The Winter Garden Mystery

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The Winter Garden Mystery Page 5

by Carola Dunn

  Sir Reginald was probably at his dairy, wherever that was. She understood he usually went to supervise the early milking, returned to the house for breakfast, and then retreated to his refuge for the rest of the day. Taking the pad and pencil from the drawer, she wrote him a brief note saying no more than she had told Inspector Dunnett.

  As she folded it, she had a sense of someone watching her. She looked up. Moody stood there regarding her with despondent disapproval.

  “There’s writing paper in the library, miss. And a writing desk. Also in the Red Saloon, the … .”

  “Thank you, I have all I need. Is Sir Reginald at the dairy? Have someone take this to him, please.”

  He took the sheet of paper from her as gingerly as if it were a small creature of uncertain but probably distressing habits. “With your permission, miss, I shall enclose your communication in an envelope. Unfortunately the lower servants all learn to read these days.”

  “Do what you want,” Daisy said impatiently, “only see that Sir Reginald gets it within the next twenty minutes. If he asks for me, I shall be in the gardens.” She was dying to escape from the house before Lady Valeria crossed her path.

  She ought to go back to the Winter Garden to tell Mr. Goodman the police were on their way. In any case, she had left Lucy’s precious camera there.

  Ben Goodman was alone, perched uncomfortably at Boreas’ feet. He stepped down and came to meet her, tripod in hand, the camera slung around his neck.

  She glanced at the trench, which looked just as before. “You didn’t let them do any more digging?”

  He gave her a wry grin. “I’ve read enough detective novels to know one mustn’t move or even touch anything. Poor Owen was in a bad way anyway, in no fit state to dig even if I’d been hard-hearted enough to make him excavate his girl.”

  “It really is Grace Moss?”

  “Oh yes, quite recognizable. She was wrapped in a sheet. It gave old Bligh rather a shock, too, for a man his age. I sent them off to his cottage to have a bracer.”

  “I hope he has something stronger than beer.”

  “Whisky—strictly for medicinal purposes, naturally.”

  Daisy managed to smile. “I hope they don’t get squiffy. I’m afraid the police will insist on talking to both of them.”

  “They’re coming?”

  “An Inspector Dunnett from Chester. I thought I’d better bypass the village constable, but I must say the Inspector sounded like a bit of a blister on the telephone. He’s petrified of Lady Valeria.”

  “A not uncommon condition,” said Mr. Goodman dryly, “and not unreasonable. Her ladyship is not going to be pleased. I take it you didn’t tell her or she’d be here by now.”

  “No. I sent a note to Sir Reginald.”


  She sensed an odd tension in him, which relaxed at her answer. “I didn’t see either him or Bobbie.”

  But all he said was, “Just as well.” He handed her the camera. “Here. I took half a dozen shots of … the hole in the ground. I wasn’t sure what it was you were hurrying to photograph while the light was right.”

  “Boreas.” She frowned at the statue. “Too late for the best, but I’ll take a couple in case it rains tomorrow. I hope you don’t think I’m frightfully unfeeling.”

  “Those of us who work for our livings can’t afford to be oversensitive.”

  “Then I’ll go and do the knot garden, if you don’t mind being left alone on guard?”

  “No. But it’s in this sort of situation I’d kill for a cigarette, if a cigarette wouldn’t kill me.”

  “Jolly hard luck,” she sympathized, though smoking, like bobbing her hair, was a facet of emancipation in which she had not yet indulged. She disliked the smell of cigarette smoke, and cigars were even worse.

  Yet Alec’s pipe wasn’t bad, she mused as she returned to the knot garden. How she wished it was he who was on his way, not the Dunnett blister.

  Grace’s death was banished to the back of her mind by the complications of photographing the knot garden. In order to look down on it from a sufficient height, she climbed onto the stone balustrade of the terrace and set up the tripod in one of the huge stone urns flanking the steps. Then, to see through the viewfinder, she had to clamber up beside it. There she balanced with her feet on the rim, trying not to step on the bare soil within in case some as yet invisible plant was growing just beneath the surface.

  She took several shots she hoped had a fair chance of turning out well. Time to get down. That was when she remembered that, in her tree-climbing youth, descending from trees had always been much more difficult than ascending them in the first place. The ground looked an awfully long way away.

