Just Say Yes

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Just Say Yes Page 13

by Samantha Lind

  Once home, I strip my suit off and put on athletic shorts. Becca is in the living room, looking sexy as hell in jeans and her personalized jersey that fits her like a glove. My dick hardens in my shorts just looking at her. I lean against the wall, watching her, thinking how lucky a man I am to have her here and back in my life.

  I might be tired as hell after tonight’s game, but I’m suddenly filled with a second wind, and I want – no need- her under me right now. I walk toward her, desire written all over my face. I motion for her to stand, and I run the back of my fingers down one cheek, then place my palm against her cheek. I run my other hand through her hair, stopping at the base of her neck to turn her face up toward mine. I look down into her eyes before I press my lips to hers. She moans against my mouth as I slip my tongue past her lips, deepening our kiss.

  We stand there in the living room, kissing for what feels like an hour. It was really only minutes, but my dick is rock hard, and all I want to do is bury myself to the hilt inside her. Every minute that passes is one moment too long that I’m not inside of her. Every minute that passes without me being inside of her is a moment too long.

  I break our kiss so I can lead her to the bedroom, where we quickly shed our clothing and fall into bed together. Making love to Becca is the greatest pleasure and gift I have ever been given. Making her realize how much she means to me, and how much I love her, will always be a priority and I plan on showing her every chance I get.

  Chapter Eighteen


  My week in Indy went by too fast, and before I know it I’m on my way back to Alaska for my final couple of weeks. Scott’s headed out for his first road trip, so even if I had been able to stay, we would have been apart from each other for the next few weeks.

  I make it back to Anchorage, text Scott letting him know I made it home safely, and then crash. I have work tomorrow night, so I need to be rested and ready for my shifts. Scott plays tomorrow night in LA, and then Anaheim, before he heads to Arizona. He’ll return to Indy for one game; then he’ll be back out on the road to play in Minnesota, before heading home again.

  My first night back at work is crazy and nonstop, leading me to wonder if there was a full moon. We dealt with victims of a horrific car accident early on in my shift, and then smoke inhalation and burn victims from an apartment building that caught on fire. Thankfully it looks like they’ll all survive but I’m sure they’ll have a long road to recovery.

  With Scott on the road and me back to my night shifts, we’re back to texting and short FaceTime chats to keep us connected over the first few days of being apart. I’m looking forward to not working nights. Even with us still being apart when he’s on the road, it will be easier for us to stay connected.

  The Eagles won their game against LA, lost in overtime against Anaheim, and play tonight in Arizona. Kinley is coming over to watch the game with me. I love watching Scott and his team play and can’t wait to get back to Indy so I can be back in the arena watching him live.

  Being game day, Scott has a morning skate. Then he’ll head back to the hotel for lunch and to rest before they charter over to the arena for the game. We FaceTime before his nap so that he can catch up and seeing him on the screen makes me miss him so much. I don’t know how I thought I would be able to be away from him for so long.

  “Good luck tonight, babe. Score a goal for me.” I wink at him through the camera.

  “All my goals are for you.” He winks back at me. “God, I miss you, woman. How many more days until I get you back?” I laugh because he damn well knows when I will be back in Indy.

  “Only six more days, babe.” I fly back the day after they return from their Minnesota game.

  “Not soon enough,” he shoots back.

  “I know. I feel the same way, but I just have to finish out my last few shifts, and then I’m all yours. I don’t have much packing left to do, so when I’m off, I’ll be spending as much time with my family and Kinley.”

  “Did you talk to your parents yet about coming for Christmas?”

  We discussed having our families visit for the holidays. Scott gets a couple of days off for Christmas, but they also have a few home games that everyone could attend before or after the break.

  “I mentioned it to my mom when I talked to her on the phone, but I’m going to talk to her more about it when she comes over this afternoon. Have you talked to your parents yet?”

  “I sent my dad a text. He didn’t see any conflicts. I also texted Nathan to see if he, Katie, and the kids can come. He was thinking after Christmas, that way the kids are home on Christmas morning, but said he would talk to Katie about it and get back to me.”

  “I hope it works out for everyone to come!” The thought of having our families together, and for them to see Scott play is exciting to me. It feels like everything’s falling into place in our lives.

  “Me too, babe, me too. And on that note, I need to get going, so I can get in a nap before I’m expected on the bus. I love you and I’ll call you after the game, and before we fly back. Probably be a quick call once I’m on the bus.”

  “I love you too, and kick ass out on the ice tonight,” I tell him, as I blow him a kiss before we disconnect our call.

  My mom comes over for lunch and to catch up. I fill her in on Indy, meeting the other WAG’s and how amazing they all were. We discuss the holidays and even look at tickets for her and Dad. I’ve texted Ben and he’s working on getting the time off so that he and Ashley can visit too, even if it’s only for a few days.

  It’s late afternoon when Kinley arrives, and my mom is still here. They catch up, and then our conversations turn to hockey, Scott, and her and Brian. She still insists they are just friends, and says that they never had sex the night he stayed over at her house. According to her, they just stayed up all night, talking about anything and everything. I know they continue to text and talk with each other, so it’ll be interesting to see if they ever try to turn that into a deeper relationship.

