Stabbing Set with Sapphires

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Stabbing Set with Sapphires Page 7

by L. A. Nisula

  “No, it means I received the case yesterday evening and have not had time to question everyone involved. I assure you, everything that can be done will be done.”

  Miss Kleinman looked ready to argue further, but I didn’t think that was prudent. Inspector Wainwright was likely to decide any idea she had was a bad one if pushed too far. It seemed like a good time to interrupt. “I came to see if either of you would like some scones.”

  Inspector Wainwright glared at me, or I assumed it was directed at me since he didn’t look up from the floor.

  “Scones would be lovely,” Miss Kleinman said. “And I’d better tell the staff they can expect another round of interviews.” She left the vault. I followed her to the lounge.

  Miss Henderson looked up as we came in. “Is it the same inspector?”

  “It is.”

  There was a collective groan.

  Miss Kleinman pretended she hadn’t heard. “I am told he is very good at what he does. He will be questioning everyone again. Has someone put a sign up letting any customers know we’re closed?”

  “I did,” Miss Peters said.

  “Very good. Then please enjoy the scones. I will send word to anyone who had an appointment for today that we will need to re-schedule. Please give the inspector whatever help he needs, and come to me if there are any―difficulties.” From the way she said it, I knew she meant difficulties with Inspector Wainwright.

  As soon as she was gone, everyone crowded back around the teapot. “This can’t be good,” Mr. Garver whispered. “I know there was already trouble with the insurance.”

  “But the new company said it would cover the losses,” Mr. Morris said as he filled his cup and then Miss Eaton’s.

  Mr. Garver took the teapot from him. “If they have the paperwork finished. They did on the last batch, but I doubt we’ll be that lucky twice.”

  “And then there’s Emma,” Miss Peters said.

  Everyone was quiet for a moment.

  “I’m sure she’ll be fine,” Miss Eaton said.

  “Of course,” Mr. Morris said with less conviction.

  I could see Miss Peters didn’t want to talk about it, so I tried to change the subject. “I said I’d send some tea to the constable outside.”

  “I’ll take it,” Miss Peters offered.

  “Thanks. And I suppose I should bring something to Inspector Wainwright.”

  “I don’t know that that’s necessary,” Miss Eaton said.

  I shrugged. “Keep on his good side.” Especially since I had figured out what had bothered me about Miss Crawford’s flat.

  “Does he have one?” Mr. Garver asked.

  “I haven’t found it yet. Nonetheless.” I fixed a cup and put a scone and some butter on a plate, and brought it out to the vault.

  Inspector Wainwright was standing by the door, surveying the entire room at once. “Find anything?”

  “A great deal,” he said flatly.

  I knew better than to ask what. “I brought you something to eat.” I held out the tea and scone. He didn't take it. Now how to phrase the next bit so he would hear me? “Was I right in thinking that the mess in Miss Crawford's room was a distraction and not really someone looking for something?” I knew perfectly well that it was an excellent theory, but saying that would just make him push against me if he hadn't noticed it.

  "You mean because the pillows weren't slashed and the curios weren't broken, and the food wasn’t spilled over the floor in case something was hidden inside the packet? Yes, I did notice that."

  Well, at least he'd heard me. “I'll leave the tea out here. There’s a table by the door.” I put the plate and cup on the table and went back to the lounge.

  ~ * ~ * ~

  At noon, Miss Kleinman came in to say that Inspector Wainwright had told us we could go to lunch and to return in half an hour. I had several offers to join groups at various places, but I wanted to be alone to think, so I used the excuse of errands to run to beg off. I started by going back to the aviary and found that Milly had sent a reply telling me to meet her outside the Fox’s Den at six. With that taken care of, I wandered down the street and ended up at the bakery, where I ordered three kinds of pastry and a flask of tea. I brought this very healthful lunch to the small park across the street and found a quiet spot to eat on my own.

