War for Orion: Ghosts from the Past

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War for Orion: Ghosts from the Past Page 29

by Conner Walworth

  Adira walked down the aisle and left the room so the commanders could talk to each other privately. They had had no idea what was going on when they had arrived, and if they had, there was no shred of doubt left in their mind. Orion wasn't ready for war like this, the Queen had never planned for it. She had made sure all of the planets got along and were happy with laws and regulations so that war could be avoided entirely. Preparing for an ancient race to appear out of a Black Hole was something she had never thought to prepare for, but no one could blame her, this was completely unheard of. It was too late to look back on mistakes now. Orion was at war and on the verge of being taken over.

  "This is the planet you want us to attack Jahdiel?" Merikh looked down at the unarmed planet.

  "Yes," she nodded. "We need to make a point that we are taking over all of Orion, not just Hera."

  "They are weak," Merikh shook his head. "They will put up no resistance."

  "Exactly. They will not resist because I'm sure the Queen has taken all of the fleets to defend herself. If you want to make your point, this is the planet that you attack first."

  "The Queen would leave a planet completely undefended?"

  "If she believed that we were going to strike Hera first, yes. By her doing that, it leaves all of the other planets undefended and easy to take over. Once we attack Demeter, she'll send ships here to defend it. It's not rational thinking, but it is who the Queen is. She loves her Galaxy and that's where her weakness lies. Attacking the weak is how we win this war."

  "Unpredictability and heartlessness," Merikh grinned. "I love the way you think. No wonder you helped us win our war. We will ravage this world and turn all survivors into slaves. Let the rest of Orion know that they are doomed once Hera is taken over and the Queen is dead."

  "They will have no option but to bow down to us or face the same fate as this planet," Jahdiel replied.

  "Get the bombers ready!" Merikh shouted to his crew. "Fill them plasma bombs so the lands burn."

  "The order has been sent sir!" A crew member shouted up to Merikh.

  "We attack Demeter now!"

  The crew scrambled to get the message to the pilots and Jahdiel saw bombers streaming towards Demeter shortly after the command. The pilots were eager to get out and kill again, it had been three days since the war ended, but they were still hungry for more death.

  Hundreds of bombers flew down to Demeter and Jahdiel saw large fires ignite on the helpless planet below her. She knew the fires would burn all of the crops and leave Orion severely crippled. It would've pleased her to take the Queen down first, but that would be too quick and painless. Adira needed to suffer like she had suffered after being wrongly exiled to live with bloodthirsty monsters.

  Merikh put his hand on her shoulder. "You have proven to be a great commander for the Crodillians. We will take back Orion and fulfill our ancestor's destiny."

  Jahdiel turned to him and smiled. "I think I just got another idea."

  "Well, let me hear it Jahdiel. You haven't let me down so far."

  "I know someplace where we can get more races to fight for our cause. They will prove to be great allies if they choose to side with us. Many of them hate Orion as much as we do and will be willing to fight for our cause."

  "Where are these allies?" Merikh asked.

  "They are kept on the moons of Themis," she grinned. "The criminals of Orion."

  "You are suggesting we give these prisoners freedom if they choose to fight for our cause?"

  "We will ask who wants to fight for us first," she nodded. "We will welcome them aboard and then kill all those who won't fight by our side."

  "I will send a fleet to Themis as you request."

  "Let me go with the fleet," she urged. "If they see me, we may get more volunteers because I am a familiar race to them."

  "You may get a fleet ready to leave now," he agreed. "I am going to go down to Demeter and introduce myself to all of the survivors."

  Jahdiel looked out of the window at the raging planet below, erupted in flames and covered in a thick billowing cloud of black smoke. She knew Demeter would never be able to fully recover from this attack. She also had no doubt that the Queen's fleet would be here to meet the Crodillian's soon, but she had another mission to go on. The prisoners could be put on the front lines to fight the Queen's army up close, without losing a single Crodillian. Jahdiel called a crewman over and ordered him to get a fleet prepared to leave. Themis was waiting to be taken over by the Crodillians.

