by Sylvia Plath
Thornton, Richard (‘Dick), 85n
Throckmorton, Joan, 679n
Thumpertown Beach (Eastham, Mass.), 767
Thurber, James, 1142, 1254, 1256, 1270, 1298; ‘Further Fables For Our Time’, 1256n; ‘The Goose that Laid the Gilded Egg,’ 1256n; ‘The Grizzly and the Gadgets,’ 1256n; ‘The Philosopher and the Oyster,’ 1256n
Tibet, 775
Tillich, Paul, 718
Time, 176, 205, 405, 410–11, 736, 1109, 1148, 1326
Time, 171n, 1091, 1093, 1311
Time Out of War (motion picture), 1318
Times, The (London), 1042, 1048, 1055, 1057, 1122, 1318–19n
Tindall, William York, ‘Introduction’ (quotation from), 740–1
Tinnin, David B., 1091n, 1093
Titan: Story of Michelangelo, The (motion picture), 191
Toabe, Doris, 53
Todd, Mary, 469n
Toledo, Ohio, 903, 906
Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel), 1315; The Hobbit, 1315
Tolstoy, Leo, 674, 721, 736, 1288; Anna Karenina, 741, 744, 750, 751; War and Peace, 729, 741, 744, 751
Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, 580
Topeka, Kansas, 313n
Toronto, Canada, 80, 402
Totten, Laurie, 634, 768
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 733
Townsman, The, see Wellesley Townsman, The
Trafalgar Square (London), 961, 963, 1055, 1058, 1060, 1062, 1170, 1205
Tremont Temple (Boston), 36
Trieste, Italy, 1122
Trilling, Lionel, 596, 601
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.), 512, 525
Trinity United Methodist Church (Oak Bluffs, Mass.), 115
Trowell, Brian, 1119n
Troy, New York, 240
True Confessions, 425, 601, 625, 1281
True Story Magazine, 411, 602, 604–5, 618, 621, 625, 627
Truitt, Margaret Dye, 519; ‘Two Urgent Reasons for Electing Gen. Eisenhower President’, 519n
Truman, Harry S., 171, 519
Truro, Mass., 497–8
Truslow, Jane Auchincloss, see Davison, Jane Truslow
Truslow, Robert Gurdon, 508
Truslow, William Auchincloss, 508
Tryon, North Carolina, 732n
Tschižewskij, Dmitrij, 837n, 841, 845, 847
Tschižewskij, Pat, 841n
Tufts, Barbara Ingeborg Michelsen (‘Barb’, ‘Bobby’, ‘Barby’), 259, 278–80, 300, 303, 318
Tufts University, 214, 226, 458, 1237
Turkey, 1056, 1132
Twentieth Century-Fox, 378
Tynan, Kenneth, 1316, 1327
Tyrol (Austria), 978, 1001
Union Theological Seminary (New York), 717–18, 1310
Unitarian Society of Northampton and Florence, 688
Unitarian Universalist Society of Wellesley Hills, 921
Unitarianism, 145–8, 167, 395, 415, 471, 563
United Kingdom (‘U.K.’), 1101, 1109
United Nations (‘U.N.’, ‘UN’), 287, 305, 334, 337, 630, 632n, 638–9, 642
‘United States and Asia: Mademoiselle’s Eighth College Forum, The’, 363n
United States Congress, House Committee on Un-American Activities, 670, 674
United States Navy, 644, 647, 867, 892, 895, 925, 957
Université de Paris (‘Sorbonne’), 732n, 978, 1008, 1013, 1038, 1110, 1151, 1153
University of Bonn, 3n
University of Cambridge, 809, 813–14, 823, 831, 834, 843, 852, 859, 869, 872, 874, 880, 898, 900, 902, 904–5, 928, 930, 935, 973, 999–1001, 1093, 1115, 1120, 1122, 1141, 1155–6, 1161–2, 1174, 1181, 1188–90, 1196–7, 1199, 1215, 1229, 1234, 1236, 1245, 1251, 1253, 1264, 1302, 1306, 1310n, 1318n, 1322;
Amateur Dramatics Club (‘ADC’, ‘A.D.C.’), 977, 983–6, 988–93, 995–8, 1000–1, 1008, 1014, 1021, 1026, 1028n, 1038, 1042, 1048, 1052, 1055, 1057, 1060, 1083, 1089, 1291, 1318n, 1150, 1251, 1291;
