The Letters of Sylvia Plath Volume 1

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by Sylvia Plath

  scrapbook (Smith College), 289, 468n, 492, 535n, 540n, 562n, 564n, 583n, 612n, 614, 635n, 642n, 737n, 769n, 780n, 783n, 922n, 927n;


  ‘15 Area Girls to Graduate From Smith College June 9’, 444;

  ‘Admonition’, 595;

  ‘Admonitions’, 661;

  ‘Aerialist’, 1264n;

  ‘Age of Anxiety and the Escape from Freedom, The’, 759n;

  ‘Agony of Will, The’, 248n, 256;

  ‘All the Dead Dears’ (story), 1264, 1291, 1314;

  ‘Alone and Alone in the Woods Was I’, 120;

  ‘American in Paris, An’, 1161n, 1167, 1171, 1175;

  ‘And Summer Will Not Come Again’, 164n, 493, 522n, 599n;

  ‘Apology to Pan’, 911n;

  ‘Apotheosis’, 942n;

  ‘Apparel for April’, 882n, 883–4;

  ‘April: 1948’, 414n;

  ‘April Aubade’, 908n;

  ‘Arched stairway to Castillo, in Benidorm’, 1326n, 1330;

  ‘Arts in America’, 862n;

  ‘As a Baby-Sitter Sees It’, 394n, 399, 439, 493, 599n;

  ‘At sunup, the banana stand at the peasant market in Benidorm opened for business’, 1326n, 1330;

  ‘Atmosphere in the Short Story’, 211n;

  ‘Austrian-born Junior Enlists in Women’s Marine Corp, “Can’t wait to get there”’, 614n;

  ‘B. and K. at the Claridge’, 1178, 1187, 1247, 1251;

  ‘Babysitters, The’, 359n;

  ‘Ballad Banale’, 857n;

  Bell Jar, The, 657n;

  ‘Birthday, The’, 634, 636;

  ‘Bitter Strawberries’, 234n, 493, 599n;

  ‘Black Bull, The’, 1221n, 1235–6, 1246n, 1264;

  ‘Black Pine Tree in Orange Light’, 935n;

  ‘Brief Encounter’, 425n, 511; see also ‘Though Dynasties Pass’;

  ‘Bucolics’, 1199n;

  ‘Cambridge Letter’, 1179n, 1193, 1196;

  ‘Cambridge: A vista of gables and chimney pots’, 1106n;

  ‘Camp Helen Storrow’, 26–7;

  ‘Camping’, 12n;

  ‘Carnival Nocturne’, 490n, 493, 591n, 599n, 705, 708;

  ‘Central Spot for Religion Groups At Smith’, 512n;

  ‘Channel Crossing’, 1113n, 1133, 1136–7;

  ‘Character is Fate’, 222n, 228, 240;

  ‘Cheers, Jeers Promised for Smith Game’, 516n;

  ‘Chiaroscuro and Counterpoint’, 613, 615, 622;

  ‘Christmas Heart, The’, 1143;

  ‘Circus in Three Rings’, 845n, 847, 896, 912, 915, 917, 920, 928–9, 932, 935, 1280;

  ‘City Streets’, 153, 157;

  Collected Poems, 393n, 396n, 593n, 1105n, 1271n, 1276–7n, 1283n;

  ‘Complaint’, 889n;

  ‘Complaint of the Crazed Queen’, see ‘The Queen’s Complaint’;

  ‘Conversation Among the Ruins’, 1164;

  ‘Cove Unit Report’, 77n;

  ‘“Crisis” Is Topic of Dr. Niebuhr in Northampton’, 412n;

  ‘Crossing the Equinox’, 366n, 526n, 564;

  ‘Daedalus and Icarus by Lindsay Daen’, 901n, 1025;

  ‘Danse Macabre’, 896, 921n, 973n;

  ‘Day Mr Prescott Died, The’, 880, 1308, 1318, 1322;

  ‘Dead, The’, 731, 755;

  ‘Den of Lions’, 179, 197, 259, 261n, 262–3, 271, 301, 313–14, 320, 355, 385, 493, 511, 572, 599n;

  ‘Desert Song’, 911n;

  ‘Destructive Power of Genius in Four of Ibsen’s Plays, The’, 1027n, 1029;

  ‘Dialogue’, 549n;

  ‘Dialogue en Route’, 591, 603, 605;

  ‘Dialogue Over a Ouija Board’, 1018n;

  ‘Dirge’, see ‘Lament’;

  ‘Dirge in Three Parts’, 681;

  ‘Discontented Mayor’, 1268;

