Twelve Upon a Time…

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Twelve Upon a Time… Page 7

by Edward Galluzzi

  The shuttle flight lifted off at its scheduled time early in the morning. Sammy, Nick and Shannon were flattened against the back of their seats. Their faces wobbled like jelly as they glanced toward each other. They couldn’t help but laugh at what they saw and their giggling put them at ease.

  The shuttle flight was flawless as it docked with space station Sivle within three hours following lift off. The flight to Tenalp was not scheduled to occur for another five hours. Nick, Sammy and Shannon decided to have lunch and join other kids in the game room of space station Sivle. They enjoyed their play in the game room and left as their flight time quickly approached.

  Shannon, Sammy and Nick entered their warp jet and sat in their assigned seats. This would be their home for the next two weeks until they arrived at Tenalp for the Yad Gnihton Taerg. The warp jet was built like a large mall on planet Earth. The designers of the warp jet knew that its main purpose was extended flight so it was built with the safety and comfort of its passengers in mind.

  Once the flight was in route, Nick, Sammy and Shannon left their seats and visited the many stores and attractions. Two weeks passed quickly for Shannon, Nick and Sammy. Today they were scheduled to land on the mirror planet Tenalp. The three friends returned to their assigned seats as requested by flight personnel. Their excitement grew as Tenalp was now in sight.

  The warp jet was on its final approach to Tenalp. Nick, Sammy and Shannon thought how beautiful it looked from high up in the air. A purple glow surrounded the planet, which gave way to a majestic showcase. The warp jet slowed and landed in the central city of Rorrim.

  As the spacecraft stopped and passengers were given permission to depart, Shannon, Nick and Sammy walked out of the jet into the Rorrim’s airport. They could not understand a thing that they saw and remembered the special glasses that were sent to them. Nick, Sammy and Shannon retrieved their glasses and things appeared clearer to them. At least they understood what information was presented in writing.

  Officials of the National Committee for the Yad Gnihton Taerg met Sammy, Shannon and Nick at the airport. They were amazed by how tall their greeters were and hoped that they would not leave the planet with stiff necks! Kcir and Eus greeted them by their Tenalpian names, Kcin, Ymmas and Nonnahs. They escorted them to an awaiting transport device. Tenalp did not have cars like earth, but small craft that hovered several yards above their roadways. They sat in the craft and talked to Kcir and Eus about their excitement of being chosen to participate at the festival of the Yad Gnihton Taerg. Eus and Kcir nodded their heads in approval.

  Sammy, Shannon and Nick arrived at their residence for the next 42 sruoh (Tenalp time). They unpacked quickly as it was dusk in Rorrim and the festival would begin early morning. The children seemed awed at the setting of Tenalp’s twin setting suns. They saw the planet’s three moons on the horizon. It was a spectacular view for those whose home planet only had a singular sun and moon.

  Shannon, Nick and Sammy fell asleep quickly as their excitement was overridden by their tiredness. It has been a long two-week trip to reach Tenalp. They needed their rest to attend the Yad Gnihton Taerg festival. They slept uninterrupted through the evening and awaken the next morning feeling rested and ready-to-go.

  Kcir and Eus had returned in their craft to pick up Shannon, Sammy and Nick. They still had difficulty adjusting to how tall Kcir and Eus were.

  Their size explained why doorways, counters, etc. were so tall. Sammy, Nick and Shannon remembered to put on their special glasses to compromise Tenalp’s mirror effect. They enjoyed the ride into central Rorrim as the roadways below were lined with flowers of all shapes, sizes and colors. The view was breathless and helped build the excitement that would soon peak at the big festival.

  Soon everyone was arriving at the gala of the Yad Gnihton Taerg. Humanoids of all spices and planets could be seen roving the grounds. By far the Tenalpians were the tallest. Nick, Sammy and Shannon were surprised to see people shorter than themselves. They later discovered that they were Trohs from the small planet Elucsunim in the Llams quadrant of space.

  Kcin, Ymmas and Nonnahs, er, Nick, Sammy and Shannon could hardly contain themselves. People everywhere were talking and laughing in so many languages in so many ways. Yet, they all seemed seemed to understand each other.

