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by Robert Crawford

    65.    Murray Anthony Potter, Sohrab and Rustum: The Epic Theme of a Combat Between Father and Son, A Study in its Genesis and Use in Literature and Popular Tradition (London: David Nutt, 1902), 108, 98.

    66.    William Henry Schofield, Mythical Bards and the Life of William Wallace (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1920), 53, 54, 224, 225, 233, 265.

    67.    L1, 486.

    68.    William Henry Schofield, English Literature from the Norman Conquest to Chaucer (New York: Macmillan, 1906), 248.

    69.    John Morgenstern, ‘A Figure behind T. S. Eliot: W. H. Schofield’, Notes and Queries, September 2009, 422.

    70.    TSE, ‘What Dante Means to Me’, CC, 125.

    71.    Dante Alighieri, The Inferno of Dante Alighieri (London: J. M. Dent and New York: E. P. Dutton, 1900), 16, 17 (Canto II); TSE’s copy is in Houghton *AC9.E1464.Zz910t.

    72.    L4, 411.

    73.    See Herbert Howarth, Notes on Some Figures Behind T. S. Eliot (London: Chatto and Windus, 1965), 69.

    74.    TSE, ‘The Latin Tradition’, Times Literary Supplement, 14 March 1929, 200.

    75.    E. K. Rand, ‘The Latin Literature of the West from the Antonines to Constantine’, in S. A. Cook et al., eds, The Cambridge Ancient History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1939), XII, 587.

    76.    William C. Greene, ‘Clifford Herschel Moore’, Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 68.13 (December 1933), 649.

    77.    Pencil ms note stuck to page 5 of TSE’s 1804 Petronii Saturae et Liber Priapeorum (Hayward Bequest).

    78.    Ibid., pencil note on p. 76.

    79.    CPP, 61, 59.

    80.    CPP, 59.

  Chapter 6 – Secret Knowledge

      1.    L4, 130.

      2.    Jules Laforgue, Oeuvres Complètes, 3 vols (Paris: Société du Mercure de France, 1902–3), I, 58, 90, 123, 82, 100, 76; for translations, see Poems of Jules Laforgue, tr. Peter Dale (London: Anvil Press Poetry, 1986), 26, 64, 100, 75, 57, 51.

      3.    TSE, ‘Modern Tendencies in Poetry’, Shama’a, 1.1 (April 1920), 13.

      4.    Dale, Poems of Jules Laforgue, 261, 64, 273.

      5.    Laforgue, Oeuvres Complètes I, 99; Dale, Poems of Jules Laforgue, 72.

      6.    TSE, ‘Reflections on Contemporary Poetry’, Egoist, July 1919, 39.

      7.    Dale, Poems of Jules Laforgue, 249; I owe the point about the Ether Monument to Carey Karmel (private communication).

      8.    CPP 13; Dale, Poems of Jules Laforgue, 371.

      9.    L1, 212.

    10.    TSE, ‘Introduction’ to EP, Selected Poems (London: Faber and Faber, 1928), viii.

    11.    Dale, Poems of Jules Laforgue, 49; CPP, 25.

    12.    L2, 241.

    13.    Dale, Poems of Jules Laforgue, 323.

    14.    L2, 657.

    15.    TSE, ‘Ezra Pound’, New English Weekly, 31 October 1946, 27.

    16.    Laforgue, Oeuvres Complètes, III, 163, 201, 210.

    17.    Ibid., II, 144, 149, 150, 158.

    18.    Ibid., II, 197.

    19.    CPP, 78, 69.

    20.    CPP 66; TSE, ‘Introduction’ to EP, Selected Poems, viii.

    21.    TSE, manuscript, ‘The Defects of Kipling’ (Harvard University Archives (HUG 4298.65)).

    22.    TSE to John Hayward, 5 January 1942 (Hayward Bequest).

    23.    Van Wyck Brooks, The Wine of the Puritans: A Study of Present-Day America (London: Silley’s Ltd, [1908]), 16, 17, 11, 34, 134, 142.

    24.    TSE, ‘The Wine of the Puritans’ (review), Harvard Advocate, 87.5 (7 May 1909), 80.

    25.    TSE, ‘Gentlemen and Seamen’, Harvard Advocate, 87.7 (25 May 1909), 115.

    26.    L. B. R. Briggs, ‘Federation Number of the Advocate’, Harvard Crimson, 29 May 1909 (accessed online).

    27.    TSE, ‘Ballade of the Fox Dinner’, in John J. Soldo, The Tempering of T. S. Eliot (Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1983), 60; TSE, ‘The Point of View’, Harvard Advocate, 87.6 (20 May 1909), 82.