  “Allow me to assist you, Miss Dalrymple.”

  Cautiously she turned her head. Sir Reginald stood there, in tweed knickerbockers and a disreputable shooting-jacket, gazing up at her with grave kindliness. Beyond, Moody stared in outrage.

  “Thank you, Sir Reginald.” She gave him a grateful smile. “If I may pass you the equipment, I think I can manage.”

  A moment later her feet were safe on the crazy-paving of the terrace.

  “I must admit,” he said, “I had not allowed for the spirit of the modern young woman. I expected to find you prostrate on a sofa, not scaling the heights.”

  “You had my note? Oh dear, you must think me horribly callous.”

  “Miss Dalrymple!” Lady Valeria burst forth from the house. “I saw you from a window. I could not believe my eyes! How am I to explain it to your mother if you break your neck indulging in childish tricks while staying at Occles Hall?”

  “My dear, I’m afraid we have far worse trouble to worry about. Perhaps you ought to come and sit down … .”

  “Sit down? Nonsense, Reggie. What on earth are you blethering about now?”

  “Miss Dalrymple informs me … .”

  “Then she had better inform me too.”

  Daisy sighed. So much for her efforts to avoid being the one to break the bad news. She had no high opinion of Lady Valeria’s sensibility, but she couldn’t bring herself to just blurt out the worst.

  “One of your gardeners was showing me the Winter Garden,” she began. “I noticed a dying bush … .”

  “Disgraceful. I shall speak to Bligh about it. But hardly worth all this fuss, Reginald.”

  “Lady Valeria, listen, please! Mr. Bligh had his assistant dig up the plant and they found a body underneath. The body of Grace Moss.”

  “Grace Moss!” Lady Valeria’s choleric face paled. Then, as Daisy had half expected, she turned on the messenger. “This is all your fault! Coming here where you’re not wanted, poking and prying, interfering … .”

  “My dear!” For once Sir Reginald interrupted his wife. “You can’t blame … .”

  “I’ll blame whomever I please. This is what comes of your issuing invitations without consulting me!”

  “Inspector Dunnett, my lady,” announced Moody’s ominous tones.

  Lady Valeria swung round. “Police! I suppose I can guess whom I have to thank for this,” she added with a venomous glance at Daisy.

  Cap in hand, the officer in his blue police uniform stood beside Moody in his butler’s black. They could have been brothers. Inspector Dunnett’s long, craggy face gazed out at the malevolent world with an identical jaundiced expression; his shoulders slumped in the same defeated way. He looked perhaps ten years younger, about fifty, but the chief difference, Daisy thought, was that Moody had long ago ceased to let Lady Valeria’s outbursts increase his general pessimism.

  Inspector Dunnett appeared to regard her ladyship with misgivings amounting to dread.

  She glared at him. “This matter is nothing to do with me, Doublet,” she proclaimed, “nor with my family. Miss Dalrymple seems to know all about it. You may deal with her. Come, Reginald.”

  Not waiting for an answer, she swept past the policeman into the house. To Daisy’s relief, Sir Reginald didn’t follow her. As a suppor
t he might prove more reed than oaken staff, but she was glad to have him beside her anyway.

  “In just a moment, Valeria,” he called after his wife. He patted Daisy’s arm. “I shan’t desert you, my dear. Inspector, I am Sir Reginald Parslow. I’m sorry such an unpleasant occurrence has brought you to Occles Hall.”

  “I do my duty, sir,” he said stolidly. “With your permission, sir, I’ll have the doctor examine the deceased and my men search the scene. They’re waiting at the front of the house.”

  “Yes, of course. But I don’t actually know … .” He looked an appeal at Daisy and she remembered her note to him had not specified the place.

  “The Winter Garden. I’m Daisy Dalrymple, Inspector.”

  “Ah, Miss Dalrymple. You found the deceased.” His tone was accusing.

  “I reported the discovery,” she corrected him. “The gardeners did the finding.”

  “Yes, miss. All the same, I’ll need a statement from you.”

  “I’ll take you there and tell you what happened on the way.”

  “I’d better come along too, my dear,” Sir Reginald said anxiously. “Moody, direct the Inspector’s men to the Winter Garden.”