  I returned to the shop at 12:30 as instructed. Constable Edwards was still guarding the alley, but it looked like someone had brought him a paper of fish and chips. When I went inside, the shop seemed very quiet. I went to see if anyone was in the offices, but when I passed Mr. Kleinman’s door, I heard voices trying not to be heard, so naturally I stopped to listen.

  “Daniel, I think the argument ends here, and in my favor.”

  “You’re right, you’re right. I’ll telephone Mr. Tolland and have him bring the forms to insure the Heart of Night in the morning.”

  So she’d worn him down at last. I hurried to the lounge before they could leave and find me spying.

  The lounge was empty except for Miss Henderson making tea. “That smells good.”

  “Would you like a cup? There’s plenty. Apparently we’re the only ones who thought half-hour meant be back by 12:30.”

  “Thanks.” I took one of the plain white cups from the cupboard and brought it over to the kettle.

  Miss Henderson poured out the tea. “I can’t remember the last time I drank so much tea.”

  The last time I had, there had been a murder, but I didn’t think that was the most comforting thing to say at the moment. “It does give you something to do with your hands, though. Shocking about Miss Crawford.”

  “And so unfortunate. I heard you were with Miss Peters when she reported it?”

  She seemed the sort to like a good gossip so I put on my best breathless voice. “That’s right. She asked me to go with her to check on Miss Crawford since she hadn’t come to work, but we never thought... And of course I had met her my first day here.” I shook my head as if it were too much. “But when did you last see her?”

  “It must have been the night she disappeared. Miss Eaton, Miss Crawford, and I went to a pub for a bite to eat before we went home. It was someplace we'd never been to before. The White Oak. It seemed safe enough. I hope that wasn’t where it happened. I’d feel so guilty.”

  When she didn’t continue, I leaned in. “Surely there’s no reason for you to feel guilty. Going to a pub is a perfectly normal thing to do.”

  “But I went home early. My neighbor’s aunt was coming to stay with her, and I said I’d be there to let her in. My neighbor works at a theater, you see. Selling tickets. So she gets home very late. But if we’d left together, maybe I would have seen something, or she would have left later or earlier or... Oh, Miss Eaton, Miss Pengear and I were just discussing Miss Crawford. Do you realize we might be the last people to have seen her before she disappeared?”

  “Surely someone at her building would have seen her. I’m sure the police will ask around.”

  I turned my attention to my new witness. “Did you leave with her from the pub?”

  “Yes, we did leave at the same time, but we live in different parts of town, so we split up near the Underground entrance. But she seemed herself. Not nervous. Not intoxicated. I didn’t see any reason why she would disappear like that. Not from our dinner.”

  “Then I wonder how it happened,” Miss Henderson said. “Do you suppose it’s connected to the robbery?”

  “I wouldn’t think so,” Miss Eaton answered.

  “Then why is the same policeman investigating it?”

  Miss Eaton seemed to be at a loss to explain that.

  Miss Henderson turned to me. “Do you think we’re in danger? I mean, if it is connected.”

  “I’m sure we’re all safe,” I said with more certainty than I felt. When Miss Henderson didn’t look convinced, I added, “Inspector Wainwright is doing everything he can.” When that didn’t seem to be enough, I added, “And just this morning I saw Miss Kleinman
hounding him to solve it.” That seemed to do something. At least Miss Henderson seemed to remember she was holding a cup of tea.

  Miss Eaton put down her cup. “You see, Clara, everything’s fine as long we don’t lose our heads. Or our jobs.” She wandered back towards the selling floor.

  Miss Henderson turned to me. “You’re going to look into it too, right? I heard you’ve solved cases for the Yard before.”

  “Where did you hear that?” I asked, hoping to avoid getting dragged in.

  “Some of the constables were talking to each other. You have quite the reputation. I’m sure you can figure it out before they come for the rest of us.”

  I was going to tell her I had no intention of interfering in Inspector Wainwright’s investigation, when I realized how ridiculous that was. Hadn’t I just started interviewing the people who had seen Miss Crawford last? Besides, Miss Henderson was already turning her attention back to her tea. I picked up my cup and went in search of someone else to interview, preferably far away from Inspector Wainwright.

