Splintered Mirror

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Splintered Mirror Page 5

by Morgan Hawke

  I glared at him. “I can’t open my door.” There was no question in my mind that he was behind it.

  Alberic waved toward the door leading into his chambers. “This one works just fine.” He smiled with all his teeth. “Why don’t you try it?”

  I shouldered my saddlebags and tromped toward my prince and out the small door. What other choice did I have?

  While musing aloud about the Princess Rosette, or rather about the size of her bustline, and whether or not she was still virginal, my prince gleefully proceeded to toss his saddlebags on my other shoulder. He then shoved a valise into each of my hands, and tucked his bedroll around my neck. Lifting a third valise, he led the way out his perfectly functional chamber door.

  Bowed under the weight of his possessions and mine and feeling distinctly like a pack horse, I followed him. When we passed my chamber door, I suddenly noticed the half a dozen boards that had been nailed across my door frame. Kicking my door would not have opened it.

  Feeling more than a little put out, I scowled at my prince. “When did you nail my door shut?”

  Alberic waved his hand negligently. “I arranged to have that done while we were visiting the king.” He turned to smile at me. “That little page was very helpful in fetching a workman on such short notice.”

  I stared at him in open-mouthed shock. “What...? Why?”

  My prince opened the elevator gate and turned with a pleased smirk. “Don’t worry. I’ll have the boards removed.”

  “Is that so?” I stomped into the elevator behind him. “When, exactly?”

  Alberic slammed the gate closed. “As soon as I have you thoroughly addicted to my body.” He pulled the brass lever down.

  The elevator descended, and I had the distinct impression that I was falling headlong into hell. I couldn’t help but feel that all of the trials I’d gone through and the terrors I’d survived were nothing compared to what awaited me in two weeks’ time.

  * * * * * *

  And so with my prince mounted on his dapple gray gelding, and me on my chocolate brown mare leading the equally chocolate brown gelding pack horse, we rode out of the castle bailey, across the drawbridge, and onto the forest road heading for the kingdom of Lyoness.

  One would think that a prince of such a powerful kingdom would ride to his bride in a coach pulled by six white steeds accompanied by a troop of soldiers. Nope, not my prince, though I did suggest it when we originally went to visit Princess Isolde.

  He’d turned to me with a sneer. “What? Are you stupid? We might as well wear a sign alerting every brigand from here to there that says, “I’m rich! Come rob me!’”


  Keeping to a slow but comfortable trot, we made good time through the forest and into the farmlands beyond. A lunch of meat and bread with a bottle of cooled tea was partaken of while in the saddle.

  When early afternoon finally melted into evening, we came to an inn we’d visited fairly frequently over the past few years.

  The main tavern room was, of course, filled to the brim with locals having dinner and a few pints of the local ale. However, it appeared that Alberic and I were the inn’s only overnight occupants.

  While I made arrangements for our rooms, my prince grabbed a literal double armful of giggling barmaids and hauled them into a private dining room, slamming the door closed behind him.

  I did not want to know what he was doing in there. I could pretty much guess, anyway. Sighing, I went back out to the stables to unsaddle and feed our horses, and collected our belongings.

  I hauled all three of my prince’s valises plus his saddlebags up to his room, lit his fire in the small fireplace, turned his feather mattress over, and then made his bed with the sheets and blankets he’d brought. In case you haven’t guessed, my prince did not believe in ‘roughing’ it.

  Finally finished, I dropped my saddlebags in my tiny cubbyhole of a room next door, turned my straw mattress over, and spread out my saddle blankets. My room didn’t come with a fireplace. Prepared for the night, I pulled off my deerskin frock coat and gun-belt, leaving them on the hanging pegs by the door. Armed with only my knives, my heaviest towel, and a thick bar of milled soap wrapped in wax paper, I went back downstairs to inquire about their bath.

  This was one of my favorite inns, as it had a luxury few had. A monstrous fire-stoked hot bath that was large enough for six people to soak in. It cost a few extra coins to ensure that I was the only occupant in the outdoor bathhouse, but I was perfectly happy to spend my prince’s silver for that pleasure.