  My mom takes off, leaving Kinley and me to hang out for the evening. We call for takeout and settle in to watch the game. The guys start out strong, scoring within the first few minutes and again, with only a couple minutes left in the first period. During the second period, Arizona comes out strong and scores quickly, but Scott and his team were able to keep the one-point lead into the third period. A few minutes into the third period, Eric Thompson gets tripped, going down hard on the ice. The refs call it and send the culprit from the Arizona team into the penalty box. Eric doesn’t move much, and it’s apparent he’s been injured. The medical staff tends to him on the ice before helping him off and taking him directly down the tunnel. Play resumes with Indy on the power play. The Eagles win the faceoff, taking control of the puck quickly, and setting up to try and score a goal. They keep the puck in the offensive zone, taking several shots on goal. Their perseverance pays off and with only a few seconds left in the power play, one of the guys sneaks the puck past the Arizona goalie, lighting up the goal lamp.

  The Eagles players on the bench all jump up, pumped for their teammates and those on the ice celebrate the goal before heading to the bench to change out players.

  The team holds onto their lead, even when Arizona pulls their goalie during the final minute and a half, ending in another win on the road. They’re off to a really solid start this season.

  While I wait for Scott to call me after the game, Kinley and I chat more. We discuss plans for her to come to Indy to visit and toss around the possibility of either a girls’ cruise or a large group of us going together. After all the fun Scott and I had on our cruise a few weeks ago, I’m excited to go on another one.

  Kinley takes off, since she has an early appointment, so no sleepover for us tonight. I curl up on the couch, watching Friends re-runs, while I wait to hear from Scott. As if he heard me thinking about him, my phone rings.

  “Hey! Great game tonight!”

  “Thanks, babe. How was your afternoon and evening?�

  “Good. Spent the afternoon with my mom, and the evening with Kinley. Mom and I looked at flight options for her and Dad.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “How is ET? That fall didn’t look good.”

  “He’s being watched for a concussion for now, so he’ll be out for a couple of days, maybe more, if his symptoms continue.”

  “I hope he recovers soon.”

  “Concussions can be a bitch. Hopefully, he’ll be back in the lineup soon. Oh, hold on.” I hear mumbled voices behind Scott, as he talks with someone in the background. “Hey babe, we just arrived at the plane, so I need to go. I love you, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. We have an optional skate, but I’m going to see how I’m feeling in the morning and decide then if I’m going. Otherwise, I’ll be home, so call me when you get up. If I decide to go to the skate, I’ll send you a text, and call you when I’m done.”

  “Okay, love you. Have a good flight, and text me when you get home.”

  “Will do, babe. Love you,” Scott tells me again and disconnects the call.

  I’m not ready for bed yet, so I grab my kindle and curl up for a date with my next book boyfriend. While I get caught up on some reading, I lose track of the time and am surprised when my cell pings with an incoming text from Scott.

  Scott: Hey babe, made it home. Love you.

  Becca: Glad to hear it, are you up for FaceTiming?

  Rather than replying to my text, my cell lights up with Scott’s face.

  “Hey,” I say as I answer the call.

  Scott’s yawning as I pick up.” Hey, beautiful, how was your night?” He’s in bed, looking all cozy and sexy as hell.

  “Good, got lost in a new book.”

  “Sounds relaxing, what are your plans for tomorrow?”

  “I’m going to hang out with Kinley. If it’s nice, we’re going to go for a hike once she’s done with her appointment. Then I’m going over to Mom and Dad’s for dinner. What are your plans?”

  “Possibly the optional skate in the morning, if I don’t go, I’ll try and sleep in. Otherwise, just relax. Probably meet up with some of the guys for lunch or dinner.”

  Seeing him in bed makes me wish that I was there with him. I miss him so much it hurts when we’re apart. “I miss you.” I pout into the camera. “I wish I was there in your arms, curled up together.”

  “Mmhmm that would be nice,” he agrees. “A few more days, and you’ll be here for good. Did you decide if you’re going to come on any of the road trips?”

  “I texted Bridget about it, and she was going to send me the list of games the other ladies are planning on attending as a group. I figured it would be nice to go with them so that I have friends to hang out with since I won’t be able to see you much.”

  “Let me know if you need my help with any of the arrangements. I’m sure Bridget has all the info you will need, but if she doesn’t, I can help.”

  “Thanks, I was also thinking I should hold off on picking what games I wanted to travel to until I know how long the wait is going to be for my nursing license.”

  Scott and I talk for a few more minutes before he needs to end the call; he can hardly keep his eyes open. Now that I’ve talked to him, I’m finally content and a little sleepy myself. I head off to bed, dreaming of seeing my man again in five short days.

  Chapter Nineteen


  The start of our season has kicked ass. We’ve only lost the one game, against Anaheim, and that was in OT. It feels great to be back home from our week-long road trip, and to have a day off. I skipped the optional skate this morning and took advantage of sleeping in. We didn’t get in until after 3:00 am, so I think my body definitely needed the extra sleep.