  Chapter 33

  "We're here," Falcone turned. "But I'm not seeing any place for me to land Drakos Mavros."

  Anlon came up to the cockpit and looked out of the window. Falcone was right, there was no place with civilization anywhere to be seen.

  "Keep flying around," Anlon told him. "Maybe your friend is waiting for us somewhere."

  "Why don't you just call him and tell him we're here?" Nimesha asked.

  "I tried. I didn't get a response."

  She plopped down on a chair in the cabin. "Great plan you had. Let your fish friend take the Princess without any way to contact him once he was gone," she smirked. "You would've been better off keeping her with you on Erebos."

  Falcone ignored her. "I'm going to land the ship over there. It's big enough for the ship and that's all we need right now."

  Anlon nodded. "We don't have much of a choice right now, but to wait."

  Falcone carefully put down the ship and powered down the engines, lowering the ramp to watch for anyone approaching from behind. It didn't take long before the water started bubbling and a watercraft emerged from the ocean.

  "Look!" Anlon pointed to them. "Something is coming up from the water."

  "Told you he'd find us," Falcone shot at Nimesha. "We're not all like you assassins."

  She rolled her eyes and followed Anlon to the edge of the ramp. A glass hatch on the watercraft popped open and Bimisi sprang out.

  "Welcome to Nesoi!"

  "Why didn't you answer your comlink?" Falcone asked. "Do you know how many times I called you?"

  "Figured you were calling because you made it here, so I left and waited for you to land your ship before I showed myself," Bimisi shrugged. "You could've landed sooner so I didn't have to follow you all over Nesoi."

  "Still could've answered," he muttered.

  "Who's the pretty lady?" Bimisi shifted his attention.

  "An assassin that works for the Deimos Brotherhood, who by the way, tried to kill us while we were on Erebos," Falcone answered. "Not my idea to bring her along with us."

  "Used to work for the Deimos Brotherhood," Anlon corrected. "She's helping us now."

  "As long as she's on our side now, I don't care what she did before," Bimisi smiled. "I wouldn't say I have the cleanest of pasts."

  "I am on your side," Nimesha assured him.

  They all got in the watercraft and Bimisi lowered it under the water, taking them on the short journey through the crystal clear water to the underwater city. Bimisi steered the watercraft in the hangar and waited for the water to recede before allowing the passengers out. He led them out of the door, down the glass tunnels, and to Kanti's chambers. Shrieks rang down the halls as he pushed the doors open.

  "What is she doing alive with you Anlon?" Kanti motioned to Nimesha.

  Camillus picked up a laser pistol and pointed it at Nimesha. Anlon stepped in front and held out his arms out to shield her.

  "It's okay!" he calmed them. "She's on our side now!"

  "She tried to kill us!" Kanti shouted. "Explain to me how exactly that makes her on our side. I would think that's the opposite."

  "She works for the Deimos Brotherhood!" Camillus added. "She can't be trusted, even if you think she can be trusted. It's her job to deceive and she's clearly done a superb job on you."

  "She can be trusted and she is going to help us whether any of you like it or not," Anlon told them angrily. "Things have changed quite a bit since you two were secluded into hiding."

/>   "I'm sorry I tried killing you, Kanti," Nimesha apologized. "That was what I did in my old life. I promise you I've changed, though it hasn't been very long. Anlon opened my eyes and I know what Kirill's true plans are. I can't, and won't, work for a monster like that anymore."

  "Of course you'll pretend you're sorry," Kanti snorted. "It'd take one second for us to kill you or vice versa."

  "She's telling us the truth," Camillus backed down. "She'll still have to prove herself to us, but she's being sincere in her apology."

  "How do you know?" Kanti asked.

  "My sensors read that she told the truth. My sensors work like a lie detector in way and they're rarely wrong."

  "I'll make a mental note that that's another thing the robo-man can do," Falcone said under his breath.