  ‘Dispossessed, The’, 896;

  ‘Doom of Exiles’, 729, 730, 755;

  ‘Doomsday’, 567n, 576, 587, 598, 601–2, 656, 708–10, 739, 743;

  ‘Doors Open to a New Life’, 285n;

  ‘Dream with Clam-Diggers’, 889n, 1257, 1259, 1268, 1288, 1330;

  ‘Dualism of Thomas Mann, The’, 257n, 262–4, 275;

  ‘Dying Witch Addresses Her Young Apprentice, The’, 1264n;

  ‘Edith Sitwell and the Development of Her Poetry’, 576, 589;

  ‘Elegy’, 889n;

  ‘Ella Mason and Her Eleven Cats’, 1256, 1264n;

  ‘Ennui’, 896;

  ‘Epitaph in Three Parts’, 896, 915n, 929n, 1004n, 1153;

  ‘Epitaph for Fire and Flower’, 1257, 1259, 1262–3, 1268, 1288, 1330;

  ‘Evergreens’, 1325;

  ‘Eye-Mote, The’, 1142n;

  ‘Fabulous Roommate, The’, 1236;

  ‘Fairy Wonders’, 6n;

  ‘Faith Groups Open Center for Students’, 512n;

  ‘Farewell, The’, 153, 155–6, 414n;

  ‘Faun’, 1165, 1179n, 1257, 1259, 1268, 1288, 1330;

  ‘Firesong’, 1179n, 1183–4, 1264n, 1280;

  ‘Four Tragedies of Corneille: The Conflict of Good with Good’, 981, 997;

  ‘Funny Faces’, 27n;

  ‘Glutton, The’, 1179n, 1257;

  ‘Go Get the Goodly Squab’, 436, 598n, 601–2, 656, 708, 711–12;

  ‘Gold leaves shiver’ [first line], 188–9;

  ‘Gold mouths cry’, 381;

  ‘Golden Season, The’, 197n, 198, 202, 204–5;

  ‘Gone Is the River’, 153, 155;

  ‘Hallowe’en’, 414n;

  ‘Hardcastle Crags’ (story), 1244n, 1246n;

  ‘Harlequin Love Song’, 857n;

  ‘“Heresy Hunts” Menace Liberty; Struik Claims’, 425n;

  ‘Hike to Lovell River’, 12n;

  ‘Hill of Leopards’ (provisional book title), 1252;

  ‘Home Is Where the Heart Is’, 876, 879;

  ‘Hypnotizing Husband, The’, 1229, 1236;

  ‘I Am An American’, 346–7;

  ‘I found a little fairy’ [first line], 8;

  ‘I found my God in Auden, 589;

  ‘I had my allowance’ [first line], 323;

  ‘I have a little fairy’ [first line], 6;

  ‘I Lied for Love’, 601n;

  ‘Ice Age’, 680n, 929n, 935n, 973n;

  ‘Ideal Summer, The’, 572;

  ‘Imagery in Patterns, The’, 301n;

  ‘In Retrospect: A Plea for Moderation’, 300n, 319;

  ‘In the Mountains’, 845n, 847, 879;

  ‘Initiation’, 509n, 511–12, 548, 584, 599n, 862, 1132;

  ‘Insolent Storm Strikes at the Skull’, 896, 929n;

  ‘Invisible Man, The’, 1288, 1291–2, 1297, 1300, 1302, 1305–6, 1314, 1318;

  ‘Item: Stolen, One Suitcase’, 850, 857n;

  ‘Jilted’, 366n;

  Journals of Sylvia Plath, 1950–1962, 170n, 191n, 422n, 499n, 579n, 644n, 1017n, 1036n, 1055n, 1077–78n, 1091n, 1116n, 1125n, 1163n, 1268n, 1296n, 1318n;

  ‘Kafka by Sahl Swarz’, 901n, 1025;

  ‘Kiosque by Louvre’, 1161n, 1167, 1175;

  ‘Lake, The’, 68–9;

  ‘Lament’, 889, 896, 915, 929n, 942, 944;

  ‘Lament: A Villanelle’, see ‘Lament’;

  ‘Latter-Day Saints, The’, 140n;

  ‘Latvian, The’, 391n;

  ‘Laughton Holds Audience Spellbound With Readings’, 614n;

  ‘Leaves from a Cambridge Notebook’, 1106n, 1153, 1170;

  Letters Home, 501n, 686n, 1073n, 1074, 1216n;

  ‘Lion Tamer’, 912, 915–16, 920; see also ‘Circus in Three Rings’;

