Islam Unveiled: Disturbing Questions about the World's Fastest-Growing Faith

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Islam Unveiled: Disturbing Questions about the World's Fastest-Growing Faith Page 24

by Robert Spencer

  24. Aid to the Church in Need, "Religious Freedom in the Majority Islamic Countries 1998 Report: Malaysia,"

  25. Quoted in Amir Taheri, The Spirit ofAllah: Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution (Adler & Adler, 1986), p. 259.

  z6. Ibid.

  27. Quoted in Baqer Moin, Khomeini: Life of the Ayatollah (St. Martin's Press, 1999), p. 272.

  28. Lewis, The Arabs in History, p. 151.

  29. Bat Ye'or, The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam: From Jihad to Dhimmitude (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1996), p. 233.

  30. Caesar E. Farah, Islam, 6th ed. (Barrons, 2000), p. 198.

  31. Hitti, The Arabs, p. 118.

  32. Elias B. Skaff, The Place of the Patriarchs ofAntioch in Church History (Sophia Press, 1993), p. 169.

  33. Bat Ye'or, The Decline ofEastern Christianity under Islam. Nestorians were a heretical Christian sect that held that Christ was of two Persons and two natures, in contrast to the orthodox view that He is one Divine Person with two natures, divine and human. Nestorians broke from the Catholic church after being condemned at the Council of Ephesus in 431. The Jacobites were another heretical Christian sect, which held that Christ was of one Person and one nature. Jacobites and other Monophysites, as they were called, were condemned at the Council of Chalcedon in 451.

  34. Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Ideals and Realities oflslam (ABC International Group, 2000), p. 25.

  35. Hitti, The Arabs, p. 145.

  36. Ibid., p. 186.

  37. Ibid., p. 46.

  38. Ibid.

  39. Ibid., p. 49.

  40. Wilhelm Windelband, A History of Philosophy, Volume 1, Greek, Roman, and Medieval, trans. James H. Tufts (Harper & Row, 1958), p. 317.

  41. Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, The Incoherence of the Philosophers, trans. Michael E. Marmura (Brigham Young University Press, 2000), p. 2.

  42. Ibid., p. 8.

  43. Ibid., p. zzo. Bracketed words are as in the original.

  44. Tilman Nagel, The History oflslamic Theology from Muhammad to the Present, trans. Thomas Thornton (Markus Wiener Publishers, 2000), p. 211.

  45. A1-Ghazali, The Incoherence of the Philosophers, p. 226. Emphasis added.

  46. Reliance of the Traveller, o8.i.

  4 7. Mohamed Azad and Bibi Amina, Islam Will Conquer All Other Religions and American Power Will Diminish (Bell Six Publishing, 2ooi), p. 54.

  48. Nagel, The History of Islamic Theology, p. 191.

  49. Ibid., p. 195-

  50. Quoted in Dinesh D'Souza, What's So Great aboutAmerica (Regnery Publishing, 2002), p. 62. Cf. Lewis, The Arabs in History, p. 53.

  51. Lewis, What Went Wrong? P. 3.

  52. That is, around the thirteenth century at the latest.

  53. Hitti, The Arabs, pp. 153, 244-

  54. Yossef Bodansky, Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America (Prima Publishing, zoos), pp. x-xi.

  55. Quoted in Milton Viorst, In the Shadow of the Prophet (Westview Press, 2001).

  56. Ibid., p. 25.

  57. Bodansky, Bin Laden, p. xi.

  58. Taheri, Spirit ofAllah, p. 75.

  59. V. S. Naipaul, Among the Believers: An Islamic Journey (Vintage Books, 1982), p. 8.

  6o. St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Contra Gentiles, Book 2, Creation, trans. James F. Anderson (University of Notre Dame Press, 1975), ch. 25, section 14.

  61. Quoted in James V. Schall, S.J., War-Time Clarifications: Who Is Our Enemy? (2001), from Stanley Jaki, Chance or Reality, p. 242.