buildings and colleges: Bridge of Sighs, 968, 987, 1034, 1054, 1108; Christ’s College, 1008n; Clare College, 1296; Clough Hall, 967–8, 977, 1320; Downing College, 976n, 1285n; King’s College, 979n, 986n, 991, 993, 996n, 1001, 1009, 1020–21, 1030, 1045; King’s College Chapel, 968, 987, 996, 1030, 1040, 1049–50, 1054, 1057, 1107, 1141, 1148, 1150, 1152, 1205; Newnham College, 897, 941n, 956n, 967, 978, 980, 982, 989, 991–2, 999, 1015–16, 1019, 1028, 1035, 1058, 1100, 1115, 1117–18, 1153, 1178n, 1194, 1196, 1202, 1207, 1266, 1270, 1272, 1290, 1307, 1310, 1313, 1321–4, 1328; Newnham College Library, 1267, Newton’s Bridge, 1054; Pembroke College, 986n, 992n, 994n, 997–8, 1245, 1253, 1255; Queens’ College, 987; Sidgwick Hall, 980n, 988, 995; St John’s College, 972, 986n, 996, 1004, 1108, 1311; Trinity Chapel, 972; Trinity College, 992, 998, 1148–9; University Health Centre, 1114; University Library, 1043, 1047, 1193, 1236, 1258, 1266–7, 1323; Veterinary School, 978, 991–2; Westminster College, 978; Whitstead, 897, 956, 964–74, 977–9, 981–2, 986–7, 991, 994, 997, 999–1000, 1010, 1015, 1018–21, 1029, 1046–7, 1054, 1056–7, 1059, 1067, 1074, 1079, 1081, 1085, 1092, 1099–1100, 1106, 1111, 1121, 1158–9, 1162–3, 1179, 1188, 1191, 1196, 1200, 1202, 1205, 1209, 1224, 1251, 1259, 1263, 1269n, 1272n, 1305–6, 1320–2, 1324, 1329;
Cambridge Union Society, 1003, 1020–1;
Communist Party, 977, 1151, 1153;
courses and supervisions: 981, 989, 1000, 1042, 1047, 1054; Classics, 1092; French, 1092; modern novel, 989, 1092, 1096, 1124; English Moralists 975–6, 981, 989, 997, 1000, 1006, 1092, 1123–4, 1132, 1141, 1143, 1145, 1153, 1177, 1199, 1307; Modern English Novel, 976, 989; Practical Criticism, 975, 976, 981, 989, 1000, 1004, 1005–6, 1092; Tragedy, 953–4, 975, 981, 1000, 1005–6, 1047, 1085, 1092, 1124;
dons of, 1016, 1092, 1096, 1115, 1141, 1153, 1202, 1284; see also individuals;
English Club, 1308;
exams at, 831, 853, 975, 1000, 1149, 1229, 1234, 1252, 1262;
Fascist party, 1151;
Labour Club, 977, 982, 993;
May Ball, 1149, 1199, 1200;
meals at, 967, 980, 988, 992, 995, 1007, 1029, 1057, 1076, 1265, 1294; SP’s interpersonal relations at, 1002, 1075; see also individuals;
men, 1044, 1048, 1049;
vacations, 978, 1028, 1041, 1044, 1055, 1057;
Varsity, 977n, 1148, 1161n, 1167, 1172, 1175, 1178–9, 1187, 1192, 1196, 1198–9, 1203, 1251, 1291;
women, 982, 994, 1043
University of Chicago, 297, 326, 482
University of Massachusetts (Amherst campus), 16n, 266, 271, 278–9, 285, 391, 428, 456; Horticultural Show, 391, 394; Lewis Hall, 399n;
University of New Hampshire (‘N.H.’), 161, 226, 272, 419
University of Oxford, 808–9, 813–14, 816, 823, 831, 843, 852, 869, 872–4, 880, 902, 904, 907, 910, 928, 960–1, 969, 963, 993, 1101–2, 1109, 1156, 1158, 1179, 1193, 1196–7, 1253, 1294, 1297; Lady Margaret Hall, 902
University of Washington (Seattle campus), 418, 632
University of Westminster (London), 978
Untermeyer, Louis, Modern British Poetry, 986n
Unwin, Nora S. (Nora Spicer), 833n
Ustinov, Peter, 1316, 1327
Utrillo, Maurice, 1066
Vacation Days (motion picture), 104n
Valencia, Spain, 1215, 1221–2, 1224, 1240
Valentine’s Day, 278, 685, 868, 889, 894, 1106