  ‘Literary Speakers Mark Symposium at Smith College’, 601n;

  ‘Love Is a Parallax’, 929n;

  ‘Mad Girl’s Love Song’, 567–68n, 603, 605;

  ‘Mad Queen’s Song’, see ‘Queen’s Complaint, The’;

  Magic Mirror, The, 674n, 740, 753, 866, 871, 918, 929; see also Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, SP’s thesis on;r />
  ‘Many Area Students Are Among the 464 Who Will Get Smith Degrees on June 8’, 623, 628;

  ‘Many happy returns’, 898n;

  ‘Marcia Ventura and the Ninth Kingdom’, 877n;

  ‘Marxism Seeks to Replace God, Lecturer Says’, 426n;

  ‘Mary Ventura’, 401n, 405;

  ‘Mary Ventura and the Ninth Kingdom’, 553n, 556, 583, 877, 879–80;

  ‘Matisse Chapel, The’, 1089, 1094, 1099, 1105, 1112, 1153;

  ‘May Morning, A’, 47;

  ‘Metamorphoses of the Moon’, 929n;

  ‘Metamorphosis’, see ‘Faun’;

  ‘Misery of Man Is Due to His Defects’, 426n;

  ‘Missing Mother’, 107;

  ‘Mlle’s Last Word on College ’53’, 634;

  ‘Modern Tragedy in the Classic Tradition’, 284n, 300;

  ‘Monologue at 3 A.M.’, 1271–2;

  ‘Moonsong at Morning’, 929n, 935n;

  ‘Morning in the Hospital Solarium’, 857n;

  ‘Mornings of Mist’, 70–1;

  ‘Mummy’s Tomb, The’, 38n, 47–8;

  ‘Neilson Professor, The’, 826n;

  ‘Never Try to Know More Than You Should’, 896;

  ‘New England Winter Without Snow’, 857n;

  ‘New Idiom, A’, 303n, 311n, 319, 321;

  ‘Notes on Zarathustra’s Prologue’, 889n;

  ‘November Graveyard’, 1244n, 1264n, 1268;

  November Graveyard, Haworth’, see ‘November Graveyard’;

  ‘October’, 86n;

  ‘Ode for Ted’, 1168, 1179n;

  ‘Ode to a Bitten Plum’, 187n, 231, 599n;

  ‘Ogden Nash Is Speaker’, 439n;

  ‘Ogden Nash’s Rhyming Knack Makes Up for His Talent Lack’, 439n;

  ‘Oh, bother!’ [first line], 607–8;

  ‘On the Difficulty of Conjuring Up a Dryad’, 1264n, 1268, 1292;

  ‘On the Elevation of Reason: Some Notes Concerning the Cambridge Platonists, Whichcote and Smith’, 1307n;

  ‘On the Penthouse Roof’, 47;

  ‘Palms and pueblos on the sea cliffs at Benidorm, Spain’, 1326n, 1330;

  ‘Panegyric’, 1264n;

  ‘Parallax’, 593, 605, 835n, 929;

  ‘Passion as Destiny in Racine’s Plays’, 1116n, 1122, 1132;

  ‘Perfect Set-up, The’, 384n, 425n, 493, 514, 599n, 1132;

  ‘Plant a little seedling’ [first line], 6;

  ‘Platinum Summer’, 941–2, 944, 950, 952;

  ‘Poem’ (‘Hear the crickets chirping’ [first line]), 27n;

  ‘Poem for Pan’, see ‘Ode for Ted’;

  ‘Poets on Campus’, 626n, 629, 631–2, 721;

  ‘Princess and the Goblins, The’, 915n, 929, 935;

  ‘Prologue to Spring’, 889n, 896, 929;

  ‘Pursuit’, 1120n, 1132–3, 1138–9, 1243, 1247, 1250, 1257, 1263;

  ‘Queen’s Complaint, The’, 1179n, 1182–3, 1257n, 1264n;

  ‘Question of Tragedy in Chekhov’s Plays: “Studies in Frustration” or an “Affirmation of Life”, The’, 1092n, 1098;

  ‘Religion as I See It’, 552n;

  [‘Religious Beliefs’], 552n;

  ‘Remember the Stick Man’, 1291, 1305, 1314;

  ‘Rewards of a New England Summer’, 234n, 493, 599n;

  ‘Riverside Reveries’, 493, 599n;

  ‘Rondeau Redoublé’, 896;

  ‘Sardine boats and lights patterned the beach during daylight hours’, 1326n, 1330;

  ‘Says Capitalism May Save Asia’, 396n;

  ‘Second Winter’, 942n;

