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Alien Games Page 10

by Claudia Rose

  He picked up a shorter length of rope, doubled it in half, and then doubled it again. Jenna eyed him nervously as he walked behind her. She was too tightly bound to see exactly what he was doing, even by straining, but she could make a good guess.

  Her worst suspicions were confirmed when the loops of the rope whistled through the air and connected with the sensitive skin of her buttocks. She yelped loudly.

  “That’s not what I want to hear,” corrected Bruce. “You need to count for me, until we get to ten. But every time you cry out, I’m starting the count back at zero. Understand?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Swish. The rope whistled through the air and met her bottom with a solid thwack.






  The sixth stroke had angled down her buttocks and one strand had curled under, just a little, stinging her on the pussy.

  “Wrong!” said Bruce. “Start back at one.” Cheerfully he resumed his work, using sufficient force to make Jenna’s delectable body writhe, and her muscles spasm, but not enough to cause real pain, or leave enduring marks.

  With a sob, Jenna went back to counting, determined this time to focus on not missing a stroke. Finally the count of ten was reached, and Bruce came around to stand in front of her.

  A chastened Jenna looked up at him.

  “What do you say?”

  “Thank you Master.”

  “And what are you?”

  “I’m a whore, Master.”

  “Very good! Nipples!”

  Jenna started, and looked round wildly, as if someone else would be miraculously standing there to free her hands so that she could obey him. Bruce chuckled at her alarm.

  “I don’t want to have to punish you for disobeying orders, so I’ll try to help.” She tensed for the pain as his hands reached for her delicate buds. But instead of gripping them forcefully, he cushioned each breast with the gentlest of touches.

  “They seem to me to be suffering from over-stimulation. Perhaps I can alleviate their distress.” He lowered his head slowly so that the warmth of his mouth pressed softly against each sensitive point in turn.

  Jenna moaned at the pleasure of this gentle touch, the quality of which was only enhanced by her expectation of moments earlier that she was about to experience yet more pain. She lowered her head also and buried her face in Bruce’s sandy hair, inhaling the sweet man-scent of him as his head moved tenderly from one breast to the other. Finally he straightened up and embraced her, drawing her tightly bound body against his. She tipped her head back, questing for his mouth, and obligingly he lowered his head until their lips met. But he broke off the kiss before she was ready to, and once more she whimpered with frustration.

  Bruce only smiled. “I do believe you’re serious about me, Jenna Walsh. Which may or may not mean that this is the last time I’ll have you as my whore. But in case I don’t get to repeat this, I’m not going to waste my opportunity. If you beg nicely, I may consent to a little cunnilingus, which in case you don’t know is an offer to eat you.”

  Jenna ignored this mild sarcasm.

  “Oh yes, please, Master. I am a whore, I want to stay your whore. Please eat me like a whore!”

  Needing no further invitation Bruce sank to his knees and buried his face in her sweet snatch. She spread her thighs and arched her hips against the restraints as hard as she could, so that he had greater access to her pussy. He responded by pressing his closed mouth firmly against her clitoris and rubbing his face from side to side, before opening his lips, extending his tongue, and running it deeply between her dripping labia. For a long time he knelt there, savoring every part of her pussy, probing every depth and crevice with his tongue, while above him Jenna moaned and shook, pulling desperately against her bonds in increasingly frantic attempts to press herself more forcefully against his face. In a very short time she felt a climax approaching and began thrusting her hips with increasing urgency.

  Bruce again broke the contact, and this time Jenna almost cried with disappointment.

  “Sorry, my love,” he smiled unrepentantly, as he climbed to his feet. “But I’m in charge here, and you don’t come before your Master.”

  As he said this, he took a pace back and, with Jenna watching, stepped out of his bathing costume, liberating his massively erect penis, its tip already moist with pre-cum.

  “What do you think of this?” he asked, running his hand up and down his shaft, then reaching under to stroke his swollen balls.