    28.    See Edward Butscher, Conrad Aiken: Poet of White Horse Vale (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1988), 121–3.

    29.    Frederick Garrison Hall, Edward Revere Little and HWE, Jr, Harvard Celebrities: A Book of Caricatures & Decorative Drawings (Printed for the Editors by the University Press, Cambridge, U. S. A., [n.d.]), ‘Pierre’.

    30.    W. G. Tinckom-Fernandez, ‘T. S. Eliot, ’10: An Advocate Friendship’, Harvard Advocate, 125.3 (December 1938), 6.

    31.    William Allan Neilson, Essentials of Poetry (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1912), vii, 5, 13, 271, 272.

    32.    Ibid., advertisement preceding title page.

    33.    Irving Babbitt, Literature and the American College: A Defense of the Humanities (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1908), 49, 74, 80, 81, 253, 254, 124, 230.

    34.    Irving Babbitt, The Masters of Modern French Criticism (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1912), vii.

    35.    Ibid., 16.

    36.    L3, 866.

    37.    See Wisner Payne Kinne, George Pierce Baker and the American Theatre (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1954), 137–40.

    38.    HWE to Thomas Lamb Eliot, 25 March 1910, quoted in Cynthia Tucker, No Silent Witness: The Eliot Parsonage Women and their Unitarian World (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010), 225.

    39.    ‘Board of Editors’, Harvard Advocate, 88 (5 October 1909–4 March 1910), verso of title page.

    40.    See ‘1910 Class Elections Today’, Harvard Crimson, 13 December 1909 (accessed digitally).

    41.    L1, 12.

    42.    L1, 11.

    43.    Ibid.

    44.    George Santayana, The Life of Reason, or the Phases of Human Progress, Volume I, Reason in Common Sense (London: Constable, 1906), 284.

    45.    TSE to William B. Goodman, 12 October 1961 (Houghton bMS Am 1691.3).

    46.    TSE, ‘Egoists’ (review), Harvard Advocate, 88.1 (5 October 1909), 16.

    47.    L1, 12.

    48.    James Huneker, Egoists: A Book of Supermen (New York: Scribner’s, 1909), 9, 14, 5, 34, 33, 18, 48, 3, 8, 79, 78, 101, 95, 78, 79; CPP, 16, 38, 62; TSE, ‘Introduction’ to Charles Baudelaire, Intimate Journals, tr. C. Isherwood (London: Blackamore Press 1930), 7–26.

    49.    Huneker, Egoists, 167, 168, 171, 172, 181, 174, 215.

    50.    TSE, ‘Egoists’, 16.

    51.    Soldo, The Tempering of T. S. Eliot, 57.

    52.    TSE, ‘Egoists’, 16.

    53.    James Huneker, Overtones: A Book of Temperaments (New York: Scribner’s, 1904), 219–24; Huneker, Egoists, 196.

    54.    L1, 486; James C. Young, ‘Yeats of Petitpas’, New York Times, 19 February 1922.

    55.    CPP 33; IMH, xiv, xxxix, 346; Huneker, Overtones, 303.

    56.    Huneker, Overtones, 277; CPP, 18.

    57.    TSE, ‘Convictions (Curtain Raiser)’, IMH, 11.

    58.    TSE, ‘First Caprice in North Cambridge’, Inventions, 13.

    59.    TSE, ‘Second Caprice in North Cambridge’, IMH, 15.

IMH, 15, 111.

    61.    Soldo, The Tempering of T. S. Eliot, 58.

    62.    CPP 602; ‘“Tristan und Isolde” Again’, New York Times, 13 March 1909 (accessed online).

    63.    Huneker, Overtones, 327, 328, 330.

    64.    TSE, Inventions, 17 (‘Opera’).

    65.    CPP, 601.

    66.    CPP, 603.

    67.    Tinckom-Fernandez, ‘T. S. Eliot, ’10’, 47.

    68.    TSE’s sketches are now in the Harvard Art Museum repository; TSE, Notes on Fine Arts 20 b (Houghton Ms 1691.14 (7)), 2.

    69.    Karl Baedeker, London and its Environs (Leipzig: Dulau & Co., 1908), 168. TSE’s annotated copy, Hayward Bequest HB/B/4.

    70.    TSE, [Notes on Renaissance Painters, Harvard Lecture Notes] (Hayward Bequest (HB/P/3), 5, 7).

    71.    L1, 13.

    72.    The letters ‘abs’ underlie some of TSE’s 1909–10 grade report (Houghton bMS Am 2560 (96)).

    73.    IMH, 18, 125.

    74.    ‘Continuation of Clothing Collection’, Harvard Advocate, 19 May 1910 (accessed online).