  The bathhouse was not much more than a circular hut of cut spruce logs with a thatched roof over a deep sunken stone-lined pool fed from a hot spring. But to me, it was the height of luxury indeed.

  My prince had a private bathing chamber all to himself with piped-in hot water. I had a copper tub set before the fire in my bedroom, filled by way of half a dozen tin buckets of water heated in my fireplace. My prince had offered his chamber for my use...as long as he got to watch while I bathed. An offer I refused. Often.

  After stripping down, I scooped out a bucket of water and scrubbed myself down with the soap I had brought. One did not wash in a hot bath. That would make the water dirty. One also did not use the soap provided by the inn, if one was intelligent. Coarse lye soap was fine for thick-skinned farmers, but it had a nasty habit of scouring my skin right off.

  With my towel and throwing knives well within hand’s reach, I slipped into the steaming water and slid down onto the stones, sinking to the neck. Comfortably seated, I proceeded to let the exquisite heat force all the road-kinks and the day’s stress from my muscles, leaving me in a blissful state of complete relaxation.

  A wooden thunk announced that someone had lifted the latch to the bath’s door.

  I grabbed a knife and positioned it for throwing. “Open that door, and you’ll get a knife in your gut!”

  From the other side of the closed door came a frighteningly familiar voice. “Julian, you will allow your prince to enter, or you will suffer very dire consequences when you get out of there.”

  My heart stopped in shock, then redoubled in speed from sheer terror. Unlike your average person, my prince never made a threat he wouldn’t carry out. “I’m bathing!”

  There was a low chuckle. “Well, obviously, as this is a bath house.”

  I scrambled up from my seat and grabbed for my towel. “Gimme a minute to get dressed!”

  “Don’t you dare!”

  ~ Five ~

  I froze halfway out of the water. Behind me, the door opened, and slammed closed. The latch dropped into place. I dropped back into the water, neck-deep, and turned to face my prince.

  He was already stripping out of his waistcoat and shirt. “Julian, I’ve seen you naked before, so there’s no need to act so...virginal.” He shot me a narrow-eyed smile and proceeded to pull off his boots and breeches.

  I didn’t bother averting my eyes. After all, I been bathing and dressing him for years, so I was quite familiar with nearly every inch of his lean, muscular form. I was far more perturbed by what he’d just said. “You’ve seen me?”

  He laid his clothes on a nearby bench and snorted. “I’ve been peeking on you when you bathe for years now.”

  My eyes went very wide and my mouth fell open. “What...?”

  My prince scooped a bucket of water from the monstrous tub. “There’s a peephole from my room to yours that overlooks your fireplace, where you always put your hip-bath.” He dumped the water over his head, letting it sluice down his long body. He shook his head to clear his eyes and grinned. “I had it made when I was sixteen.” He picked up my soap, lathered up the nubby cloth provided by the inn, and began scrubbing down. “I was very interested in how you were...developing.”

  I ground my teeth. “You wanted to see my breasts.”

  Alberic nodded, completely unashamed. “Among other feminine parts.”

  Under the water, I fisted my hands at my sides. “You perverted bastard...

  My prince set down the soap and waggled a finger at me. “I am not a bastard. My parents were dutifully married to each other when I was born.”

  I curled my lip. “I noticed you didn’t argue the perverted part.”

  Alberic dumped another bucket of water over himself to rinse off the soap, then wiped at his eyes. “Of course not.” He set the bucket down and climbed up the short stair to the rim of the tub. “I don’t believe in denial.”

  I held out my hand. “Don’t come near me!”

  Alberic snorted and stepped into the water. “You’re going to have to get used to me being near you.” He leaned back against the far side of the tub, spreading his arms wide across the rim. “How else will we fuck?”

  I hunched my shoulders. “But I don’t want to f-fuck!”

  Alberic chuckled merrily; it was almost a giggle. “I am definitely going to have to punish you for lying!” He narrowed his eyes and smirked. “I’ve heard you moaning my name at night.”