  But the first person I ran into was Inspector Wainwright coming from the vault room. He looked around then nodded towards the office. “I suppose you’re my next witness.”

  “I’m flattered.”

  “Don’t be, there doesn’t seem to be anyone else around for me to question.”

  I followed him into the office and sat down across from the desk.

  “According to Miss Kleinman, you were one of the last people to arrive this morning?”

  “Yes, everyone else was early. Apparently, Miss Peters telephoned everyone last night after she returned home from Miss Crawford’s flat.”

  “Unfortunately. So you did not see the crime scene?”

  “Just a glance through the door. Miss Ferris was coming today to take a look at the lock, so I had to let her know not to bother.” No reason to tell him about Milly. “And I picked up the scones on the way back. Miss Kleinman’s idea.” I glanced around the room but didn't see the plate or cup I'd brought him.

  Inspector Wainwright looked down at his notes. I could see the report I had typed up for him sitting on top. “Miss Pengear, who have you told about this job?”

  “Inspector Wainwright, you should know me well enough by now to know that I am not an idiot.”

  His eyebrow went up.

  I glared at him. “Mrs. Albright knows I’m here. That’s it.”

  “And who has she told?”

  “No one as far as I know, but you’d have to ask her yourself.” I kept glaring at him. I knew he wouldn’t talk to my landlady if he could avoid it; they liked each other even less than we did.

  He sighed. “Tell me exactly what you saw when you went to Miss Crawford’s flat. You said Miss Peters asked you to go with her?”

  “That’s right, since I live in the general area and she was worried.” I launched into the most detailed account of events I could manage.

  Chapter 8

  INSPECTOR WAINWRIGHT GOT THROUGH MY QUESTIONING as efficiently as I had ever seen, then sent me back to the lounge to wait with the others who had finally returned from lunch. I tried bringing up Miss Crawford, but while they would gossip about her disappearance on their own, as a group they were silent. Miss Henderson kept making pots of tea. Mr. Garver kept changing the subject to everything from the weather to our opinions on bird watching to the prize fight that was happening in a week’s time. Mr. Morris paced a great deal. Miss Eaton looked irritated and kept glancing at the clock. I was beginning to think we’d never be allowed to leave and wondering how to contact Milly when Miss Kleinman came into the lounge.

  “You’re free. I’ve convinced the inspector there’s no point to keeping you here if he’s not going to question you. Miss Pengear, may I see you for a moment?”

  As everyone else made a dash for their coats, in case Inspector Wainwright changed his mind no doubt, I followed Miss Kleinman into the hallway. “I have managed to convince Daniel to take out the insurance policy on the Heart of Night.”

  I tried very hard not to look like I already knew that bit of information.

  I wasn’t sure if Miss Kleinman was distracted or I was doing a good job of acting, but she went on without seeming to notice anything amiss. “I sent a note to Mr. Tolland. He’ll be here in the morning. I hope that isn’t too inconvenient for you?”

  Just a simple typing request, then. “Not at all. It’s probably best to get it over with before anything else goes wrong.”

  “My thoughts exactly. I’ll see you in the morning, then. Good evening, Mr. Morris.”

  Mr. Morris brushed past us on his way out. “Good evening, ladies.”

  I went back to retrieve my coat and typewriter case. As I was making my way to the back door, I caught sight of Inspector Wainwright leading Mrs. Donovan into the office. She was going on about the work she still had to do, but with less confidence than she’d shown the other day. I hurried to make my meeting with Milly.

  ~ * ~ * ~

  By the time I managed to get across town to the Fox’s Den, Milly was waiting for me by the front door of the pub. She studied my face for a moment, then said, “You were the one looking into Gilda, right?”

  “That’s right.”

  “And now you’re looking into something else. Is it dangerous?”

  “Not at all. I just need to find out if one of the suspects was at the Fox’s Den when he says he was.”

  “Do you want him there?”

