Temple of Cocidius

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Temple of Cocidius Page 3

by Maxx Whittaker

  “Aww. Are you hot?” she purrs. “It has gotten a bit warm.” Meridiana twists the clasp beneath her tits. The gold claws release, dangling at her sides. Her tits bob, spring free, and the silk pulls away revealing her swollen, dusky nipples. She circles one with her pointed nail and gasps.

  If I could cum right now, I would. She’s binding me. My balls ache and the need to be inside her is everything.

  I need her to lean forward. I fuss as my crotch, with the disc, willing her over.

  “What are you doing?” She sits up, slamming her boot on the floor. Her tits bounce entirely free of the silk, perfect massive pink globes that defy physics.

  I swallow. “Truth be told, I’ve got my cock out and I want you to come and suck it.”

  Her laughter is sultry and manic. “Giving in at last.”

  I never actually said that.

  She slips from her chair onto her knees. “Your soul and your seed will taste so sweet.” Meridiana licks her bottom lip in a slow line. I can feel the cold tip of her tongue running up my cock, feel it, as her compulsion bashes against the fortress of my mind.

  Just a minute...I have to keep it together for one more minute.

  “I’ll fuck you till you spill your seed inside me. I’ll suck, and suck, and suck–” She moans the word, over and over, eyes rolling back, and my cock throbs in time with it. “You’ll stop screaming eventually, but I’ll still enjoy it. One aspirant lasted almost a month.” She mmm’s at this, shuffling toward me around the table on her knees.

  I grab her smooth horns the second she’s in reach and jerk her head back. She moans again, lids heavy over her pale eyes. Her mouth opens, ready to take me deep. “I’m going to enjoy this.” I almost wish I was about to do what she thinks I am.

  She smiles in triumph just before I yank her face down toward my crotch.

  Meridiana shrieks, struggles against my grip, bucking wildly a moment. She’s strong, much stronger than she looks, but I don’t need long. She flails once more, tail whipping me so hard I grunt, but then she stills. “Mmm. Ohhh…” She exhales, breathless, and wraps her fingers around my mirror’s silver border. “So beautiful. Who are you?” She cradles the mirror and slides back to her seat, setting the disk on the game table.

  The fire banks to little more than coals, and the room cools unnaturally quickly. My skin stings, but the burning stops. Sweat cools a little in my hair. My cock is still so hard it hurts, but the compulsion to have her isn’t so all-consuming. I can focus on the Yarot board. There are two moves left that might save me. I take one.

  “Meridiana, it’s your turn.”

  She stops licking the mirror, gives the board a half glance and knocks a random marble.

  Knocks it right out of my way. My dragon advances, and I raise him to the second tier.

  She’s leaned over to see her reflection. Meridiana gazes at herself while she lifts one breast and sucks her nipple. Oh, Gods. I have to stop looking, or it won’t matter how much I’ve loosened her hold on me. “Your turn.”

  She gives an exasperated growl and flicks another piece. Then she falls back in her seat, mirror grasped in both hands. Her tail writhes, snakes up under the silk drape at her crotch, and she gasps. I can see the outline of its tip sliding up and down beneath the silk, rubbing her clit.

  The next five turns go this way, with her skin flushing deeper and deeper pink until she’s a shade of raspberry. It would seem odd, but her skin changing color is honestly the most normal thing about all of this. Her eyes narrow on her reflection and she whips her soft inner thighs with her tail, shrieking, giggling, and panting.


  “Uh, uh, uh…” Her tail swirls wildly in the air and her fingers are doing work against her pussy.


  “What! What?”

  I grab the mirror from her hand and throw it into the fire.

  “No!” She howls, writhes out of her seat, and falls to the hearth, sticking her hands over the coals and jerking them away. She turns on me, looking crazed and ready to claw my face off. Then it passes. Her color fades a bit and she calms.

  “You enthralled me.” Her face is unreadable, her voice tightly controlled.

  “I did. Most men aren’t well versed when it comes to succubi, probably think this place is a lot of sword waving. But I’ve been preparing for whatever’s inside this temple for a whole year. ” I point to the Yarot board, her Queen mounted by my dragon and my lion, and my king safely at the bottom tier. “And I’ve won.”

