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Twelve Upon a Time…

Page 2

by Edward Galluzzi

  Amanda and Donja’s father started rummaging through their backpacks. He marveled at how much stuff his daughters had accumulated and packed away. As their father sorted through the tightly packed packs, Donja and Amanda did what they could to comfort Screecher. At least Screecher was not screeching for the moment.

  Donja’s father called out, “Ah Hah!” He pulled out a big toenail clipper. He laughed and asked his daughters, “OK, which one of you has big feet?” Amanda and Donja smiled somewhat although they did not quite see the humor in the remark as did their father.

  Amanda’s father used the back end of the clippers like a pair of pliers. He told the girls to hold on and distract Screecher. Their father then clamped down on the splintered bone. With a yank from their father and a screech from Screecher, the bone was out. Everybody seemed relieved although nobody was more at ease than the little dinosaur.

  As Amanda and Donja played with Bronto and Screecher, their parents made their daily trip to get water and food. Each time the trip was made, they also stopped near their point of entry to this past world. Donja and Amanda’s parents knew that the passage way to 65 million years in the future had to be here. But where? But how?

  Ten months had now passed. Donja and Amanda enjoyed their time with Bronto, Screecher and Puffy. Puffy joined the group a couple of months ago. The girls named it Puffy because it puffs out its cheeks and turns different colors when threatened.

  Late one evening as Amanda and Donja slept, their parents talked about the portal somewhere out there. Wherever it was, it would project them into the future and back home. As they shared ideas with each other, it dawned on them that they always checked for the passageway during the day; yet, they arrived here in the past exactly at midnight. Could the portal only function at midnight?

  With their daughters fast asleep, Don and Jane decided to find out. Midnight was about one hour away. They left the safety of the cave and ventured into the still of darkness. Donja’s parents traveled the path that they took many times before. The moon provided a dim light that helped them stay on course.

  Amanda’s parents arrived near their believed entry several minutes before midnight. They decided to stand back-to-back and then slowly walk forward at midnight. As midnight arrived, they began their slow walk feeling around with their outstretched hands. They hoped to contact anything that might suggest a passage way back to their future, their present.

  As Amanda’s parents walked, her mother felt the same gel-like stuff that marked their way to prehistoric past. She quickly withdrew her hand and called to her husband. There was no doubt that this was the portal that would return them home. Don asked his wife to remain at the site while he gathered wood and stones to mark the portal. They returned to the safety of the cave. They were tired and drifted off for some needed sleep.

  Donja and Amanda arose early the next morning as Screecher, Puffy and Bronto were making their familiar chatter. The girls greeted them and played with them as their parents rested. Amanda’s parents were awakened by the comforting sounds of creatures and children at play. They knew what their daughters did not know: this was to be their last day in long ago past. Their girls would be happy to return to their present in the future, but saddened by the loss of their friendships with Bronto, Screecher and Puffy. They decided not to tell their daughters until lunch so that they could enjoy their morning play with their friends.

  As their midday mealtime approached, Amanda and Donja were told of the portal and its passage at midnight. The sisters shrieked with happiness, hugging each other and their parents. Sometime during all that hugging, Donja and Amanda realized that going home meant leaving their friends Bronto, Puffy and Screecher. This tempered the girls’ jubilation and they went off by themselves.

  Donja and Amanda wondered how they would communicate to their dinosaur friends that they would be leaving this very night. They really did not know. Amanda and Donja walked out of the cave and greeted Bronto, Screecher and Puffy. In an instant, the three friends sensed something was different; something was not quite right. The girls sat tearfully quiet as they held on to their creature friends.

  Amanda and Donja went to bed early that night. Their parents chose not to rest to avoid accidentally sleeping through the designated hour. As the girls slept, their parents packed a few mementoes even though they realized nobody would believe their adventure. Meanwhile, Bronto, Screecher and Puffy lay outside the cave entrance not wanting to wander far from their saddened friends.