  If one could have died from mortification, I would have dropped dead on the spot. Alas, I was perfectly alive, painfully aware, and thoroughly annoyed. Long experience had taught me that defending myself would only dig my grave deeper, so I went on the attack. “Of course I moan your name.” My lips curled into a sneer. “You’re in most of my nightmares.”

  Alberic’s smile sharpened. “That was cruel, Julian.”

  I lifted my chin and sniffed. “I learned from the best.”

  My prince waved his hand. “Anyway, I came in here because I have a plan.”

  I narrowed my gaze. “A plan...?” Oh, Gods, what was he up to now?

  “For catching a unicorn so I can win the princess.” He curled his lip. “That is, if the princess is worth winning.”

  I rolled my eyes and spoke very dryly. “Translation: If she’s absolutely gorgeous with big breasts.”

  Alberic nodded. “Exactly.” His brows lifted. “You know, Julian, I was wrong about you.”

  I looked at him, eyes wide. “What?”

  Alberic’s lips curled into a lascivious smile and he stared pointedly below the level of my chin. “Your breasts are actually fairly sizable. How do you squish them down so flat?”

  I looked down. Without realizing it, I had risen in the water until the tops of my breasts had emerged, practically to the nipples. I yelped in surprise, crossed my arms over my chest, and dunked lower into the water, submerging to my chin. I scowled up at him. “I thought you saw them already!”

  Alberic shrugged. “I peeked, yes, but you always take your baths facing the other way.” His brows lowered, but his bottom lip protruded. “So, all I’ve ever really seen is your ass.”

  I blinked. Was he pouting?

  “Anyway, as I was saying before, I have a plan.” He swept his hands through his long wet hair. The water drops gleamed in the lamplight. “Everyone knows that to catch a unicorn, you need a virgin.” He smiled at me with all of his teeth. It wasn’t pretty. “And that’s where you come in.”

  I curled my lip. “I am not wearing a dress.”

  Alberic rolled his eyes. “Unicorns rely on scent, not sight, idiot.”

  I frowned. “Okay...”

  He leaned toward me and dropped his voice to a whisper. “So all I need you to do...”

  I leaned closer to hear what he was saying.

  Alberic lifted one elegant finger. “...Is camp out in the woods just out of sight, and catch it as soon as it shows up. Once you have it, hand it over to me and I’ll do the rest.” He smiled smugly. “Simple, no?”

  The plan did sound simple, but... I frowned up at him. “Okay, so I get that I’m the bait, but how do I catch it once it shows up?”

  My prince leaned closer. “Well, it’s basically a horse, so one would think a rope would work, and just tie it to a tree.”

  I scowled up at him. “I think you’re forgetting one extremely important point here.”

  His brows lifted. “What’s that?”

  I curled my lip baring my teeth. “The one on its head! Those things are not only armed with long pointy horns and pointy hooves, they’re known to be very smart, and very temperamental!”

  Alberic tilted his head and smiled brightly. “Then you’ll just have to be careful, Julian.”

  Groaning, I lifted my hands and swept my long black hair back from my sweaty face. “And you wonder why you’re in all my nightmares.”

  Alberic’s gaze narrowed to hard green slits. “Only your nightmares?” Quick as an adder, he lunged, closing the distance between us. His hands slammed against the wall of the tub to either side of me, trapping me against the wall of the tub. “None of your dreams?”

  I was naked, he was naked, we were naked...and he was much, much, much too close. Naturally, I panicked. I twisted hard to the side and scrabbled for the edge of the tub to get the hell out.

  “Oh no, you don’t!” He grabbed my shoulder, pulling me back down into the water, then shoved me back against the side of the tub none too gently.

  The air whooshed out of my lungs, stunning me briefly.

  This gave him enough time to grab my wrists and pin them both behind my back. With a twist of his hips, he jammed his leg between my thighs in a frighteningly intimate position. A profoundly hard, hot ridge pressed against my belly.

