The Letters of Sylvia Plath Volume 1

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The Letters of Sylvia Plath Volume 1 Page 15

by Sylvia Plath



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Wednesday 14 July 1948

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University


  July 14, 1948

  (rest hour)

  Dear Mum,

  This afternoon I think we’ll have pottery this afternoon, and Ruthy and I are going to be the only ones from our unit – (of course there are others from other units) – and it promises to be lots of fun. Our craft teacher has an adhesion of the intestine, so – no more ties for a while! You have no idea how relieved I was to receive your card that you were well and happy after your little run. My little spat of jealousy at Betsy’s racing has passed, and during her absence Marilyn & Ruth and I consumed the rest of the bananas and a tin of molasses Cookies (we left 3 for Betsy.) A stomach full of food puts me in a very contented mood! That should put on the weight my lack of sleep takes off! From your very happy, acneyed daughter



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Wednesday 14 July 1948

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 14, 1948


  Dearest Mum,

  Honestly, the way I keep writing to you today I’ll use up all my postcards – I keep leaving out some news, so I write a new card. About the food – it’s delicious. We’ve eaten the raisins, all the cookies and bananas and Betsy’s saltines and made quite a dent in the jar of peanut butter. We are having a wonderful time. Ruthy is so sweet when she’s by herself – I like her more than Betsy sometimes, even though she’s like a wound-up clock when she talks at night. It’s dark and damp and chilly today, and the sky is filled with rain. My eye is almost all cleared up, and my mosquito netting admits not one mosquito. We have rearranged our tent so it is much cosier – I like Marilyn ten times more than Jo! Jo was so sloppy and legarthic. I am so happy here, I’ll cry when I come home.

  Lots of love,


  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Thursday 15 July 1948

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 15, 1948

  Dear Mum,

  Last night we had interest groups, and I went out rowing. It was such fun – I’m meeting new friends all the time and I would love to work at a camp with young children. I can see how counsellors have favorites – I like a few of the younger girls here (by that I mean 14 years old) very much! I’m going to send you two pictures of me taken by Betsy. They’ll give you an example of how much fun we have. Well, It’s only 2 weeks now till I’ll see you – I’m so glad you’re having such fun at Falmouth. How long does it take my cards to reach you? I’m mailing this at 3:00 P.M. I’m just curious.



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Thursday–Friday 15–16 July 1948

  ALS with envelope,

  Indiana University

  July 15, 1948

  Don’t I look nice in the group photo?

  Dear Mummy,

  Please return the enclosed pictures after you look at them, as they are Betsy’s. We took them after you left Sunday, and I think that they came out quite well, all except that one of me on the profile side where my mouth appears sort of funny.

  This morning we had an outdoor cookout for breakfast and had blueberry pancakes. I know it sounds good, but after we had turned them over and gotten them all crumbly, they tasted like dough, half burnt, half raw.

  I think I’ll mail this tomorrow so I can write more news.

  I’m going up to wash my hair now – the water is working again.

  Later in the afternoon

  I’ve been lying out on the beach all afternoon with Betsy, drying our hair – it feels so nice and soft, after the salt caked on it has been scrubbed off. As of July 14th, you say you haven’t received any cards – I don’t know why – I wrote every day except Sunday. I hope that this letter makes up for those cards you’ve missed.

  Camp is really in full swing now!

  July 16th

  Last night as we stood in a circle outside the camp house and sang songs, I looked across the dark lake, mirroring the yellow lights of Vineyard Haven. Honestly, I felt just like crying when I thought of leaving this heavenly place! The weather is perfect! The sky is like a clear blue bowl, and the water is blue, blue, and invigorating. The air is dry and comfortable, with cooling breezes and bright sunlight. Every day has been like this except for three rainy evenings during the first week.

  We’re really beginning our counsellor training – planning meals and unit programs as if we were counsellors. I’m a very lucky girl – wait till I tell you! Mary, the crafts teacher, was flown to the hospital with her adhesion, so there was no one left to take her place. Of course this meant I couldn’t take over crafts on the day we counsel in the units, because we have to have a staff supervisor. But Happy (she was awed by you, I think – yak! yak!) knew how much I wanted to do it, so she said I could take over the biking unit at Crafts this morning! I did, and was it fun! Ann was in the unit, too. I just went around showing the girls how to mix paint and advising them how to draw designs etc. etc. It was easy, because I knew how to mix all the stuff, and the kids aren’t too fussy about results – In my way of thinking just about the whole camp is getting to know me! In addition to my morning Of (ahem!) craft instruction all by myself, I’m to have tomorrow and Monday with the rest of the unit. We go in twos into the jobs of our choice and see how they are done. Bets and I have the biking unit tomorrow and we’re going on an all day trip with them (hurrah!) Monday we have store, so we’ll have a lot of free time to sunbathe on the beach in. These last two weeks are so crowded that they’ll just fly by. I’m having such fun. Marilyn is nicer than Joe, and I can manage Ruthy’s occasional nasty cracks very well.