  As the time approached to leave, their parents awakened Donja and Amanda gently. They only managed to mutter, “It’s time.” The girls gathered their backpacks and headed toward the entrance of the cave. Amanda and Donja hugged Bronto, Screecher and Puffy as they left. Their dinosaur friends followed the girls sensing that they would never again return to the cave.

  Amanda, Donja and their parents arrived safely near the point from which they entered long ago past. Their father spotted the pile of wood and stones left to mark the entryway. It was only five minutes before midnight, but it seemed like an eternity. As their father told everybody to get ready, the girls hugged Bronto, Puffy and Screecher one last time.

  It was now midnight. Amanda’s father searched around for the portal with his outstretched hands. As if a door just opened, the gel-like stuff appeared. Donja and Amanda held on to their parents as they wobbled their way back through the portal.

  Amanda and Donja waved goodbye to their dinosaur friends and then disappeared. Bronto, Screecher and Puffy returned to the cave and lay where they often played with the girls.

  Donja, Amanda and their parents found themselves back in the cave at the children’s museum. As they stepped out of the cave, the museum’s alarms sounded and pierced the once eerie silence.

  Don and Jane stood over their girls who had not awakened to their alarms. “It’s New Years” they shouted as they gently woke Donja and Amanda. The girls rubbed their eyes and asked their parents, “Where are Bronto, Screecher and Puffy?” Their parents looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and asked, “Who?” “Our three dinosaur friends” the girls replied. Their mother asked, “You’ve been dreaming, haven’t you?” “A dream” thought the girls. Was it really only a dream?

  February: Surprised by a Secret Admirer

  Sean and Kayla have lived next door to each other, they will tell you, for all their lives. Now, in dog years, that would be a long time. However, in human years, it has not been that many.

  Kayla and Sean are only children but certainly not lonely children. Kayla lives with her mother, Debby, and Sean lives with his father, Brian. As long-life neighbors, they do many things together.

  Sean and Kayla ride their bikes and fly their kites. They attend the same school where learning is first rate and read books into the night until quite late. At the same church they always pray and stay with their families the rest of the day.

  Kayla and Sean share the same friends in the neighborhood and go to summer camp at Fort Hood. They quickly glide down water slides and enjoy bumpy rides on roller coasters that fly!

  Sean and Kayla for Christmas dress like elves and in karate class they defend themselves. They play ball on many teams and then order out their favorite pizza supreme!

  When at home Kayla and Sean on their computers roam for while on the World Wide Web they are often fed. And you may not believe that this is so, but their favorite ice cream is chocolate chip cookie dough! Yes, Sean and Kayla were forever friends from before dusk to after dawn. That is the way it has been for almost all of Sean and Kayla’s years.

  Valentine’s Day was fast approaching. Sean and Kayla have exchanged Valentine cards since the second grade. This year, Sean wanted to do something extra special in appreciation of his friendship with Kayla; but what to do? Sean thought and thought and then thought some more. When he was done thinking he thought even more. How could he surprise Kayla?

  Sean knew that Kayla liked mystery and adventure. He decided to give her both: a mysterio
us adventure and an adventurous mystery!

  Valentine’s Day was just one week away—7 days. Sean began his quest by leaving Kayla the following message and a map in the knot of the big oak tree that she visited daily:

  If you follow this map

  And find the spot exact;

  You will be pleased to find

  Something rare and divine!

  Kayla smiled and looked for a signature, but she found none. She opened the map and began walking off the directions one-by-one. Kayla stepped 15 paces to the right of the big oak tree. She took 10 giant steps that led her to the backyard of her family home. Kayla completed the directions by walking left 20 teeny steps. She found herself at the birdbath in the backyard. Kayla looked down to find a small box wrapped in aluminum foil. She removed the foil and opened the box. Inside the box was a tiny doll wearing a big red heart. A brief message was also in the box that said to return to the birdbath tomorrow.