  I wait for her to lose it, for something to pierce her frosty exterior. She stands like that a long time, and for a moment I’m worried that my trick went too far, went beyond the bounds of the temple’s rules, that she’s about to strike me down with hellfire.

  But then, she smiles. Just for a flash, but it seems like a real smile, and it’s the sun rising after a clouded night. “Mmm. Devious. Clever. My favorite things.” Meridiana gets to her feet. “You’re the first to win in a hundred years.” She leans across the table, sending pieces clattering and marbles pinging across the floor with her tits. Her influence hums through me, but it’s changed, somehow, now enhancing what I feel instead of controlling me.

  I lean back to get a good look at her swinging bosom and the high curve of her ass. She’s delicious, but I still have things to do. “So, do I get the artifact from you, or...?”

  Her breath smells like strawberries when she cups my face and drags her icy tongue up my scorched cheek. “A whole year preparing, and you don’t know?” Meridiana bites my lower lip and sucks it into her mouth with a quick tug. My hands itch, but I make myself stay still. “I am the artifact. If you conquer the temple, you’ll deliver me to your king to be awakened through bonding.”

  “My king?”

  “Yes. You made a blood oath. That was the condition of your quest.”

  “How do you bond with him?”

  Her lips are at my ear, her breath hot as she whispers words that set me aflame. “It’s quite simple. We fuck.”

  “Oh.” I reach out a hand and weigh her breast in my palm, her nipple a cool point against my skin. “Yep. I swore an oath to collect the artifacts for the king of Loria.”

  She stops rolling her tit in my hand and blinks. “To collect them...for another?”

  “Mmhm. And I meant what I said. Sort of.”

  Her eyes rake over me. “If you deceive the Gardener, your elimination will be immediate.” She doesn’t seem delighted by the idea of my death like she did before.

  I’m more than willing to prove myself. “Let’s...bond, and if the Gardener shows up, I’ll take my elimination without complaint.” I wink at her. “You’re worth the risk.”

  It was, apparently, the right thing to say. Meridiana gives a wild, wicked laugh and throws her body atop the table, onto her belly. She arches, her wet pussy thrust outward, glistening in the firelight. The Yarot board falls and splinters. Her tail dances up my body, snaps the laces on my pants and the buckles of my chest piece, using it to undress me. Her bare ass is all I can see, raised up by the table. I want to get behind her, grind it while I fuck her. But I can’t stop what she’s doing. Her tail has my wrist, pulling, insistent, yanking me around the table in front of her.

  She laughs, and her breath chills my stomach like ice fog. Her nails tear curls in the skin of my hips when she jerks down my leathers. I’m so hard that I’d let her do anything to have some relief.

  For the briefest moment, my mind rebels. I’m here for revenge, not pleasure. And this is so surreal, so unexpected...Getting my cock sucked by a thousand-year-old vision of perfection was not on the list of things I thought I’d face in the Temple of Cocidius.

  But she is ancient and powerful. And if she truly is one of the artifacts I need to enact my revenge, and if this is how we bond…

  It’s been so long. So long since I let go, for even a moment. Every hour of my life has been planning, preparing, hating. It’s twisted me, and though I’ve had l
overs before, it’s been a long time.

  Meridiana is perfection, and she wants me, right now. I feel her compulsion in my blood, washing away my resistance, my anger. I need her. She needs me.

  And, for a moment, for the first in a long time, I want to feel.

  Her lips hover above the head of my cock. I can feel their coldness. She doesn’t move, waiting, letting me decide.

  That’s the thing that pushes me over the edge. Despite her compulsion, she won’t try to force me, and that’s all I need.

  I bury my fingers in the flame curtain of her hair, grip the smooth ridges of her horns and pull her mouth onto my cock until it hits the back of her throat. The sensation is borderline excruciating, the lingering heat of the flames buried in her icy mouth. She gags but won’t let me push her away. She grinds her throat down on the tip. The sensation tempers, and the contrast, the chill and the friction, is a pleasure I’ve never felt. When she pulls her mouth up my shaft, the room air heats it just before she plunges down again. I suck breath through my teeth and wriggle in front of her. I’ve been hard for so long that finishing feels impossible. I fist her silky hair and wonder if she’ll still make good on her threat to keep me hard until I die. In that moment, the prospect almost sounds appealing. She mmm’s around my cock and all that evaporates. I’m at the edge. She pulls back and flicks a bead of moisture from my head.