  The only odd thing was that everyone except for the tall Tenalpians was wearing special glasses so that things appeared less confusing to the visitors.

  Sammy, Nick and Shannon mingled among the other visitors and the host Tenalpians. Shannon’s warning to Nick and Sammy to take it easy on the abundant food and sweets went on deaf ears, including her own. The taste of faraway places was too good and rare to pass up.

  Besides great food, Shannon, Nick and Sammy found that the gala in Rorrim included the local zoo. They saw animals of every kind even species not seen by them on Earth. In addition to the common elephant, tiger, lion, bear, monkey, gorilla and zebra (which on Tenalp were known as tnahpele, regit, noil, raeb, yeknom, allirog and arbez), there were deloof, uoy, on, rehto, egnarts, slamina.

  Nick, Sammy and Shannon visited the historical museum of Rorrim. In the museum Ffuts d’lo, they saw pictures of all the leaders and personalities of the planet Tenalp through the years, including the planet’s first leader, Sir Gnihton. After all, if it were not for Sir Gnihton, the Tenalpians would have nothing to do and no reason to celebrate Yad Gnihton Taerg every 500 years.

  After their visit to the Ffuts d’lo museum, Nick, Shannon and Sammy listened to the present leader of Tenalp and his wife, Sir Ssur and Ris Nyliram, who described the history of Tenalp and the central city of Rorrim. It was all very interesting and gave Nick, Sammy and Shannon time to digest the food that they ate, or is that over ate?

  Nick, Sammy and Shannon then had lunch. If they keep eating like that, they would suffer from what the Tenalpians call an “ehca ylleb.” After lunch, they went to see several of the local children’s animation films that won the planet’s highest awards. Yensid, the premiere animation studio on Tenalp, created these films.

  Shannon, Sammy and Nick next went swimming at the planet’s largest water slide which happens, like everything else, to be in the central city of Rorrim. The Edils Retaw, as it is known in Rorrim, was quite tall. Of course, given the average height of Tenalpians, everything seems tall!

  As dusk approached and the light of Al and Llib dwindled in the twin sunset, Iont, Eoj and Atrebor provided the moon light of the evening. It will soon be time for the gala Skrowerif. Skrowerif on Tenalp brighten the sky with all colors imaginable and many colors unimaginable.

  As Nick, Sammy and Shannon awaited the Skrowerif, they decided to ride several of many amusement-type rides which they found, well, quite amusing. The rides were uncommon to Tenalp, but created for the many visitors to Tenalp. The three friends found themselves on the rellor retsaoc, sirref leehw, dnuor-og-yrrem and supotco. Sammy, Shannon and Nick not only managed to have fun, but they also kept down all the food they ate this day!

  The twin suns of Tenalp now totally disappeared from sight leaving its three moons providing light. The Skrowerif were about to begin. Nick, Shannon and Sammy headed toward the hills of Rorrim known locally as Sllih Tnuom of Rorrim. Sitting on these hills they were told provided the best view for the evening’s finale, the Skrowerif. Nick, Sammy and Shannon were not disappointed as Tnuom Sllih afforded them a fantastic view of the many colors of the Skrowerif. The Skrowerif ended with enough bright colors, booms, bangs and kabooms to wake people on planet Earth. Just as well as Nick, Sammy and Shannon were growing tired and falling asleep. The final kaboom got them on their feet where it took a moment to realize where they were. Sir Ssur and Ris Nyliram thanked their visitors and local Tenalpians for their participation and making the Yad Gnihton Taerg, in their language, a gnihton gib.

  They officially closed the festivities, which will remain closed for the next 500 years. Shannon, Sammy and Nick returned to their residence. They took off their special glasses and fell to sle
ep on the floor in a heap. Tomorrow they board the warp jet that would take them to the Earth space station Sivle and back to their own planet Earth.

  September: The Underground Adventure

  Summer was growing short. Summer always went fast and grew short. The dog days of summer were just about over and the cat days of fall were about to drop! The fun of summer was fading as the sun of summer was dwindling. The days were definitely shorter, now, as darkness stayed longer in the morning and crept in earlier in the evening. “Back to School” sales echoed everywhere as was always the occasion at this time of the year.