Valley Head Hospital, 646n
Valley of Decision, The (motion picture), 30
Van Druten, John, 550n; Bell, Book, and Candle, 550, 553; I am a Camera, 1003
Van Gogh, Vincent, 517, 1041, 1056, 1104; Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear, 1069; Sunflowers, 1069
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 776, 876
Varadarajan, Lotika Purkayastha, 1272n, 1305
Varsity Handbook: The Undergraduate Guide to Cambridge, 972–3, 1102n, 1285, (quotation from) 1285n
Vassar College, 653, 657
Vatican City, 1160
Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 1119n, 1123, 1152; Sir John in Love, 1119, 1123, 1152
Vence, France, 1074, 1081, 1088–90, 10
94, 1099, 1105, 1112, 1131–3, 1154
Venice, Italy, 788, 959, 1080, 1121, 1140, 1145, 1151–2, 1158, 1160, 1224, 1230, 1238, 1252, 1319
Ventimiglia, Italy, 1073, 1088
Ventura, Mary, 106, 266, 374, 405
Verdi, Giuseppe, Aida, 104n; Il Trovatore, 714
Verlaine, Paul, 742, 1117
Vermont, 571, 574, 841, 848
Vernon, Anne Bennett, 173
Verrocchio, Andrea del, Putto con Delfino, 977n, 1015, 1028, 1035, 1117
Viederman, Milton, 442, 444
Vienna, Austria, 1209
Vienna Boys’ Choir, 1141, 1150, 1152
Vietnam, 1077
Vigny, Alfred de, 737
Villajoyosa, Spain, 1220
Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, 1073, 1088, 1105, 1151
Vineyard Haven, Mass., 94, 114, 116, 124, 129–30
Vineyard Sailing Camp (Oak Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.), 88–102; Andy (camper), 93, 100; Buddy (cook), 132; campfires of, 97, 120, 127; Happy, 124; Honica, 98–9; Jo (camper), 120–1, 123–4; Lamb, Mrs (head cook), 132; Mary (crafts teacher), 124; meals at, 88, 90–2, 94, 96–7, 99–102, 117, 119–23, 125–8, 133–4; Monty (head of camp), 132; Web (counselor), 95
Virginia Quarterly Review, 1224n
Vive Monsieur le Maire (motion picture), 1066n
Vogue, ‘People Are Talking About . . .’, 864
Vogue Prix de Paris, 843, 847, 862, 918, 929
Voice of America (radio station), 719
Voltaire, Le Fanatisme, ou Mahomet le Prophete, 1023n
W & G Foyle Ltd., 964
Waban, Mass., 1260
‘Wachet Auf’ (‘Now Let Every Tongue Adore Thee’), 1030
Wagg, Barry, 1172n, 1175
Wagner, Janet (‘Jan’), 845
Wagner, Richard, Dreams, 104n
Wain, John, 1303
Waite, Herbert T., 1180
Wales, 1171, 1178, 1204
Walker, June, 469n
Walker, Pauline C., 854n, 856, 858, 861
Wallace, Jo Ann, see Davidson, Jo Ann Wallace
Wallace, Robert, 1276n; ‘The Crayfish’, 1276n; ‘The Garden Snail’, 1276n
Wallingford, Betsy Powley (‘Bets’), 19n, 22, 24, 27–8, 35, 45–6, 49–52, 55–63, 66–7, 71, 75–6, 88–90, 93–5, 97, 104, 112–14, 118, 120–9, 131, 277, 574, 953
Walsh, Cynthia, 423n
Walsh, Edna Janean, 1283, 1285, 1308, 1310
Walton, William, 682
War, 31, 87–8, 111, 135–6, 140–1, 151, 168–71, 250–1, 272, 287, 343, 397, 416, 421; see also Korean War; World War II
Ward, Mary Jane, 657n; The Snake Pit, 657
Warner Bros., 171n
Warren, Kenneth S., 383, 421, 437, 559
Warren, Robert Penn, All the King’s Men, 214
Warren, Rose Smith, 77
Warren’s Stardust Inn, 161
Washington, George, 43, 284n, 698
Washington, DC, 87, 508, 588, 939, 953–5, 958, 961, 1042, 1081; DuPont Theatre, 959; Lincoln Memorial, 959; National Gallery, 958, 1028; The Mall, 958; Tidal Basin, 958–9; Washington Monument, 958
Washington Square (New York), 634
