Masqued Tails

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Masqued Tails Page 4

by Dawn Montgomery

  The woman did it.

  “Looking for me?” The wolf stepped out of the shadows, glowing softly in the darkness with the call of his beast just beneath the skin. He couldn’t hide the growl of his voice any more than Shad could disguise his own beast.

  Shad’s fingers lengthened to claws as he stood, waiting.

  “No words this time?”

  “Leave her alone.” The only words he could manage around his rage.

  Jake cut their conversation with a swipe of his clawed hand and switched to the guttural growl of his people. “Protect woman. Not like us.”

  “You know I speak this tongue?”

  Jake raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Kitsune know all animal languages.”

  Yes, but how did he know that? “Yes. Not like us. She is mine.” He couldn’t hide his strong need. She had to be his and no one would stand between them.

  Jake nodded once, slowly. “Protect.”

  Shad jerked his head in acknowledgment. She was his. It didn’t matter why Jake had talked to her. They were at an understanding. If either went back on their word, their lives were forfeit.

  Why had the wolf waited until now to make any kind of move, and was it a trick? Keeping the girl alive was the most important thing for everyone, Devonshire included. If he let the girl die, there would be no end to the hell and torment awaiting him. If he gave her to Devonshire, she’d never understand and for the first time in as long as he could remember, that bothered him.

  The scent of her skin still weighed in his senses. Enticing, passionate, and fresh. Like summer rain or new snow. She hadn’t had sex in a while and a very nearly human part of him found extreme satisfaction in that fact. His cock ached for her sweet lips and pussy.

  Devonshire be damned, he needed to find out why she was so special. His breathing came in soft hisses through his clenched teeth and he stroked the length of his growing erection through the cloth of his pants. He could sense no overt abilities in her and that, in itself, was remarkable.

  With a wry grin he rearranged his pants until the ridge of his dick was hidden enough to be decent.

  His incredible time-sense told him one hour until the next round of performance. It was time to get ready. Seduction of Alaya Bellemore would be the only pleasure he’d have, and if he didn’t do something to save her, it might be the last she’d ever have. Shad knew, all too well, how the binding spell didn’t always work as intended.

  That was the problem with borrowing magick. You never knew when it would backfire.

  * * *

  Alaya stared at her reflection. Understated elegance.

  “What was the theme tonight, Jayme?”

  The brunette maid -- attendant, Alaya corrected in her mind -- had returned half an hour ago.

  “Fantasy Escape. You’re goddess of the sea tonight.”

  Alaya brushed the dress against her skin, luxuriating in the feel of its silky texture. The flowing material looked like water. She turned in the light. Something about the dress brought out red highlights in her normally mousy-brown hair. She slipped on the mask and was amazed by the artfully applied makeup.

  “You look breathtaking.” Jayme stood over her shoulder and smiled. Alaya nervously tugged at the mask. She looked ethereal. The soft scales of the face mask looked amazing, somehow making her blue eyes more intense.

  Jayme held up an envelope. “These are your restrictions and rules for the game, Ms. Bellemore. Please make sure you follow them to the letter.”

  Alaya nodded with a swift jerk of her head, still staring at the change in her form in front of the mirror. She doubted her measly paycheck could afford this kind of cloth, much less a dress practically tailored to her body.

  She opened her envelope and read the first line. None shall leave the grounds without an escort. The consequence of which will be immediate death within the rules of the game. “Kind of steep with the rules, aren’t they?”

  The attendant didn’t respond, just stared at her in the mirror.

  Alaya ducked her head and read the next one. Anyone caught desecrating the property shall be removed from the premises without question, escorted from the grounds, never to return.

  Alaya sighed.

  None are authorized to enter the northern reaches of the manse. The area is off limits for the duration of the game. The consequences of breaking this rule will be immediate expulsion from the game.

  She read through the rest of the rules with irritation. They didn’t release any information about the game, no clues, no suspects, not even an explanation of her character for the night. How was she supposed to act? First the death, now this. What would happen next? And was it any wonder her stomach twisted in anxiety over it?