  We’ve started pottery, if you could call it that. They said they were going to have a wheel to mold on, but no! All we can do is tiles and funny shaped ashtrays! I’ve already begun the course, so I’ll have to make the best of it. The tiles can only be done in two colors, and it’s cheap clay also. I started a fruit spray on my tile, and the woman (not very artistic) did say that I had an inborn sense of balance and design. The only thing I wouldn’t like about teaching crafts is that you have to be indoors. I’d love to have outdoor classes, in the sun, but It doesn’t seem possible.

  We’re going sailing this afternoon. I do hope I can crew in one of the races, but I doubt it. Betsy is in now (sailing I mean) but Ruthy keeps me company.

  At night it is cool, and the moon is getting fuller. I have never seen such bright, iridescent moonlight before.* It is like a clear, silver wash over the trees and it shines through the leaves and into our tent, touching everything with a quiet, hushed radiance. I’m drinking as much water I am able, so that my skin will be clearer by the time I come home. Thanks for those three clippings, by the way, especially the tips of teens! I have not had to use my Magnesia yet, except once.

  I haven’t done much swimming here because of my throat a week ago and my eye more recently. Both have given me no trouble as of the last few days.

  The days here slip by so fast that it’s hard to remember all that we’ve done. We have eaten up every thing except the peanut butter, the jam, the cheese, and the surprise package which we won’t open till the last few nights. We’re waiting eagerly for the crackers Betsy’s mother’s supposedly sending us. Tell me if the surprise package contains cheese crackers, so we can save some of Betsy’s upon which to spread the chicken (It is chicken, isn’t it?) That’s all for now. I hope this makes up for the poopy delay of those poopy old cards from me!



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Saturday 17 July 1948

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 17

  Dear Mum –

  I have hardly a minute in my tent before we leave for our all day bike hike. We’re going a mere 30 miles, (heh! heh!) Bets an
d I have been dashing thru our morning chores and we have just finished making up our beds. Please send me a clean facecloth if possible. Mine are filthy dirty and I haven’t had time to wash them out. I have decided that my pusy eye is due to that fact. My emotional thermometer is stationed permanently at the “Highly Happy” mark. I’ll write you in more detail tomorrow – this is just so you’d get a card –

  All love,


  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Sunday 18 July 1948

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 18, 1948

  Dear mummy

  I was going to write you a long letter, but I just haven’t the strength. The bike hike yesterday was wonderful, yet a times I wondered if I’d get back to camp! We ate on Indian Hill, the highest point on the island. The road that led up to it was a two rut dirt lane, and it was extremely steep. We had a delicious meal, only there was nothing to drink. On the way back we stopped by the road and picked cupfuls of large, sun ripened blueberries. I rode Ruthy’s bike and I had a super time, (and got even tanner). Last night we had a masquerade and went as advertisements. I went as the chinese girl of Chen Yu nail polish. Oh, some bad news – the chain on Warren’s bike broke in two – of course I can’t ride it. I don’t think I should have it repaired here, do you? I won’t need it.



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Monday 19 July 1948

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 19, 1948

  Dear mum,

  You know, my bloodshot eyes were caused by too much sun. I’d gone sailing and biking without sun glasses too much. Now I’m wearing Betsy’s sunglasses because she doesn’t wear them. Yesterday I went to church, and the sermon was dull as usual. It was called “The Rod of the Almond Tree.” Even so, I found a little message in it. The only thing I don’t like is mouthing adorations to “the Trinity,” when I believe in no such thing – at least nothing so didactic. I’m so happy here. I’ve seen more of Anne Bowker, and we like each other alot, I think. She’s staying in N. Falmouth for August. I don’t have much time to write, but of course you’ll get a card each day. Give my special love to Grammy & grampy. These two weeks are flying by on wings of jam and cheese.



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Monday 19 July 1948

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 19, 1948

  Dearest Mum,

  Today is the second and last pre-counselor day we have. It’s such fun to walk into meals ahead of the campers! Bets and I had store today, so we also had alot of extra jobs to go with it. After breakfast we went to the (ugh!) garbage dump and emptied barrel after barrel: P.U. Then we had to lug heavy rocks up the hill for our john drain! At last we went down the beach and used up our “free time” in lying about in the sun. We then went in for a free swim and I never had such fun. The water felt deliciously cool on my tanned skin, and we’d swim about and lie on the raft until we dried off and then we’d take another dip. My e thermometer is rising a little more even.

  Lots of hugs & kisses,


  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Monday 19 July 1948

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University


  July 19, 1948

  Dear Mum,

  One of the few camp fixtures that I won’t miss is the menu. I have a least 2 pieces of bread at every meal, and last night (we always have sandwiches for Sun. nite supper) I had six pieces. That may help me gain weight, but all that starch and positively no greens is rather bad. We had the loveliest campfire last night out on the bluffs. A gray evening fog shut off the view of the sea, so we appeared to be on the extreme brink of empty gray space. The glowing red coals and sparks of the fire appeared so beautiful against the hazy background! Pardon me while I drink two cups of water!

  Lots of Love!