  Kayla sat down near the birdbath. She gazed at the doll and wondered who left her such a precious surprise.

  Kayla was determined to find out who left the map and gift. She decided to keep an eye on the birdbath as she could see it clearly out of her bedroom window. As darkness grew, Kayla told herself that she was not going to sleep until she found out who is leaving her the mysterious messages. She looked and watched and watched and looked. Her eyes grew tired and began to close. Kayla shook her head to awaken her eyes but found that they were closing to no surprise.

  Kayla awoke the next morning in her bed; apparently, her mother or father had put her there. She remembered quickly what yesterday’s message had said. She flew out of her room down the stairs saying a quick “hi” to her family as she fled.

  Out the back door to the birdbath Kayla ran and looked down near the flowers to find a message in the sand. She opened it quickly and read what it said:

  By the rose bush near the garage,

  You will find your second surprise.

  There you will uncover no mirage,

  But instead something that’s just your size!

  Kayla ran toward the side of the house where the garage and rose bush were plainly in sight. She searched on the ground here and there, but found nothing anywhere. Kayla reviewed the message once more and looked up at the roses blooming galore. Tied to one rose was a small box covered in newspaper. Kayla removed the ribbon being careful not to prick herself with the thorns of the bush. She removed the old newspaper and opened the box. Inside was a rose encased in a glass snowball. Kayla shook the ball and snow drifted around and around. The rose sparkled as the snow settled to the bottom. There was no signature and no note this time; but Kayla guessed that the next surprise would be here in time.

  Kayla saw Sean later that day. She showed him the messages and gifts that she found. Sean acted surprised and denied leaving the gifts when questioned by his friend. He said, “Really, not me. You know I wouldn’t give a girl gifts! Yuck!” Kayla was not completely satisfied, but never knew Sean to give her or any other girl gifts. The thought left her mind and they went to the park to play.

  The next morning could not come fast enough for Kayla. Her parents were accustomed to her flight out the back door and the inevitable quick “Hi” or “Bye.” Kayla ran toward the family garage and bush of roses. She carefully looked around the thorny plant, but did not see anything but black ants crawling around the bush. Kayla looked and looked and looked some more when out of the corner of her eye she spied the note she was looking for. Kayla swiftly untied the note and read to herself the following quote:

  This is day three

  Of gifts to you from me.

  I hope that you are enjoying

  Solving clues that can be annoying!

  Kayla read the word “over” and turned to find a map on the other side of the note. She read the directions and followed them at the same time. Kayla walked to the front porch of the family home and read to walk up the steps near the little gnome. Kayla knew where the ornamental gnome decorated their home. She climbed the stairs and headed to the gnome. Kayla saw nothing nearby and wondered where was her surprise.

  In a flash, Kayla remembered that the head of the gnome was like the top of a cookie jar. She twisted the head and off it came. She looked deep inside and found her next surprise. Kayla reached in and grabbed a chocolate chip cookie baked in the shape of a heart.

  It was wrapped in plastic and still quite warm—perhaps a clue that her secret admirer lived nearby. Hum?

  Sean and Kayla went to the zoo later that day. There were many things to look at and learn as the zoo was always fun. They had a great day, but grew quite tired in the afternoon. Sean and Kayla returned home and both rested before supper.

  It was now the morning of the fourth day leaving three mornings left until Valentine’s Day. Like every morning this week, Kayla ran out the door barely able to speak. Out the front door she quickly walked and went to the gnome whose head she did pop. As before and without surprise, Kayla read this note from inside:

  We’re halfway to Valentine’s Day

  But please don’t you cry;

  For still headed your way

  Is another big surprise!

  Kayla found another map with directions that started at the gazebo in their backyard. She loved the gazebo, which was painted yellow and white. Flowers of every color grew by its side. Birds, squirrels and chipmunks played all around the gazebo.