  Chapter Six

  A bell rang in the dining room. Another course was coming.

  Alaya squirmed against the cushioned seat of her chair. For the past thirty minutes her body had tingled with sexual awareness. She rubbed her thighs together in an attempt to ease the ache of her pussy, but the material of her dress made it worse. She nervously nibbled at her lower lip, afraid to stand and show the world just how hot she was at the moment.

  A shadow moved in the doorway opposite her chair.

  Shad stepped from the archway and it was all Alaya could do to keep from launching over the table and throwing herself on him.

  Her heart pounded. He was gorgeous.

  Moaning to her right drew her attention. It looked like the Winter King and Mother Earth were locked in a heavy embrace. Alaya’s pussy slicked with naughty delight and she licked her lips. Watching had never really been her thing, but it seemed like a good idea at the moment. Alaya looked away when Mother Earth’s ample breasts spilled out of her costume.

  Her mind spun in a dizzying array. She looked around and noticed that she wasn’t the only one uncomfortable. It was unbearably hot. Alaya loosened the top of her dress.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, please let me welcome your host for the evening, Mr. Devonshire.”

  Alaya fanned her face with a gloved hand and looked toward the announcer, hoping the dinner would finish quickly so she could go back to her room and take the edge off her lust. With four doors in the round dining room, you’d think they’d open them for a breezeway.

  A central door opened and in walked the mysterious Devonshire. Ice froze out the lust coursing through her veins, leaving her core aching. She could feel the color drain from her cheeks and was thankful for the cover the mask provided for her expression. The roar of blood in her ears deafened her to all the residual noise in the room.

  The woman’s murderer stood at the head of her table and it was all Alaya could do to pay attention to the announcement.

  She shook her head, trying to clear it. Danger ran down her spine and she looked up, straight into the predatory gaze of her host. Murderer, her internal voice whispered.

  It’s just a game.

  You don’t believe that.

  No. She didn’t believe it.

  “One of you is an impostor.” His voice echoed through the room and all soft moaning and chatting stopped. Silver clinked against dishes and Alaya’s hair stood on the back of her neck. This was it. He was going to kill her, or banish her.

  Devonshire’s gaze passed from her to others, making eye contact with each. Alaya breathed a small sigh of relief.

  “Within two days’ time you’ll have to solve the mystery. In that time most of my mansion is open for your enjoyment.” The way he emphasized the last word made Alaya feel slimy, unclean.

  “Since you have yet to earn my trust, you will have an escort with you at all times. And be forewarned. Leaving the premises could be hazardous to your health. I wouldn’t want any of you to meet an unfortunate end.”

  Alaya grimaced. Who would be her escort?

  “Enjoy the rest of your dinner.”

  A bell rang through the room and she sneezed. All heads turned her way and her cheeks burned in embarrassment beneath the mask. Someone had attempted to cast mag
ick on her and she needed to find out who and why.

  Throughout the rest of dinner, some guests were introduced to their escorts. Despite her nervous tension, nothing else happened and she wondered where Shad had gotten to. Alaya avoided their host and any attempt he made to make eye contact again.

  Like a teasing breath she sensed Shad behind her. With a casual glance she observed him leaning against the doorway staring at her. Brooding, dark, mysterious. Her body snapped to attention again.

  The light hum of awareness became a full buzz of need. He wore a mask now, but she’d know the body in those tight slacks anywhere. He wore black, like a rogue. A single pearl in his ear. He turned his head and she could see a stream of long black hair down his back. It looked soft and gorgeous. He turned toward her and she couldn’t see how far down the hair actually went. She shivered delicately at the thought of wrapping herself in such silky strands. It would be like a screen covering them if he ever… She shifted in her seat and cleared her throat, embarrassed by thoughts no one else could hear.

  A tingle slid down her spine and she looked up. The way he watched her through his mask took her breath away. Like they were the only two people in the room. Her pulse slammed against her chest. His lips lifted in a devastating smile and she twisted her napkin under the table.