  ‘She clasps the sun oil with hooked hands;’ [first line], 332;

  ‘Sheen & Speck’, 1235n;

  ‘[Short report on the book lovers and recreational reading club, A]’, 86n;

  ‘Shrike, The’, 1210n, 1257, 1291;

  ‘Side Hall Girl’, 456;

  ‘Sketchbook of a Spanish Summer’, 1326n, 1330;

  ‘Smith College in Retrospect’, 1179n;

  ‘Smith College Play Delights ’Hamp Audience’, 613n;

  ‘Smith Girls to Take Exams in Civil Service’, 401n;

  ‘Smith Girls Will Get Chance to Jeer Faculty’, 516n;

  ‘Smith Library Displays “Fanny Fern Collection”’, 439n;

  ‘Smoky Blue Piano, The’, 861, 866, 871, 881–2;

  ‘Social Life Without Sororities: A Profile of Smith College’, 855n, 856, 860, 862, 868;

  ‘Some Observations on The City of God’, 1301n, 1305, 1307;

  ‘Somebody and We’, 396n;

  ‘Song’, see ‘Song for a Summer’s Day’;

  ‘Song for a Summer’s Day’, 1169, 1179n;

  ‘Sonnet for a Green-eyed Sailor’, 920–1;

  ‘Sonnet to a Dissembling Spring’, 591n, 599n, 609n;

  ‘Sonnet to Satan’, 911n;

  ‘Sonnet: To Eva’, 393, 405, 439;

  ‘Sonnet: To Time’, 396n;

  ‘Spinster’, 1317n;

  ‘Stardust’, 47–8, 79;

  ‘Strindberg: Tragic Concept and Dramatic Form’, 1086n, 1090;

  ‘Stone Boy with Dolphin’, 977n;

  ‘Stranger, The’, 153, 156;

  ‘Street Song’, 1276n, 1282–3;

  ‘Strumpet Song’, 1179n, 1182, 1257, 1259, 1268, 1288, 1330;

  ‘Suburban Nocturne’, 395n;

  ‘Suitcases Are Packed Again, The’, 493, 591n, 599n, 723;

  ‘Sunday at the Mintons’’, 436, 446, 449–50, 463, 480–1, 489, 504, 514, 532n, 558, 599, 634, 636, 1229;

  ‘Superman and Paula Brown’s New Snowsuit’, 842–3, 921n;

  ‘Suspend This Day’, 896;

  Sylvia Plath: Drawings, 1239n;

  ‘Sylvia Plath Tours the Stores and Forecasts May Week Fashions’, 1179n, 1198;

  ‘Tabac opposite the Palais de Justice’, 1161n, 1167, 1175;

  ‘Tea with Olive Higgins Prouty’, 941n, 942, 944, 952;

  ‘Temper of Time’, 882, 886–7, 896, 936;

  ‘Thanksgiving’, 414n;

  ‘That Widow Mangada’, 1235, 1246n, 1264;

  ‘The acid gossip of the caustic wind,’ [first line], 366;

  ‘Though Dynasties Pass’, 423;

  ‘“Three Caryatids Without a Portico” by Hugh Robus. A Study in Sculptural Dimensions’, 901n, 1004n, 1025, 1153;

  ‘Tinker Jack and the Tidy Wives’, 1264n;

  ‘To Eva Descending the Stair’, 567n, 587, 598n, 601–2, 656, 708, 710–11;

  ‘To Miss Cox’, 86n;

  ‘Tomorrow Begins Today’, 876, 879–80;

  ‘Tongues of Stone’, 863, 880;

  ‘Touch-and-Go’, 1276n, 1277;

  ‘Tragedy of Progress, The’, 295n;

  ‘Trio of Love Songs, 593n, 835n; see also ‘Parallax’, ‘Verbal Calisthenics’, and ‘Admonition’;

  ‘“True Health” Lecture Topic at the College’, 406n;

  ‘Twelfth Night’, 536n, 599n;

  ‘Two Lovers and a Beachcomber by the Real Sea’, 908n, 915, 929, 948, 1243, 1263;

  ‘Two Sisters of Persephone’, 1199n, 1257, 1259, 1268, 1288, 1330;

  ‘Unitarianism: Yesterday and Today’, 396n;

  ‘Universal Faith Has the Answer, Dr. Niebuhr Says’, 411n;

  ‘Verbal Calisthenics’, 594, 712, 896;

  ‘Wayfaring at the Whitney: A Study in Sculptural Dimensions’, 901n, 935n;

  ‘When I’m a Parent . . .’, 493n;