  Kayla arrived at the gazebo as birds and animals moved away. The directions told her to walk around the gazebo five times starting at the open gate. On her fifth time around, Kayla read to face the direction of the shed and walk 10 paces straight ahead. Kayla did as she read and found herself at the back of their shed. She looked around and soon found a little box taped to the head of the plastic fox. Kayla open the box as was her part to find a Cupid doll with an arrow and heart.

  Kayla smiled at her new surprise and ran back home. She placed her Cupid gift with her other surprises. Kayla was very excited and could hardly wait for Valentine’s Day in hopes that she will find who left her such gifts divine.

  The fifth day of Kayla’s mysterious adventure arrived. She ran once again out the back door to the shed to find another message near the fox’s head. She opened the note and read with surprise:

  Today it will not be hard,

  To find your surprise.

  Just run to the front yard,

  Look for something that cries!

  Not hard? Something that cries? Kayla scratched her head and said, “What is in the front yard that cries?” She walked steadily toward the front of her house as she rubbed her cheeks like a teeny mouse. Kayla stood still and then turned around. She slowly turned full circle over and over again. “Something that cries?” she thought. Suddenly, Kayla stopped dead in her tracks and faced a weeping willow tree, an undeniable fact.

  Kayla raced to the weeping willow and looked all around, but found nothing anywhere even on the ground. She eyed the bark and looked between the roots then all of a sudden jumped right out of her boots. Tied to the first fork up in the tree was a box wrapped in cloth really easy to see. Kayla climbed the tree and grabbed the box.

  Kayla opened the box and inside did find a golden wrist bracelet from somebody kind. Kayla placed it on her wrist and it fit just fine. She saw Sean riding his bike and ran to show him what she got. Sean looked surprised and told Kayla it was really “awesome.” Kayla eyed him carefully, but did not utter a word. She had her suspicions and wanted to query, but decided not to question her friend.

  The day ended leaving two left until Valentine’s Day. Kayla was excited and could hardly sleep that night. She knew that when the morning sun rose and she left her bed, straight for the weeping willow tree she would head.

  Morning came like the others and Kayla bound from her bed. She said a short “hi” to her family who had grown accustomed to her fleeting out the door. Kayla ran outside in the front yard toward the weeping willow tree. She looked upward toward the fork in the
tree and saw a familiar sight—a message tied to a limb.

  Kayla climbed up to retrieve the message and opened it up to read what was writ:

  T’is the day before Valentine’s

  And the latest surprise you will find;

  Near the tree of cherry blossoms

  If you are not all thumbs!

  Kayla ran toward the backyard screaming with glee. Bird and squirrels and other living things moved out of her way as she did flee. Kayla approached the cherry tree and looked up and down it as far as she could see. She saw cherries and blossoms and limbs and leaves, but nothing like a message if you please.

  Kayla was stumped for she saw nothing. She looked up and down one more time when she spotted a bird holding a piece of paper. “Oh, no” she cried. “What am I going to do?” Kayla clamored and hollered and yelled and screamed, but the bird did not seem to mind anything. Then the bird had enough and flew away with message in tow. Kayla was disappointed and turned away when all of a sudden she saw her prey. He flew up above her and dropped from his beak, the message he was holding so she could take a peek.

  Kayla grabbed the paper in mid-air and opened it hurriedly. She laughed out loud as she read:

  If a bird did not take

  This message from you.

  Then it’s not too late

  To read this clue!

  On the back of the message wet with bird beak stuff was the following clue: “What you seek you will find behind something that tells you the time.” “Tells the time” Kayla repeated. Clocks tell time she thought and so do watches; but there were no clocks or watches outside. “Oh!” Kayla screamed. “Yes there is. The sundial in the corner of the yard!” Kayla ran as fast as she could to the far corner of the yard. She stopped in front of the sundial and found another box as before wrapped in aluminum foil. Kayla unwrapped the foil and opened the box. Inside she found two passes to the local cinema. “Hum?” she thought. “I wonder what I shall do with these. Perhaps my secret admirer and I will go to the movies if you please!”


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