Just Say Yes

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Just Say Yes Page 3

by Samantha Lind

  “I’ve been thinking the same thing all day. I just don’t know where his head is at. I would hate to get ahead of myself, thinking we can work everything out and get back together, just to find out that he doesn’t want the same thing. But after tonight, I have a feeling he is on the same page.”

  “I say follow your heart, girl. After seeing the way he still looks at you, you don’t have much to worry about. I swear, the man only has eyes for you, even after all these years apart.”

  “This is why I love you so much. You make sense of my life for me. What would I do without you?”

  “Be a lonely woman who hoards cats in her apartment?” Kinley teases me.

  “So, what was up with you and Brian? You two seemed a little cozy.”

  “He was laying on the charm pretty thick. He asked if he could take me out when they get back from the cabin before he flies out. I told him I would think about it. He did convince me to give him my cell number, so he can text me when they’re back. I don’t know, Becca. He seems to be a nice guy, but all I’ve ever read and heard about him is that he’s a player and womanizer. I guess if he texts or calls me, it won’t hurt to go out with him. I can be strong enough to resist his charm and keep him out of my bed.”

  “Good luck with that!” I tell her with a burst of laughter. “I can text Scott and see what he says about him if you want.”

  “NO!” Kinley shrieks. “Don’t ask Scott about him. That will make me seem desperate and encourage him to lay it on thicker.”

  “Okay, fine. I won’t text Scott about him. I’m going to change into sweats. Then we can pull out a bottle of wine and watch a movie if you’re up for it.”

  “You had me at sweats and wine!” she chuckles as she nudges me with her shoulder.

  “Do you still have clothes here, or do you need to borrow some?” We both have a stash of clothes and extra toiletries at each other’s house, since this isn’t an uncommon occurrence that one of us ends up at the other’s house after a night out. We like to continue the party at home with wine and a movie.

  “I should, but if I need something, I’ll let you know. Meet you back out here in a few,” Kinley says over her shoulder as she heads down the hall to the guest bedroom where she keeps her stuff.

  We pull out a bottle of wine and pick a chick flick to watch. Since we both work the night shift, we’re used to being up all night. We can’t decide between Something Borrowed and Pitch Perfect, so decide to make it a movie marathon night and watch both back to back. We finish the second movie around three in the morning before calling it a night and heading to bed.

  Before I fall asleep, I pull out my iPad to check up on my Facebook feed, and see what all my friends and family have been up to. I notice a text notification and see that Scott texted me hours ago.

  Scott: Hope you girls have a great rest of your night. I miss you already and can’t wait until I can see you again.

  Swoon. That man knows how to get my pulse racing with just a simple text. I know he’ll be sleeping, but I want him to know I saw his text and had a great time as well.

  Becca: Sorry for the delay in replying, and I know you won’t get this until morning but thanks again for dinner! I’m looking forward to seeing you again as well. ;)

  I finish checking out my social media feed, and put my iPad away, drifting off to sleep. I dream of what could be between Scott and me, and where I hope our relationship can go.

  Kinley and I sleep in the next morning, a good start to a lazy Sunday. Before I get out of bed, I notice a new text waiting for me. I know it’s Scott before I even open and read it.

  Scott: Good morning, beautiful! I’m glad you had a great time last night. The guys and I are packing up to head to my cabin, so I will be in touch when we return in a few days.

  His text puts a smile on my face and reminds me of how sweet he is. He might be this big badass on the ice but get him off the ice, and he is a big teddy bear.

  Becca: Morning, hope you guys have a great time!

  I finally drag myself out of bed and into the shower so that Kinley and I can head out for breakfast. I can smell coffee, so I know Kinley is up and moving. We’re finally ready to head out by late morning and decide to head to one of our favorite local diners. When we go out and end up spending the night at each other’s place, we usually get up the next morning and go out for breakfast. Nothing like a good greasy breakfast to soak up the leftover alcohol consumed the night before.