  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Tuesday 20 July 1948

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University


  July 20

  Dearest Mum,

  Honestly, this is one of those rare moments when I just could cry! Both Bets and Ruth have gone sailing in the harbor race, and I haven’t yet. I’m glad I can be alone in my tent for a few minutes so I won’t have to go through the torture of gay talk while I feel so sad inside. Ruth & Bets have passed more of their requirements as a result – I was up to Ruth until I had to take over crafts one night while she took land-sailing. Well, my first wave sadness has left me – If only I wasn’t so easily hurt and so darn sensitive! I take pottery for the second time this afternoon – all we make is an ash tray – isn’t that disgusting? Well, I’ll cheer up and do some sketching this rest hour. I’m getting tanner – so watch out.



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Tuesday 20 July 1948

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University


  July 20

  Dear mummy,

  I hope you get the two cards I wrote today at the same time – I just had to blow off steam to someone, and now I feel much better. I’m going to draw designs for the camp book with a couple of other girls, so life is brighter. The mail you send is quite irregular – I got none from you last night, but three cards the night before! We have had meat about 5 times since we’ve been here. Listen to these two outrageous menus and be rightfully indignant! Supper bread soaked in water with a sprinkling of tomato sauce, potatoes and bread and jam: chocolate pudding for dessert! Lunch Mere scalloped potatoes and bread & jam. Half a canned peach for dessert. Starches! Starches! Of course our “store” has diminished to spreads, with only bread snitched from the table to put it on!

  Loads of love from a happier


  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Tuesday 20 July 1948

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University


  July 20

  Dear Mum,

  Here I am again for the third time today, and feeling even better! Do you know an odd coincidence? One girl in my unit came up to me and asked if I knew Wayne Sterling! It seems that her little brother wrote her from the Y camp where Wayne is counsellor, and Wayne wanted to know if I went to his sister’s camp! We had a girl scout troop from V. Haven come to visit us for a day & night, and they left this morning. They were all cute except for one freak who scared Bets & me & looked like this: I pitied her, but she was so utterly horribly slovenly that we kept away from her. I’m not so homely after all.

  Lots of love

  – me

  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Tuesday 20 July 1948*

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University


  June 20th

  P.S. I’ll write more tomorrow

  Dear Mummy,

  I had about the most fun today as I have had yet. The morning was very calm, and we sailed across down the lagoon to a boat-building place where we were to leave them to be tuned up for the big race this week. It was so calm that it took us two hours to get over to the place in Vineyard Haven, and we had to wait around for the camp truck to take us back. I was in the 2nd load, and the truck got a flat while taking back the 1st group, so about 5 of us waited around in V. Haven till the truck returned at long last. I was out in the sun from 9:30 until one, and I have a dark burn over my tan. Have you been getting all my cards? I’ve written quite a few. It’s so nice to hear from you every day.



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Wednesday 21 July 1948

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 21

  Late afternoon & early evening

  Dear Mum,

  I am so happy it bubbles over! My “thermometer” is back to it’s high normal again. Nothing special has happen
ed except that I have, in the midst of my petty jealousies, found myself. I am filled with complete serenity and love for you and your cheery little cards which have arrived so faithfully! Tonite was wonderful! I got a card from you and Mrs. Freeman and a letter from Wayne! I gave my skit to our unit but they didn’t pick it for the talent show! – It was too frivolous, I think. Today I had two pottery lessons, while Ruth raced, so my thoughts were happily absorbed. I can only make two things – a tile and (I persuaded the man instructor) a little pot with a cover. It’s very simple ’cause I had to make it by hand – without a wheel.


  Me – Sherry – sivvy

  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Thursday 22 July 1948

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 22

  Dear Mum,

  Here I am again! About the pottery – I have made a tile, but it will have to be fired and then glazed with colors before it’s ready. I won’t be able to take it home with me, but it will be sent when finished (more expense!) My jam pot is a little lopsided since I had to round it out by hand, but as long as nothing breaks in the firing I will be satisfied. I won’t be sorry I spent $3 if everything comes out all right! Don’t expect too much, though. Ruthy missed two lessons while racing, so the potter left clay, and I’m teaching her how to make a jam pot! I have had more experience in crafts instructing since the counsellor got her adhesion – I know as much as anyone in camp and the head of camp likes me to be at the craft house alot!



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Friday 23 July 1948

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 23, 1948

  Dear Mummy,

  How I love my little lopsided jam pot! It looks an ugly clay-color just now because I have just finished modeling it. Pottery takes an awful long time to complete! It takes days and days to dry out after modeling, and then it must be fired. Then it must be soaked, then glazed (painted with colors) and then heated again! I did three hundred yards of swimming today without stopping once – 50 crawl, 50 inverted breast stroke, 50 elem. backstroke, 50 sidestroke, 50 brest stroke, 50 dogpaddle. By the time I got through, my noseplugs broke and I got a noseful of salt water – a little sniffle resulted, and I’ll have to mend my plugs somehow. I am drawing portraits for just about the whole camp – one girl saw the sketch I did of Bets, and so I went on from there. I’ve done about 6 so far and my drawing papers all gone.


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