  The dinner bell rang again and she muffled her sneeze in the sturdy napkin. No one noticed this time. Everyone began leaving the table.

  She and Mother Earth seemed to be the only ones without escorts. Alaya leaned over to talk with her. “Where are we all going?”

  A sultry giggle escaped the ample woman’s lips. “Dessert, of course.”

  “Oh. Of course.” Alaya felt like an idiot. Why would anyone leave the table for dessert? “Aren’t we supposed to have escorts?”

  The woman pursed her lips in a thoughtful expression. “I suppose one of us will have to introduce ourselves to Mr. Devonshire.”

  Alaya glanced toward the table where the chilling man was speaking in a low tone to one of the wait staff. She barely suppressed a shudder.

  The other woman patted Alaya’s shoulder in sympathy. “Leave him to me, darling. I’ll see if I can’t find your escort.”

  Be my guest. She couldn’t stop the thought from escaping. By the time she considered the danger, the woman had already sashayed over to the vile man.

  Alaya needed to get the hell out of there.

  She looked toward the door Shad had stood in. Wide open. Temptation lit her from the inside, firing up her interest. She looked around. Everyone was either gone or uninterested in waiting for a bedroom to get a little busy. Something primal told her he’d be waiting. For her. She ran a finger over the fox broach.

  Fire from his earlier kiss on her wrist still licked through her at a slow simmer. Her pussy ached with inattention and she bit her lip. One-night stands were her mother’s way and apparently everyone around her was crazy.

  She walked into the darkened room. No trace of her fox was in evidence. Another door was open and she walked through. One room looked as ridiculously lavish as the next. How the hell did Devonshire keep the mansion in this kind of shape?

  A soft cloud of expensive silk lay in a careless toss over one of the garish couches. She reached out and tentatively caressed the cloth, hesitantly looking around the room. No sign of anyone. The pattern looked like the one Shad had worn earlier. She lifted the decadent material and let it slide through her fingers. An intriguing scent wafted from the cloth and she placed it against her face, inhaling the masculine aroma and letting it roll around on her tongue. Her pussy slicked with heat in response. Something about his flavor was familiar. The fox was playing a game and it enhanced her excitement. The buzz was back in her mind and all her worry melted away. Finding her fox was more important.

  “Fox hunts are as old as time. Did you know that?” he asked from the other side of the room. The shadows pulled from his body and there he stood, regal, gorgeous, half-naked. Any other time and she’d be embarrassed. Right then she wanted to tear the slacks off his hips and fuck him senseless. It was a bit… freeing. The nagging voice in her head was strangely silent.

  “Which of us is the fox, I wonder?”

  He laughed. “It’s not my pulse racing nor my feet frozen in place.”

  Alaya let that go. “Do you always play chase?”

  “Only when the prey wants to be caught.”

  “Prey?” She couldn’t quite hide the hitch in her voice or the way her panties dampened with lust.

  He inhaled slowly, taking in the breath as though tasting it. For an odd moment, Alaya wondered if he could smell her. She lowered her lashes, not wanting him to see the fire he’d already started in her.

  His soft footfalls whispered against the carpet. Something warm and soft brushed against her cheek and she shied away. “I won’t hurt you.”

  “I know.” And she did, as ridiculous as it sounded. She always knew when someone was lying or wished her harm.

  He touched her cheek with what felt like a fingertip. “I only want to do things that we both find enjoyable.” He punctuated the last word with a press of his finger against her lips. Her tongue flicked out to touch the skin before she could think.

  She opened her eyes and caught an expression of carnal heat so fierce it took her breath away. Damn, it’s getting hot in here.

  His thumb brushed her lower lip and flicked her tongue again. He cupped her cheeks and pulled her close. The first caress of his lips against hers whispered along the edges of her reason. His tongue followed, lightly drawing her own into a soft play. She ran her fingernails up his arms to his shoulders, suddenly wishing for a lot less clothing.