Washington’s Birthday, 43, 284n, 698
Waterloo (London), 1195, 1206
Watkins Books, 1306n
Watson, A. H. (Alice Helena), 7n
Watson, John H. (fictional character), 1022
Waverley Hill, 658
WAVES National, 722
Wayside Inn (Sudbury, Mass.), 33
WBZ (radio station: Boston), 82n
‘Weasel’, 464n, 522
Weaver, Polly, see Crone, Polly Weaver
Webber, Sydney, see Eddison, Sydney Webber
Webster, John, The White Devil, 984, 987, 995
Webster, Noah, 544, 1314n; Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary (quotation from), 745, 1314
WEEI (radio station: Boston), 82, 411n
Weeks, Edward, 912, 914, 916, 920, 928, 1243, 1253, 1268, 1278, 1290; SP’s correspondence with, 915–16, 935, 1162, 1263–4
Weetamoe Megaphone, 12n
Weinstein, Jerome, 719n
Weissbort, Daniel, 1116n
Weissbort, George, 1116n
Welcher, Rosalind, 596n, 600n, 685n, 700n, 734n, 802n, 828n, 830n, 836n, 846n, 851n, 857n, 868n, 894n, 916n, 924n, 931n, 990n, 1027n, 1045n, 1173n
Weller, Susan Lynn, see Burch, Susan Weller
Wellesley, Mass., 8, 22n, 24n, 28n, 35n, 40, 43, 68n, 76, 83, 88, 97–8, 111, 135, 138, 145, 149, 151n, 154–7, 173, 201, 206, 223, 226–7, 243, 287, 326, 333, 391, 400, 419, 447, 455n, 464–5, 469, 473, 477, 484, 546, 548, 550, 560n, 634n, 644, 696, 711–13,749, 768, 794, 834, 837–8, 840, 849, 867–8, 899, 902, 932, 934–5, 937, 951, 1086n, 1108, 1119, 1141, 1159, 1163, 1192, 1197, 1203, 1206–8, 1236, 1238, 1249, 1255, 1261, 1264, 1290, 1306; and wealth, 149, 164, 337, 465, 483, 522, 1141; Christmas Cotillion, 243, 247n, 248, 402, 524, 531; Smith Club of, 232, 366, 560; SP’s home (26 Elmwood Road), 74, 76, 79, 85, 88, 161, 164, 257, 330, 354, 362, 370, 423, 430, 464, 484, 590, 602, 620, 641, 648, 650, 652, 713, 772–4, 777, 782, 792–3, 799, 800, 837, 868–9, 899, 902, 905–6, 910, 849, 932–3, 935–8, 950–2, 1119, 1148, 1205, 1261, 1305–6; Unitarian Church, 1207
Wellesley Club (Wellesley, Mass.), 240
Wellesley College, 45, 222, 232, 335, 639, 652, 792, 849, 907n, 908, 933, 1290; Amphitheatre, 938n; Theater-on-the-Green, 938, 940, 942
Wellesley High School, 105n, 149; 232, 234, 247–8, 297, 334, 337, 412, 414, 493, 531, 736, 773, 818n; The Bradford, 147n, 158, 240, 297, 414;
courses: Art, 87, 106; English, 87, 106, 108, 137, 141, 158, 670; French, 87, 106–7, 137; Geometry, 87; Latin, 87, 106–7, 137; Mathematics, 106, 137; Physical education, 107;
student life: 985n; dances, 141, 414; graduation, 162; orchestra, 415
Wellesley Hills, Mass., 196
Wellesley League of Women Voters, 638n
Wellesley Summer Theatre, 104
Wellesley Townsman, The, 519n, 560n
Wellfleet, Mass., 491, 498
Welsford, Enid Elder Hancock, 1092n
Welty, Eudora, 1298
Wertenbaker, William, ‘The Last Day of Summer’, 1270n
Wertz, Richard W. (‘Dick’), 727–8, 732–3, 756n, 969, 972, 978, 1008, 1030, 1040, 1044, 1060, 1127, 1269n
Wesleyan University, 206, 375, 907n, 908, 913, 916; Delta Kappa Epsilon, 375
West Harwich, Mass., 306, 440n
West Chop (Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.), 93
West Newton, Mass., 183
West Point, 474–5
Weston, Marybeth Little, 526n, 596n, 597
Weston, Mass., 4n, 103–4, 653
West Side Tennis Club, Forest Hills, New York, 642
Whale Inn (Goshen, Mass.), 421, 440
Whately, Mass., 584
Wheaton, David S., 321n
