Bad Storm

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Bad Storm Page 4

by Jackie Sexton

  I stifled a moan at the sight of his turgid member, and suddenly had an excellent idea. I got up from the bed and tip-toed to my closet, not at all surprised by what a heavy sleeper he was. As long as I had known Trent, he was always the kind to sleep in and be late for class. I pulled on my blue terry-cloth robe and tip-toed out to the kitchen.

  It didn’t seem like Sierra was up yet, and I exhaled a sharp sigh of relief as I opened the refrigerator door and pulled out a can of whipped cream.

  “What are you doing?”

  I spun around and put a hand to my heart. “You scared me!” I hissed. Sierra just laughed, dressed up in her black work pants and matching visor, he apron folded over her forearm. Sierra’s schedule at The Cafe Doomsday wasn’t really consistent, so I was never sure if she had a night shift or morning shift.

  “You can’t give me any shit about my eating habits if your going to be eating that for breakfast,” she snorted.

  “I…um…” I looked around sheepishly.

  “Don’t worry, I saw Trent’s car in the parking lot. I get it. Turns out you made your choice after all. And you’re getting a little bit kinky,” Sierra winked and I blushed. Kinky was definitely her terrain, not mine.

  “Well…I just had an idea…” I mumbled, looking away from her smug face. I felt weirdly uncomfortable as I remembered that Sierra didn’t even remember that I ran off with Aamir.

  “Yeah, yeah. You’ll have to give me all the dirty details later, or else I’m going to be late for work.” she walked past me and grabbing a water bottle from the fridge door. “By the way, did you want me to ask Dan about getting your job back? They haven’t replaced you yet.”

  “Oh yeah, my job,” I groaned. “Yeah, mention to him that I’m back, I’ll stop by at some point,” I said, wondering how I had managed to get so caught up with things to forget about trying to get a job. Normally, this would be the first thing I’d be worried about. But since I was banging my best friend who was a werewolf…well, I guess my priorities were slipping away from me.

  “Alright, see you later.” She said, picking her purse up from the couch and walking towards the door. “And remember,” she called out over her shoulder, “there’s no such thing as too much fun!”

  I shook my head and grinned to myself as she shut the door behind her. I looked down at the can of whipped cream in my hand, and feeling slightly ridiculous, but also kind of sexy, I sneaked back into my bedroom.

  Trent was still sound asleep, his turgid wood saluting the ceiling. I took a deep breath.

  ‘Come on. You’ve always wanted to do something like this,’ I urged myself. I snuck up over to him and sprayed the whipped cream in my hand, slowly moving it over his silky hardness. I closed my eyes and shuddered at the smooth sensation. It was soft and delicious, and I could only imagine how good it would taste.

  I opened my eyes and giggled at the sight of his member covered in the white, cloud-like cream. I brought my mouth over it, the sweetness caressing my mouth.

  He stirred again, and this time I heard him groan a bit. I took his cock deep into my mouth, letting his thickness slide down to the back of my throat.

  “Good morning,” he said, looking up with at me with a bemused grin. I pulled my mouth off him and smiled.

  “Good morning to you too,” I replied before moving myself back down his length, cradling his balls with my tongue. A low, guttural noise came from his mouth and reverberated through my body, sending me in a dizzying delight. I played with him, moving my hands and mouth over him until he nearly lost it , and he sat up and threw me back on the best, growling and smiling as he pinned my wrists up by my head.

  “You’re a tease,” he said, and I giggled. He kissed me all over my face, keeping my hands firmly above my head and clasping my thighs together with his.

  “Well you’re keeping me prisoner. There’s not much I can do to prove otherwise.”

  “True,” he grinned. “I guess I’ll just have to have my way with you…”

  But before he could have his way with me, a flash filled my mind. It was Lola, and though I couldn’t tell quite what was going on, I could see her face in my mind, clear as day. Something was not right.

  “Crap,” Trent muttered.

  “What’s happening?” I said, sitting up as he released my hands.