  He pressed light kisses against her lips, drawing a frustrated moan from her. “Would you like to retire for dessert?” His voice held a double meaning, easily interpreted by her lust-filled brain.

  “Yes.” Was that her voice sounding so breathless?

  He held out an arm and she blinked, very slowly. “My name is Shad, and I shall be your escort for the duration of your stay here.”

  Chapter Seven

  Stunning didn’t cover the way Alaya looked tonight. She was ethereal and too delicious not to nibble on. He inhaled her drugging scent, letting it wash through his palate, and absorbing the taste of her heat.

  She was perfect. And oddly familiar. That discord left him a little shaken.

  And Devonshire was going to destroy everything that made her whole.

  He gritted his teeth, twisting against the magic that bound him to the will of a bastard. His chest ached. Alaya looked up at him. Her blue-eyed gaze pierced his condemned heart. She fluttered her hand and the enticing scent teased his nose once more.

  “It’s very hot, don’t you think?” Her breathless question drew his attention to her throat, where her hand now rested against the delicately flushed skin.

  The aphrodisiac slipped into her dinner had already spread to her blood, heating it, flowing within, and begging for a good hard fuck. It was potent enough to have him losing his sanity. Was she like wildfire in bed? Smoldering? Shy? Ah, the hell with it.

  He grabbed her arms and swung them both in a semi-circle until she was pressed against the wall. A quiet gasp of surprise was her only response before his lips claimed hers in a kiss. His tongue spurred her into moaning and he pressed his hips against her.

  He could taste her lust in the air like a fine perfume.

  She arched against him, full breasts pressed against his chest, heaving under the flowing gown.

  Shad kissed down her chin to the soft hollow of her throat, pressing light teasing touches across the sensitive skin. She let her head fall back against the wall and he moved to the curve where neck met shoulder. His love nips turned her into a trembling mass and he smiled against her skin.

  “Do you like that?”

  She moaned.

  His hand slid down her hip to slip between their bodies. A light flick of his fingertips against her mound had her pressing frenzie
d kisses against his temple. He tapped her pussy through the fabric and he could feel the sharp inhale through the press of their bodies.

  She wrapped her hand in his hair and tugged, jerking him away from her fevered skin to stare into his eyes. Fire shot to his balls. He pulled his lips back, baring his teeth at her. A soft growl escaped his lips and she tugged harder.

  “We have time for gentle and teasing later. Right now, I want this.” Her other hand palmed the length of his dick through the cloth and a raw growl escaped his throat.

  “You don’t know what you’re saying.”

  Alaya’s eyes flickered in a moment of clarity. “I do know.”

  He pressed against her hand, pressing her harder against the wall. “Against the wall? Like this?” He lifted one of her legs to his bicep, and they watched the smooth material of her dress fall back against her hips, leaving her wide open for his hungry gaze.

  Her fist still trapped his hair in an iron grip, making his cock twitch against her hand. His other hand pressed against her pussy. “No panties? Someone’s been naughty.”

  Alaya’s breathing became erratic. “I didn’t want them to show through the dress.”

  His fingers brushed against the soft velvet of her pussy lips, delving deep into the liquid heat of her channel. She quivered against his fingers as he stroked, touching that small nub of nerve endings, his favorite spot to tease. She cried out and arched against his hand.

  “There is nothing more beautiful than an aroused woman, don’t you think?”

  She murmured something incoherent and he rotated his fingers. Her gasp of delight was his reward for brushing that spot again.

  He pressed the hand holding up her leg against the wall, trapping her and forcing her off balance. Her fingers tugged at the ties on his trousers, ripping them apart in her frenzy and driving him crazy with lust. He stroked and twisted. She arched and moaned.

  His cock pressed free of its confines and Shad sighed with relief. She ran a thumb over the head of his dick, spreading the precum across the sensitive area. Fire raced down his spine to his balls and he gritted his teeth to keep his control. The woman was maddeningly good at driving him insane.


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