  62. Stanley Jaki, The Savior of Science (Regnery Gateway, 1988), p. 43.

  63. Ibid., p. 44.

  64. David Pryce-Jones, The Closed Circle: An Interpretation of the Arabs (1989; Ivan R. Dee, 2002), p. 380.

  65. Quoted in Schall, War-lime Clarifications.

  66. See chapter six.

  67. Naipaul, Among the Believers, p. 168.

  Chapter 8: The Crusades: Christian and Muslim

  i. Osama bin Laden, "Statement released to Arabic news network al-Jazeera calling on Pakistanis to resist an American attack on Afghanistan," 24 September 2001. Reprinted at

  2. Quoted in Thomas F. Madden, "Crusade Propaganda: The Abuse of Christianity's Holy Wars," National Review Online, 2 November zoos,

  3. Quoted in Anne Kornblut and Charles Radin, "Crusader Bush Blunders into His Own Holy War," Sydney Morning Herald, 19 September zoo,. Reprinted at

  4. Bill Clinton, "Remarks as delivered by President William Jefferson Clinton, Georgetown University, November 7, zoo1," Georgetown University Office of Protocol and Events,

  5. Mark Twain, Tom Sauryer Abroad (University of California Press, 1982), p. 7.

  6. Bat Ye'or, The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam: From Jihad to Dhimmitude (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1996), p. 44.

  7. Ibid., pp. 271-72.

  8. Ibid., p. 275.

  9. Ibid., p. 276.

  1o. Ibid., pp. 276-77-

  11. V. S. Naipaul, Among the Believers: An Islamic journey (Vintage Books, 1982), p. 133.

  12. Bat Ye'or, The Decline of Eastern Christianity, pp. 281-82.

  13. Ibid., p. z83-

  14. Quoted in ibid., p. 119.

  15. Steven Runciman, The Fall of Constantinople, 1453 (Cambridge University Press, 1965), p. 145.

  16. Bat Ye'or, The Decline of Eastern Christianity, p. 296.

  IT Paul Fregosi, Jihad in the West.- Muslim Conquests from the 7th to the 21st Centuries (Prometheus Books, 1998), p. 10.

  18. Sahih Muslim, vol. 3, bk. 17, no. 4364. The Banu Nadir, Banu Quraizi, Banu Qainuga' and Banu Haritha were Jewish tribes that inhabited Arabia at the time of Muhammad.

  19. Sahih Bukhari, vol. 4, bk. 56, no. 2941. For forced conversions, see Caesar E. Farah, Islam, 6th ed. (Barrons, zooo), p. 54.

  zo. Kornblut and Radin, "Crusader Bush Blunders into His Own Holy War."

  21. Bernard Lewis, The Arabs in History (Oxford University Press, 1993), PP. 163-64.

  22. Fregosi, Jihad in the West, p. 25.

  Chapter 9: Is Islam Tolerant of Non-Muslims?

  1. Bernard Lewis, What Went Wrong? (Oxford University Press, zooz), p. 114.

  2. Quoted in Philip Mansel, Constantinople: City of the World's Desire, 1453-1924 (St. Martin's Griffin, 1998), P. 414.

  3. Godfrey Goodwin, The Janissaries (Saqi Books, 1997), p. 34.

  4. Dr. A. Zahoor and Dr. Z. Haq, "Prophet Muhammad's Charter of Privileges to Christians: Letter to the Monks of St. Catherine Monastery," 1997. This is found at and many other places.

  5. A. Zahoor, "Prophet Muhammad's Treaty with Christians of Najran," 1998. This is found at and many other places.

  6. Reliance of the Traveller, 011.4.

  7. Michael the Syrian, quoted in Bat Ye'or, The Decline ofEastern Christianity under Islam: From jihad to Dhimmitude (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1996), p. 78.

  8. Ibid.

  9. Ibid.

  io. Paul Fregosi, Jihad in the West: Muslim Conquests from the 7th to the 21st Centuries (Prometheus Books, 1998), p. 258.

  11. Quoted in Ibn Warraq, Why IAm Not a Muslim (Prometheus Books, 1995), p. 228.

  12. Bat Ye'or, The Decline of Eastern Christianity.

  13. Ibid., pp. 78-79•

  14. Ibid., pp. 112-13-

  15. Steven Runciman, The Great Church in Captivity (Cambridge University Press, 1968), p. 179.

  16. Reliance of the Traveller, 011.5(2).

  IT Bat Ye'or, The Decline of Eastern Christianity, p. 96.

  18. Philip K. Hitti, The Arabs: A Short History (Regnery, 1996), p. 137.

  19. Bat Ye'or, The Decline of Eastern Christianity.

  2o. Reliance of the Traveller, 011.5(3-4).

  21. Quoted in Bat Ye'or, The Decline of Eastern Christianity, p. 98.

  22. Elias B. Skaff, The Place of the Patriarc
hs ofAntioch in Church History (Sophia Press, 1993), p. 240.

  23. Reliance of the Traveller, 011.5-7.

  24. Bat Ye'or, The Decline of Eastern Christianity, p. 85.

  25. Ibn an-Naqqash, quoted in ibid., p. 329.

  26. Ibid., p. u9.

  27. Mansel, Constantinople, p. 53•

  28. Runciman, The Great Church in Captivity, p. 205.

  29. Skaff, The Place of the Patriarchs ofAntioch, p. 159.

  30. Bat Ye'or, The Decline ofEastern Christianity, p. 91.

  P. Runciman, The Great Church in Captivity, p. 179.

  32. Lord Kinross, The Ottoman Centuries: The Rise and Fall of the Turkish Empire (Morrow Quill, 1979, p. 559.

  33• Ibid., PP- 559-60.

