by Sylvia Plath
‘Wind’, 1323n, 1326
Hughes, William Henry (TH’s father, ‘Willy’), 1230n, 1231, 1238, 1242, 1246, 1258; SP’s descriptions of, 1242
Hugo, Ian, 1002n
Hull, Edith Hirsh, 375n, 417
Humphrey, Robert Hills, 230, 240, 257, 264, 269, 272–3, 276, 285, 290, 310, 313, 320, 508, 557; SP’s dating of, 312, 317, 325, 328
Humphries, Rolfe, 1175, 1177, 1181
Humphry, Judy, 476, 508
Hungary, 499, 524
Hunnewell Playfield, 151n
Hunter, Nancy Jean, see Steiner, Nancy Hunter
Hunter College (New York), 905
Hurricane Carol, 800
Hurricane Connie, 948n, 952
Hurricane Diane, 955–6
Hurricane Hazel, 824
Hutton, Barbara, 962
Huws, Daniel, 1095n, 1116; ‘Chequer No. 9’, 1095n, 1302
Huxley, Aldous, 166, 851, 1124; Brave New World, 166, 1135
Hyannis, Mass., 492
Hydrogen bomb, 161
Ibsen, Henrik, 726, 785, 1004, 1027, 1028, 1047, 1128n; Brand, 1043, 1128n; Eleven Plays of Henrik Ibsen, 727n; Peer Gynt, 1013; When We Dead Awaken, 1043
Iceland, 397, 891, 895
‘If You Love Me (Really Love Me)’, 789
Île de la Cité (Paris), 1063n, 1064, 1069, 1087, 1155
Illinois, 270, 288
Illuminations (choreographic work), 633n
‘I’m Alone in the House’, 98, 100
‘I’m in the Mood for Love’, 869
India, 982, 996, 1057
Indian Hill, Vineyard Haven, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., 126
Indiana, 177
Inge, William, Picnic, 717
Innsbruck, Austria, 1160
Iowa Writers’ Workshop, 637
Iraq, 998
Irish, Frank, 147n
Irving, Washington, ‘Rip Van Winkle’, 669n, 1194
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, 334
Isis, 1179n, 1193; SP’s work in, 1196
Israel, 1009, 1040, 1085, 1119
Istanbul, Turkey, 725
Italian language: 954; learning, 1093–4, 1124, 1145
Italy, 474, 714, 853, 874, 891, 893, 959, 978, 1055, 1065, 1067, 1074, 1080, 1093–4, 1096, 1103–4, 1109, 1117, 1121–2, 1131, 1136, 1140, 1146, 1151, 1153–4, 1158, 1164, 1175, 1181, 1197, 1209, 1214, 1224, 1230, 1252
Jackson, Kenneth Hurlstone, A Celtic Miscellany, 1200n
Jackson, Shirley, 613, 1087; Bird’s Nest, 1087; ‘The Lottery’, 613
Jaffrey, NH, 761, 785, 943
Jamaica Plain (Boston), 29n
James, Betsy, 464, 473
James, Henry, 669, 674, 721, 736–7, 759; The Ambassadors, 741; The American, 741; ‘The Beast in the Jungle’, 943; The Portrait of a Lady, 741, 956, 965n
Jamestown Falcons, 648n
Jamestown Stamp Company, 30–1, 37, 44
Janie Gets Married (motion picture), 84n
Japanese, 864
Jardin des Tuileries (Paris), 1069, 1087, 1104, 1153, 1157, 1210, 1232
Jenner, William E. (William Ezra), 516, 520, 523
Jews (American), 468
Jews (British), 1009, 1014, 1027, 1033, 1040, 1044, 1050, 1056
Joan of Arc, Saint, 1078, 1112
Jocelyn, Carol, 474
Joe’s Spaghetti House, see Northampton, Mass.