  “She’s probably off being crazy again. The thing is, we can’t afford any more sightings. They get people unsettled, and not to mention the Knights…”

  His face clouded over for a second. I gave him a look, but I understood. My romantic history aside, the Cyrus people really didn’t seem like people we wanted to get involved with if we didn’t have to.

  “I still feel really bad about Lola,” I admitted, glancing over at him with a look of remorse.

  “Yeah. Me too.” He clenched his jaw. “You may not believe me, but I really did swear that I would imprint her once we got married. I never thought I’d…” he looked at me, and I felt a wash of guilt overcome me. I had avoided thinking about Lola so far, mostly because it was easy to peg this as her fault. To make her out to be the bad guy. But really, I couldn’t blame her. If I were in her shoes I would kill me. And somehow, I wouldn’t put it past her to try.

  “Yeah, I fucked up. This is my fault just as much as it is yours. I should go talk to her,” I said, biting my lip nervously as I imagined facing that horrific wolf from my dreams.

  Trent shook his head. “This is my fault. I was the one engaged to her, not you. Besides…I get why you want to apologize, but she’s definitely not in a good space right now. Even if she wasn’t a wolf, I would be afraid for what she might do to you. She’s…intense.” He turned his cobalt eyes on me and I nodded. As much as I knew I needed to apologize, now was definitely not the time.

  “Alright. I guess you should go take care of that then. I have to go run a few errands anyway,” I said, thinking about the coffee shop job and how I hadn’t stopped by to see my mother yet.

  “Well…we’ll have to rain check this then.” Trent moved in to kiss my forehead. He stood up and searched around the room for his clothes, finding them on the floor by the foot of the bed.

  “Last night was pretty wild, huh?” He shook his head with a smile.

  “Yeah. I watched him in awe as he pulled his clothes on. I couldn’t figure out how I got there, to that moment in my life. Even if I knew the hard facts they were so bizarre and hard to believe that it was like I was dreaming.

  “Hey,” Trent said, walking over to me after he pulled his shirt over his head. “This is all moving really fast but…I just wanted you to know that last night was probably the best night of my life.”

  My heart leapt into my throat. “Haha,” I muttered sarcastically, but as I searched his eyes I saw no hint of a playful smile.

  “I mean it,” he said, moving his face closer to mine, the sliver of light from the window falling on his hard, chiseled cheek.

  “Don’t play with me, Trent.” My voice was barely above a whisper. I knew then that I could never have the upper hand. I was completely and utterly his, and while it was scary, it was invigorating.

  “I’m not, Bailey,” he said in his low, husky voice before he closed the gap between us for a final kiss.

  Chapter Three

  I was chopping up some onions for dinner when my phone went off. It was the pop song I had assigned to my home number. It was strange, picking up my phone and thinking about all the things I hadn’t told my mother. I hadn’t even told her I was back in town. Feeling slightly guilty, I answered the phone.


  “Mija! How are you? I miss you!” she said in her shrill voice. I pulled the phone away from my ear for a moment, grimacing. My mother had always been the loudest person I knew. She didn’t mean to be, it was like she was yelling half the time.

  “I’m good Mom,” I started, cradling the phone against my ear and walking away from the onions. I didn’t want her to hear my sniffling, but it was too late.

ue pasó? Are you OK?” she asked, worry in her voice.

  “Yeah, mom. Sorry, I was cutting onions.”

  “Oh, you are cooking? I didn’t think you would have times for that on the road!” she said.

  “About that,” I cringed a little. “Well, I wanted to surprise you but…we decided to come back!” I faked some enthusiasm, but my voice fell flat.

  “What do you mean, mija?”

  “Um, I just got back to my apartment,” I said, trying to remain vague.

  “What?!” she exclaimed. “When did that happen?”

  “Um, not to long ago,” I said quickly, “I mean, really I just got back. The tour got canceled because…um, Trent’s sick? Yeah, Trent’s sick.”

  Oh the lies that would follow me to my grave. Good thing my mom’s gullible. I need an extra set of hands to count the amount of times I told her it was written in the sky—but I’m also pretty sure she doesn’t know what the word gullible means.