  “And put my camera somewhere safe, please.”

  “Very good, sir.” The butler accepted his master’s order with his usual gloom. A body in the Winter Garden was no more than one might expect, his demeanour said. “Very good, miss.”

  As they started down the terrace steps, Daisy began. “One of the under-gardeners was showing me around the Winter Garden.”

  “Just a minute, please, miss. An under-gardener? You’re a guest here?”

  “As a matter of fact, I’m writing an article about Occles Hall.”

  “A reporter!” Inspector Dunnett clearly considered reporters among the lowest forms of life.

  “A guest,” said Sir Reginald. “A welcome guest.”

  “A magazine writer,” Daisy affirmed.

  “A magazine writer? The Honourable Miss Dalrymple?” asked the policeman sceptically. “That’s what you claimed, wasn’t it?”

  Once again Sir Reginald came to the rescue. “Daughter of the late Viscount Dalrymple of Fairacres.”

  “If you say so, sir. Go on, miss. Please.”

  Her employment had obviously reduced to vanishing point whatever status her title had given her in Dunnett’s eyes. She remembered how Alec had dismissed her views while he thought her a mere society butterfly, but taken her seriously when he found out she was a working woman. She sighed.

  “I noticed a dead bush,” she said tersely. “The head gardener told Owen to dig it up. I went back to the house to fetch my camera and when I returned they had found the body.”

  “So you left these gardeners to guard the deceased and returned to the house to telephone?”

  “No, by that time Mr. Goodman, Sir Reginald’s secretary, had joined us. He asked me to telephone. The gardeners were naturally distressed at finding Grace Moss dead, so he sent them away and stayed himself.”

  Inspector Dunnett pounced. “Grace Moss? You knew the deceased?”

  “I didn’t even see the body,” Daisy snapped. “I’ve never been here before and I wouldn’t know her from Adam. Eve, rather.”

  He gave her a wary look as if he suspected she was mocking him. “Then who identified the deceased? Who was Grace Moss?”

  “Grace was our parlourmaid,” said Sir Reginald sadly. “A pretty, cheerful child.”

  “Mr. Goodman, Bligh, and Owen Morgan all knew her. They told me.”

  “So your evidence is nothing but hearsay,” Dunnett reproached her. “In that case, I’ve no need of you at present. My sergeant’ll take a formal statement later, miss. Ah, here’s Dr. Sedgwick and my men.”

  He strode off to meet an approaching group of uniformed police led by a plump civilian with a black bag. Dismissed and ignored, Daisy tramped disconsolately back to the house.

  Sir Reginald and Ben Goodman soon joined her. Sir Reginald enquired after his wife. He breathed a sigh of relief when Moody told him she had gone off in the Daimler to preside over a session of the Mothers’ Meetings county committee.

  “Then, if you’ll excuse me, my dear,” he said to Daisy, “I’ll be getting back to the dairy.”

  Mr. Goodman offered to begin the historical tour of the Hall. “We can’t do anything for poor Grace. We might as well have a look at the outside while it’s fine. You can still see the marks of the Roundheads’ cannonballs.”

  So Daisy fetched her notebook and was soon scribbling away in her own idiosyncratic version of Pitman’s shorthand. They reached the stables, now partly converted to garages, just as Sebastian rode in.

  If possible, he looked even more stunning on the back of his roan gelding. The position lent him an air of strength, of masterful vigour, absent from his ordinary demeanour and belied by his subservience to his mother. He smiled down at Daisy and Ben Goodman, and Daisy beamed back.

  “Let me tell him,” the secretary said softly to her, and with a shock she remembered Grace Moss.

  “All right. I’ll go and start transcribing my notes. Thanks for all the stuff.”

  He nodded with a faint smile, but his face was troubled as he turned to Sebastian.

  Slightly puzzled, Daisy headed for her room and her portable typewriter. She wondered if Ben was afraid Sebastian would go to pieces when he heard about the corpse. Was he trying to prevent such a revelation of weakness before a stranger? He was no relation of Sebastian’s, but Daisy had cause to appreciate his sympathetic nature.

  Bobbie had defended her brother against Daisy’s implied criticism of his failure to escape his mother, and Lady Valeria guarded him against husband-hunting harpies. He seemed to bring out a protective instinct, which suggested an essential weakness of character. The news of Grace’s demise might well shock him into an unbecoming emotional display.