John, Errol, 1316n; Moon on a Rainbow, 1316n
John the Baptist, Saint, 1081–2
John Frederics Hats, 632
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co., 239
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1006, 1094
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, 461
Johnson, Corbet Stephens, Jr, 220
Johnson, Floyd, 313n
Jolson, Al, ‘California, Here I Come’, 98
Jones, Barbara Slatter, 949n
Jones, Howard Mumford, 781, 946
Jones, Lewis Webster, 949, 952
Jones, Margie, 98
Jones Beach State Park, New York, 636
Jonesport, Maine, 333, 335
Jonson, Ben, Bartholomew Fair, 1003, 1008, 1013, 1018, 1022–6, 1027n, 1028, 1029, 1031, 1039, 1042, 1048, 1055, 1057, 1083
Jordan, Sara Murray, Good Food for Bad Stomachs, 830
Joshua Taylor (department store), 1198
Jour de Fête (motion picture), 508
Jovy, Herbert Guenther, 397n
Joy of Cooking, see Rombauer, Irma von Starkloff
Joyce, James, 481, 544, 558, 563, 583, 592, 622, 645, 652, 654, 709, 763, 770, 894, 960, 964, 1057, 1090, 1096, 1100, 1124, 1165; Chamber Music, 740–1; Dubliners, 481, 587, 589, 1100; Finnegan’s Wake, 647n, 741, 762–3, 779, (quotation from) 647, 768n; A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, 558, 1045n; Ulysses, 558, 654, 682, 697, 705, 741, 771, 1045n, 1046, (quotation from) 768n, 1018; SP’s thesis on, 583, 585–6, 622, 636, 645–6, 654
Judaism, 392, 416
Jules, Mervin, 179n, 189, 200, 208, 301, 665
Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav), The Undiscovered Self, 823
Kafka, Franz, 518, 554, 669, 850, 1003, 1040n, 1110; ‘In the Penal Colony’, 873; ‘The Metamorphosis’, 1040n; Selected Short Stories of Franz Kafka, 518n, 850
Kahrl, Julia Gamble (‘Judy’), 1310n
Kahrl, Stanley J., 1310n
Kamirloff, Igor (‘Gregory’, ‘Gary’), 638, 642
Kandinsky, Wassily, 779
Kant, Immanuel, 559
Kaplan, Lewis, 1267, 1269, 1290
Karamazov, Ivan (fictional character), 1136
Karmel, Ilona, ‘Fru Holm’, 449n, 863
Kassay, Attila A., 499–500, 524, 560
Katherine, 368
Kathryn Irene Glascock Poetry Prize, 907–10, 913–16, 921, 929, 1135, 1260, 1263, 1267
Kaufman, Carol Koch, 609–11
Käutner, Helmut, 1078n
Kaye, Danny, 777
Kazin, Alfred, 674n, 803n, 826–7, 831, 833, 842, 845–6, 848, 852, 859, 866, 871, 874, 880, 900, 904, 911, 929, 947, 952, 1040–1, 1052, 1090, 1114, 1124, 1322; ‘The Novelist and the Unknown’, 899; On Native Grounds, 826, 852; A Walker in the City, 826, 852
Keats, John, 388
Keefe, Frederick L., 1268n; ‘Road to Barcelona’, 1268
Keep It Clean, 514, 516
Keller, James, 922
Kelly, Edna, 486–7
Kelly, Grace, 1049, 1078, 1105
Kelly, Walt, 523n; Pogo, 523
Kelsey, Estella Culver, 677n, 694, 703, 738, 809, 856
Kenefick, Austin Walsh, Jr, 191–3, 215; SP’s dating of, 191
Kennedy, Charlotte, see Ehrenhaft, Charlotte Kennedy
Kent, Pamela Lewis, 335n, 481
Kentucky, 145–6, 919
Kenya, 972, 1155
Kenyon College, 902
Keokuk, Iowa, 641
Khan, E. J., 1270n; ‘Letter from Bermuda’, 1270
Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich, 1167, 1172, 1175–6, 1187, 1203, 1247, 1251
Kiefer, Flora Van Noorden, 473n
Kierkegaard, Søren, 1102
Kilgallen, Dorothy, ‘On Broadway’ (quotation from), 642n
Kimber, Renee Mary Elizabeth, 967n, 968