  “Oh no! Is he okay?!” She sounded alarmed. I flopped onto my couch and fought the urge to sigh.

  “Yeah…he’s better. I’ll come see you guys tonight,” I said, feeling guilty that it wasn’t the first thing I did upon arriving in Deston.

  “Please, reina, that would be so nice. And you can see Sierra! She is here visiting.”

  “What?” I said, blinking my eyes in confusion.

  “Yes! She is visiting Tony, I think it’s because she misses you. Very cute.”

  A million thoughts raced through my mind. Why would she be visiting my house and not tell me about it? And why would she go visit my brother? It couldn’t be because she missed me. I was back.

  Dread filled my stomach. Because I knew Sierra better than the back of my hand. Tony was her type. Tall, dark, and super mentally disturbed.

  “Oh.” I could feel my heart sinking in my stomach. “Well, I guess I’ll have to come and say hello to her. Don’t tell her I’m coming though,” I added. I wanted her to explain herself—she was so good at crafting lies that I wanted to catch her off guard. I wanted her explanation to be earnest. I wanted her to tell me that it wasn’t what I thought.

  “Okay mijita, it will be a nice surprise!” she laughed.

  “Yeah, I’ll be right over.” I jumped to my feet and walked briskly over to my room, my heart pounding furiously.

  “Aren’t you cooking?”

  “I want to see you more,” I said quickly.

  “Okay, I’ll cook something up for you! Love you!”

  “Bye mom, love you too,” I said before hitting the end call button. I dressed myself in a flurry, not paying attention to much more than getting a top and bottom on my body and pulling my hair back in a clip. I was scared, mortified, and livid. Just moments ago I was on cloud nine, preparing a meal for the two of us so I could gush about Trent. We would drink wine and gossip and watch that movie we had agreed upon.

  But now it was different. Now she was hooking up with my brother. The one who was bipolar. The one I committed to a mental hospital.

  Needless to say, I’m a little bit more than over-protective.

  I pulled on a hoodie and threw up the hood, not bothering to find an umbrella. The rain splashed on my face as I ran out to my Vespa and started up the little engine, racing down the colorful, narrow streets of Deston Beach. The apartment complexes, people walking the streets, and small shops passed by me in a blur. Once I finally got to my mother’s quaint, baby blue villa, I ran up to the porch and pounded on the door, too alive with nerves to fumble through my purse for my key.

  “Coming!” I heard my mother call. She opened the door and smiled at me, and I smiled weakly back as she pulled me into an intense hug.

  “Oh Bailey!” she kissed the side of my face viscously before pulling away to size me up and down. Seriously, it was like I had been gone for months instead of a couple of days.

  “How are you, mija?” she cooed. She was wearing a floor-length skirt and a green-print tropical shirt, her dark, silky hair piled up on her head in a messy but fun kind of way. She looked much younger than forty-five, and her youthful smile and short stature kept her cute and lively as ever.

  “I’m fine, mom,” I said, my tone easing at the sight of my mother, who was clearly so happy to see me. “How are you?”

  “Good, good! Come into the kitchen, I made you some quesadillas and soup.” She took my hand and lead me to the kitchen.

  “Where are Sierra and Tony?” I asked between gritted teeth. “I want to say ‘hi’ to them too.”

  “Oh, probably playing the Xbox, they do that a lot,” she said, laughing. “Antonio! Sierra! I have a surprise for you!” she called out in her thick accent, her voice bouncing off the tiles and walls.

  The kitchen smelled wonderful, filled with the strong and heavy scents of tomatoes and jalapeño peppers. My mother made her way to the stove top and I sat down at the kitchen table nook, trying to think of all the other possible explanations for Sierra taking an interest in my brother.

  Maybe she was trying to figure out a way to contribute to the community. Maybe she suddenly started volunteering to help the mentally disturbed.

  Except I knew that wasn’t it. Sierra was a mess herself. She was the kind of girl you pulled out of bathrooms at clubs. She was about as stable as a roller coaster.

  I heard loud steps thud against the tile. I knew instantly it was Tony. He came into the kitchen and leaned against the entryway, folding his arms against his chest and giving a small yawn.