  I notice that Kinley has been kind of bubbly this morning, and am very curious as to why. She is normally upbeat, but today she seems to be lost in the clouds.

  “What’s got you all excited this morning?” I ask her, as our server hands us our drinks and tells us that she will be back in a few minutes to take our order.

  “I can’t even explain it all. Brian sent me a text while we were watching the movies that I didn’t see until I headed to bed. I replied, thinking he would be sleeping, and not see my reply until this morning, but he replied almost immediately. We texted back and forth for a few hours about anything and everything. When you strip away the bad boy, womanizer façade, he's a sweet guy. He hides behind that naughty persona. From the time I talked to him at dinner, and then texting with him last night, I can tell he secretly wants to settle down and have a family. He worries women are after him for his money and the fame of being with an NHL player, so he plays the manwhore who jumps from one bed to the next, with no sign of settling down, to avoid having to deal with it.”

  “Wow. So, do you think you’ll go out with him when he gets back from the cabin?” I ask Kinley as I look over my menu.

  “I think so. It depends on what day they come back from the cabin. He’s leaving next Wednesday to fly back home to Minnesota. We have Saturday through Monday nights off, thought, so if they come back by then, I’m sure we’ll make plans.”

  “You go, girl!”

  “Don’t go getting your hopes up. I think, for now, we need to be friends. I have no idea how we would even have anything more. It isn’t like you and Scott. We just met, and we don’t even live in the same state.”

  “I know. I just want you to find that special someone who will sweep you off your feet and treat you like you deserve to be treated,” I tell her as our server approaches to take our order.

  We continue talking about the guys, and what we have planned for the next few days while we’re off. Since it’s going to be so nice out, we plan a run or hike for each day. After we finish our breakfast, then we head out. I have errands that I need to run, so I drop Kinley off at her place and get them all done before I head over to my parents’ house for dinner.

  “Hey, mom!” I call out as I walk into my parents’ house later that afternoon.

  “Hey, Becca! I’m in the kitchen,” she replies. It smells so good in here, so I know she’s been cooking for a while already.

  “What are you cooking?” I ask as I walk into the kitchen and take a seat at the island.

  “Lasagna, and it’ll be done in about a half hour. I just finished whipping up the garlic butter spread for the garlic bread I’m making.”

  “Need me to help with anything?”

  “If you want to start chopping the fixings for the salad, you can. How was work this week?”

  I stand to grab the lettuce, tomato, carrots, and cucumber from the fridge and counter and get to work assembling it. “It was good; same old same old, most nights. A few bad car accident victims last week, from that big crash on the Seward Highway.”

  “I saw that on the news. That was a horrible accident! I hope everyone will make a full recovery.”

  “As far as I know, everyone that came to us survived. I know one patient was in pretty bad shape, but he was pulling through, the last I heard. Once they’re transferred upstairs, we don’t tend to get many updates.”

  “Any big plans for the next couple of days?”

  “Kinley and I have runs and hikes planned since it’s going to be so nice. I finished all my errands
this afternoon, so I’ll try to take it easy, I guess.”

  “That sounds nice. Did you know Scott was back in town? I ran into his mom while out for my walk this morning, and Linda was all excited to have him back in town for the summer. She said his event yesterday went really well.”

  “Yeah, I know he’s back in town. I actually ran into him after Kinley and I finished our run yesterday. His event had already ended; he was finishing up with the cleanup when he saw me. We only chatted for a few minutes, since some of his teammates were with him. But then, Kinley and I saw them again last night when we were at the Brewhouse waiting for a table, so we joined them for dinner. The manager was nice and gave us that little private room they have so that the guys weren’t constantly bothered while they were trying to eat.”

  “Oh, that sounds like a fun time. Were his friends nice?”