  “It is beautiful, Master,” said Jenna, eyeing the throbbing shaft hungrily. “Is there anything I can do to persuade you to use it on me?”

  “Consider me persuaded. Where would you most prefer me to place it?”

  “I don’t mind, Master. Wherever it would give you the greatest pleasure.”

  “Well done, right answer!”

  Bruce smiled into Jenna’s eyes, then, with quick movements, he reached down and loosened the ropes binding her ankles, freeing her legs but leaving her arms stretched wide. Holding her by the hips he lifted her off the ground in one effortless movement, instinctively she wrapped her legs around his waist as he lowered her gently onto his straining erection.

  His cock needed no guidance into her moist pussy, they were perfectly aligned, and she slid down his length with virtually no friction. The moans of pleasure as they coupled were loud and mutual. Then their lips met, and while they kissed Bruce held her firmly and vigorously pumped her with his iron-hard phallus. Such was the intensity of their mutual arousal that in a few brief moments they had both climaxed, Bruce coming first, as the Master should, and Jenna a close second, screaming into his mouth and writhing with all the uninhibited abandon of a satisfied whore.

  * * * * *

  Alpha19 and Psi276 watched their instruments with amazement. This Terran woman had once again confounded all their previous results.

  “The Council will be extremely gratified, 276, they will certainly reward us for this.”

  “Yes, Alpha19. With her response to the first three machines rating so poorly I had begun to think that this was a waste of a day, but I have never witnessed results like this fourth set. She is a most exceptional specimen. I believe it would be folly to destroy either her, or the Terran male, too quickly. There are many more tests we could do on them, and there may well be value in a complete vivisection when we arrive back at the Homeworld.”

  “I think you are right. Forward the results and begin planning for tomorrow’s experiment. While we won’t be involving the Terran female in any active way, it would be worth monitoring her response as an observer, so work that into your planning.”

  “As you command.”

  * * * * *

  Jenna summoned the energy to remove the helmet. She shook her head to clear it, rubbed her face with one hand, then looked up to see what the others were doing.

  Ranisha, Mmerr and Zhorta were seated comfortably on the floor about ten paces away. They were watching her with wide eyes and artificially blank faces.

  “What?” Jenna demanded.

  “Oh nothing,” replied Zhorta with feigned innocence. Then she giggled.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing, nothing at all,” Mmerr assured her. “Nothing’s funny, everything’s very serious.” Then she too giggled.

  “Look!” barked Jenna. “If nothing’s funny, then there’s no need for you all to act like the Three Stooges. If you’ve got something to say, spit it out!”

  “Well, I don’t have much to say,” responded Mmerr. “But I do have a question. Is this half-time or full-time? ‘Cos I’m desperate for the bathroom.”

  With that the three of them burst into shrieks of laughter, and collapsed against each other.

  “Obviously you children have had your brains softened by too many machine-induced orgasms. Excuse me while I disrobe.” Pointedly, Jenna turned her back on them an
d began removing the suit.

  Ranisha was the first to recover. “I’m sorry, Jenna, we are not mocking you, it is just that we have never seen or heard of anything like it. We have been waiting more than half an hour for your session to end. Normally the suit causes the quickest climax. The length and complexity of your fantasy is beyond anything we have ever heard of.”

  “So that’s it!” snapped an un-mollified Jenna. “You three sickos have been eavesdropping on my entire session, right?”

  “We had little choice,” replied Ranisha unapologetically. “And I for one found it a privilege to witness something so erotic.”

  “Yes,” agreed Zhorta. “You Terran’s are certainly capable of creating complex and sophisticated inner worlds. I am most impressed.”

  “And I,” chimed in Mmerr. “Although I hope you won’t be offended if I say that you have a long way to go before you can really walk like a whore.”

  With that parting shot, she turned, flicked her tail and strutted out of the laboratory with the flamboyance of a Vegas showgirl.