  "We found the base," Anlon told them. "And Nimesha confirmed it."

  "Only after trying to kill us," Falcone interrupted.

  "What did I tell you?" Bimisi beamed. "There's no one better at gathering information like that than me."

  "When I called the Queen she told me some very disturbing news," Anlon continued. "There is a new, more deadly, enemy trying to kill her and take over Orion."

  "What do you mean?" Kanti asked. "Who could be worse than my father?"

  "Jahdiel has returned from the Black Hole."

  "Should I have heard of her before?" Kanti asked. "It's definitely not ringing a bell."

  "She was a woman Adira wrongly outcast to the Black Hole many years ago," Camillus told her. "Kirill set her up to take the fall, which didn't work because the Queen still found out it was him trying to kill her. It was too late to bring Jahdiel back at that point."

  "Anyway," Anlon continued. "She has come back with an ancient race called the Crodillians. I have never heard of them, but the Queen said they tried to take over Orion centuries ago, which is why they were outcast to the Black Hole."

  "And they have somehow found a way back through to do it again," Camillus thought aloud. "I would never have thought that possible. The science to do that is beyond anything discovered in Orion."

  "Crodillians?" Kanti looked to Camillus who seemed to know who they were.

  "They're very dangerous. Orion isn't ready for an enemy like this, not after being at peace for centuries. They are too powerful and know war. They live for war."

  Anlon nodded. "They took out a whole fleet in seconds from what the Queen explained She doesn't seem too hopeful that her fleets will be able to stop them either, so Camillus is right when he says they're powerful."

  "They can do much more than just take out a fleet in seconds," Camillus sounded concerned. "Advanced technology is only one of the weapons they possess. If I'm right, they have a weapon that should be feared much more."

  "What's going to happen then?" Kanti queried. "What's the Queen going to do about them?"

  "We're at war with the Crodillians," Anlon revealed to the room.

  "Orion is in a lot of trouble. We have to do something to help," Camillus said. "Adira and the rest of the planetary leaders have no idea what they're up against."

  Donnchadh woke abruptly in his cell to the sound of alarms screeching throughout the entire prison. He hadn't been here long, so he wasn't sure if it was normal, but he had a feeling from the reactions of others that it wasn't. None of the cells unlocked and no warbots came to let them out. It was motionless inside of the prison, but outside of the prison, hell had broken lose. Weapons were blazing and explosions rocked the building.

  Huge warships were hovering right outside of the prison and the warbots were uselessly firing at them. Donnchadh knew it wouldn't be long until all of the warbots were completely destroyed, leaving the prison defenseless for the attackers to enter. Confusion washed over him as the last few warbots were destroyed and the ships landed on the soft sand. A strange race filed out of the ship and waited for a figure, that appeared to be human, to lead them inside of the prison.

  Donnchadh waited calmly as he heard cells being broken open and orders being barked by the race to go wait outside by the ships. When they finally reached his cell, they broke the lock, opened it, and told him to follow the others. He nodded to the hideous race and followed their orders, afraid he would torn to pieces if he didn't. He walked down the narrow hallway, close behind the other prisoners, and waited in the sand near the mysterious ships. It wasn't long before the human, a dark skinned woman with black hair, led the monsters out of the prison.

  "You are all probably wondering why we are here and have taken you out of your prison," She shouted it loud enough for everyone to hear.

  There were nods from all of the prisoners and some had looks of utter fear on their faces, most likely from the monsters standing behind the woman. Donnchadh couldn't help but think he knew this woman from somewhere. She looked familiar, but he couldn't place where he may have met her.

  "We are here to free you!" she shouted. "You will no longer be confined to the hellish moon. On one condition."

  Cheers erupted from the crowd, but Donnchadh stood silently. He didn't trust this woman, but he didn't trust the races behind her even more. They were here for more than just freeing them.

  "You must fight with us to take over Orion! There is going to be a change of power and you have a choice to side with the victors before the war begins."