  “Hey Bailey, sup?” he asked casually. I could tell by his red, drooping eyes that he was drinking again.

  “Hey, were you just taking a nap?” I looked away from him and tried to fight the vicious, accusing tone that crept up in my throat. I smiled at my mother who brought me a plate of quesadillas and a bowl of soup. She sat down across from me with a cup of green tea, completely oblivious to the tension in the room.

  “Yeah,” he said.

  “Where’s Sierra?” I asked, trying to sound casual as I dipped my spoon into my bowl, blowing on the deep orange soup before bringing it to my lips.

  “Uh, she’s in the bathroom, should be out a sec,” he said as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

  “Huh.” The hot liquid fell down my throat. My mother’s cooking was good, but I was so filled with mixed emotions that I could hardly taste it. “Thanks mom,” I said, knowing that it meant a lot to her.

  “Of course, bella.”

  “Well I think I should go say ‘hi,’” I said, standing up from seat. Tony gave me a funny look.

  “She’s in the bathroom,” he said.

  “Yeah well,” I had this strange feeling she was trying to escape from the window. Even if Tony was unconcerned with the weirdness of their coupling, I knew Sierra would have felt differently. And this wouldn’t be the first time she escaped an awkward situation through the bathroom window. I remembered all to clearly her escape from Homecoming junior year after she barfed on her date.

  I made my way down the hall briskly and exited through the front door, going around the side of the house where the window to our guest bathroom looked out. And sure enough there she was, her pale legs dangling out the window.

  “Cute skirt!” I called out, letting the venom come through my voice. This was the ultimate proof. If I couldn’t be sure that she was hooking up with my brother before, I knew it then.

  “Oh fuck!” I heard her shout out before she let go of the windowsill and fell gracelessly onto the wet grass. She crawled up and tried to wipe the dirt from her hands, her cheeks a furious red as she avoided making eye contact with me.

  “Sierra, what the fuck?” I yelled, letting my hurt and anger fly free. She looked up at me and I could see tears brimming in her eyes. I felt a sympathetic pang in my heart, but I kept my lips in a firm, disapproving frown.

  “I’m sorry,” was all she could manage before casting her gaze back down to the muddy earth. “I tried to tell you.”

  “Did you really?” I snapped.
“Because you must have not tried that hard if this is coming as such a complete shock.”

  “I…I just, I knew you wouldn’t be happy about it,” she said in a near whisper.

  “Of course I wouldn’t be happy about it! He’s sick! He’s not going to be some good boyfriend to you, and the last thing I need is for my best friend to be another girl Tony uses like a tissue!”

  “That’s not fair…” she croaked out. But I could see it in her face that she knew what I was saying was true.

  “You’ve always been kind of delusional,” I snapped, the fire burning through my mouth before I could stop it. “But this is seriously a new level in your self absorbed insanity.”

  I walked away, my nerves getting the best of me. I instantly regretted what I said, but as I stomped away I imagined the near future where Sierra would come crying to me about the latest boy that had used her.

  ‘But this time I won’t listen,’ I told myself as I walked back into the house and into the kitchen, only to find that Tony was sitting where I had been, eating my dinner.

  “Oh, let me get you another plate!” My mother rushed off to the kitchen.

  “No, don’t bother,” I said, tired of how my brother got away with everything. No one expected him to be reasonable. No one expected him to be considerate.

  “I’m tired, I’ll see you tomorrow,” I lied, giving my mother a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  “Are you okay?” she whispered, a concern look in her dark eyes.

  “Yeah,” I said, trying not to let on how pissed off I was. “It’s been a long past few days.”

  As I walked out of the house and down the driveway, Sierra ran up behind me.

  “Bailey wait!” I forced myself to keep my eyes forward, to say strong. She always manage to find a way of getting my sympathy.

  “Bailey! I’m sorry! But I can’t have it all figured out like you. You’ve basically known your prince charming since you were in fucking elementary school!”

  I turned around, and she looked fierce and angry. It wasn’t what I expected. “You know it’s not like that,” I said coolly. “Stop making this about me.”


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