My Commander

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My Commander Page 12

by Alanea Alder

"It's not like I'm not getting anything out of the deal. I've never had parents before." Meryn shrugged.

  "I'm leaving Colton with you for the day. Tell him to keep his clothes on." Aiden kissed her temple and stood up.

  "What's this?" Byron asked.

  "I discovered I like Colton better as a dog." Meryn finished her crepe.

  "I am not a dog! I am a wolf." Colton tried to sound haughty, but no one believed it.

  "You should have seen him as a puppy! I think I have some sketches around here somewhere. Some of Aiden too." Adelaide offered.

  "No photos?" Meryn asked.

  "Cameras hadn't been invented then, dear." Adelaide explained gently.

  "Oh." She looked up at Aiden. "Damn you're old!"

  He rolled his eyes and stood.

  "Have fun shopping. Stay with Colton." He kissed her, went to walk away and returned. The second kiss lingered until her head began to swim. They broke apart reluctantly. Aiden kissed her forehead and stepped back.

  "Be good." He grabbed a banana out of the fruit bowl and walked out with Gavriel.

  "I'm always good." Adelaide, Byron and Colton stared at her.

  "I am." They continued to stare.


  "We're going to have a great time today." Adelaide beamed.

  "Yay!" Meryn cheered weakly. She hated shopping!


  She had been lied to. Adelaide had promised her coffee, it was now pushing past twelve o'clock and she hadn't gotten her mid-afternoon pick me up. They were now at the fourth boutique and the shop owner was giving Adelaide the same line as the other three. They didn't have anything that would suit her and had run out of fabric to commission a new piece. Adelaide's back was ramrod straight.

  "I'm so sorry to hear that. Maybe next year." Adelaide wrapped an arm around her shoulders and steered her out.

  "Maybe I shouldn't have shit in ole Lady Bowers Wheaties." Meryn sighed. She was terrified of the prospect of going to a ball, being amongst so many strangers where she would be expected to make small talk and remember names. But she had to admit, she was looking forward to dressing up for a Halloween party in a paranormal city.

  "Of all the juvenile things to do! I wish she would just let the past go." Adelaide shielded her eyes from the afternoon sun.

  "Let's go get some of that caffeine you've been twitching to get." Meryn perked up immediately at Adelaide's suggestion. Arm and arm they walked to The Jitterbug. When they walked inside Meryn inhaled deeply. The only thing that would make this place smell better was if it sold books.

  "There she is! Sit and spill." Sydney pointed to the two empty barstools across the counter from where he manned the register. Meryn and Adelaide took their seats. Meryn ordered the Pumpkin Apple latte she had the last time and Adelaide surprised her when she ordered the same thing. Adelaide had a sheepish expression on her face.

  "I love tea, but variety is the spice of life."

  "Please tell me the rumor I heard about you ignoring Lady Bowers is true? You have been the talk of the city! No one can believe you stood up to her like that." Sydney shared as he made their drinks.

  "I can confirm that happened. She was just being rude to her daughter-in-law."

  Sydney snorted. "You've met the cow, rude is just her nature."

  "Aren't you afraid of saying bad things about her? Evidently she has already turned people against me. The shops in the city won't sell me a costume." Sydney waved a hand dismissing her concern.

  "She and I had words when she said I perverted and twisted Fate's choice of mate for me. Everyone knows we have no say in our mates, that woman is just cracked." Sydney handed them their drinks.

  "She must still believe I stole Byron from her. They were seeing each other when he and I met. She had grand illusions about becoming Lady McKenzie. But once you meet your mate, that's it. I had believed that she moved past that, but seeing the shopkeepers' reactions to Meryn, I can't help but wonder." Adelaide shook her head. "I'll raid my closet and piece together a new costume by hand if I have to." She said vehemently.

  "Don't worry about a costume. I can always just cut some holes in a sheet and go as a ghost." Meryn sighed as she sipped on her drink. The sweet, tangy brew warmed her from the inside out.

  Sydney and Adelaide exchanged looks of concern.

  "Meryn you don't understand, this isn't just a costume party. It's one of the biggest social events of the year." Sydney explained.

  "I say costume, but it's more like a ball gown with extraordinary accessories." Adelaide continued. Meryn looked from one to the other.

