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Aquarius Page 10

by WL Knightly

  He heard the buzzer from downstairs and then a soft knock, which sounded like it came from a gentle hand.

  He went downstairs and was surprised to see Hannah on the other side of the peephole. He opened the door, prepared to break the news to her and come clean.

  She pushed her way past him. “You fucking liar.”

  “I see you’ve talked to the police. Would you like to come upstairs and at least give me a chance to explain what’s going on?”

  She took a deep breath, her nostrils flaring as her soft hands were curled into dainty fists. “Fine. But only because I want the fucking truth about my brother.”

  He gestured for her to take the stairs. She stomped up them and spun around on him once she reached the top. “Did you make the brand that was used on my brother?”

  Logan was shocked that she would even know to ask about that, but he supposed that the police had been thorough. At least now, he knew why they hadn’t called him in; they’d been too busy interrogating her. “Look, I know you’ve had a long day. Let’s sit and have some coffee and talk it out. I know I should have told you about Lidia, but let me explain.”

  “Keep your fucking coffee. Just sit and talk.” She plopped down on the couch, and Logan knew better than to make a trip to the kitchen.

  “I’ve been seeing Lidia for nearly three years. We had an open relationship, but lately, it was tough. I was about to leave her. I know that doesn’t make the timing right, but after what happened with you, I knew I needed to give us a chance. That morning—” he stopped and brought his hands to his face, cupping his mouth and nose to gather his emotions. “That morning, I was going over to end things when I found her.” Tears welled in his eyes. “I felt horrible about it, but I knew I couldn’t keep seeing her just because of pity.”


  “She was fifty-eight, and a breast cancer survivor. Days before you showed up at my door, she had told me that she was dying. Her cancer had returned with a vengeance. She didn’t have much time left.”

  Hannah nodded. “So that’s why the police aren’t convinced that you did it. That’s why Agent McNamara blew up at me.”

  “It wouldn’t have made much sense to kill her. She’d just told me she put me in her will. She was about to leave me this place.” He felt a sting as Hannah’s eyes narrowed. “Yeah, she liked to take care of me, and this place was her way of doing that. But now, whoever came after your brother, they are coming after me.”


  “Hannah, you don’t want to know too much. It would only put you in danger.”

  “Tad said that I was in danger before he died. I think whoever came for him not only killed my uncle but pushed him out that window. My brother is dead, Logan. Stop trying to protect me, and tell me what the hell is going on.” She reached over and took his hand. “Please.”

  He knew she’d spent the day with the police, and he wasn’t sure if he could tell her anything that wouldn’t get back to them. He wanted to trust her, but he wasn’t sure what to think about anything anymore.

  “I don’t know who is doing this, Hannah.”

  “Were you marked, too?” She wiped away a stray tear. “Like my brother was at Camp Victory? Were you branded?” He shook his head, but she didn’t seem convinced. “Show me. Prove it.”

  He stared at her so deeply that he lost focus of her and remembered the day vividly.

  “You didn’t take off your shirt,” Hannah said, pulling him out of the past. “When you and I were together, I thought it was odd that you left it on, but I didn’t want to be weird about it. Open your shirt, Logan.”

  Her lips were trembling as she reached out to undo his buttons, but he caught her hand.

  After a tense moment of looking into each other’s eyes, he moved closer and let her continue. She slowly undid the top buttons and pushed the fabric away from his shoulder. He watched her tears pool in her eyes as she saw the mark. Then her cool fingers traced over the wavy lines.

  “What happened to you boys at that place?” she asked. “Who did this to you and why?”

  “It was just a stupid club, Hannah. Bay had told us we’d be part of a family, a circle of friends that he called the Zodiac Society. It wasn’t a bad thing. I mean, it didn’t start out that way.”

  Her lips peeled back in disgust. “I knew that asshole was responsible for all of this. He’s probably the killer. He’s probably coming after you and the people you love on one of his ego trips.”

  “You don’t know him; this isn’t his style.” Logan didn’t know how to defend him. He knew he couldn’t tell her everything. He gripped her arms and held them tightly, but not enough to hurt her. “You have to promise you’re not going to tell anyone about this. Not the police, not anyone, Hannah! Tad was trying to warn you. Don’t you think if he could have gone to the cops, he would have?”

  “Then we have to do something,” she said. “We have to figure this out. Can’t we just tell the cops what we know and disappear for a while? Tad wanted me and him to hide. I wished I’d listened.”

  “No, Bay’s an attorney. He’s got eyes everywhere. He will find us. Besides, I need representation.”

  “You’re not thinking about calling him, are you?”

  “No, I mean, it’s crossed my mind, but I really don’t know. I am afraid he will expect it. If I don’t, he’ll know that I’m trying to distance myself from him. He’s got shit on me, and I’m sure he’s got shit on others as well. He’s always been there, pulling our strings.”

  “Then it makes even more sense,” she said. “He probably knew about my uncle and what he did to Tad. He’s exploiting and extorting or something. You can’t call him. Tell him you didn’t want to be suspicious. Tell him you wanted to keep him out of it. I know a few attorneys, Logan. We’ll call them together.”