  I smiled. “He makes a good suspect, but it would kill his mother, so I think the truth is best here.”

  “I can ask around. What’s his name?”

  “Charlie Donovan. He says he was there Tuesday night but he was trying to hide from the barman.”

  “Wait, was he one of those gits stealing drinks from the Mapwood and Collingsworth Esq. group? They were a bunch of solicitors and barristers, do you know how hard it was to convince them to pay, and then that it wasn’t on purpose?”

  “So he was there. Would you recognize him or any of his friends?”

  “Not likely. That’s part of the scam. If we recognize them, we’ll know they're not part of the group. But I’ll ask around. Maybe one of the others noticed them leaving.”

  “Thanks.” I gave her a description of Charlie Donovan and my card.

  ~ * ~ * ~

  I'd made it back to my flat and had barely gotten my shoes off and the kettle on when there was a knocking at my door. I recognized it and hurried to answer it. “Evening, Mrs. Albright. Would you like a cup of tea?”

  “No, I’m fixing something in my flat. Mrs. Paulding down the street brought this by. She said it ended up on her window sill.” She held out a rather battered and slightly dodgy-looking mechanical bird.

  “That’s from Kate Ferris, isn’t it? Thank you. Mrs. Paulding wasn’t too upset, was she?”

  “No, it landed in her zinnias not the geraniums, so no great tragedy, not that she can grow either one. How goes the robbery?”

  “How do you expect when Inspector Wainwright’s in charge?”

  Mrs. Albright nodded. “Efficient but no fun. Have a good evening.”

  I closed the door and brought the bird to the table to figure out how to get at the message. Kate was always experimenting, trying to find the key to an affordable mechanical bird that could be sent by anyone to anyone rather than the rather complicated system of designated main stations and the complex trajectories that needed to be figured for distribution. If she’d managed to get this one only half-a-block away from its intended target, she was doing rather well. The panel ended up being hidden in the bird’s beak, and I was able to extract a piece of paper saying “Re-schedule Thursday?”

  Since I had no idea how to program the bird, I wrote a normal note saying that would be fine and left it near my handbag. I’d ask Miss Kleinman in the morning, then post it. I found a small box big enough to hold the bird, so I added a few lines telling her where the bird had landed and how far that was from my windows, then wrapped it i
n tissue and prepared the whole package for the postman. While I was at it, I penned an anonymous note to Inspector Wainwright telling him where Charlie Donovan had been the night of the first robbery and, after considering all sides, about the theory that he would have gone for an easier target if he had been interested in stealing. Inspector Wainwright would no doubt recognize my handwriting, but I wasn’t particularly concerned about it.

  ~ * ~ * ~

  Saturday morning I dragged myself back to the Underground with my typewriter, promising myself I would stick to Oxford dons and the post for the foreseeable future. The trains were more than half empty at that hour, so both my case and I were able to get a seat.

  The street outside of Kleinmans' was busier than I’d expected, but then most of the shops were open for part of the day on Saturday. I tried the front door of Kleinmans' and found it unlocked. Miss Kleinman was behind the counter with Miss Fairfield.

  “Good morning, Miss Pengear. Mr. Tolland will be here at nine. I’m not sure where my brother is. He said he’d be here at eight. Oh well. You know the way by now. Miss Henderson and Mr. Morris are having tea in the lounge before they officially open the shop, and Miss Fairfield will be our third witness today.”

  I went to the display room and set up my typewriter then went for tea. Mr. Tolland arrived promptly at nine o’clock, and Miss Kleinman brought him in.

  Mr. Tolland looked around the room as he entered. “Mr. Kleinman?”

  “He was supposed to arrive an hour ago. I’m not sure where he is, to be honest, but I don’t want to delay you. Miss Fairfield, would you get Mr. Morris? He is a jewelry designer; that should make him an acceptable witness. Miss Henderson can handle the customers on her own.”

  Mr. Tolland nodded. “That should do. Although I would prefer... As he is one of the persons taking out the policy... But it will do.”


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