  “I can finish you,” she purrs, half-promise, half-threat. “But that won’t complete our bond.” She cups my balls, rolls them, and scratches softly with her little claws.

  My eyes fall to the bed at the back of the room, the pink silk monstrosity that looks like a cunt with trimmed black hair. “On the bed.” I jerk away from her and slap her ass with a solid crack. She arches, making a sound in her throat that’s a giggle and moan. The table disappears, the chairs, and the broken Yarot board. She lands on her feet. Her tail whips forward, twines my cock, and she jerks me off with the smooth coils and the cool spit of her mouth while she pulls me a step at a time toward the bed.

  I have no choice but to follow.

  She slides on the sheets and falls back onto the mattress, long legs dangling. I drop to my knees.

  I’m dying to take her, to spill inside of her, but I’ve been around long enough to know that no man has ever had a succubus at his mercy. I’m making the most of this.

  Her pussy is small, naked and thick-lipped, a deeper shade of pink than the rest of her, topped by a cherry red rosebud. The smell of her almost makes me cum right then, sweet and almost alcoholic. I drive my tongue into her slit before I can help it.

  “Ohhhh...by Dyfdd!” She writhes, the muscles of her belly dancing above her belt. “No aspirant has ever –” Her body shudders and her cry fills the room.

  This aspirant fucking will. Her pussy tastes amazing when I drag my tongue up her folds, like sugar and dark liquor.

  Her tail flicks up without warning and rolls my balls. I swear into her pussy, stiffening, lowering against her teasing appendage. It lashes around my leg, slides down the crack of my ass and between my thighs with soft friction. It snakes back upward, past her legs, pausing at the cleft of her pussy. I look up, unable to believe what she’s about to do, and her eyes are on me, glittering with desire and mischief.

  I can only stare while her tail disappears into her tight hole. She pushes it in slowly, moaning the whole while, then pulls it back out. Her lips grip as she pulls free. I can’t do anything but watch.

  “Don’t keep to yourself,” she pants.

  I won’t. I flick her clit, suck it between my teeth and throb at the realization that I’m making a succubus pant, moan, and fuck herself.

  Her small feral cries become a scream when I mash my flat tongue against her swollen bud. She raises her hips, grinds my face into her cunt and shudders violently as her tail pumps in and out, dragging wet against my chin. Her cry becomes the sound of a hundred screams.

  Her skin is plum purple when I pull my face away.

  Her tail slips from her pussy, dances in front of my face, and paints my lower lip with her juices. It presses; I can’t help but open. The musky sweet taste of her coats my tongue and I can feel her pulsing in my mouth.

  She wriggles up the bed and flips onto her belly. Her cheek presses into the pink folds of the sheet and she watches me over her shoulder, straight white teeth sunk into the red pillow of her lower lip. Her ass arches, begging.

  “In,” she begs. “Claim me.” Her pussy glistens, faded to a soft shade. I want to take her until she’s the color of midnight.

  She reaches back, grips the root of my cock with icy fingers and strokes. “Mmmhmm. I’ve sucked the soul from so many aspirants, but never one so well made.” She rolls her hips, ass wiggling. “Please...”

  “Now?” I crack her ass, loving the way her cheeks shudder, how her pussy engorges, and her skin grows dusky.

  I feel her mind like fingers, her will gripping me, dragging me to her.

  “Please,” she moans again. I can’t deny her. I grip her thick ass, her hips, and bury my cock deep in the cool dampness of her pussy. It takes two ragged breaths to keep myself from cumming. I take the base of her tail in my hand and use it for leverage, and pull her, thrusting as deep as I can. Her whole body convulses, and she mmm’s.

  The contrast between her body and mine is sharp, and so good. Each thrust is in danger of being my last.

  I pound her mercilessly. Suddenly the pressure increases. Her passage works me harder. Her tail loops out behind her thigh.