  No, that was hardly fair, Daisy chided herself. Ben Goodman, who had seen all the horrors of the Great War, had been shaken by the death of the innocent young girl. Sebastian was too young to have fought in the War—only natural for him to be shattered by the murder of a girl he knew.

  And there it was again, the word she’d been avoiding. Murder. Those who died a natural death, those who succumbed to an accident, did not end up under eighteen inches of earth in a flowerbed.

  Grace Moss had been murdered.


  Daisy deciphered the last curlicue of shorthand, typed the last word, and stacked her papers neatly. The seventeenth-century siege of Occles Hall was a bit of a wash-out. She couldn’t blame the inhabitants for their rapid surrender to Oliver Cromwell’s men. The moat, though it had then surrounded the house, was no protection against a cannon; had they fought on, there’d be nothing left today for her to write about. Still, she needed lots more to make her article interesting.

  Unfortunately, Town and Country was not the sort of publication to revel in murdered parlourmaids.

  She went downstairs. No one was about. From her window she had watched the solemn procession of police bearing the covered stretcher out to their motor-van, then driving away. Presumably the sergeant had been left behind to take statements, but there was no sign of him.

  She went out to the terrace, and thence her steps inevitably turned towards the Winter Garden. Not that she expected to find any clues. Even a police search would be lucky to turn anything up after so long.

  At least, she assumed Grace had been there since her disappearance. Long enough, anyway, for the bush to expire after its mistreatment. Daisy thought she recalled Ted Roper saying the blacksmith’s daughter ran off two months ago, and Bobbie had certainly mentioned three unsatisfactory parlourmaids in two months.

  The murderer had had plenty of time to miss a lost glove or scarf and return for it. In that time, even in that sheltered spot, rain and snow, frost and wind would obliterate signs of a struggle, wash away footprints and blood … . Ugh!

  All the same, it was odd no one had noticed t
he dying bush and missing irises sooner. The gardeners might have had no reason to go to the Winter Garden, since thoroughly weeded beds would not put out a significant new crop of weeds in January. But the garden was in full bloom. Had none of the family bothered to go and look at it?

  Reaching the door in the wall, she opened it and glanced around. Amidst such a profusion of colour, she conceded, a deficiency in that particular corner might be overlooked by anyone who didn’t walk around closely studying the plants. She herself hadn’t noticed it until she and Owen reached the spot. Inclement weather, everyone busy elsewhere; no, it wasn’t really so surprising.

  So for two months everyone thought Grace ran away, when all the time she was dead and the evidence leading to her murderer … .

  Heavy footsteps crunched on the gravel behind Daisy.

  Her heart thudding, she swung round. “Oh, Bobbie, it’s you!”

  “Yes. I … er … I came back through the village.” Bobbie sounded oddly evasive and her face was even pinker than her usual healthy colour. She was dressed in a golfing costume but she didn’t have her clubs with her. “Isn’t Ben with you? I didn’t mean to hop it and leave you alone.”

  “I almost wish I had gone to play golf with you. I’m afraid something dreadful has happened.”

  “To Ben?” Bobbie asked anxiously. “Sebastian?”

  “No. The gardeners found a body in the Winter Garden. Your parlourmaid, Grace Moss.”

  Bobbie turned white as a sheet. “Grace Moss?” she faltered in a faint voice.

  “Here, come and sit down.” Daisy pulled her towards the old mounting block that stood beside the door. “Put your head down between your knees. That’s it. I’m frightfully sorry, Bobbie. It was absolutely asinine to tell you so suddenly.”

  “No, I’m all right. Honestly. I … It was just a bit of a shock. So Grace came back.”

  “She wasn’t just lying there, she was buried. It seems to me she probably never went away, but I don’t know what the police think.”

  “Police! Oh hell! I must talk to Bastie.” She jumped up, apparently quite recovered. Nonetheless, Daisy went with her, almost trotting to keep up with her swift stride. “That must be what the police were doing at the smithy when I passed—telling her father. The way he was carrying on, I thought Mummy had sent them round again. I must say he sounded livid with rage, not grief, but that’s the way Stan Moss reacts to everything.”


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