    75.    TSE’s 1909–10 grade report.

    76.    L1, 13.

    77.    CPP, 604.

    78.    ‘Harvard’s Day Indeed’, Boston Evening Transcript, 24 June 1910 (clipping) (Houghton bMS Am 2560 (97)); CPP, 171.

  Chapter 7 – Voyages

      1.    W. G. Tinckom-Fernandez, ‘T. S. Eliot, ’10: An Advocate Friendship’, Harvard Advocate, 125.3 (December 1938), 6.

      2.    Ibid., 6, 48.

      3.    TSE, note on a draft of ‘The Dry Salvages’ (Magdalene College Library, Cambridge), quoted in Helen Gardner, The Composition of Four Quartets (London: Faber and Faber, 1978), 120.

      4.    Leon Magaw Little, carbon copy of piece written on 13 May 1968 for TSE memorial issue of the Harvard Advocate (Houghton bMS Am 1691.4 (136)).

      5.    Leon Magaw Little to TSE, 13 December 1960 (Houghton bMS Am1691.4 (68)).

      6.    L1, 11.

      7.    Leon Magaw Little to TSE, 16 November 1956 (Houghton bMS Am1691.4 (60)).

      8.    Leon Magaw Little to TSE, 30 August 1961 (Houghton bMS Am1691.4 (73)).

      9.    L1, plate 21B; the marked resemblance between the man in the photograph and photographs of Harold’s brother Andrew J. Peters, mayor of Boston, strengthens this identification.

    10.    TSE to Leon Magaw Little, 9 August 1961 (Houghton bMS Am1691.4 (20)).

    11.    TSE to EP, 3 January 1934 (Beinecke).

    12.    TSE to Leon Magaw Little, 11 August 1956 (Houghton bMS Am1691.4 (7)).

    13.    Jonesport, Maine 1910 Census, 43, Carver William (accessed online); Jonesport Maine Marriages: 1850–92, 9 May 1886 (accessed online).

    14.    TSE to Leon Magaw Little, 11 August 1956 (Houghton bMS Am1691.4 (7)).

    15.    ‘Cruise of the Lapwing’, Fredericksen transcription held by Jonesport Historical Society, Maine. I am deeply grateful to Mr William Plaskon of the Jonesport Historical Society; to Ms Susan M. Sanfilippo, Curator, Pembroke (Maine) Historical Society; to Dr Stephen N. Sanfilippo (editor of Seasongs); and to Dr Richard King of Mystic, Connecticut, for their work in tracking down this ballad.

    16.    TSE to Leon Magaw Little, 7 August 1964, 12 October 1956 and 23 October 1962 (Houghton bMS Am1691.4 (25), (8) and (23)).

    17.    CPP, 39; Facsimile, 55, 57, 65, 67, 69, 57.

    18.    TSE, draft of ‘Marina’ (Bodleian Library, Oxford Ms Don. C. 23(1)); CPP, 109–10.

    19.    TSE, ‘The Art of Poetry I, T. S. Eliot’ (interview by Donald Hall), Paris Review, 21 (Spring/Summer 1959), 56.

    20.    Alan Dale, The Great Wet Way (New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1909), 164–5.

    21.    TSE, ‘What France Means to You’, La France Libre, 8.44 (15 June 1944), 94.

    22.    Dale, The Great Wet Way, 11, 80, 149, 154, 222, 235, 226–7, 71, 206, 236, 16–17.

    23.    Karl Baedeker, London and its Environs (Leipzig: Dulau & Co., 1908), 168. TSE’s annotated copy, Hayward Bequest HB/B/4.

    24.    L1, 30; see also George Watson, ‘Quest for a Frenchman’, Sewanee Review, 84.3 (Summer 1976), 468.

    25.    L1, 18.

    26.    L1, 22.

    27.    Christian Y. Dupont, ‘Chronicling Longfellow’s Interest in Dante: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Dana and Joseph Chesley Mathews’, Dante Studies, 128 (2010), 193; Douglass Shand-Tucci, The Crimson Letter: Harvard, Homosexuality, and the Shaping of American Culture (New York: St Martin’s Press, 2003) 129–36.

    28.    ‘Prichard, Matthew Stewart’, Dictionary of Art Historians,

    29.    L1, 101.

    30.    L3, 132.

    31.    Jean Verdenal’s casual mention of ‘le cubisme’ and ‘le futurisme’ (L1, 35) assumes TSE knew about these movements; see also Nancy Duvall Hargrove, T. S. Eliot’s Parisian Year (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2009),132–43. My account of Eliot’s Paris is greatly indebted to this enjoyable book.