  Something slides against my cock through the thin wall of her pussy. On the next thrust, I lean back for a better view and realize her tail’s buried in her ass. I don’t try to control myself. Her body is tense, ready to come.

  It’s a risk. She’s capable of stealing my soul if I finish inside of her. I could lose myself to her, become her thrall for all eternity.

  What’s wrong with me that this drives me harder, balls slapping the swollen vee of her cunt.

  Meridiana raises onto her arms, thrusting against me, riding my cock. “Harder!” she commands, ass smacking my thighs.

  I circle her waist, bury my fingers and tease her clit. Her tail swells, thrusts, rolls my cock through the thin barrier of her pussy wall and we rail each other as hard as we can.

  Her cries fill the room, joining mine. Her tail thrusts hard and this ends me. I pump hot inside; the sensation inside her cool flesh is so intense that I spend again, breathless. Meridiana moans and moans, grinding her ass against my belly, skin blushed a deep plum.

  For a brief flash we’re the same person, inside each other’s mind. I don’t know where I end and she begins. Panic flares, urging me to wall off my secrets, my past.

  Meridiana does the opposite; opens herself fully to me. Her need, her sadness and hopelessness at this place. Her disdain for every aspirant before me, her hunger when she devoured them and her disgust at the two or three victors who fucked her like an object.

  Her will pushes past my barriers, or I release them. I don’t know. Can she see truth of my purpose here? I feel raw. So lost inside of someone else.

  It passes. We return to ourselves and she collapses to the creased sheets, gasping. I’m spent, but the smell of her pussy and her soft shape have me half hard while I lie beside her on the bed.

  I belong to you now.

  She doesn’t say it, but I hear the words. Not an impression but the actual sound of her voice.

  We can do this?

  She nods. “We share a psychic bond. This is my gift, more or less.”

  “Do you know what I’m thinking all the time?”

  Meridiana chuckles and zips a nail up my chest. Tiny drops of blood mark her path. “No. And I wouldn’t let you do it to me all the time, either.” She licks the wound, my blood lurid against her pink tongue when it slips between her lips. My exhausted cock stirs. “Only when necessary.”

  I drag her close, suckling her nipples and licking the sweat from her breasts while she tills fingers th
rough my hair. Our pleasure is one sensation for me. We could stay a while, right? Get better acquainted?

  Meridiana has other ideas. Her tail slaps my thigh. “Up.”

  I’m eager to get through the temple but looking at Meridiana...feeling these new sensations? I have time. “In a hurry?”

  Her gold and silk bustier has reappeared. Meridiana stands and she’s fully dressed again. “I’ve been to the garden perhaps three times in countless centuries. So, yes.”

  “That good?” I ask, wrestling back into my armor.

  “For me.” She turns and considers me over her shoulder through hooded eyes, tail flicking. “For you, perhaps not.”


  She runs her tongue along her top lip and laughs.

  “What does that mean!”

  Meridiana passes through the door beyond her bed.

  I grab my pack and chase after her. “Whoa, wait a–”

  The Gardener blocks our path. She stands at the end of a short passage leading from Meridiana’s chamber into the garden, her head scraping the timbers above.

  Meridiana rests her hand on my shoulder. “You were decent, for a mortal, even if you’re not a king.” It’s a complement and a goodby. She doesn’t even entirely mean the sex. “I hope you survive the next few moments,” she whispers.

  I reach for my sword. What can I do with it against all this? Worth a try. I tuck Meridiana behind me, her surprise palpable through our bond. “It’ll be alright.” Hopefully.

  “Tamlir,” echoes the Gardener.

  Her voice is less tinny, muffled. Her sculpted face seems capable of more expression than before, although right now it’s blank. “You deceived us.”

  “I never did. I swore my oath to the king of Loria; that was the truth.”

  Her arm moves, turning on an invisible seam in her wrist and elbow. She takes my hand, slits the tip of my finger with a sharp stone fingernail, and presses the blood to her heart. Or, where a heart would be if she was mortal. It stains her white marble and absorbs, disappearing.

  “You swore a blood oath to Mynogin.”

  “I did.” I’m not going to explore how she knows this.


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