  Megan and her younger sister, Mallory, were asleep as the early sun sneaked in their bedroom. Their parents, Mark and Jennifer, were busying themselves getting ready for the daily “do’s” of the day. As the sisters slept, a scurrying of activity was occurring outside their window.

  Vinnie was the outgoing chipmunk of the neighborhood. Most birds, animals and insects in the neighborhood took his lead. There was not much going on that Vinnie did not know about. He was well aware of both human and animal activities in the neighborhood although he had more impact on the former than the latter.

  Speaking of ladder, Mallory and Megan left it by their tree house. This was always an open invitation for the friendly creatures of the neighborhood to make themselves at home. And that is what they did last night.

  Vinnie was heading down the ladder getting ready for another day. Behind him came those that followed: Vinnie’s sister chipmunk, Minnie; Sabatah the gopher; and their winged friend, Platingo. Vinnie, Minnie, Sabatah and Platingo always left the tree house in the condition they found it—often even better in contrast to the housekeeping standards of Mallory and Megan! Neatness is said to be a virtue, but it somehow bypassed the two sisters.

  Vinnie, Minnie, Sabatah and Platingo have had a great summer with their friends Megan and Mallory. Like the summer before, they knew that this summer would soon come to a close.

  Vinnie and Minnie chatted-up a storm as Megan and Mallory stirred in their beds. Head, paw and tail movements fanned the air. Sabatah heard the chatter and wondered what was the matter. They never heard such a fuss!

  As Sabatah scurried over to Vinnie and Minnie, Platingo made the trip in the direction that the crow flies. Sabatah and Platingo focused their attention on Vinnie and Minnie in hopes of gaining some idea of what the commotion was all about.

  All of a sudden, Minnie and Vinnie stopped and stared at their two curious friends as if to say, “Do you mind?” Without being asked, Platingo and Sabatah questioned their sometimes-nutty chipmunk friends what all the clatter was about. Vinnie and Minnie looked toward each other before looking back at Sabatah and Platingo.

  Minnie answered for the both of them. She said, “This summer is ending just like all the summers before it. This cannot happen this time!” Sabatah and Platingo looked toward each other once again with confusion for they knew no more now than what they understood a few moments ago. Vinnie said in exasperation, “Don’t you see?” Sabatah and Platingo wished they could “see” as they were becoming uncomfortable in their puzzlement.

  Vinnie stuck-up his tail and shook it in annoyance. He was about to explain it ever so clearly so that even Sabatah and Platingo would understand it when Megan and Mallory came out the back door.

  Mallory and Megan were always out early in the morn so as not to miss a moment that summer days had to offer. They were talking and laughing and laughing and talking. The sisters always seemed happy to Vinnie, Minnie, Sabatah and Platingo.

  Mallory and Megan headed toward the tree house as they always did first thing in the morning. They knew that their animal friends always made and left them something through the evening. As the sisters ran toward the tree house giggling and laughing in excitement, Vinnie, Minnie, Sabatah and Platingo smiled approvingly to themselves. They relished surprising the girls as they enjoyed doing so each day of summers past.

  Megan and Mallory found themselves at the tree house ladder—the first crisis of the day. Who gets to go up first? They looked at each other in hopes that the other would offer graciously their place in line— kind of like a staring contest to see who would blink first. Well, Mallory and Megan were not blinking; but they were prepared.

  Attached to the tree of the tree house was a small box with pieces of paper inside. Each piece of paper had a number on it. As custom had it, Mallory and Megan both chose a number from one to ten. The one closest to the number got to climb the ladder and enter the tree house first. They wrote the number in the dirt (not that they did not trust each other)...but they didn’t! Megan chose the number 8 and Mallory picked the number 2.

  Mallory drew the number 3. It was Megan’s turn to draw the number from the tree box. She did so and read the number with somewhat a sour face. Megan drew the number 4. With that disclosure, Mallory hopped on the first rung of the ladder and bounced up the steps into the tree house. Megan was not far behind and, in fact, if you did not know there were two girls, you would think there was only one.