  With Becca gone and an entire day open, I decide to head out and do a little window shopping. I have two important items to shop for, both for Becca. The first is a new car and the second is a ring. I knew I would be proposing on New Year’s Eve, but I didn’t want to rush myself selecting her ring. I want to leave enough time in case I can’t find the perfect ring and need to have one designed.

  I start with the car dealership. Becca drives a Camry in Alaska, so I head to the Toyota dealership to see if anything jumps out at me. After walking around and checking out what they have to offer, I’m greeted by a salesman. I tell him what I’m in the market for and, after some discussion, he recommends the Highlander. It’s a good size for when we decide to have a family, yet not too big for us for now.

  I want all the bells and whistles, so they have to search for one within their dealership network. They finally locate one, but they can’t get it here until the end of the week. It’s not a problem, since Becca doesn’t fly home until Thursday. I take care of the paperwork, pay for the SUV, and head out to complete the next task on my list.

  I checked with a few of the guys who have wives or girlfriends for jeweler recommendations. A couple recommend a local place, Reis-Nicholas, so it’s my first place to stop.

  After perusing the available rings, I don’t see anything that speaks to me. I decide to check out a few more stores before deciding if I want to have the ring custom designed. I don’t have to do it today, but am taking advantage of the day off and while Becca’s not here to do my research.

  I stop at three other jewelry stores and still don’t find exactly what I’m looking for, so I call and make an appointment with Reis-Nicholas for tomorrow afternoon after practice come up with a custom design.

  When I talked to Becca tonight, it was so difficult not to tell her about my shopping trips. I want to keep the car a secret until I take her to pick it up and, of course, the ring will stay a secret until it’s time to propose. I hated lying to her when she asked what I did today, but thankfully she didn’t notice that I brushed it off, or changed the subject.

  My meeting with the jewelry designer went well, and I picked out exactly what I want for Becca’s ring. It’ll take a couple of weeks to have the ring custom-made, so I’m glad I got started early. Having the ring designed and made is one more item checked off my list of things to do before the big day.

  Our game against Ottawa the next night is another great one for us. We dominated from the moment the puck hit the ice and never looked back. We ended up winning five to one, adding another two points to our stats. The new guys are adjusting well and the team is performing like a well-oiled machine. When a team jives as well as we are right now, great things come from it. I can only hope we keep it up for the rest of the season.

  The next day the team headed to Minneapolis. We flew in the day before our game and had a late afternoon skate, which helped loosen us up from the short flight and got the blood circulating through our legs. We have an early curfew, and then a mid-morning game day skate. Becca worked last night, and tonight is her last shift. She flies to Indy tomorrow, and I’m so fucking excited for her to be back in my arms and home with me.

  The game starts out evenly matched. The Wild find a way to keep us locked down and scoreless throughout the first two periods. At the start of the third, you can feel the tension on the ice. We are still going strong, with only one overtime loss so far this season, I’m not anxious to add another.

  I jump over the boards, ready to take my shift and shut down the Wild’s chances of scoring. Brian is on the ice with me, as is Murph’s line. With ET still out with concussion symptoms, Coach moved Conner “Snaps” Howard to their line, until he’s cleared to return.

  Snaps poke checks the puck away from a Wild player and brings it down and over the blue line, where we set up so we can crash the net.

  Snaps flings the puck along the boards so that it will swing to the other side. I stop it before it crosses back over the blue line and pass it over to Murph, who is open and ready to one-time it toward the net. It bounces off the goalie’s pads and Snaps grabs the rebound, getting off a wrister and finds the back of the net. Score! We take the lead, but barely.

  We all take our spots for the center ice faceoff, where Murph wins
the draw and clears it down the ice. I race to get to the puck with two of the Wild’s players on my heels. A few feet from the boards, I get a stick stuck in my skate, causing me to go down hard and slam awkwardly into the boards. I feel the snap, and instantly the pain radiates throughout my body.

  “FUCK!” I shout out as I lay on the ice. I see the ref’s arm go up and hear the blow of his whistle, calling a penalty on the Wild that will take me out of the game. I just hope it doesn’t take me out of the fucking season. The training staff make their way over to me and assess the situation.

  “Think you can put any weight on your leg?” Our head trainer, Josh Burre, asks me after checking me over.

  “I don’t think so, man. It’s definitely broken,” I grit out.

  Josh signals for the arena staff to bring out the paramedics with the stretcher. This is every player’s worst nightmare. Having to leave the ice due to injury sucks, but being taken off on a stretcher really fucking sucks.

  The paramedics, along with the trainers from both teams, help get me onto the stretcher as gently as possible. One of the paramedics tells me that as soon as they get me off the ice and can get my gear off, they’ll start an IV and give me some pain meds on the way to the hospital.

  Before they load me into the ambulance, Josh asks if there is anything he can grab for me from my locker. I tell him to grab my phone and wallet, then he loads up in the ambulance, and we take off for the hospital.

  “Can I call anyone for you?” Josh asks, as the paramedic finally administers pain meds.

  “I need to call Becca. Do you think I’ll be able to fly home with the team tonight?”

  “I’m not sure. Let’s see what the x-rays show, and what the docs say. Do you want to call her now, or once we’re at the hospital and know more?”


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