  These criminals would surely go along with this race. They hated Orion and didn't care what happened to it, even if it ultimately meant their own death. He on the other hand, didn't like the idea, but he would have to play along for the time being if he wanted to survive another day.

  "Most of you are criminals and have been outcast here to die. Some, like me, have been outcast wrongly and will never live normal lives again. I was sent to the Black Hole many years ago to death, but I survived! Now I have come back and I will make the Queen pay for her mistake. What will you choose to do with your second chance?"

  The prisoners went crazy, knowing that they were about to be freed from Keres. Not only were they about to be freed, they were going to get to get revenge on the races that had sent them here to die. They didn't care about the innocents that would die in the process, only that they'd be set free to kill as they wished.

  "If you are with us, board the Mother Colchian!" she pointed. "Those of you who don't want to fight alongside us, may stay here at the prison, free of harm to die a slow death on this hellish moon."

  A majority of the prisoners rushed to the Colchian to join Jahdiel and the Crodillians in taking over Orion. Donnchadh lagged behind them, sensing that she wouldn't let the reluctant ones live as she claimed. Jahdiel led the prisoners to an area of the ship that had a view of the prison and the races who had decided to stay behind. They were gathered in a circle and were staring up at the prisoners on the ship. As the Colchian lifted, sonic blasters obliterated them.

  Donnchadh pushed himself through the on-looking prisoners and found a corner to sit in alone. He had been right to not trust this woman, but he was in a tough situation now. He was one against thousands, maybe more if this wasn't the only Crodillian ship. If he was to escape, he'd have to play his cards very carefully. Being a prisoner hadn't lasted long, he was yet again an assassin, who was going to have to kill his powerful captors and prevent them from taking over Orion.

  Adira picked up her comlink and answered the call from Demeter's planetary leader. "Yes?"

  "We have been attacked, ravaged, and taken over!" he shouted frantically. "Adira help us!"

  "Slow down!" Adira ordered him. "Who attacked you?"

  "Monsters!" he told her. "I have never seen this race before in my life! We sent some of our ships to you like you requested, and the others to Ares, and shortly after that we were attacked."

  "Are the attackers still there?" Adira left her chamber.

  "Yes!" he shrieked. "They're burning our planet and taking captives! One of the monsters has introduced himself as Merikh and he said the Crodillians are going to take over Orion! Anyone left on Demeter will be made
into a slave!"

  "Calm down!" she ordered him. "I'm sending help to you immediately. Just hang in there until then."

  Before she could say anything else to him, background noise erupted and the comlink dropped to the ground. Adira heard angry voices followed by a gunshot and the comlink's connection cut off. She ran to where the commanders were to tell them what had just happened.

  She burst through the doors, interrupting their planning. "We need to send a fleet to Demeter now! They're under attack!"

  A bald black human with a short black braided beard stepped forward. His piercing blue eyes tore through her. He walked forward to her with his hands crossed behind his back and towered over her.

  "You told us they would come here first," he boomed. "All of our other planets have been left defenseless because you were sure they would be here first."

  "I was sure that they would come here first. Everything pointed to them coming to kill me."

  "We can't send a fleet to Demeter," he said emotionless. "Demeter is gone. The enemy has taken it. There is nothing that we can do without leaving Hera defenseless. This was obviously very well planned on their part and we can't fall into their trap. We must step forward with our plan."

  "We have to send at least one fleet!" she demanded. "Races are going to die!"

  "One fleet?" he boomed. "The last fleet you sent to confront this enemy was destroyed with ease. Why would I send another one of my fleets to the same fate? It will only lead to more unnecessary deaths."

  "We can't just sit here idly while they're ravaging the planet and making slaves of the races!" she shouted.

  "We must prepare to fight them here," he didn't budge. "I have read up on my history of the Crodillians. When they tried to take over Orion centuries ago, they were just barely defeated by our ancestors. That was against an Orion that was used to being at war. We haven't seen a war like we're about to see in centuries. We have no other option but to follow through with our original plan."


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