there,” Susan said.

  “I like it here too.” And the expression in his gaze told her why.

  Her stomach turned to pudding, the burst of lust taking her by surprise even though it shouldn’t. She shifted her weight, trying to ease the heat surging through her. “You’re younger than me.”

  “So?” He crossed the room and wrapped her in his arms. “A few years younger. It’s not a major difference.” His fingers traced across the throbbing pulse point at her neck. He stared for an instant, then reached for the zipper at the rear of her dress. This one was blue and she knew it suited her, making her eyes look like the tropical sea on a sunny day. At least that was what Christina had told her when they’d gone shopping for outfits.

  He slid the zip down slowly, as if he were waiting for her protest. Not gonna happen. She lifted her hand and stroked his biceps beneath the cotton of his gray shirt. Warmth seeped to her fingertips and impatience tore through her. “Race you to get undressed.”

  “No, you don’t.” He grasped her shoulders to halt her retreat. “I’ve fantasized about undressing you ever since I first saw you on TV. It would be plain mean of you to deprive me.”

  Susan swallowed, her knees threatening to buckle. “Okay.”

  She quivered as he peeled the blue material from her torso and let the dress slide over her hips. Earlier that night, she’d donned a brand new set of lingerie in a shade a fraction lighter than her dress. The bra cupped and lifted while the high cut panties did wonders for her legs.

  He blew out a breath that came close to a whistle. “Way better than the vision I’d conjured.” His fingers traced the swell of her breast before moving to the other. She gasped when he followed the same path with his mouth. Her breasts prickled and her nipples pulled to hard points beneath her bra.

  Without warning, he lifted her from the circle of fabric and carried her to the edge of the bed.

  “It’s been a while for me,” he said. “The first time is gonna be fast and hectic. If I come first, I’ll make it up to you.”

  She nodded, part of her comparing her last lover to Tyler. The married man who’d squeezed her in for quickies. Quick on his part. Not such a big reward for her since she’d missed orgasms and later discovered he possessed a wife, tucked away in the suburbs.

  He unfastened her bra and slipped the straps down her arms. Immediately, his fingers stroked her aching flesh.

  “That feels good.”

  “I can do better yet.” He gently pushed her down onto the mattress.

  “Don’t make rash promises,” she said. “I’ll expect you to prove any statements about your abilities.”

  Laughing, he gave her a quick kiss on the lips. With another fast move, he whisked off her panties then straddled her naked body, his black trousers abrading her skin in a promising manner. She couldn’t wait for him to get naked too.

  “First, I get to play, otherwise it will be all over in minutes.” His rueful glance at his
groin pulled a delighted chuckle from her dry throat.

  This was something else new to her—the playful teasing. So much fun. Another mark on the plus side for Tyler.

  His fingers plucked one nipple, and he avidly studied her reaction, the arch of her hips pleading for a more intimate touch.

  “Yes, please.”

  “Oh, I please very much,” he said in a husky tone. Eyes glinting with promise, he leaned over her, replacing his fingers with his mouth. Hot, wet pulls ricocheted through her body, settling in an ache in her pussy.

  “Tyler.” Her hands slid across his skull, the bristles of his dark hair soft beneath her fingertips. Everything he did felt good, pushed her in the direction of desperation. “I want you to hurry.”

  “I can do that.”

  “Oh. Did I say that aloud?”

  “You did.”

  His tongue dipped into her navel.

  “You’re good at this.” Almost too good. The achy spot in her pussy swelled, her hips lifting in another silent demand.

  Tyler rose off her, allowing her room to move. “Spread your legs for me.”

  A blush washed into her cheeks, the rush of heat tumbling her into panic. What if—?

  “Stop thinking so hard,” he whispered, amusement twinkling in his eyes. “I know what to do and I’ve seen women before.”

  Heck, she didn’t mean to be such an idiot. “I have no idea where this is coming from. The sudden insecurity, I mean.”