  34• Ibid., p. 560.

  35. Bat Ye'or, The Decline of Eastern Christianity, pp. 113, 115.

  36. Thomas Sowell, Conquests and Cultures: An International History (Basic Books, 1998), p. 192.

  37. Goodwin, The Janissaries, pp. 36-37.

  38. Quoted in Mansel, Constantinople, p. 51.

  39. Ibid.

  40. Ibid., pp. 51-52-

  41. Ibid., p. 437-

  42. Paul Johnson, A History of the Jews (Harper & Row, 1987), p. 175.

  43. Aid to the Church in Need, "Religious Freedom in the Majority Islamic Countries 1998 Report: Algeria,"

  44. Aid to the Church in Need, "Religious Freedom in the Majority Islamic Countries 1998 Report: Tunisia."

  45. V. S. Naipaul, Among the Believers: An Islamic Journey (Vintage Books, 1982), p. 18.

  46. Amir Taheri, The Spirit ofAllah: Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution (Adler & Adler, 1986), p. 84.

  47. Naipaul, Among the Believers, p. 219.

  48. Sahih Bukhari, vol. 9, bk. 87, no. 6878.

  49. Reliance of the Traveller, o8.i, 08.4.

  50. "Sudanese Prisoner Released from Hospital," Compass Direct: Global News from the Frontlines, i June 2001,

  51. Jubilee Campaign, "Persecution of Christians in Egypt," 2000, www.

  52. Anh Nga Longva, "The Apostasy Law in the Age of Universal Human Rights and Citizenship: Some Legal and Political Implications," Fourth Nordic Conference on Middle Eastern Studies: The Middle East in a Globalizing World, Oslo, 13-16 August 1998, longva.html.

  53. Aid to the Church in Need, "Religious Freedom in the Majority Islamic Countries 1998 Report: Morocco."

  54. Aid to the Church in Need, "Religious Freedom in the Majority Islamic Countries 1998 Report: Jordan."

  55. Aid to the Church in Need, "Religious Freedom in the Majority Islamic Countries 1998 Report: Saudi Arabia."

  56. Quoted in Martin Edwin Andersen, "For One Diplomat, the High Road Is a Lonely One," WorldNetDaily, 11 February 2002,

  57. "Saudi Arabia-Amnesty International Report zoo1," www.web.

  58. Reliance of the Traveller, oii.6.

  59. Sahih Bukhari, vol. 3, bk. 41, no. 2338.

  6o. "Saudi Arabia: Foreign Christians Still Locked Up," Compass Direct, 28 January 2002,

  61. Jubilee Campaign, "Christian Girl Kidnappped and Forced to Marry Muslim," i9 March 1999,

  62. Aid to the Church in Need, "Religious Freedom in the Majority Islamic Countries 1998 Report: Pakistan."

  63. Sara Pearsaul, "When Hell Broke Loose," know/story/story.htm.

  64. Aid to the Church in Need, "Religious Freedom in the Majority Islamic Countries 1998 Report: Algeria."

  65. "Malawi: Christian Teachers Threatened," Compass Direct, 28 January 2002.

  66. Aid to the Church in Need, "Religious Freedom in the Majority Islamic Countries 1998 Report: Bangladesh."

  67. "Pakistan: Christmas Season Tense for Christians," Compass Direct, 28 January 2002.

  68. Brian Saint-Paul, "The Crescent and the Gun," Crisis, January 2002, p. 15.

  69. Jubilee Campaign, "Muslim Extremists Pressure Egyptian Christians to Convert to Islam," February 23, 1999,

  70. Aid to the Church in Need, "Religious Freedom in the Majority Islamic Countries 1998 Report: Iraq."

  71. Aid to the Church in Need, "Religious Freedom in the Majority Islamic Countries 1998 Report: Libya."

  72. Aid to the Church in Need, "Religious Freedom in the Majority Islamic Countries 1998 Report: Cyprus."

  73. Aid to the Church in Need, "Religious Freedom in the Majority Islamic Countries 1998 Report: Turkey."

  74. "Nigeria: Death Toll Mounts in Religious Conflict," Compass Direct, 28 January 2002.