  ‘White Phlox’, 153–4, 493n, 501, 599n;

  ‘Whiteness I Remember’, 1034n;

  ‘Wie Ich Einmal Mein Kleinen Bruder Neckte’, 813;

  ‘Winter Landscape, with Rooks’, 1105n, 1113n;

  ‘Winter Sunset, A’, 42–3;

  ‘Winter Words’, 882n, 884–6, 915n, 929n;

  ‘Wishing Box, The’, 1288n, 1291–2, 1294, 1314, 1318;

  ‘Wreath for a Bridal’, 1199n, 1257, 1259, 1268, 1288, 1330;

  ‘Youth’s Plea for World Peace’, 161n, 493, 599n

; Plath, Warren Joseph (‘Warrie’, SP’s brother), 3, 5, 10, 14–15, 25–32, 43–4, 47, 51, 60, 65–6, 70–1, 81, 94–5, 108, 113, 126, 138, 164, 166–8, 171, 184, 187, 193, 196, 205, 207, 226, 228, 230, 255, 266, 283–4, 289, 308, 312, 322, 340, 350, 354, 362, 365, 367, 374, 386, 398, 402, 405, 408, 423, 428, 433, 451, 457, 477–8, 486, 491–2, 497, 506, 510, 520, 525, 546, 561–3, 570, 575, 583–4, 588, 614, 616–17, 625–6, 633–5, 638, 645–6, 652, 656, 663, 672, 674, 677, 680, 689, 693–4, 699, 702, 706–7, 725, 735, 749–50, 759, 762–3, 766, 771, 773–4, 777, 798, 803, 807, 810, 812, 814–15, 817, 819–21, 828, 844–6, 869, 879, 888–9, 898, 905, 921–2, 970, 996, 1015, 1017, 1032, 1035, 1043, 1048, 1058, 1077, 1079–80, 1084, 1091, 1096, 1100, 1103, 1108, 1114, 1119, 1144, 1148, 1172, 1176, 1181, 1186, 1190, 1192, 1195, 1197, 1201–3, 1205, 1211, 1233–6, 1238–43, 1248–9, 1289, 1299–1301, 1327; birthday of, 600, 916, 1173, 1175; Harvard, 714, 819, 830, 838, 861; Phillips Exeter Academy, 3n, 167, 181, 433, 546, 590, 616, 625, 638, 641; SP’s correspondence with, 22–4, 323–5, 474–6, 488–90, 507–9, 530–2, 588–91, 600–1, 620–3, 629–30, 916–17, 935–8, 943–6, 1037–9, 1173–5, 1207–9, 1222–5, 1230–2

  Plato, 957, 1141, 1143, 1145, 1177, 1179, 1185, 1190, 1199, 1202, 1273; Gorgias, 1177

  Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas (Madrid), 1221

  Pleasant Bay Camp, 777, 782

  Plumer, Davenport, III (‘Mike’), 259n, 356, 363, 370, 383, 418, 421, 466, 510, 512, 525, 698, 713, 731, 763, 766, 777, 782, 903, 905, 943, 948, 952, 1041, 1052, 1152, 1154, 1189, 1195

  Plumer, Marcia Brown, see Stern, Marcia B.

  Plummer, Patience, see Barnes, Patience P.

  Plymouth, Mass., 65n

  Plymouth Rock (Plymouth, Mass.), 139, 367

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1003, 1154; ‘The Raven’, 1056; ‘William Wilson’, 823

  Poetry, 1163, 1200, 1209, 1231, 1234, 1238, 1243, 1253, 1257, 1259–60, 1262, 1267–8, 1278, 1288, 1297, 1303–4, 1314, 1329–30; SP’s work in, 1257, 1288, 1330; TH’s work in, 1243, 1253, 1329

  Poets’ Theatre, The, 1058n

  Poirot, Hercule (fictional character), 965

  Pollard, Jean, 967n, 1256

  Pollard, John, 108, 119, 146

  Pomfret School, 376

  Pont au Change (Paris), 1209

  Pont-Neuf (Paris), 1155

  Pope, Alexander, 564n, 983n, 995; ‘The Dying Christian to his Soul’, 564n

  Popular Mechanics, 310

  Popular music: Bop, 140; jazz and blues, 140

  Portland, Maine, 29

  Portman, Eric, 960

  Portugal, 891, 1132

  Post, Emily, 673

  Poulenc, Francis, 782

  Pound, Ezra, Pisan Cantos, 409

  Powell, Elizabeth, see Dempsey, Elizabeth Powell

  Powell, Eugenia Norris, 227


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