  Tyler repositioned his body so he knelt between her legs. “You think I’m not worried about screwing up the first time between us? It’s when your partner isn’t concerned that you need to worry. From where I’m sitting, you have nothing to lose sleep about.” One single finger blazed a path from her navel to the fold of her leg. His eyes gleamed. “Do you want to know what’s gonna happen next?”

  “I think I know.”

  Tyler slid his hands beneath her butt and lifted her to his mouth. Heat enclosed her clit, the quick flick of a tongue making her gasp. He explored her slit with a slow, luscious lick, lifted his head to grin and started the sensual torture. Again.

  Susan gripped his head, attempting to hold him in place. Instead he teased her, laving her folds and nipping hard enough to make her wince. His tongue soothed the ache, transforming the pain into something more. He sucked on her swollen nub, tormenting it incessantly until she was so tender it was almost painful.

  Her muscles strained as she worked for an orgasm, her eyes squeezed tightly shut to savor every nuance of the pleasure flooding her body. His warm mouth continued to kiss and suck, gathering her juices, then she was flying, the rush of sensation making her cry out. She shuddered as he kept teasing more vibrations from her needy flesh.

  Susan pushed weakly at his shoulders, her clitoris tender now that she’d climaxed.

  Tyler understood her silent message and stood. Without taking his gaze from her, he unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside. He must have taken his shoes off earlier before she’d arrived, and now he peeled off his socks and shucked his trousers and underwear in one efficient move. Boxer-briefs. She beamed in approval.

  With long strides, he reached his bag and crouched to retrieve something from the side pocket. Condoms. He turned fully and she scored her first real visual. Broad chest, the perfect amount of dark hair to emphasize his masculinity. Narrow hips and the enticing ripple of muscles. Her mouth watered, and she couldn’t wait to explore. Then there was his cock—thick and in full bloom, the head ruddy and swollen. A little shimmy worked through her and settled low at the thought of Tyler filling her.

  When he reached the bed, he ripped open the packet and grabbed a condom. Seconds later, he rose over her. She welcomed his solid weight and the freedom to touch him. No surplus flesh on his body. The man was gorgeous, his chest still tan from long days of working shirtless in the sun. Or at least that was what she presumed.


  She smiled. “If I felt any better, my heart wouldn’t handle the strain.”

  He guided his cock to her entrance and impaled her with the broad head. “God, that feels good.”

  From her end too. She closed her eyes and gripped his shoulders, canting her hips and silently encouraging him to fully slide into her wet, needy depths. She wanted to feel him stretching her inner muscles, to hear his grunts as he strove for pleasure.

  He pulled back and glided into her again, going deeper. “God, Susan.” His large frame shuddered as he withdrew. “I can’t go slow.” Even as he said the words, his shoved into her with one hard thrust, pushing her into the mattress. He groaned and shafted her with several rapid strokes before freezing in place, face contorted in a mask of pleasure. His orgasm seemed to thunder through him, and his cock jerked with explosive contractions.

  Susan held him through his climax, receiving a dose of pleasure even though she hadn’t come again. The way he’d grabbed for every sensation and his muscles bunched then heaved in a convulsive manner made her feel special, needed.

  “I guess I’ve just proved I’m alive.” Tyler levered up and away and smiled ruefully. “I’m sorry about that.”

  She brushed his cheek and smiled up at him. “We have the rest of the night. Simultaneous orgasms are a myth anyway.”

  “I beg to differ. We’ll have to make you a believer.” He disposed of the condom. Uncaring of his nakedness, Tyler ambled over to the room service tray, lifted a silver dome and gave a grunt of approval. Susan studied the long lines of his body, the curve of his butt and wished he was close enough for her to take a bite. A shiver slid over her and she grabbed the nearest article of clothing—Tyler’s gray shirt.

  “I like looking at you.”

  Tyler turned, his teeth a flash of white as he opened a bottle of champagne. “Yeah?”

  Her heart did a little change up in speed. “It would be better if you came closer. I wanna touch, take a bite or two.”