  I guess I should have felt a small amount of feminine pride in the fact that he was clearly...pleased to be in my company, but at that moment, all I felt was absolute terror. I opened my mouth to shout.

  He clapped his free hand over my mouth, stifling me. His lips brushed my ear. “If you scream like a little girl, someone will barge in to investigate. Do you really want to expose your gender to the entire inn?”

  Scream like a little girl? My fear was abruptly scorched away by my temper. I jerked my face from his palm, tilted my head back to glare in his eye, and spoke through my clenched teeth in a low growl. “I don’t scream.” It was the truth, actually. Despite my true gender, my voice was oddly incapable of producing a scream. I had no idea why not. It was just another one of life’s little mysteries. Rather like the mystery of why I simply didn’t clock my prince in the head for his perverted behavior. “Didn’t you just have a double-armful of barmaids only a few minutes ago?”

  Alberic rolled his eyes. “Yes, and they were extremely pleased to serve me dinner.” He blinked, then leaned close and smiled. “Goodness, are you jealous?”

  “What? No!” I looked away and twisted my hands in his grasp, not that it did a damned bit of good. “It’s just... Why bother with me, when you could have them?”

  Alberic’s hand tightened around my wrists and he leaned in close. His head tilted slightly to the side, his damp hair sweeping against my cheek. His breath brushed against my ear. “Why would I bother with them when I already have you?”

  I turned to glare at him, eye to eye. “You don’t have me yet!”

  “I don’t?” Alberic smiled and leaned close until his lips were only a breath from mine. “Are you quite sure about that?”

  “Eh...” Well, he did have me trapped against the side of the tub, so he sort of...did have me. I leaned away as far as I was able, which wasn’t saying much. “B-but you can’t do...that with me!”

  Alberic’s brows lifted. “That...?” He rolled his eyes. “Oh, you mean fucking.” His shook his head and chuckled. “So naive...” His brow lifted, and his narrowed eyes gleamed like sharp-edged emeralds. “Julian, my tender little virgin, I almost hate to break this to you, but there are plenty of other things that I can do to you.”

  I went rigid, every hair on my body rising to attention. I knew a threat when I heard one.

  His smile widened. “Shall we begin?”

  I flinched away and shook my head. “No! Let’s not begin!”

  Alberic leaned in and his lips brushed my cheek. “Too late.” His scorching, wet tongue trailed down my throat, his warm breath bringing shivers.

  I writhed away, only to feel the presence of his lightly furred bare l
eg intimately pressed between mine, reminding me how thoroughly I was trapped. A melting warmth bloomed within my belly, waking something hot and hungry. I gasped in a deep breath.

  His deep velvety whisper caressed my ear. “Julian...”

  I turned to look at him.

  His gaze locked on my lips. He lowered his head.

  He was about to kiss me, and I freely admit that I probably should have turned my head, but I just couldn’t make myself do it.

  His lips brushed mine in the lightest of caresses, then his tongue swept across my bottom lip.

  My lips parted all by themselves.

  He took the invitation and pressed his mouth fully onto mine, his tongue swooping in to engage mine in an exchange of caresses. His lips captured my tongue and suckled on it.

  I shivered, the hunger deep in my core tightening further.

  His free hand slid down my shoulder to cup my breast, his thumb brushed my nipple.

  Shocked aware, I twisted in an attempt to move away from his hand. A kiss was one thing, but that was something else!

  His fingers tightened to capture my nipple, pinching with punishing force.

  A bolt of erotic fire in my nipple streaked straight down to pulse in my core. The smallest of whimpers escaped me.

  My prince sighed, clearly pleased. He released his pinch, only to roll my nipple between his finger and thumb. At the same time, he slid his other leg between mine, spreading me open. The hard length of his cock centered on me, sliding upward along my feminine core to rub directly against the tiny point that nestled above it.

  The erotic jolts in my nipple streaked downward and combined with the delicious slide against my flesh. Raw lust clenched hard in my belly. I moaned into his mouth, my hips bucking upward, instinctively chasing after more of that brutally pleasurable sensation.


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