  75. Aid to the Church in Need, "Religious Freedom in the Majority Islamic Countries 1998 Report: Indonesia."

  76. Ibid.

  77. Sahih Bukhari, vol. 7, bk. 68, no. 5285.

  Chapter Io: Does the West Really Have Nothing to Fear from Islam?

  i. Quoted in Douglas E. Streusand, "What Does Jihad Mean?" Middle East Quarterly, September 1997.

  2. Ahmed Rashid, Jihad: The Rise ofMilitant Islam in Central Asia (Yale University Press, 2002), pp. 1-2.

  3. Muhammad Sa'id R. al-Buti, jihad in Islam: How to Understand and Practice It, trans. Munzer Adel Absi (Dar Al-Fikr Publishing House, 1995), p. 17.

  4. Rashid, Jihad:: The Rise ofMilitant Islam, p. 2.

  5. Al-Buti, Jihad in Islam, p. 2o.

  6. Quoted in Streusand, "What Does Jihad Mean?"

  7. The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an, trans. and with commentary by 'Abdullah Yusuf `Ali, loth ed. (Amana Publications, 1999), p. 76, n. 204.

  8. Ibid., p. 91.

  9. Sahih Bukhari, vol. 1, bk. 2, no. 25.

  10. Sahih Muslim, vol. 1, bk. 10, no. 31.

  11. World Islamic Front Statement, "Jihad against Jews and Crusaders," 23 February 1998, reprinted at fatwa.htm.

  12. Al-Buti, Jihad in Islam, p. 94.

  13. Reliance of the Traveller, 09.0, o9.1, 09.8, and o9.9. The Hanafi school disagrees on the final point: instead of calling for jihad against all except Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians until they become Muslims, it would also allow them to live under Islamic rule if they pay the jizya.

  14. Nadeem Azam, "Conversation with Dr. Mustafa Ceric," Nadeem Azam's Litmania,

  15. Bat Ye'or, The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam: From jihad to Dhimmitude (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1996), p. 40.

  16. Karen Armstrong, Muhammad.- A Biography of the Prophet (Harper San Francisco, 1992), p. 260.

  IT Paul Fregosi, Jihad in the West: Muslim Conquests from the 7th to the 21st Centuries (Prometheus Books, 1998).

  18. Quoted in ibid., p. 337.

  19. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), "Long-Term Global Demographic Trends: Reshaping the Geopolitical Landscape," 2ooi, ELDIS: The Gateway to Development Information,

  20. "Muslim Population Statistics,"

  21. Fahd al-Hodhaili, "Saudi Man Dies at 133," Arab News, 9 May 2002,

  22. Quoted in David Pryce-Jones, The Closed Circle: An Interpretation of the Arabs (1989; Ivan R. Dee, 2002), p. 127.

  23. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, U.S. Department of State, "International Religious Freedom Report: The Netherlands," z6 October 2ooi,

  24. Central Intelligence Agency, "Long-Term Global Demographic Trends."

  25. Philip K Hitti, TheArabs: A Short History (Regnery Publishing, 1996), p. 25.

  26. V. S. Naipaul, Among the Believers: An Islamic Journey (Vintage Books, 1982), pp. 141-42.

  27. Ibid., p. 65.

  28. Z. Iqbal, "Lesson for Christian Women on Marriage to Any Muslim Man," Pakistan Christian Post,

  29. See chapter four.

  30. Jami Floyd
on 20/2o, ABC, z8 November 2001.

  31. Nicholas D. Kristof, "All-American Osamas," New York Times, 7 June 2002; John W. Fountain, "A Phone Call Brings Sad News but Fails to Dent Faith," New York Times, 8 June 2002,

  32. Quoted in William J. Bennett, Why We Fight: Moral Clarity and the War on Terrorism (Doubleday, 2002), p. 53.

  33. Gene Edward Veith, "Christians As Taliban," World r9 January 2002, p. 14.

  34. See chapter one.

  35. Quoted in Bennett, Why We Fight, p. 62.

  36. Barry Egan, "The Road to Healing Was Long and Painful for Gabriel Byrne," Irish Independent, 13 January 2002.

  37. Quoted in Charles M. Sennott, The Body and the Blood: The Holy Land's Christians at the Turn of a New Millennium A Reporter's Journey (Public Affairs Ltd., zoos), p. 422.

  38. Sheikh cAbd al-Hamid al-Ansari, "Landmarks in Rational and Constructive Dialogue with the `Other,"' quoted in "Leading Islamic Clerics Come out for Reform in Arab-Islamic Society," Middle East Media Research Institute Special Dispatch #386, 4 June 2002,





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