  “Someone told me we have all night.” He filled two glasses with champagne and handed one to her.

  Susan accepted the glass and took a sip. “Nice. I’ll need food as well if I’m going to drink this.”

  “Got that covered.” He set down his glass and wandered over to grab a plate of sandwiches. “We have ham sandwiches and strawberries and chocolate sauce for dessert.”

  “Yum.” Susan propped two pillows against the headboard and nibbled on a ham sandwich. She hadn’t eaten much of her dinner, nerves doing a number on her stomach. “Strawberries, huh?” Ideas fired in her, naughty suggestions of things she could do with strawberries. She cast him a considering glance. “What do you think about body painting?”

  “Could be fun.” He settled on the bed beside her and offered her another sandwich. “I’m glad I came up to see you.” Honesty shone from his eyes and echoed with his satisfied grin and relaxed posture.

  “You just came for a booty call,” she scoffed.

  “No.” The reply came instantly, an explosion of objection. “If you’d said no, I would’ve taken your rejection like a gentleman. I wanted to meet you in person. I didn’t come with expectations.” He had a grace to shrug when her brows rose. “Okay, so a guy can hope.”

  “What do you want to do tomorrow morning?”

  “I’d like to sleep in, get a room service breakfast so I can ogle you for longer and if we have time, I’d like to visit an art store to stock up on my supplies. By then it will be time to head for the rugby game.”

  “Are you really going to play?”

  “I said I would. Besides, Connor is big and protective of you. I need to get on his good side.”

  Susan sipped more champagne, happiness making her giddy and bubbly, not unlike the effect of the drink.

  “Time for dessert,” Tyler said and bounded off the bed. He returned with the bowl of fresh strawberries and another bowl of thick and glossy chocolate sauce. “Want one?”

  “I could force myself.”

  He picked up a berry and swirled it through the chocolate before ho
lding it to her lips. A dollop of the sauce fell and plopped into her cleavage. “No, let me,” he said when she went to swipe it away with her finger. He unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt and peeled the material back to frame her breasts. Meanwhile, Susan squirmed at the tickly slide of the chocolate down her breastbone.

  “Are you ticklish?”

  “No.” Her hasty reply gave away the truth and his evil chuckle informed her he’d take advantage of her vulnerability.

  His work-roughened hands grasped her shoulders, holding her as he lowered his head. His mouth skimmed the upper curves of her creamy flesh.

  “There’s no chocolate there.”

  “Haven’t you ever done anything because it feels good?” The naughty boy twinkle in his eyes made her grin.

  She sniffed. “You want to make me suffer.”

  “No,” he said, all signs of humor falling away. “What you’ll get from me is the straight up truth every time. My dawdling is giving me time to tease you and to lead you into temptation.”

  “Don’t you need an apple for that?”

  “Chocolate is the modern version. Don’t you know chocolate cures everything?” Before she could reply, his tongue followed the path of the sauce, shooting the air from her lungs with a whoosh. The stroke across her breast didn’t make her want to giggle. No, instead the intimacy made her want to offer herself for a taste test.

  The corners of his eyes crinkled, and he winked. “It’s time for the shirt to go.” He drew the garment off her and studied her chest with avid attention. “We need more chocolate.” He plucked up another strawberry, drowned it in chocolate and used the fruit like a paint brush, dipping it again and again and spreading a Maori tribal design over her chest.

  “You’re good,” she said, impressed by the design.

  “I’ll enjoy cleaning it off even more. Want a top up?” He gestured at the bottle.

  “Sure.” She did a flirty eyelash flutter. “What are you going to do with me?”

  He tapped the side of his nose, his lips curving into a charming grin that warmed her insides and tightened that coil of lust again. So, maybe she’d wait and let things unfold at his pace. The man had skills—that was for sure. With their champagne topped up, she nibbled on another strawberry, letting the juices drizzle across her tongue. “This was a great idea.”


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