  "So no bobbing for apples or reaching into a bowl of peeled grapes pretending they are eyeballs?"

  "Is that what humans do? That's disgusting." Sydney shuddered.

  "Sweetheart, it's a grand ball. The meetings, discussions, introductions, social ladder climbing and business arrangements made in this one night can determine the success for the major houses for the year." Adelaide's voice was kind. For Meryn the room started to spin.

  "I can't go to something like that! Are you nuts? I'll humiliate Aiden!" Meryn gasped for breath. Adelaide pushed her head between her legs.

  "Now you stop that. I've seen you in action during the sewing circle, you can hold your own." Adelaide rubbed her back.

  "Thought I might find you here. My grandson has been chomping at the bit to talk to you about yesterday's sewing circle."

  Meryn glanced up, Lady Fairfax was standing in the doorway holding a satin bag. Her grey hair was pulled up in an elegant bun and her portly figure fashionably clothed. She leaned heavily on an ebony walking cane. Though older, her eyes still sparkled with a mischievousness usually reserved for younger people.

  "Grandmother, what are you doing here?"

  "I heard rumors that Daphane Bowers had gone around to all the clothing shops this morning. What's interesting is that they were all the shops specializing in costume gowns. You haven't had a chance to get one yet, have you Meryn?" The older woman plopped down at the table behind where Meryn sat on the barstool. Meryn sat up straighter and turned to face her.

  "No, we've been looking all morning."

  "You might as well stop wasting your time, Daphane Bowers doesn't do things in half measures. Sydney can you be a dear and bring me a cup of tea?" She rested her walking cane against the table.

  "Are you saying that Meryn shouldn't go?" Adelaide asked. Lady Fairfax shook her head.

  "I think she should absolutely go."

  "But she doesn't have a gown." Sydney pointed out placing a cup of tea on the table.

  "Sydney be a good lad and hand her that bag." Lady Fairfax pointed to the medium sized white satin bag that she had set in the chair beside her. Sydney lifted it up and handed it to Meryn.

  "Go ahead, I think you'll like it." Lady Fairfax. Meryn opened the bag and pulled out a large, white satin shift. It was completely shapeless, hanging all the way to the floor. The arms were so wide that Meryn was sure she could fit inside one of them.

  "Um. Thanks?" Meryn frowned down at the material. When she looked up, she saw that Adelaide was staring at the shift in wonder. The delicate hand that reached forward to graze the material was trembling.

  "Is this what I think it is?" She asked breathlessly. Lady Fairfax nodded smirking.

  "I can't wait to see the expression on Daphane Bowers face when Meryn walks in wearing that. Oh, oh that will make my year." Lady Fairfax hooted her laughter startling the patrons around her. Meryn turned to Sydney as if to say 'Seriously?' He took pity on her.

  "Meryn, this is a very special dress. It's been in our family for generations. It was a gift to my grandmother from the Queen of the Fae herself. This dress is the Gown of Éire Danu. You put it on and it changes into whatever dress you need, it morphs according to your thoughts and wishes. It hasn't been worn in a long time." Sydney's voice sounded sad. Lady Fairfax nodded.

  "Since his mother, Gods rest her soul. I'm getting older and as much as Sydney loves Justice
he was never one for cross dressing. So I am gifting it to you. My only request is that if Sydney and Justice have a little girl you hand it down to her."

  "It changes into whatever I want?" Meryn looked at the dress dubiously.

  "And it acts as your ladies in waiting. It will change your shoes, hair, makeup and accessories to match the dress. The only dress you will ever need."

  "I can't wait to see her face." Adelaide was laughing so hard she covered her face. Lady Fairfax began to chuckle again.

  "Lady Fairfax, I don't know how to thank you. Just the thought that I never have to go dress shopping again is a gift." To Meryn that meant more than a dress that was made by the fae.

  "Thought you might appreciate that. Tell me girlie, how close were you to hitting Daphane yesterday?" Lady Fairfax's eyes danced with mirth.

  "Oh no, did it show?" Meryn reverently put the dress back in its special bag.

  "I noticed, but I don't think the simpering twits that were there yesterday did. Really child? Touched by the Divine?" She raised an eyebrow.