  “Yes. Brian Kelly, who is Scott’s defensive partner, was laying on the charm pretty thick with Kinley. They ended up exchanging numbers and have been texting each other. The guys left this morning for Scott’s cabin for a few days, so I’m not sure that they’ll chat much, but he asked her out for when he returns,” I say, as I finish up the salad prep. I grab a glass of ice water and reclaim my seat at the island.

  “Well, isn’t that nice. How was catching up with Scott?”

  “It was nice. Some moments, it felt like no time had passed at all. When we ran into each other earlier in the day, before we parted ways, he asked me if we could go out once he was back from the cabin and the guys left. I agreed to that. After dinner, he made sure that I was still up for a date, just the two of us.”

  “And are you?”

  “Yes, Kin and I talked about this a lot, and I’m going to stop my normal summer routine of trying to avoid him. Spending that time together confirmed how much I miss him and would love to try again. From the time I spent with him, I think he’s on the same page, but I’m not counting my chickens before they hatch. We need to have some serious discussions before we make any decisions about a future together, so I’m anxious for him to get back.”

  “I can tell how happy he makes you, just talking about him, Becca, so I hope you guys can figure out what is best for the both of you. Especially if it’s going to keep that smile on your face. You light up when talking about him, and I’ve missed seeing that in your eyes the last few years.”

  “I know. I don’t know why I put up such a fight over the past few years and kept myself from seeing him. Now I just have to hope that it isn’t too late and we still have a chance at a future together.”

  “I have faith in you, baby girl. If that boy still looks at you like he did when the two of you were in high school, then I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” My mom wraps an arm around me to hug me. “Now, help me get the table set. Everyone should be here any minute for dinner.”

  I help my mom set the table, and sure enough, my dad, my brother Ben, and his girlfriend Ashley all arrive for dinner a few minutes later. The conversation is light, all of us catching up on what’s happening with everyone else. Ben is five years younger than me, but we have a great sibling relationship. He’s a police officer here in town, and his girlfriend is a nanny. She’s amazing and loves my brother so much. I hope he puts a ring on her finger in the next few years; they’ve already been dating for a little over a year and moved in together just recently. Anyone that looks at them can see how much they love each other.

  After a wonderful evening catching up with my family, I head home. Tomorrow, Kinley and I are going on a hike that will last a few hours, so I want to get a good night’s sleep. It takes a toll on my body working nights, as on my nights off, I tend to switch back, so I’m awake mostly during the day. So, tomorrow night, I’m going to have to start prepping to go back to work. Once home, I wash my face, brush my teeth, and slip into pajamas, before climbing into bed for the night. I notice a text came in while I was busy, so I pull it up. I’m slightly shocked that it’s from Scott, but laugh once I see the picture he has texted me. It’s of the three of them, out today fishing. They have huge smiles on their faces and are all holding up nice-sized king salmons.

  Becca: Looks like you’re all are having a great time! Bet dinner was delicious!

  I set my phone back on my nightstand, not expecting a response from him tonight. I pull up Netflix on my iPad to watch House of Cards. I’m only a few minutes into the episode when I hear the text notification from my phone.

  Scott: Dinner was delicious, the only thing that would have made it better was if you’d been here.

  Becca: Charmer ;) More fishing planned for tomorrow?

  Scott: Yep, and hanging out here at the cabin. We’re all still getting used to being off for the summer.

  Becca: Have fun! Kinley and I are headed out to hike Flat Top tomorrow, and then I think we’ll do another run down on the coastal trail Tuesday. Then it’s back to the grind of work for a couple of nights. Have you guys decided when you’re heading back to Anchorage?

  Scott: Saturday morning is the plan. Brian wants to take Kinley out before he takes off for Minnesota and he said that she’s off that night. Any chance you’re off, too, and I can take you out?

  Becca: I will be, but what about Murph?

  Scott: Murph is a big boy...he can fend for himself for an evening.

  Becca: Scott! You can’t abandon your friend who’s visiting.

