Blood Brothers

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Blood Brothers Page 29

by Deanne Stillman

  on Wild West’s copyright, 162

  Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (Brown), 19

  Butler, Frank, 21, 133–35, 230, 236–38

  Camp Alexis, 67

  Canada, Sitting Bull flees to, xiii, 3–4, 84, 87

  Cannupa Wakan (sacred pipe), 116

  Captain Jack, 192

  Carnegie, Andrew, 245

  Carr, Eugene Asa, 24, 181–82

  Carter, Robert A., 36


  Catlin, Clara, 2

  Catlin, George, 1–2, 199–200

  Chadwick, G. W., 213

  Charlie Almost Human (horse), 69

  Charlie Joe (horse), 31–32

  Cheyenne River Agency, 17

  Cheyenne tribe, xiii, 44, 46, 64, 75, 77, 78, 80, 81, 84, 86, 90, 115, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191

  Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce, 100

  Circling Bear, 192

  Clark, Wesley, Jr., xiv–xv

  Cleveland, Grover, 24, 173–74

  Clifford, Captain, 12

  Cody, Arta (daughter), 228

  Cody, Isaac (father), 34–35, 37–39

  Cody, Kit Carson (son), 60, 228

  Cody, Louisa Frederici (wife), 28–29, 43, 60, 87, 214, 227–29, 232

  Cody, May (sister), 235

  Cody, Sam (brother), 35

  Cody, William Frederick “Buffalo Bill”:

  acquires name “Buffalo Bill,” 44

  Annie Oakley and, 26, 57, 137, 229–30, 258

  appears in The Scouts of the Prairie, 50, 91

  appears in Sells-Floto Circus, 234–35

  attempt to save Sitting Bull, 212–15

  birth and early life, 33–40

  as buffalo hunter, 43–46, 61–62

  Canadian reception of, 146

  death and burial of, 235–36

  death of son, 60

  description and personality of, 26–28, 143, 159

  drinking habits, 214, 227, 229

  duel with Yellow Hand, 84–86, 87

  friendship with Custer, 61

  gives horse to Sitting Bull, xi–xii, xvii, 182–83, 224–25

  gypsy’s prophecy to mother, 156

  home catches fire, 213–14

  kills first Indian, 41

  Lakota call “Long Hair,” xvi

  love of horses, 30–32, 34, 35, 36, 38

  makes movie, 231–33

  meets President Harrison, 223

  meets Sitting Bill in Buffalo, 138–40

  as mythical figure of Great Plains, xiv, 52

  photographed by Notman, 177–81

  publicized by Buntline, 48–50, 52

  receives bear claw necklace from Sitting Bull, 183

  The Red Right Hand or Buffalo Bill’s First Scalp for Custer, 88, 91

  rides for Pony Express, 41–42

  Royal Buffalo Hunt and, 62–63, 66–72

  Salsbury and, 51–53

  scouts for army, 43, 48, 60–61, 84

  seeks to hire Sitting Bull, 21–24, 91

  Sitting Bull’s desire to meet president and, 15

  wife and, 28–29, 43, 60, 87, 227–29, 232

  women and, 27, 145–46, 227–29, 230

  writings, 39, 60

  see also Wild West


  Collins, Mary, 196–97, 208–9

  Comanche (horse), 80, 83–84

  Company K, 86

  Compton, Cy, 31

  Comstock, William, 45

  Congress of Rough Riders, 226

  Conquering Bear, 99

  Cortés, 117–18

  Council Fire, 192, 193, 198

  cowboy church, 145

  Crazy Horse, xv, 66, 75, 87, 115

  Battle of Little Bighorn and, 3, 77, 78, 79, 80

  surrender and death of, 100, 187, 222

  Crazy Horse Memorial, xiii

  Crook, George, 75, 77

  Crow Eagle, 101, 170

  Crow Foot (SB’s son), 7, 8, 9, 218

  Crow’s Ghost, 101

  Crow Woman, 221–22

  Curtis, Edward S., 177

  Custer, Cody, and Grand Duke Alexis (Scott, Bleed, and Damm), 67–68

  Custer, George Armstrong, xvi, 59, 61, 63

  Battle of Little Bighorn and, 74–83, 149

  gold expedition led by, 73–74

  Royal Buffalo Hunt and, 67–72

  Sitting Bull on, 174–75

  treatment of animals and, 68, 70, 73

  Custer, Libbie, 75

  Custer’s Gold (Jackson), 73

  Daily Picayune, 56

  Dakota Territory, 63, 65

  Dakota War of 1862, 114

  Damm, Stephen, 68

  Dave (dog), 236–37

  Davies, Henry, 62

  Dawes, Henry, 198

  Dawes Act, 198–99, 200, 203, 205, 206

  Denver Post, 233, 235

  de Smet, Pierre Jean (“Black Robe”), 64, 170

  “Don’t Fence Me In” (song), vii

  Drum, Richard C., 173

  Eden Musee, 96, 155

  Edison, Thomas, 231

  English Metropolitan, 162

  Enss, Chris, 27, 28, 228, 230

  Fallen Timbers, Battle of (1794), 127

  Faribault, Louis, 204

  Fechét, Captain, 220

  Filgate (steamer), 147

  Fire Cloud, 194–95

  Fishing Elk, 101

  Flynn and Sarsfield, 20

  “Foes in ’76, Friends in ’85,” xii, xvi, 117, 180

  Fool Thunder, 101

  Forrest, Edwin, 49


  Abraham Lincoln, 64

  Buford, 4, 6, 10, 119

  Hays, 43

  Kearny, 40, 41

  McPherson, 62

  Randall, 16, 17–18, 83

  Stevenson, 12, 65

  Yates, 11, 24

  see also Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868)

  Four Horns (SB’s uncle), 6, 13, 64, 104, 105, 107, 108, 115

  Four Robes (SB’s wife), 17

  Gall, 53, 64, 65, 79, 94, 174

  Garfield, James, 16

  General Sherman (steamboat), 11–12, 15, 16, 17

  George (poodle), 134–35, 236

  Ghost Dance, vii, 186, 190, 208, 210, 211, 216, 233, 242, 243–44

  ghost shirts, 161, 185, 186, 190–91, 215, 221, 243

  Gibbon, John, 75

  gold, 73–74, 173

  Good Feather (SB’s sister), 13

  Goodman, Julia Cody, 34, 227, 228, 229, 234

  Graham, John, 135

  Grand Opera House, 20

  Grand Rapids Leader, 169–71

  Grant, Ulysses S., 51, 63

  Grattan, John Lawrence, 99

  Grattan Massacre, 99

  Great Black Moose, 101

  Great Mystery (Wakan Tanka), 76, 89

  Great Plains:

  buffalo hunting on, 46–47, 62

  Cody as mythical figure of, xii, 52

  war against Indians of, 63

  Wounded Knee ends Lakota era on, 187

  Great Sioux Reservation, 199

  Grey Eagle, 205–6

  Halsey, William, 97, 100, 101, 120

  Hamlet (Shakespeare), 49, 51

  Harney, William S., xv

  Harney Peak, see Black Elk Peak

  Harrison, Benjamin, 215, 223

  Haslam, Bob (“Pony Bob”), 55, 213, 214

  Hat Creek, 85–87

  Havighurst, Walter, 98, 147, 226

  Hawkman No. 1, 219

  Her Holy Door Woman (SB’s mother), 104

  Hickok, Wild Bill, 43, 92–93, 95

  High as the Clouds, 6, 13

  Higheagle, Robert, 113

  Higley, Brewster, 57

  History of Darke County, Ohio (Wilson), 129

  “Home of the Brave” (exhibit), 161

  “Home on the Range” (song), 57


  at Battle of Little Bighorn, 78–83

  Black Elk’s dream and, xv, xvii

  ceremony to honor Sitti
ng Bull, 109

  Crazy Horse carves petroglyph of, 78

  Custer’s treatment of, 68, 70

  return of wild, 161

  Sitting Bull’s, and legend of dancing horse, xi–xii, xvii, 182–83, 224–25

  Sitting Bull’s rescue of, 112–13

  as star attractions of Wild West, 161–65, 226

  see also specific horses

  Hotchkiss guns, 232

  Hunkpapa tribe, 3, 6, 7–12, 14–18, 23

  see also Sitting Bull

  Huntley, Robert, 112

  Hurricane Katrina, 55

  Hutton, Betty, 126


  Indian Rights Association (IRA), 174–75

  Infirmary (county poor farm), 130–31

  Interior Department, U.S., 23, 34, 95, 172, 200, 215, 231, 234

  interpreters, see translators and translation

  Iron Hawk, 78

  Iron Tail, 236

  Iron Thunder, 101

  Jack (Red Cloud’s son), 225

  Jackson, Allie, 20

  Jackson, Andrew, 55

  Jackson, Donald, 73

  John Grass, 173

  Johnston, Albert Sidney, 40

  Jumping Bull (SB’s adopted brother), 76, 112

  Jumping Bull (SB’s father, formerly Returns Again), 104, 108–10, 111–12

  Kansas Pacific Railroad, 43, 47

  Kasper, Shirl, 92, 128

  Katzenberger, Charles, 131–32, 133, 134

  Katzenberger, G. Anthony, 131–32, 133

  Keogh, Myles, 79–80, 81, 149

  Kicking Bear, 189–90, 212, 239, 242

  Killdeer Mountain, Battle of (1864), 114

  Know Nothing Party, 49

  Lakota Sioux, 3

  at Battle of Little Bighorn, 80–81

  Battle of the Rosebud and, 77

  competition with Canadian tribes, 155

  forgiveness sought from, xiv–xv

  gold found in territory, 74

  humility as virtue in society, 97

  inaccurate translations and, 99

  matriarchal culture, 177

  name for buffalo, 118

  reburial of Long Wolf in U.S., 161

  see also Hunkpapa tribe

  Lamar, Lucius, 172

  Lame White Man, 80

  Lane, Franklin K., 231

  LaPointe, Ernie, 102–3, 104, 109, 115, 218, 249

  Last Indian Battles from the War Path to the Peace Pipe, The (movie), 231

  Last Stand, The (Philbrick), 76

  Last Stand Hill, 79

  Légaré, Jean-Louis, 5, 8, 10

  Leonard Crow Dog, Chief, xv

  Lewis and Clark, 142, 184, 246, 249

  “The Life of Dave, As Told by Himself,” (Butler), 237

  Life on the Border (play), 59

  literature wagons, 143

  Little Bear, 78

  Little Bighorn, Battle of (1876), xv–xvi, 3, 8, 21, 59, 74–83, 174–75, 227

  Little Gray (horse), 36

  “Little Raindrops” (poem), 135

  Lives and Legends of Buffalo Bill, The (Russell), 55

  Lone Man, 217, 219, 220

  Long Wolf, 160–61

  “Lucretia Borgia” (Cody’s gun), 45, 69

  Luther Standing Bear, 198


  McCoy, Tim, 189–90, 241–44

  MacDonnell, Alexander, 10

  McKinley (horse), 235

  McLaughlin, Major James:

  approves “Sitting Bull Combination” tour, 23, 94

  Cody and, 21–22

  as nemesis of Sitting Bull, 18–19, 93–94

  permits Sitting Bull to join Wild West, 24, 97–98, 100

  prepares to arrest Sitting Bull, 210–12

  Standing Rock ceremony and, 194

  takes Sitting Bull to St. Paul, 20

  Weldon and, 201–2, 204–6

  McMartin, Lieutenant, 145

  McNulty, James, 54

  Macready, William Charles, 49

  Many Loves of Buffalo Bill, The (Enss), 27, 230

  Meacham, Alfred, 192–93

  meadowlarks, 112, 197, 204, 210, 249

  Medicine Line, 3, 8, 51, 148, 149, 155

  Medicine Tail Coulee, 79

  Merchants Hotel, 14

  Merman, Ethel, 126–27

  Merritt, Wesley, 84

  Miles, Carlo, 30–31

  Miles, Nelson A., 187, 213, 223, 231, 232

  “The Millionaires’ Hunt,” 62

  Mississippi Jaeger (Cody’s rifle), 41

  Modoc tribe, x, 192

  Montezuma, 117–18

  Montreal, 146–47

  Sitting Bull and Buffalo Bill in (photo session), xii–xiii, 147

  Morlacchi, Mademoiselle, 91

  Morning Star (steamship), 29

  Moses, Hulda (AO’s sister), 130

  Moses, Jacob (AO’s father), 127–29, 129

  Moses, John (AO’s brother), 129, 132

  Moses, Mary Jane (AO’s sister), 129

  Moses, Susan (AO’s mother), 127–9

  Muldoon’s Picnic (play), 20

  Murray, W. H. “Adirondack Murray,” 146–47, 179

  Mustang: The Saga of the Wild Horse in the American West (Stillman), xi

  My Friend the Indian (McLaughlin), 194

  My People the Sioux (Luther Standing Bear), 198

  “My Western Home” (poem), 57

  Nancy Kicking Bear (SB’s granddaughter), 247

  Narrative of My Captivity Among the Sioux Indians, with a Brief Account of General Scully’s Indian Expedition in 1864, Bearing Upon Events Occurring in My Captivity (Kelly), 115

  National Bison Legacy Act, 246

  National Indian Defense Association (NIDA), 192, 196, 197, 198, 199, 203, 206

  National Wildlife Restoration, 246

  Native Americans:

  contemporary protests at Standing Rock, xvi, 248

  gain citizenship in 1924, 173

  in movies, 231

  rights movement, 192–93

  see also specific individuals

  Nebraska History Magazine, 234

  Ned Buntline’s Own, 48


  Nelson, John, 141

  New Orleans, Wild West flooded during tour, 55–57, 136–37, 144

  Annie Oakley appears out of the waters, 57

  New Orleans, Battle of, 55

  New York, Sitting Bull at Eden Musee, 96, 155

  New York Herald, 67, 84, 113, 148, 216

  New York Tribune, 73, 74

  New York Weekly, 50, 87

  No Neck, 64

  North, Major Frank, 52

  Northern Pacific Railway, 12, 13, 19

  Northwest Indian War, 127

  Northwest Mounted Police, 8, 147

  Notman, William, 147, 177, 178–81

  Notman Museum, 179

  Oakley, Annie:

  birth of, 128

  Butler and, 21, 133–35, 230, 236–38

  Cody and, 26, 57, 229–30, 238

  death of, 238

  hunting prowess, 128–29, 132–34

  at the Infirmary, 130–31

  performing pets and, 236–37

  Sitting Bull and, 20–21, 124, 136, 172, 238

  as Wild West star, 137, 147, 159–60, 226

  Obama, Barack, 246

  Olympic Theater, 20

  Omohundro, J. B. (“Texas Jack”), 50, 91

  One Bull (SB’s nephew), 16, 88

  Osawatomie Brown (play), 36

  Outdoor Life, 134, 145–46

  Parker Brothers gun, 133

  Patrie, La, 146

  Paul, Andrea I., 234

  Philadelphia, Sitting Bull on tour in, 174–75

  Philbrick, Nathaniel, 76–77

  Pine Ridge Reservation, 189, 231

  pipe, sacred (Cannupa Wakan), 116

  Plenty Coups, 161

  Plenty Horses, 225

  Pollack, Eileen, 199, 200, 202

  Pony Express, 41–42

  Pope, Dennis C., 5
  Porcupine, 189

  Powell, Frank (White Beaver), 213, 214

  Primeau, Joseph, 97, 100, 211, 215

  Prince (horse), 38

  railroads, 43–45, 118–19

  see also specific railroads

  Rain-in-the-Face, 80, 225

  Red Cloud, 53, 192, 201, 205

  Red Cloud Agency, 84, 86

  Reddin, Paul, 157

  Red Horn, 64

  Red Right Hand or Buffalo Bill’s First Scalp for Custer, The, 88, 91

  Red Thunder, 6

  Red Tomahawk, 218, 219, 221, 238, 247

  Remington, Frederic, 26, 245

  Reno, Major Marcus, 78, 79, 165, 222

  Returns Again, see Jumping Bull

  Reynolds, Charley, 43

  Richmond, Frank, 163

  Rinella, Steven, 46, 245, 246

  Rob Roy (Scott), 43


  Roosevelt, Theodore, 245

  Rosebud, Battle of the (1876), 77

  Royal Buffalo Hunt, 62–63, 66–72

  Running Antelope, 16

  Russell, Don, 55

  Ryan, John, 165–66

  Sacajawea, 184, 246–47, 248–49

  Sacred Horse Dance, 113

  Sage, 190, 242

  Salsbury, Nate, 51–53, 56, 167–68, 174–75

  Salsbury’s Troubadours, 51, 52, 56

  Sand Creek fight (1864), 46

  Sandoz, Mari, 43, 44, 46, 47

  Sardinia (steamer), 147

  Sarnia (steamer), 147

  Scarlet Thunder, 13

  Scott, Douglas D., 67–68

  Scott, Walter, 43

  Scout’s Best Ranch, 29

  Scouts of the Prairie, The (Buntline), 50, 91, 95

  Sell, Henry Blackman, 36, 92–93

  Sells Brothers Circus, 57, 135, 136–37

  Sells-Floto Circus, 234–35

  Seventh Cavalry, xiii, 3, 61, 74–83, 222–23

  see also Little Bighorn, Battle of (1876)

  Seventh Kansas Cavalry, 61

  Seventeenth U.S. Infantry, 145

  Shakespeare riots of 1849, 49

  Sham (horse), 30–31

  Shave Head, 217, 218, 219

  Shaw, Joseph, 132

  Sheridan, Philip, 61, 62, 63, 66–72, 74, 87

  Sheridan House, 13

  Sherman, William Tecumseh, 24, 74, 95, 128, 173

  Short Bull, 189–90, 242

  Sioux Nation, 63, 247

  see also Hunkpapa tribe

  Sitting Bull:

  Annie Oakley and, 20–21, 57, 124, 136, 172, 238

  arrest and killing of, 217–21

  arrives in Buffalo, 120–24

  Battle of Killdeer Mountain and, 114

  birth of, 102

  Buffalo Bill attempts to hire, 21–22

  burial site, 245–48

  Catherine Weldon and, 195–97, 198, 199, 200–211, 220

  considered for Wild West, 53

  denounces government at railroad ceremony, 19

  desire to meet president, 15, 97

  flight to, and return from Canada, 51, 84

  gives bear claw necklace to Cody, 183

  grants interviews, 148, 150–54, 168–72

  known as Jumping Badger, 104–8

  learns of Cody’s attempted final visit, 215–16


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