  * * * * *

  Later that evening Bruce and Jenna lay in the darkness in each other’s arms. The controller chips had them all-but-asleep when Jenna murmured drowsily.



  “Were you ever tempted to give up on me?”


  “But I treated you so badly. Wouldn’t you like some of your own back now?”

  “I’m not vindictive.”

  “I know, and I love you for it.”

  “I love you to, now go to sleep.”

  For a minute there was silence.


  The only answer was a soft snore.

  “Bruce,” Jenna whispered. “If I were you I’d give me a serious spanking.”

  Then she too fell asleep.

  Chapter Ten: Hidden Eyes

  It was the next day. Another experiment had begun.

  Jenna came out of the Reven trance to find herself sitting in a room not much larger than a broom closet. The tiny space was dimly lit and it had no furniture other than the single chair she was sitting in. There were no doors either, although a curtain covered the wall in front of her.

  “Now what?” she muttered. “First its BDSM with Mort, then it’s toys with the girls, and now I’m on my own in a closet. I can’t help feeling that things are becoming increasingly down-market. And why is it me all the time? Surely it must be Bruce’s turn to be the guinea pig. Or was he just abducted to bear witness to my repeated humiliation?”

  As if her question were some kind of cue, the curtain across the wall of the closet slid back and Jenna found herself looking through a window at an idyllic scene straight out of the Arabian Nights.

  It was an elegant room with marble floors, fluted columns and rich silk wall hangings. In the center was an ornate fountain, from which tinkled a dozen jets of cooling water. The room was expensively furnished with soft divans and strategically placed low tables, heavy with exotic food.

  From Jenna’s right, a woman entered the room. It was Ranisha, dressed in a costume that befitted the surroundings. She was clothed for a harem, in translucent garments of fine silk and gauze through which it was possible to discern a heavily jeweled bra and panties.

  As Jenna watched, the beautiful blue woman paused in the center of the room and looked around her, appraising the situation. But it wasn’t until she looked directly at Jenna without seeing her that Jenna realized she was concealed behind some sort of one-way glass. In that moment it became clear to her why she was here.

  So now I’m a voyeur! What won’t the little fucks make me do?

  Then she immediately wondered if she might have been mistaken after all. Ranisha turned back and for a long moment it seemed to Jenna that she looked directly at her hiding place, and squarely into her eyes. But then she grinned slightly and looked away. She must have sensed something behind her, because she turned round until she was side on to Jenna, and her face broke into a welcoming smile.

  “Ahhh. It is you.”

  Jenna jumped, she hadn’t expected to hear Ranisha’s voice so clearly. But this surprise was nothing to her shock when a familiar masculine voice answered.

  “Yes. They must have finally decided to give Jenna the day off.”

  “Mmmm,” responded Ranisha, non-comittally.

  Jenna’s stomach churned with shock. This experiment involved Bruce and Ranisha! The Vedi woman was going to experience him as a lover, when she never had. Worse than that, the little Reven shits were going to force her to sit and watch. Well fuck that!

  Eyes burning with tears of jealousy and rage Jenna jumped to her feet. She intended to yell and hammer on the viewing window in fury, but a sharp stabbing pain at the base of her skull stopped her dead. Knowing all to well what would follow if she moved another inch, she slumped back in the seat.

  Fine. I can’t make a scene, but the little sadists can’t force me to watch!

  She couldn’t prevent herself from hearing, though.

  “So what do they expect us to do?” asked Bruce.

  “Whatever comes naturally I should think.”

  “I hope you won’t be offended if I say I’m a bit uncomfortable about this.”

  “Are you not attracted to me?”

  “Oh no, it’s not that. It is just that I have such strong feelings for Jenna. I know she’s already been forced to play the Reven games, and she knows that part of me has found that extremely difficult. I’m just not sure that I want her to experience the same sort of distress.”

  “That is very gallant,” replied Ranisha, smiling to lessen the tone of gentle mockery. “But I am not sure we have a choice, and I’m sure Jenna will understand.”