  Scott: Becca, it’s fine. Seriously, don’t worry about him. He’ll be fine for the evening. So, what do you say?

  Becca: Hmmm…I guess ;)

  Scott: Now that’s the kind of answer I like to see. I’ll text you once we’re back Saturday and we can make specific plans.

  Becca: Sounds good, enjoy the rest of your time at the cabin. Good night.

  Scott: Good night beautiful.

  I drift off to sleep shortly after finishing our texting session, looking forward to Saturday night’s date with him.

  Scott: You look beautiful in the picture you texted me. It looks like you and Kinley had a great time on your hike today.

  Becca: Thanks ;) We did! The weather was perfect! How was your day?

  Scott: It was great. Are you in for the night?

  Becca: Yep, just put on my pj’s and am curling up on the couch to read for a few hours before bed.

  Scott: I wish I was there, curling up with you. I’ve missed talking to you.

  Becca: I’ve missed you……

  Becca: I wish you were here.

  Scott: Since we can’t curl up together tonight, tell me something – anything- good that has happened over the past eight years.

  Scott: I feel like so much has happened, and I want to know everything.

  Becca: Gosh, where do I start?

  Becca: I don’t think anything major has happened since we broke up. Life has kind of just been status quo. Spending time with my family & Kinley and work have been my priorities. I haven’t dated much, just wasn’t something that was important and if I’m being honest, no one could compare to you.

  Becca: Your turn. ;)

  Scott: Besides the cup win this season, being chosen as the Captain of the team was probably the best thing to happen career wise along with signing my most recent contract. In my personal life, not much. Like you, I haven’t dated much. I was always hopeful we would find out way back to each other.

  Scott: I hope that isn’t being too forward. I’ve missed you so damn much Becca, and I want to see where this goes. I want you back in my life.


  Becca: I’ve really missed you too.

  Scott: So, does that mean we can see where this goes?

  Becca: Yes.

  Scott: Thank fuck.

  Becca: ;)

  Becca: Hey

  Scott: Morning beautiful. How was your shift?

  Becca: Busy like normal, how was your evening?

  Scott: It was good, we just enjoyed a fire out on the deck and grilled up some of the salmon we caught.

  Becca: Sounds l
ike the perfect evening.

  Scott: It was pretty nice, only thing that would have made it better was if you had been here.

  Becca: Is that so?

  Scott: Absolutely

  Becca: What are you guys doing with your last full day at the cabin?

  Scott: We’re driving down to Homer to catch a halibut charter for the day.

  Becca: Sounds fun!

  Scott: The guys have enjoyed Salmon fishing, but wanted a change of pace.

  Becca: Well enjoy! I’m off to bed.

  Scott: Will do, sleep tight beautiful. Are we still on for tomorrow night?

  Becca: Yes

  Scott: I can’t wait.

  Chapter Five


  Spending a week at my cabin always centers me and having the guys here with me definitely increased the fun. We fished every day, grilled, and relaxed. During the hockey season, we are always on the go, so it’s nice to hang out and not do much. Making it to the Stanley Cup finals is always the goal, and ultimate dream, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. But it also means our season is that much longer, and our summer that much shorter.

  While we were at the cabin, we finalized our ideas on the tattoos we want to get to celebrate and commemorate our Stanley Cup win. Our designs are similar, yet unique to each of our personalities. Mine will have the cup with a banner below inscribed with the year, along with the team’s logo behind the cup.

  We made it back to Anchorage earlier this afternoon. I know Becca worked last night, so I think she’s still asleep. We need to unpack anyway, and I want to get the fish we brought back with us packaged up and in my freezer, so it doesn’t go bad. I figure I can text her after that, see if she’s awake and make our plans for tonight.

  “Do either of you want to take any of the fish back home with you?” I ask Brian and Murph as we haul the cooler inside.

  “I’d love to take some with me,” Murph says, grabbing a few more bags out of my truck.


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