Kind Hearts and Coronets (motion picture), 465, 1013
King, Florence, 231n
King, Norman, The Shadow of Doubt, 960, 964
King, Rudolph, 776
King and I, The, 361, 959, 964, 969, 999
Kingston, New York, 924
King’s Cross (London), 1295, 1300
Kinsey, Alfred C., 688n
Kinugasa, Teinosuke, 864n
Kipling, Rudyard, 1221; ‘How the Leopard Got Its Spots’, 1221; Just So Stories, 1221n
Kittery, Maine, 161n
Klauer, Frederick J., Jr, 936n
Klauer, Ruth, 936n
Klee, Paul, 779
Klein, Elinor Friedman (‘Ellie’, ‘Elly’), 899n, 914, 940, 952–3, 1016, 1052, 1080, 1099, 1102–3, 1113, 1153, 1195n, 1205–6, 1246–7, 1250, 1269, 1299; SP’s c
orrespondence with, 965, 994–6, 1039–41, 1103–5, 1130–2, 1206–7, 1209–10, 1238–9
Klitgaard, Georgina B., 926n
Klitgaard, Kaj, 926n
Klitgaard, Wallace, 926
Knight, Kathleen Preston, 812n, 815, 817, 819, 828, 830, 844, 846
Knock on Wood (motion picture), 777
Knox, David, 1260
Knox, Mary Bailey Derr, 1260, 1299
Koch, Carol, see Kaufman, Carol Koch
Koestker, Arthur, Darkness at Noon, 294, 996
Koffka, Elisabeth Ahlgrimm, 179n, 231, 257, 674n, 694, 704–5, 809
Kohn, Hans, 726–7
Kopp, Jane Baltzell, 967n, 982, 984, 1063n, 1065, 1067, 1081, 1085, 1092–3, 1099, 1102n, 1116, 1125, 1152n, 1196, 1202, 1272, 1293–4, 1296, 1308
Korea, 520,743
Korean War, 168, 272, 397, 416, 520
Kostelec, Joze, 285n, 291
Kozash, Barbara F., 542
Krajewski, Henry B., 523
Krakatoa, Indonesia, 738
Kramer, Arthur Bennett, 464, 471, 475, 478, 480–2, 485, 487, 489, 498, 569–70; SP’s dating of, 473–6
Kramm, Joseph, 482; The Gypsies Wore High Hats, 482n
Krishnamurty, Lakshmi Burra, 1272n, 1305
Krook-Gilead, Dorothea (‘Doris’), 1124n, 1141, 1143, 1145, 1151, 1153, 1177, 1179, 1185, 1191, 1199, 1202, 1287, 1295, 1297, 1301, 1305, 1307–8, 1322–6, 1328
Kukil, Karen V., 170n
Kurosawa, Akira, 516n
Kyrgyz, 749
L’Age D’or (motion picture), 1093n, 1102
La Chambre (choreographic work), 1068, 1104
La Guardia Airport (New York), 716
La Ronde (motion picture), 931, 933
La Strada (motion picture), 1060
La Vias, Jose Antonio, see Lavalle, Jose A. de
Labor Day, 308, 621
Ladies’ Home Journal, 309, 482, 579, 584, 812, 861n, 866, 871, 874, 894, 929, 949n, 1083, 1105, 1143, 1229, 1252
LaFleur Airport (Northampton, Mass.), 832
Lake District (England), 1171
Lake Ossipee, NH, 12
Lake Placid, New York, 579
LaMar, Nathaniel D. (‘Nat’), 998, 1002, 1012–13, 1033, 1038, 1041, 1043, 1048, 1053, 1058, 1067, 1085, 1091, 1093, 1099, 1102, 1255; ‘Creole Love Song’, 998, 1041, 1043, 1048, 1058, 1255n; ‘Miss Carlo’, 1255n; ‘The Music Teacher’, 1255n
Lamarr, Hedy, 9
Lameyer, Gordon (‘Gord’, ‘Gordy’), 559–60, 562, 576, 587, 592, 600, 657, 685, 697, 703, 725, 744, 844–5, 850, 862, 875, 945, 1007, 1016, 1040, 1052, 1075, 1096, 1099, 1102, 1104, 1127, 1132, 1140–1, 1143, 1151, 1157–8, 1160, 1230, 1238; Dear Sylvia, 652n; SP’s correspondence with, 644–7, 649–53, 659–63, 668–72, 677–83, 685–6, 689–93, 705–8, 714–23, 740–3, 758–72, 774–9, 783–97, 801–3, 805–8, 814–18, 828–33, 836–7, 846–7, 857–60, 868–70, 894–5, 918–21, 931–2, 942–3, 946–8, 951–3, 955–8, 964–5, 987–9, 1041–5, 1086–8, 1108–10, 1121–3, 1144–6, 1310n; SP’s dating of, 563–4, 600, 781, 811–12, 827–8, 834–5, 854, 867, 936–7