    32.    L1, 20; TSE, ‘A Commentary’, April 1934, 452.

    33.    L1, 21, 31.

    34.    This description is based on the photograph reproduced as figure 2 in Hargrove, T. S. Eliot’s Parisian Year, 88. The quotation is from a letter to TSE by Jean Verdenal, L1, 36.

    35.    TSE, ‘What France Means to You’, 94.

    36.    L1, 15, 14.

    37.    TSE, ‘A Commentary’, Criterion, 30.52 (April 1934), 452.

    38.    TSE, ‘The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life’ (review), Monist, 28.1 (January 1918), 159.

    39.    TSE, ‘The Interpretation of Primitive Ritual’ (Hayward Bequest, King’s/PP/HB/P, 4), 5.

    40.    TSE, ‘Rencontre’, Nouvelle Revue Française, 12.139 (1 April 1925), 657.

    41.    TSE, ‘A Commentary’, 452.

    42.    CPP, 32; TSE, ‘The Metaphysical Poets’, SE, 288.

    43.    This book list is towards the back of the notes on mystical, anthropological and psychological works in the Houghton Library (MS Am 1691 (129)); TSE’s notes are cited from the cards headed ‘B. de Montmorand’ and ‘Janet. Nevroses Vol II); B. de Montmorand, ‘Ascétisme et Mysticisme’, Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, 57 (January–June 1904), 256.

    44.    Contemporary reviews quoted in Hargrove, T .S. Eliot’s Parisian Year, 118.

    45.    Ibid., 115, 117, 121, 151.

    46.    L1, 49.

    47.    TSE, ‘A Commentary’, 452.

    48.    Ibid.

    49.    TSE, Notes on lectures of Henri Bergson, Paris, 1911 (Houghton bMS Am 1691 (139)), 1, 2, 9.

    50.    William James, ‘The Philosophy of Bergson’, Hibbert Journal, 7 (1909), 562, 563, 566, 571, 572, 573, 577.

    51.    TSE, A Sermon Preached in Magdalene College Chapel (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1948), n.p.

    52.    TSE, ‘Rencontre’, 657.

    53.    Ibid.

    54.    TSE, ‘A Commentary’, 451.

    55.    TSE, ‘What France Means to You’, 94.

    56.    TSE, 1951 conversation with Robert Gibson
, recorded in Robert Gibson, The End of Youth: The Life and Work of Alain-Fournier (Exeter: Impress Books, 2005), 199; L1, 25, note 1.

    57.    TSE, ‘Preface’ to Charles-Louis Philippe, Bubu of Montparnasse, tr. Laurence Vail (Paris: Crosby Continental Editions, 1932), vii.

    58.    IMH, 43, 111, 176, 43.

    59.    TSE, ‘The Art of Poetry, I, T. S. Eliot’, 56.

    60.    IMH, 335; Philippe, Bubu, 20; IMH, 338; Hargrove, T. S. Eliot’s Parisian Year, 15–16.

    61.    CPP, 24.

    62.    L1, 82.

    63.    IMH, 37, 314.

    64.    IMH, 338.

    65.    TSE to John C. Pope, 8 March 1946, quoted in Hargrove, T. S. Eliot’s Parisian Year, 24.

    66.    TSE, ‘A Commentary’, 453.

    67.    L1, 26.

    68.    TSE, ‘Lettre D’Angleterre’, Nouvelle Revue Française, 21.122 (1 November 1923), 620.

    69.    See Albert Thibaudet, ‘L’esthétique des trois traditions’, Nouvelle Revue Francaise, March 1913, 355–93.

    70.    Andre Schlemmer, quoted in Watson, ‘Quest for a Frenchman’, 469.

    71.    L2, 237.

    72.    Ibid.

    73.    TSE, ‘Rencontre’, 657.

    74.    L1, 25.

    75.    Information about Jean Verdenal and quotations from his nephew are drawn from Claudio Perinot, ‘Jean Verdenal: T. S. Eliot’s French Friend’, Annali di ca’ Foscari: Rivista della Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Staniere dell’università di Venezia, 35.1–2 (1996), 265–75.

    76.    L1, 20–37; Jean Verdenal to TSE, 26 December 1912 (Houghton bMS Am 1691.6 (15)).

    77.    VMP, 216; L1, 23, 24, 21, 22.

    78.    L1, 35, 34.

    79.    L1, 16.

    80.    L1, 33.

    81.    L1, 34; CPP, 16.

    82.    L1, 31; CPP, 31.

    83.    TSE, ‘A Commentary’, 452.

    84.    L1, 37.

    85.    SE, 255.

    86.    L1, 20.

    87.    L1, 20.


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