Wheaton, Harvey H., 321n
Wheaton, Lucy S., 321–2
Wheelock, John Hall, ‘Aubade’, 1270n
Whiffenpoofs (musical group), 309, 378
Whistler, James McNeill, 43n, 717
Whistling Whale (Chatham, Mass.), 60
White, Caroline, see Fenn, Caroline White
White, E. B. (Elwyn Brooks), 613
White, Edward (‘Eddie’), 306, 1189, 1201
White, Frances Yvonne, see MacKenzie, Frances Yvonne White
White, Louise Giesey (‘Louey’), 179, 212, 217, 219–20, 277, 281, 306, 373, 395, 406, 419, 578, 736, 1189, 1201
Whitehill, Walden Benjamin (‘Ben’), 442n
Whiteside, John, 969n
Whitman, Walt, 43n; Leaves of Grass and Selected Poems, 727
Whitman, William Key, 907n, 913, 916, 927
Whitney, Caroline, 936n
Whitney Museum of American Art, 901
Whitstead house, see University of Cambridge, buildings and colleges
Whittemore, Elizabeth, see MacArthur, Elizabeth Whittemore
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 43n
Who’s Boss (motion
picture), 717n
Wiene, Robert, 1002n
Wilbar’s, 1004
Wilbor, Guy Wyman, 227, 249, 253, 278, 696; SP’s correspondence with, 247; SP’s dating of, 227, 248, 262–3, 271, 298, 300
Wilbur, Richard, 626n, 1044n, 1058, 1083, 1087, 1175, 1177, 1181, 1255; The Misanthrope, 1044n, 1058, 1075, 1087, 1255
Wilde, Oscar, 1014; The Importance of Being Earnest, 550, 553; The Picture of Dorian Gray, 823
Wilder, Thornton, 240n, 310n, 478, 831; Our Town, 240, 1141; The Skin of Our Teeth, 310, 320; ‘The American Loneliness’, 478n; ‘Toward an American Language’, 478
Willard, Antoinette, 614n, 623–4, 628
Willey, Basil, 976, 989, 997, 1000, 1047, 1088, 1123, 1150
William R. Rush, USS, 721
Williams College, 328, 419
Williams, Edna Rees, 179n, 483
Williams, Emlyn, Someone Waiting (Le Monsieur Qui Attend), 1066, 1068, 1087
Williams, Mrs Frank, 469, 599
Williams, James Clark, 457n, 458
Williams, Tennessee, 611; Camino Real, 611, 622, 983, 988, 995, (quotation from) 611n, 688, 734; The Glass Menagerie, 469, 480, 485, 1014, 1049; A Streetcar Named Desire, 209, 214–15, 227
Williams, William Carlos, 556, 655
Williamsburg, Mass., 249, 495, 949, 952
Wilson, Andrew, Mad Girl’s Love Song, 732n
Wilson, David Henry, 997
Wilson, Edmund, 652n; Axel’s Castle: A Study in the Imaginative Literature of 1870–1930, 652, 660
Wilson, Eric Lane, 377–8, 384–5, 389, 394, 402; SP’s dating of, 400–2
Wilson, Peter Joseph, 997
Wilson, R. Mercer, 1208n
Wilt, Richard, 383n
Wind, Edgar, 604
Winthrop, Mass., 3, 16n, 45, 84n, 104n, 138, 680, 764–5, 767n, 769, 888n, 922n, 1218, 1325, 1327; Saint John’s Episcopal Church, 888n; Schober home (892 Shirley Street), 3–4; SP’s home (92 Johnson Avenue), 3, 766; SP’s visits to, 45–6, 84, 765–6, 769; State Theatre, 84n, 104n
Wisconsin, 279
Withens, Top, 1242, 1250, 1252, 1261
Wober, Dina Solomon, 1031, 1033, 1044, 1050, 1053, 1058, 1060
Wober, J. M. (Joseph Mallory), 1018, 1084–5, 1089, 1093, 1099, 1102, 1119; SP’s correspondence with, 979, 989–91, 999, 1010–12, 1014–15, 1019–24, 1027– 9, 1045–6, 1059–66, 1072, 1081–2, 1100; SP’s dating of, 982, 993, 996, 998, 1001, 1007, 1009, 1014, 1017, 1026–7, 1029–30, 1031, 1032–3, 1034, 1039–40, 1043–4, 1049–50, 1052, 1053, 1058
Wober, Samuel, 1031n, 1044, 1050, 1053, 1058
Woelffer, Emerson, 383n
Wolfe, Thomas, Look Homeward Angel, 785