Lameyer, Helen Ames, 560n, 646, 650, 773, 775–7, 783, 828, 932, 936, 940–2, 946, 948, 970, 1044, 1052, 1140, 1145
Lameyer, Paul, 560n
Lamont Poetry Selection of the Academy of American Poets, 1177n
Lamson, Peggy, 952; ‘You Shall Become a Man’, 949n
Lamson, Roy, 949n, 952
Landowska, Wanda, 775
Lane, 364
Lane, Lois (fictional character), 765
Langland, William, 545n; Piers Plowman, 545, 547
Larchmont, New York, 492
Larkin, Emmet J., 1132, 1143, 1152, 1154
Last Holiday (motion picture), 940n, 942
Latham’s Inn and Restaurant (Brewster, Mass.), 368, 469, 491, 496
Latin, 978
Laughton, Charles, 614
Lauriat, Nathaniel Page, 413
Lavalle, Carlos Holguin de, 642n
Lavalle, Jose A. de, 642n
Lavalle, Juan Bautista de, 642n
Lawner, Lynne, 907n, 908, 910, 939; SP’s correspondence with, 930, 932–3
Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 284n, 531, 643, 709, 757, 779, 976, 1132, 1141, 1143, 1145, 1153; The Man Who Died, 782, 1132, 1153; ‘The Rocking-Horse Winner’, 284; Sons and Lovers, 777, 780; Studies in Classic American Literature, 726; Women in Love (quotation from), 643n
Lawrence, Gertrude, 485
Le Clercq, Tanaquil, 637, 640
Le Jour Se Lève (motion picture), 1318
League of Women Voters, 874
Lean, David, 401n
Leavis, F. R. (Frank Raymond), 976, 989, 1000, 1047, 1088, 1092, 1122, 1124, 1150, 1153
LeClair, Pauline Ann (‘Polly’), 456–7, 478
Lee, Virginia (‘Ginny’), 145
Lehmann, John, 962, 1278, 1316; SP’s correspondence with, 973–4
Lehmann, Phyllis Williams, 674n, 694
Lehmkuhl, Donald, 907n, 969n
Lehrer, Tom, 678
Leighton, Margaret, 960
Leonardo, da Vinci, Mona Lisa, 1087, 1104; Virgin of the Rocks, 1069
Les Carnets du Major Thompson (motion picture), 1066n
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 833; Minna Von Barnhelm, 810, 813
Let’s Do It Again (motion picture), 633n
Levenson, Christopher, 1094, 1096, 1100, 1120, 1257, 1285–6; SP’s dating of, 1099, 1102, 1107, 1115
Levin, Harry, 806, 810
Lévy, Marianne, 113, 119
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1136, 1302; The Silver Chair (quotation from), 738
Lewis, Sinclair, 153, 234; Arrowsmith, 153, 640; Babbitt, 777, 779; Main Street, 153
Lewis, Walter, 1176n, 1178, 1203, 1251
Licht, Carl E., 906n
Licht, Dorrit, see Colf, Dorrit Licht
Life, 512
Liffey, River (Ireland), 645
Lighthouse Sand Bar, 458
Lima, Peru, 642n
Lincoln, Abraham, 520, 523
Lincoln, Eleanor Terry, 504n, 606, 695
Linda, 469
Linden, Richard L. (‘Dick’), 818
Liszt, Franz, Les Preludes, 104n
Little, David Mason, 738
Little, Marybeth, see Weston, Marybeth Little
Little World of Don Camillo, The (motion picture), 998n
Litvin, Natasha, see Spender, Natasha
‘Little Red Riding Hood’ (fictional character), 473
Liverpool Street Station (London), 1300, 1320
Lloyd, Diana, 1205n
Lloyd, Harold, 1240
Lloyd, Humphrey, 1205n
Lloyds Bank, 971–2, 1082, 1265
Lodge, George C., 954n
Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr, 954
Lodge, Margaret Beatrice, A Fairy to Stay, 7
Logan, Jonathan, 310
Logan International Airport (Boston), 716, 869–70
Lois, 93
