by Osman Welela
P.A. (Privo Ascencion) - literally ‘before ascension’.
A.A. (Anume Ascencion) - literally ’age of ascension’.
Danu - literally ‘the first people’, it’s the name of an ancient race of magicians.
Dru - ancient word of the Danu for non-magicians, it simply means people.
Druid - literally ‘the people of magic’, it’s the name of the magically learned Danu.
Vardrakus - literally 'dragon lord', a word from an old language given to riders of dragons by a war loving nation.
Scrying Pan - an ancient means of magical communication developed by the Danu.
Seerstone - an old magical artifact of communication which is said to be first developed by the Druids, it has the form of a crystal orb which varies in size as continuous developments had reduced it so it could fit easily in one's hand.
The Farzur - literally ‘the hidden power’, a term said to be given by the Danu to the well of power any learned magicians could feel around them. Though none have ever been known to wield it and survive, legend has it that sorcerers' blinding powers come from being able to access this unending force.
The Numir spell - a magic used to see the life-force in living things.
The Numar spell - a magic used to see the life-force in non-living things.
Tricuta - literally ‘the three peaks’, it’s the city-state of the Druids.
Cital - literally ‘mountain of the stars’, it’s the largest of the three hills around the city-state Tricuta.
Lamourn - the second largest of the three hills around the city-state Tricuta. It bears the name of one of the most adored hero of the Danu.
Numsaetal - literally ‘the nameless mountain’, it’s the smallest of the three hills around the city-state Tricuta.
Talhuraes - a mountain like wall formed by the saviours of the Danu, the seven high mages. It is the largest man made structure in the known world and it has taken the lives of all the magicians that created it. Its name is literally ‘mountain of the seven sacrifices’.
Rumnick - the ancient city of trade in the west, a ruin having never recovered from being destroyed by the mighty armies of a dragon nation