Clandestine Lovers (Friendship Chronicles Book 3)

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Clandestine Lovers (Friendship Chronicles Book 3) Page 20

by Shelley Munro

  She missed Tyler.

  Not talking to him, not exchanging emails and texts left a yawning hole in her day. In such a short time he’d become friend, confidant and the man she loved.

  She heaved a sigh. She’d made the right decision, but her heart still ached like a sore tooth. Aware of the ticking clock, she turned off the water and toweled dry. Wrapped in a towel, she scurried to her bedroom, pulled on black lingerie and sat down to apply makeup. Something to hide her lack of sleep.

  “Christina,” she yelled.

  “Here,” her friend said. Maggie and Julia poured through the doorway behind Christina. “We bought you a new dress. I think it should fit.”

  “Thank you!” Tears sprang up and she blinked rapidly. “Don’t make me cry. I don’t have time to redo my makeup.”

  “No thanks necessary,” Julia said. “The boys donated to the cause.”

  “Try it on,” Maggie prompted, her face full of excitement. “We’re going to hide in the other room.”

  With her friends’ help, Susan dressed and dealt with her hair in record time.

  “Have you seen the paper today?” Maggie asked.


  “Just as well,” Julia said. “Do a twirl.”

  The red dress swirled around her legs while the tight bodice clung to her curves. Julia had braided her hair and pinned it up and now she looked sophisticated and sexy.

  “You need a necklace and dangly earrings,” Christina said. “I have just the thing.” She scooted away and returned minutes later with a black and gold necklace in bold circles and matching earrings. “Put them on. Perfect,” she breathed, clasping her hands together.

  “Thank you so much,” Susan said. “You’re such great friends.” She glanced at her watch and saw it was after the appointed time. “He must have picked Lucy,” she said. “That’s good. She’s nice, and they suit each other.”

  “Ryan and Caleb sent champagne since they couldn’t be here. They had to fly out to the States this morning. Caleb said we could either celebrate or drown our sorrows, whichever suited us best,” Julia said.

  Susan smiled her thanks. “I love your hubby and his friend.”

  “I do too,” Christina said. “It’s such a pity there’s zilch attraction.”

  “No,” Susan agreed. “But he’s pretty to look at and he gives good champagne.”

  Another few minutes passed.

  “Looks like it’s a commiseration party,” Susan said. “Let’s crack those bottles. I’ll get glasses.”

  Julia started to rip the foil off one of the chilled bottles. “Are you disappointed, Susan? You entered this show because you were depressed with being single.”

  “The show has been fun. I’m not disappointed about Nolan, but I feel flat.”

  “Are you sure you can’t live in Clare?” Maggie asked.

  “I’ve asked myself that so many times.” Susan started to rub her face with her hands, remembered her makeup and began pacing instead. “It would feel like turning my back on who I am, just when I’ve discovered myself, if that makes sense.”

  “But you’d have Tyler,” Julia said, expertly popping the cork on the champagne.

  Susan accepted a glass of bubbles. “I know, but I wouldn’t be one hundred per cent happy. Enough of this emotional stuff. Let’s have a toast.” She lifted her glass. “To love and friendship.”

  “To love and friendship,” her friends chorused.

  A brisk knock on the apartment door made them freeze. They stared at each other.

  “Get the door,” Maggie whispered.

  Susan stared at the door. “It’s probably one of those church groups doing the rounds.”

  The knock came again, and Susan took a deep breath, uneasy with nerves quivering through her tense muscles. She set her glass on the counter. It wasn’t as if she loved Nolan or wanted to marry him. She licked her lips, the taste of lipstick bringing the action to an abrupt halt. On trembling legs, she walked to the door. Her hand trembled as she grasped the knob and twisted.

  She stared at the man in the doorway, the bunch of bright early spring flowers in his hands, the cameraman standing behind him.

  “Are you going to invite me in?” Nolan asked.

  Why couldn’t it have been Tyler? The thought flashed her mind before polite manners took over. “Hi, Nolan.” She stood on tiptoe and brushed a kiss on his cheek. “Come inside.”