London, UK, 930, 956–7, 960–1, 964–6, 969, 986, 1003, 1012, 1030–3, 1035, 1040–2, 1044, 1046, 1049–50, 1053, 1055–6, 1058, 1068, 1072, 1077, 1079, 1081–2, 1084, 1088, 1093–4, 1100–2, 1104, 1106–7, 1120, 1122, 1125, 1132, 1140, 1143–5, 1147, 1151–2, 1154, 1159, 1161, 1164, 1167, 1170–2, 1174–5, 1177–80, 1185, 1190, 1194–6, 1200–9, 1212, 1215, 1221, 1238, 1241, 1244, 1246, 1248–50, 1252–3, 1260–1, 1267, 1269, 1274–6, 1278, 1281–2, 1286–8, 1290, 1292, 1294–5, 1297–8, 1300–1, 1304, 1306n, 1307–8, 1312–14, 1318–19, 1321–4, 1327–9;
restaurants: Chez Auguste, 961; Dove, 969; Sa Tortuga, 969n; Schmidt’s, 1208;
theatres and cinemas: Arts Theatre, 961, 1107, 1316; Criterion Theatre, 960n, 1204n; Curzon (cinema), 960n, 1060n; Drury Lane Theatre, 969; Garrick Theatre, 961n; Leicester Square Theatre (cinema), 1070n; New Theatre, 964n; Old Vic, 1141, 1150, 1152; St James’s Theatre, 960n; Saville Theatre, 960n; Vaudeville Theatre, 1060n
London Magazine, The, 960, 962, 973, 1278, 1297, 1303, 1311, 1316
London School of Economics and Pol
itical Science, 1143n, 1152, 1154
Long Island, New York, 308
Long Pond (Brewster, Mass.), 458
Long Pond (Plymouth, Mass.), 63
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 43n; Tales of a Wayside Inn, 34n; ‘There was a little girl’, 1007n
Longmeadow, Mass., 914
Longsworth, Maurice A., Jr, 696
Look Memorial Park (Northampton, Mass.), 304, 325, 329, 732, 734
Lookout Farm (South Natick, Mass.), 162n, 167–8, 234, 250, 350, 352, 415, 557, 599, 680, 697, 751
Lord & Taylor, 717
Lorre, Peter, 718
Lotz, Anastasia, 531n, 534, 590
Lotz, Michael, 531n, 590
Lotz, Myron (‘Mike’), 529–31, 540, 547, 550, 554–5, 557, 559–60, 562, 566, 567n, 568–70, 572–5, 578, 582–3, 585, 587, 590, 592, 597, 600, 608, 618–19, 621, 969, 992–3; Henry Fellowship, 993; SP’s correspondence with, 543–6, 562, 648; SP’s dating of, 530, 534–7, 551, 555–6, 571, 580–1, 584–6, 614–15, 627, 696, 735
Lotz, Theodore, 556n, 571, 585, 627
Loungway, Duncan Peck, 35–7, 40, 43, 47, 63
Loungway, Ferdinand John, 39n, 178, 261, 1229
Loungway, John, 31
Loungway, Margaret Neall Peck, 38n, 68n, 1229
Loungway, Margot, see Drekmeier, Margot Loungway
Loungway, Susan Kent (‘Susie’), 35–7, 39–40, 43, 47, 63
Love Me or Leave Me (motion picture), 931n
Lowell, James Russell, 43n
Lownes, Rosamond Horton (‘Reggie’), 258, 280, 418
Loy, Myrna, 715
Luce, Clare Boothe, Kiss the Boys Goodbye, 298
Lucio, 1155
Lucky Strike (cigarette brand), 621
Ludwig, Carl, 5
Luery, Anita Myers, 632n
Lunt, Storer B., 833
Lycette, Diana Yates, 258, 280, 418
Lydford, Richard, 191n
Lynes, Russell, 598, 601–2, 609; SP’s correspondence with, 598–9
Lynn, Mary Elisabeth, 533, 544n, 573, 580, 582
Lynn, Mass., 347, 514
Lynn, William Sanford, Jr, 531, 533, 544, 573, 580, 582
Lynn, William Sanford, III (‘Sandy’), 578–80, 582
Lyric, 939, 942, 944, 1075, 1082, 1106; Young Poets Prize, 1135, 1260; SP’s work in, 942, 944, 974–5
Lythgoe, John Nicholas, 986n, 994, 998, 1003, 1008–9, 1012, 1014, 1017, 1043, 1049, 1053, 1060n, 1080, 1099
Lythgoe, Richard James, 1003n, 1033n
McAlpine, Bessie May, see Sullins, Bessie McAlpine
MacArthur, Elizabeth Whittemore (‘Betsy’), 204, 259, 280, 400, 418, 443, 1189
MacArthur, Robert Helmer, 418, 1189
McBreen, Mary, 179n; Who’s Who in 1954, 163n, 179, 206