  “Like hell she will!” Jenna muttered ungraciously, folding her arms across her chest and glaring down at the floor of the little booth.

  “Let me suggest something,” added Ranisha. “Why don’t you imagine that I am Jenna, and do with me what you desire to do with her. I admit we are a little different, but in important ways we are also identical.”

  “Great line, sister!” Jenna snarled.

  “Besides, you have gone for many days now without physical release. I do not believe it is healthy for you to abstain for much longer.”

  Bruce appeared to be considering this. Then he relaxed and smiled. “You are correct, I’m in a state of permanent tension and it’s not helping my mood, or my relationship with Jenna.”

  “Typical male,” Jenna whispered angrily. “I suppose he’ll come back now and say he did it all for me!”

  “Good,” said Ranisha. “I tell you what, why don’t you try and imagine what Jenna might like, and then do it to me instead.”

  Jenna would like to be taken on a long walk off a short pier!

  “Well that’s a problem in itself. Jenna and I have had no opportunity to enjoy any sort of intimacy. I’m really not sure what she’d like.”

  “Has she never suggested any preference to you?”

  “No, not that I can think of. Wait! There is one thing…” he paused and seemed embarrassed.

  “Do not stop. There is nothing we cannot tell each other.”

  “Well, last night, just as we were about asleep, she did tell me that she wanted me to spank her.”

  Rotten cheat! You were awake for that! Jenna couldn’t decide whether to be angry or amused.

  Ranisha was simply amused.

  “That sounds delightful. I have never been spanked by a two-armed man before. I think I would find it most enjoyable.”

  “Are you sure? I’m not really a spanking sort of guy myself.”

  “Well, perhaps you have never had the right sort of bottom to spank.” Ranisha turned and gyrated her hips erotically.

  “You’ve certainly got the right sort of bottom,” conceded Bruce. “I’d be proud to have that across my knee.”

  Sheesh! How long do I have to listen to this! Are their barf bags in this cubicle? />
  “Why don’t you seat yourself on that divan, and then I will arrange myself to your satisfaction.”

  Jenna couldn’t help herself, she had to look.

  “This divan?” he pointed to the one directly in front of Jenna’s cubicle.

  “Yes, perfect,” agreed Ranisha.

  Bruce seated himself and looked up at the beautiful alien woman expectantly.

  Ranisha began a slow, sensuous, erotic dance, and from her mouth came a beautiful humming, similar to the sound Jenna had heard her making during yesterday’s experiment. As she danced and hummed, she began removing her outer garments, very slowly, one filmy layer at a time. Bruce appeared hypnotized, he swayed in time with her movements, and his eyes following the path of each piece of delicate fabric as it floated to the floor. Both he and Jenna had seen Ranisha naked, but despite this, to see her undressing was extraordinarily erotic. Her blue skin had a richness and texture that suggested radiant good health. Her body glowed in the soft lights of the chamber, and her four arms wove intricate designs through the air and around herself. While her upper pair of arms beckoned to Bruce, pleading expressively to be taken by him as a lover, the lower pair explored her own body, stroking her most private places with a delicate touch.

  When she had divested herself of everything but the jeweled lingerie, she sensuously danced closer and closer towards Bruce until, with a graceful movement, she settled face downwards on the divan, her perfect, sparkling bottom placed enticingly over his knee.

  “Do you like what you see Bruce?”

  What does he look like, a fucking monk?

  “Your dance was beautiful, and your derriere is simply fantastic.”

  “I thank you,” Ranisha’s giggle tinkled like water falling into the fountain. “Would you like to show your approval by spanking it?”

  Bruce hesitated.

  “I’m not sure I want to hit something so lovely.”

  Yes! Do it! Give her a dozen of the best. Make her squirm.

  “I do not mind. In fact I would welcome it. The line between pain and pleasure is a very fine one for me. And a little rough stimulation can often be a prelude to very passionate love making.”


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