  She waited while Nolan and the cameraman entered, then closed the door behind them.

  “A party?” Nolan asked.

  “Would you like a glass?” Julia asked and poured one before he answered.

  “Nolan, what are you doing here?” Susan asked.

  “You’re the woman I pick,” Nolan said, humor lighting his eyes.

  Susan was aware of her friends, the cameraman with his smirk fixed in place. “I like you, Nolan. I applied for the show to find a prospective husband, but things have changed. I don’t think we could be anything more than friends.” She’d thought emerging the winner would feel great. Instead, depression settled on her shoulders, digging in its nasty claws. “I thought you realized that too and would pick Lucy.”

  Nolan grinned and lifted the glass of champagne Julia had given him. “To friendship.”

  “Here’s your glass, Susan,” Christina said.

  “I don’t understand,” Susan whispered.

  “The object of the show was to find a prospective wife,” Nolan said. “I didn’t find the one for me, but I did find two women who’ll make great friends. I know you love Tyler,” he said abruptly.

  Susan jerked. “What?”

  “I saw you and Tyler down by the dam.”

  “What?” Susan narrowed her eyes, wanting to knock the smartass grin off his mouth. In her mind, she rummaged through the various meetings with Tyler, their lovemaking and tried to make sense of Nolan’s words. She shot a glance at the cameraman and his wide, wide smirk. Maybe she’d thump them both then kick them out of her apartment.

  “I saw you and Tyler get naked down by the dam.”

  “Fuck,” Susan blurted seconds before she clapped her hand over her mouth. Had she said that? “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. You’re good for my brother. Besides, I have someone else too.”

  “We need popcorn,” Maggie said.

  “And refills,” Julia added.

  “Beware of my stink eye,” Susan warned, her mind whirling. Nolan had known about them the entire time, and he’d still picked her instead of Lucy.

  The cameraman sniggered, and Susan shot him one of her best.

  Someone knocked on the door.

  “I’ll get it,” Nolan said, and the cameraman followed him out.

  “He knew all the time,” Susan said. “Why didn’t he say something?”

  “No idea,” Julia said. “Men still confuse me.”

  Maggie and Christina nodded.

  “No more popcorn remarks,” Susan said. “I want quiet in the cheap seats.”

  The cameraman returned from following Nolan and sniggered at her words.

  Susan whirled on him. “Enough from you too, Mr. Cameraman.”

  “Filming you and Nolan is the most fun I’ve had in years,” he said. “Gossip, drama and sex. A winning combination.”

  “I’m glad we’ve kept you entertained,” Nolan said, reappearing.

  A roaring sound rushed through Susan’s head. Her heart gave a vicious wrench, and she was pretty sure something broke as she stared at the man who walked into her lounge behind Nolan.

  “Tyler.” His name emerged as a croak. She trembled so much Julia took possession of her champagne glass.

  “Susan,” Tyler said, his gaze roaming her body before returning to her face. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks.” What was he doing here? Why was he with Nolan? He looked nervous, his face paler than normal.

  “I talked to Eric and Josie,” he said, his focus solely on her. “It turns out they want to sell the farm and ret
ire to their house in Auckland. They asked me and Katey to come with them.”

  His words made her heart twist in that painful way again. “You’re moving to Auckland?”

  “Yes.” His smile was uncertain. It flickered then died and his Adam’s apple moved with his hard swallow. “I love you, Susan, and I’ve been miserable without you.” He plucked a small ring-size box from his jacket, opened it and held it toward her. “Will you marry me?”

  Susan gaped at the glittering sapphire and diamond ring, then lifted her gaze to stare at Tyler.

  “Say something,” Christina blurted.

  Susan’s heart stuttered with another blip, but this time the traitorous organ slotted into place and everything synced. Happiness was like a soft glow, spreading through her. Her smile came slow but it spread wide until her lips hurt.

  “Yes. Yes.” She hurled herself at Tyler, the ring box went flying, but she didn’t care when his arms wrapped around her and his lips settled on hers.