  "Hey! It worked, didn't it?" Meryn protested.

  "I have a feeling things are about to get more interesting in Lycaonia." Lady Fairfax sipped her tea. Sydney watched his grandmother carefully before dropping his gossip bomb.

  "Did you know that she called Elder Evreux a douche bag?" He said casually. Lady Fairfax sprayed her tea across the table and turned to stare at Meryn.

  "It was an accident!"

  "How do you call someone a douche bag by accident?" Sydney asked.

  "He wasn't supposed to hear me." Meryn mumbled.

  Lady Fairfax began to wheeze, concerned Meryn hopped down and started patting her on the back.

  "Are you okay?"

  "Oh, I can't wait to tease him about that. Pompous ass. Oh Meryn you're good for my heart." Lady Fairfax laughed and pulled Meryn down to kiss her cheek. Meryn blushed furiously.

  "Meryn can you call Aiden? While we're out I need to know if he wants me to pick up his dress whites out of storage at the tailors." Adelaide was grinning from ear to ear. Grateful for a chance to escape being the center of attention she went back and picked up her backpack.

  "You'll have to go outside, for some reason reception inside the café has been spotty lately." Sydney advised. She went to walk out and realized she didn't have his number. She turned back.

  "Do you have his number?" She asked Adelaide. Adelaide wrote down the number on a napkin and handed it to her.

  "Take your time, dear. I'm enjoying my latte." Adelaide winked.

  "Thanks!" Meryn practically ran for the door. She stepped outside and took a deep breath. Fresh air. She got comfortable at one of the small bistro tables, pulled out her laptop and flipped it open. She fished around at the bottom of her bag for her phone. Once she found it, she dialed Aiden's number.

  "Hello?" Aiden's deep voice sent shivers through her. He sounded out of breath.

  "Why are you breathing hard?" She asked.

  "We're doing drills. Are you okay?" As his breathing slowed, she imagined him sweaty and all of his muscles flexing. Damn hormones!

  "Yup. I'm still out with your mother. She wanted me to ask you if you need us to pick up your dress whites."

  "Thank the Gods for my mother! I completely forgot I had stored them at Seamless. The tailors in the city are witches and when they store your clothing they cast a spell to keep it clean, pressed and ready to go. If I had waited until the last minute there would have been a waiting period to get it out since they have to cast a reversal spell." Aiden's breathing sounded normal and his tone upbeat. She wished he were in front of her, she bet he was smiling.

  "Okay, I'll let her know ..." Out of nowhere she could have sworn she felt someone walk past her. She actually felt body heat. She looked around and the sidewalk where she sat, it was empty.

  "Meryn?" Aiden called her name. She shook her head.

  "Sorry, got distracted there for a second. Will you be at the house for dinner?" She was starting to love eating. Before Aiden, eating meant choking down a hot pocket while on her laptop. Now it meant talking and laughing with friends and family.

  "Yes, we'll be there. Marius let it slip that he was making his world famous meat loaf tonight. We'll have to fight the guys for a good slice."

  "I bet Marius will save me some he ..." Meryn's throat constricted, someone had just breathed on the back of her neck. Goosebumps exploded across her skin and covered her body. A sinister chuckle had her gasping and spinning in her chair. No one was there.

  "Meryn what's wrong?" Aiden's frantic question barely registered.

  "I think someone is here, but I don't see anything." She whispered.

  "Where is Colton? Where is my mother?" He asked. In the background, he was calling out orders for the men to get into the vehicles.

  "I haven't seen Colton and your mother is in the café." Meryn's eyes darted around.

  "Get inside now!" Aiden yelled. Meryn stood only to have a heavy hand push her back down.

  "Aiden something pushed me! It won't let me go inside!" Her heart beat out of control.

  "Scream. Scream as loud as you can. Ben's unit is patrolling the city today, someone will hear you." Aiden yelled. She opened her mouth to scream when something covered it. It wasn't until she felt the moist heat that she realized that someone was kissing her. A foreign tongue forced its way down her throat. She thrashed, a strong hand gripped her breast. Flinging herself backward she broke away from her attacker. When her mouth was free she inhaled and screamed as loudly as she could. Seconds later a figure appeared at her side. It was Colton.