  “Together?” He loosened his hold on her. “Why do you want to help me?”

  “I know you didn’t do this. I’m also scared that you’re next, and I know I can’t lose someone else that I care about.”

  “You care about me?” he asked.

  “What if I asked you the same question? Do you care about me, Logan?”

  “Of course.”

  She brushed his hair back and then held his face. “Exactly. Now tell me more about this club my brother was in. Why the Zodiac?”

  “It’s Bay’s little circle of animals. He had this idea that the circle would make us stronger, that we each held certain traits and skills and powers, basically. He thought that if he formed a group of us, that we’d be invincible. That there wouldn’t be anything we couldn’t accomplish together.”

  “So, it was just a stupid club, right? Like something kids do for kicks? None of you really believed that, did you?”

  “I think we went along for our own reasons.” Logan was growing tired. He hadn’t liked to think much about the club or what they’d done, and he knew he couldn’t tell her about that part of things. She’d see him as a monster, and her own brother, as well. He couldn’t do that to her.

  “He manipulated you,” she said. “He was the ringleader. Like a cult leader.” She leaned forward, resting against his chest as he laid back on the couch and put his arm around her. “Did you make the brand that marked my brother?”

  “I made the brands that marked us all.” In the silence that followed, he remembered the day he’d brought those branding irons to camp.

  It was the year after they formed the Society, and Bay had requested them, wanting something that would tie them all together. He’d thought about tattoos, but since they were all so young, he’d asked Logan to make the brands.

  At first, he hadn’t thought much about them using the things on themselves. He was wrapped up in impressing the others, and his payoff came when he took them out of his duffle bag and unwrapped them from the towel he’d rolled them in to keep his mother from finding them.

  Those are badass, Logan! Well done, man. You’re so fucking talented. I wish I could do that. They are
perfect. He could still hear the praise from the other guys and feel their hands on his back as they congratulated him on a job well done.

  It was the first time anyone but his own mother had approved of his creations, and it was that moment that solidified what he wanted to become. Art was all he’d ever known, and he wanted all of his creations to mean as much as those brands did to his friends. He never wanted that feeling of pride to end.

  Now, he couldn’t help but wonder if he’d marked them all for death.



  Darek had tossed and turned all night. He knew he could roll out of bed at any time and head to work early, but he didn’t want to. Work had been more stressful than ever, especially knowing that Reed was observing his every move while evaluating his application. To make things worse, his conscience wasn’t even letting him rest when he was at home.

  Lying there, he couldn’t get Tad’s last words out of his head. You were awake the whole time. He tried to remember what had happened that night eleven years earlier, but he always came up short. He saw bits and pieces of the puzzle, but he wasn’t quite sure how it all fit together. With Logan being the newest target and that bit about him being with Hannah, it was all too much.

  Darek still couldn’t believe the two brands had been found. Now, the idea of there being ten more just like them was a possibility in Lizzy’s mind. Darek would have to give Lizzy a bit more attention and a bit more slack. Whatever was driving her latest obsession, he hoped that the interrogation with Logan would nip it in the bud and not fan the flames.

  He’d have to try and make sure that Logan felt comfortable and not threatened by him, and that Logan understood Darek had a job to do.

  He took the burner phone off the bedside table and looked at it, but there was no response. He decided to send another message, hoping the person would bite eventually. Some big killer, murdering an old woman who was already dying.

  His phone rang—his regular phone—and when he saw Bay’s name on the screen, it only made his mood ten times worse. He put the burner phone back on his side table and rolled over to answer the call.


  “Good morning, sunshine. This is your friendly lawyer calling to remind you that we have court on Tuesday.” Bay’s voice was so sing-song and cheerful that Darek knew better than to get too comfy. The other shoe was about to drop.

  “Don’t you have a secretary that makes these kinds of calls for you?”

  “Why should I let her have all the fun? Besides, she’s busy performing other duties.”

  “I can imagine. If she’s doing them right now, you can call me back later.” Darek had a feeling that Bay was boning his entire staff or, at least, using them like he was using his younger sister-in-law.

  Bay chuckled. “Not at the moment, but it’s so kind of you to want to give me space. I’ve noticed that about a few of my friends lately. It’s funny how suddenly, no one wants to call me and tell me what the fuck’s going on. Especially when I hear there’s been another murder. I had hoped that Tad’s sacrifice would buy us more time. What a waste.”

  Darek gritted his teeth and held back his, I told you so. “I figured Logan had called you. He’s usually a team player when it comes to you. I know he needs a lawyer, so I just assumed you’d be representing him. Or that you’d at least refer him to someone. We’re calling him in to the station today.”

  “How come it’s taken so long?” Bay asked.

  Darek didn’t mind sharing some of the details of his case. “We were waiting for more evidence to come in. I don’t think we’re going to formally charge him yet. He has a solid alibi.”

  “I see. Well, that’s good, right? The less heat on us, the better.”

  “Well, his alibi was a bit bothersome, but there’s nothing wrong with two adults coming together over loss. Aren’t you even interested, or did you already know?” He kind of liked having all the information for a change. At least Bay hadn’t beat him to the punch, and it made him wonder if maybe Tad had helped him stay in the loop before.