  “And that’s a wrap,” the cameraman said.

  Applause broke out.

  Susan pulled back from Tyler, staring into his gorgeous face. “I love you.”

  “Here’s your ring,” Maggie said and handed over the box. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Welcome to the family,” Nolan said with a broad grin. “Sister-in-law is almost as good as friend.”

  Tyler slipped the ring on her finger and gave her another quick hug. “I was scared you’d say no.”

  “I’ve missed you so much. I kept thinking about you and Katey. Especially you,” she added, part of her unable to believe he was really here.

  “This calls for a toast,” Nolan said.

  “I’ve got the perfect one,” Susan said once everyone had a full glass. “To love and friendship.”

  “I’ll drink to that,” Nolan said.

  “To love,” Tyler whispered.

  “To our happy future,” Susan said, and the last of emptiness she’d experienced since returning to Auckland faded, crowded out by shiny new happiness.

  Susan waited in a small room with several of the other successful girlfriends. Tyler sat beside her, neither of them saying much or explaining his presence, despite the curious glances.

  Jennifer poked her head through the door. “Chelsea, they’re ready for you in front of the camera.”

  One by one, the women left until only Susan and Tyler remained.

  “Alone at last,” Tyler said, and he whisked her off her chair and onto his knee with surprising speed.

  Laughing, she looped her arms around his neck.


  “Very,” she said. “Any regrets about leaving Clare?”

  “I won’t miss chasing stock around in all weathers, the hard grind of farming.”

  “What about the locals?”

  “Probably, but it’s not as if Clare is miles away. We can visit Nolan.” Tyler halted further questions by stealing a kiss.

  “Enough of that,” Jennifer said from the doorway. “Susan, they’re ready for you now. Once Hailee finishes your interview, we’ll make our surprise announcement and introduce Tyler to our viewers. Five minutes, Tyler.”

  Susan ran her fingers over Tyler’s cheek, smiled and hopped off his knee. “Lipstick,” she said, tapping her lip. “I don’t think it’s your color.”

  Music played as she entered the set. Nolan stood and his broad grin settled some of the nerves that jumped to the fore. The forum was already full of anti-Susan comments.

  “Susan,” Hailee said once they were all settled in seats. “The public has followed you and Nolan more closely than any of the other couples. The studio has been inundated with email and comments on the forum about the newspaper stories of Susan and another man. Obviously, Nolan isn’t bothered about the rumors because he chose you as his prospective wife. Are the two of you serious about each other?” Hailee flashed a bright smile at Susan, one that invited her to share a confidence. “I’ve asked Nolan but he’s been very reticent. What’s the next step for you and Nolan?”

  Nolan reached for her hand and gave her a slight nod of encouragement. Susan took a quick breath. “Nolan and I are good friends.”

  “The kind of friends who get married?” Hailee prompted. “That is an engagement ring I saw on your finger?”

  “The kind of friends who become brother and sister-in-law,” Susan said. “I’m engaged to Tyler, Nolan’s younger brother.”

  Hailee’s smile faltered a fraction before she turned it on full-beam again. “So the rumors are true?”

  “Tyler and I fell in love,” Susan said.

  “But what about Nolan?”

  “There’s another woman who has grabbed my heart,” Nolan said. “Susan, Lucy and the other girls are all great, but they’re not my lady.”

  Hailee leaned a little closer. “Are you going to tell us the identity of your mystery woman?”

  “No, I’m afraid not,” Nolan said. “But I’d like to introduce you to my younger brother, Tyler.”

  “He’s here?”

  Tyler appeared in the doorway and strode over to join them.

  “I wondered why we had a spare seat,” Hailee said. “Jennifer has sprung this on me too, folks. So, firstly, Nolan, how long have you known about Tyler and Susan?”

  “Not for long. Tyler and I had a conversation a few days ago,” Nolan said.

  “I would’ve liked to eavesdrop on that little chat,” Hailee said. “Did they tell you what happened, Susan?”

  “No,” Susan said. “I know nothing.”