  "What happened?" He demanded, looking around. She couldn't answer. All she could do was shake and cry. The door to the café opened and Adelaide rushed out.

  "Meryn what's wrong?" She was pulled into Adelaide's arms, but she still couldn't speak.

  "Colton you worthless dog, pick up the fucking phone!" Aiden was yelling so loud even Meryn could hear him. Colton gently unwrapped her fingers from around her cell phone.

  "Aiden I swear I was watching her the whole time. No one approached her." Colton ran a hand through his hair.

  Down the street the sound of a roaring engine heralded the arrival of the Gamma Unit. Ben jumped from the SUV and ran over to kneel in front of Meryn.

  "What are we looking for kiddo?" He asked. She shook her head.

  "A ghost." She whispered. Ben regarded her in confusion before turning to Colton.

  "Colton, what are we after here?"

  "I have no fucking clue, there wasn't anything there." Colton's practically yelled. Ben remained kneeling in front of Meryn holding her hands.

  "You're safe now. Whatever it was will have to go through us to get to you." Meryn turned to Colton and they exchanged a look. Only Colton understood. Because he hadn't seen anything either. How can you fight something you couldn't see?

  Behind them, the Gamma Unit spread out and began to question the customers and shopkeepers that had come outside at the sound of her scream. Squealing wheels had her looking up. A familiar black SUV, practically tipping over, turned the corner.

  "Aiden." She whispered. The SUV drove right up to them and slammed on the brakes. Before the vehicle had stopped moving Aiden was jumping out of the passenger side. He ran over to her and lifted her up in his arms. Under her hands she could feel that he was shaking. Pushing her own fear aside, she rubbed his chest.

  "I'm okay. I'm okay." She kept repeating it until he calmed down. Refusing to let her go he sat down and kept her in his lap.

  "What happened Meryn? Take us through the sequences of events, don't leave anything out." Aiden asked. Nodding Meryn sat up.

  "We were talking about the tailors and I felt heat, like body heat move past me. But there was nothing there so I ignored it. Then I felt a breath on the back of my neck and someone laughed. You told me to get inside, but when I stood up I was pushed back down. I went to scream and ..." Meryn swallowed hard as tears filled her eyes. She took a deep breath b
efore continuing.

  "Something kissed me, he also twisted my breast. His breath was foul and he tried to choke me by forcing his tongue down my throat." Meryn felt tears spill over her eyes. Aiden cradled her close.

  "I pushed backward and screamed. Then Colton was there." She wiped at her eyes.

  "Colton you had guard duty, how could you let this happen?" Aiden demanded. Meryn popped Aiden upside the head. He continued to frown at his best friend. Meryn fumed.

  "What part of I didn't see anything did you not understand? Whoever this jerk is had his tongue so far down my throat he was fondling my tonsils and I didn't see anything. What could Colton have done?" She demanded. Aiden took a deep breath.

  "Aiden I swear to you on my life I didn't see anything. I would never let anything happen to Meryn." Colton whispered harshly.

  "I know you wouldn't." Aiden admitted before turning to other man who had been giving orders.

  "Report." He barked.

  "Sir, we interviewed just about everyone on the street. No one saw anything, no one at the table or running away." Meryn eyed the white haired giant.

  "Thanks Sascha. I'll leave you and Gamma to finish up here. I'm taking my mate and my mother home. Alpha will remain assigned to House McKenzie until this guy is caught." Aiden stood.

  "Yes, sir!" Sascha nodded and began ordering his men to finish up with interviews. When Aiden started towards the SUV Meryn squirmed to get down.

  "I have to get my bag." Aiden set her down. She returned to the table only to realize, though her bag was still there. Her laptop was gone.

  "Motherfucking son of a fucking bitch!" She bellowed. The men around her froze.

  "Meryn?" Aiden asked cautiously.

  "He stole my laptop! I've had that thing for years! I love my laptop, it's my baby. It understands me and entertains me." She began to hyperventilate.

  "We can get you a new one, breathe baby, breathe." Aiden was frantically trying to calm her. Her head felt like it was wrapped in cotton. She heard Adelaide ask Sydney for a glass of water. They didn't understand. Her laptop was her whole world; behind the keyboard of her laptop she was invincible.


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