  As the girls entered the tree house, they almost stepped on what Vinnie, Minnie, Sabatah and Platingo created for them. In front of the two sisters lay a breakfast fit for a queen and king. There were large pieces of bark for plates and leaves for napkins. Flowers of all kind were arranged in the center of the floor between the two plates. For each sister, Vinnie, Minnie, Sabatah and Platingo created a dish of nature, including nuts, berries and fruits of strawberry and cherry. Megan and Mallory smelled the flowers left for them and then quickly gobbled up their treats.

  Mallory and Megan rubbed their stomachs with smiles on their faces. They climbed down the ladder to find their thoughtful friends. The sisters did not have to go far as Vinnie, Minnie, Sabatah and Platingo were anxiously waiting near the tree house. Megan and Mallory cuddled each of their animal friends and thanked them over and over again.

  The sister’s mother called the girls into the house. Mallory and Megan said a temporary “goodbye” to their friends and ran into the house. Now, it was Vinnie’s chance to tell Sabatah and Platingo what Vinnie and he were planning.

  Vinnie asked everybody to gather round. Minnie, Sabatah and Platingo drew closer to Vinnie as he told Sabatah in particular to listen carefully as his plan required the help of Sabatah and his gopher friends.

  Minnie, Sabatah and Platingo listened carefully as Vinnie told them how he wanted to make the end of this summer special for their friends Megan and Mallory. Vinnie explained, “Before school starts, we Twelve Upon A Time… “A Keepsake Book” will give Mallory and Megan an exciting adventure that they will never forget.” He continued, “Sabatah, your friends and you have a number of tunnels underground, don’t you?” “Of course,” Sabatah replied, “you know that we live for digging tunnels and making chambers.”

  Well, that is all that Vinnie needed to hear. He explained to his eager listeners that he wanted to give their human friends an underground adventure full of surprises. Vinnie told them of marking tunnel paths so that Megan and Mallory would not get lost. He also spoke of placing surprises, sort of “goodbye for the summer” gifts along the paths. Vinnie reminded them that they had to work quickly as both school for kids and school for baby animals would begin in just one week.

  The next few days were quite busy for Vinnie, Minnie, Platingo, Sabatah and their gopher friends. Sabatah and his friends dug tunnels and paths big enough for their human friends. Meanwhile, Vinnie and Minnie searched for surprises and gifts as Platingo began making signs to keep their little friends from getting lost. Platingo also marked each sign with one his own feathers which explained why a loud “ouch” was heard coming from Platingo’s nest every few minutes!

  Days past as they always did. Yet, Mallory and Megan were unaware of the wonderful adventure that awaited them. After three days of hard work by Vinnie, Minnie, Sabatah and Platingo, the tunnels were completed, paths were marked and surprises were hidden.

  Now that the evening sun had set and the sisters retreated t
o their cozy home, Vinnie and his friends crept up the tree house ladder to leave their most wonderful surprise yet: an elegant invitation and directions to the tunnel entrance for Mallory and Megan’s end of the summer adventure.

  The sun arose bright the next morning. Megan and Mallory jumped quickly out of bed and dressed in their usual fashion (any top and bottom clothes on the floor, matching not necessary). They sped past their parents as they often did before and ran toward the tree house. This time it was Megan who guessed closest to the number drawn and up the ladder she bounced. Mallory was bouncing not far behind.

  As the girls entered their tree house, they did not find the usual treats left them by their animal friends. Instead, they found what looked like a map with crude drawings of trees, plants, fences and other familiar objects in their neighborhood. Arrows were drawn between each object, which charted the direction they would take.

  Megan and Mallory headed quickly down the ladder. With map in hand, Megan the eldest led the way. They walked quickly and excitedly to their garage, then through the gate of their fence and into the woods beyond their backyard. Mallory and Megan knew the paths in the woods well, but even so, Platingo marked them in the direction they were to follow. The feathers on the sign did not go unnoticed by the girls. They wondered if their winged friend was now a bald Platingo!

  Megan and Mallory followed the paths until they came to a tunnel. The tunnel angled downward into the ground. The sisters clutched one another as they stood at the entrance of the tunnel. They could see that the light faded far ahead and grew concerned about the impending darkness.


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