  “Know what?” Bay’s tone changed, and Darek smiled that the man was finally in the dark about something.

  “Logan’s alibi is Hannah Halston. He was with her the night before he found his girlfriend’s body. And there was another calling card. This one had the Aquarius symbol on it.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. Those two are seeing each other? That explains why he’s avoiding me. She fucking hates me.”

  “With a passion, yes. Smart girl. I think she’s a great judge of character.” He liked to push Bay’s buttons now and then, but his old nemesis wasn’t in a playful mood.

  “Yeah, you’re really funny.” Bay did not sound enthused or amused. “Let me just remind you, while you’re preoccupied with laughter at my expense, that I don’t like to be left in the dark. Especially since I specifically asked you to keep me in the loop when it comes to this particular crime spree.”

  “Lighten up, Bay. Be glad that you’re not in the thick of this. Do you think it’s easy for me being this close to the heat and walking the fucking line?”

  “Is there something you haven’t told me?”

  “Yeah. The Aquarius brand, the only one that Logan didn’t sell, just happened to end up under the victim’s bed. It was sticking out, and an officer saw it. It’s been taken into evidence, and I’m sure all kinds of tests are being done on it.”

  “Shit. And the victim? Was it used on her as well?”

  “Yes, marked right on the front of her shoulder where Logan’s is. Someone is out there painting a fucking picture, and I’m scared of seeing it all come together. This killing was especially brutal, Bay. They went ballistic. Her middle looked like chopped beef, and she was nearly cut in half.”

  The information didn’t seem to bother Bay at all. “Have your people even considered that Logan bears that brand like Tad did?”

  “Nope. And I’m not going to suggest it in the interrogation, especially since I’m not sure what he will say. I mean, I know we’ve all agreed that I’m walking this line for everyone, but what happens when one of these little fuckers decides to squeal? If he feels cornered, he might just blow the lid off everything.”

  “They won’t if they know what’s good for them. They took a vow.” Bay had made them all take the same vow that they would never turn against one another, but Darek had to wonder how many others would be as loyal as Tad.

  “They’re not all going to jump out a window for you, Bay,” Darek said. “This murderer is going to start closing in, and they are going to start talking.”

  “Not if you keep me in the loop, Detective. I’ll pull whatever strings I need to make sure that doesn’t happen. I’m the only one of us who can stay one step ahead without it compromising anything.”

  Darek hated Bay’s God complex. “What makes you think that? You obviously don’t know this person’s next moves.”

  Bay chuckled softly, the sound sending chills down Darek’s spine. “I know that Finn’s next. After this person is done with Logan, they’ll move on to Finn, and then the next, and so on. Tell me you haven’t realized that.”

  Darek sighed. “I can’t say I know that for a fact. But what I do know is that they’re leaving a hell of a lot of bodies in their wake to get to the Zodiacs. They are bound to mess up sooner or later, and when they do, I’ll be ready for them.”

  “Well, you just make sure you tell me all about this little interrogation with Logan. I want to know it all. Call me later, and I’ll help you walk this tightrope. Make sure things are okay in there today, or it might reflect how well things go at your hearing.”

  The phone went dead, and Darek let out a sigh. He looked at the time and then got to his feet. He had woken early, but Bay’s call wasted enough time that he was running late. He hurried to the shower and tried to ignore his morning erection while he lathered up and thought about anything but Lizzy.

  When he was done, he stepped out of the bathroom and toweled
off. As he walked to the sink to finish his morning ritual, he heard a ping. He looked over at the burner phone and saw that it had a new message: My only regret.

  As chilling as it was to get a message, he was more impressed with the fact that this killer had regrets. Did that make them weak? Did it make them less likely to hurt another innocent person? Vincent Barnes and Roddy Halston had been pedophiles, and even though Alicia had been a younger girl, some could argue that she wasn’t as innocent as she looked.

  Lidia Hobbs had been just an average woman who was suffering a second battle with cancer. Had the killer let their emotions get the best of them? Had Lidia known them? Said anything to them? He hoped that he could keep them talking. He picked up the phone and worked his thumbs on the tiny keypad. We all have regrets. It’s what makes us human.

  He waited a moment, and just when he thought that the killer was going to clam up again, another message came through the phone. Not humans. Animals.

  Darek looked at the time. Work could wait. He had to keep this person talking. There are other ways to hurt people. Why kill?

  He wasn’t taking his burner with him and knew he couldn’t wait forever. So, after another fifteen minutes, he got dressed and checked it one more time. Seeing no reply, he headed out the door.

  When he got to his car, he called Logan and growled when the phone just rang and rang. He’d have to go into the interrogation blindly, which made him even more nervous.



  Logan had already made his arrangements to go in for questioning, and without a lawyer, he was going to wing it. He had nothing to hide, not since he gave the police that card, and even though he hadn’t told them exactly how he got it, they knew that someone else was involved.

  The police had to see that he didn’t have a good motive for murdering his only source of income just days after she said she was dying and leaving him an inheritance. If they didn’t understand that, he didn’t know what else to do. He had been in a daze since finding Lidia, covered in blood and hacked to pieces.


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