  “Now that’s not quite true,” Hailee said. “I want to know the truth. Did Nolan and Tyler come to blows over you?”

  “No,” Susan said. “As you can see, they’re both fully intact without bruises.”

  “You’d have us believe the three of you are friends with no hard feelings?”

  Nolan took the floor. “I have no bad feelings toward Tyler or Susan. Hell, I’ve never seen my brother happier, and I get a great sister-in-law into the bargain. I’m delighted for both of them.”

  “Susan, what do your friends and family think of the situation?”

  Susan forced a smile at the thought of her mother. Given time, her mother would come to love Tyler as much as she did, especially since she’d score a granddaughter. “If I’m happy, then my family and friends are too.”

  “Have they met Tyler?”

  “Yes,” said Susan. “They’re excited for me.”

  “When are you going to get married?” Hailee asked.

  “Soon,” Tyler said before Susan could answer.

  “We don’t want her to get away,” Nolan said.

  Hailee blinked, cast a speculative at Susan and the two men. Finally, she said, “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  “What’s that?” Nolan asked.

  “That the three of you…”

  “No,” said Susan.

  “Yes,” said Tyler and Nolan at the same time.

  “Well,” Hailee said, apparently at a loss for words. She picked up again after her brief lapse. “Congratulations. Let’s go to greet our other farmers and their chosen ladies.”

  “Did you have to?” Susan demanded the second the camera switched off. “Now people will think…your mother will think…that we’re indulging in kinky acts for three!”

  “Yes,” said Nolan with a feral grin. “And she’ll think twice about trying to organize my love life again.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Susan lay in the hotel bed, wrapped in Tyler’s arms as they watched the closing credits of Farmer Seeks a Wife.

  “Well,” she said. “Did you see the color I went when Nolan announced he’d played Peeping Tom down at the dam?” She moaned aloud. “And my mother probably won’t speak to me again for dropping an F bomb on public television. I never say that word. I’d hoped they’d bleep it out.”

  Tyler chucked and pointed the remote at the TV.

  “Wait, that’s Jennifer,” she said when the news
commenced. “I’d love to hear her reaction.”

  “Your reality show has proved very successful,” a male interviewer said. “Did you think the public would get behind the show as much as they did?”

  “I’d hoped they would. The reality actually surpassed my expectations and the show took on a life of its own.”

  “Are you disappointed Farmer Nolan didn’t end up with Susan?”

  “Not at all. Two of our farmers have found women with whom they want to pursue a relationship. It’s not my job to force relationships on our farmers. I like to think we give them opportunities to grasp if they seem right for them. Besides, Susan did find a happy ending with Nolan’s brother, Tyler. If it weren’t for Farmer Seeks a Wife, the two wouldn’t have met.”

  “What’s next for you?” the interviewer asked.

  “Farmer Seeks a Wife has proved so successful the network has given the go ahead for me to produce another reality show. We hope to have more seasons of Farmer Seeks a Wife, but meantime I’m heading back to the township of Clare. The Shakespeare sextuplets have agreed to a reunion show, and we’re going to film them in their hometown.”

  “Now that is exciting. I thought they refused to film after the age of twelve because they wanted privacy,” the interviewer said.

  Jennifer beamed with excitement. “I obviously approached them at the right time. We intend to start filming early next month.”

  The news station cut back to the newsreader who continued to report the day’s events, and Tyler switched off the TV.

  “That will get the gossip vine buzzing in Clare. As far as I know, the Shakespeare sextuplets haven’t been together as a family since their parents divorced,” Tyler said.

  “Isn’t one a famous model?”

  “Yeah. I went to school with them. We were in the same class for a while.” He ran his fingers down Susan’s cheek. “Since we’re finally alone without cameras and friends, I think it’s time to have a private celebration.”

  “We’ve been making merry since we got to your room,” Susan said with a grin.

  Tyler nipped the fleshy part where her shoulder and neck met, the sharp bite pushing instant messages of lust through her body.

  She tipped her head back and fluttered her lashes at him. “But we can do it again.”


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