Last Kiss from the Vampire

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by Jennifer Mckenzie

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   Copyright 2015 by Jennifer Mckenzie- All rights reserved.

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  Last Kiss from the Vampire

  Vampire Romance

  By: Jennifer Mckenzie

  Last Kiss from the Vampire

  Megan was coming home from a hard night at the diner. The sun was coming up and it was time to get back in her box. However, she didn’t know if it would be a good idea to let her boyfriend out of his.

  The late shift at the Baudelaire Diner in the town of Skiptrap, Pennsylvania was always a difficult one. Weekends were the worst since the staff never knew who was coming in the door. They were far enough away from the city to not have to deal with the worst party animals and yet close enough to encounter the occasional car full of road trippers from Allentown. The worst crowd they would ever see were the ghosts who floated in from the abandoned and forgotten cemetery in back of the farmer’s field two miles down the road. They only spoke German, so waiting on them was a nightmare in and of itself. Plus, they paid with gold coins, which the management had tried to tell them over and over again couldn’t be banked through the normal channels. But the ghosts hadn’t been by in months, so Megan assumed they had found another diner to haunt.

  Tonight’s crowd had been bearable, but Megan was ready to leave as soon as her shift was over. She had counted out the cash and put in her deposit bag before transferring it to her car. She had tried to get the management to use a security company to come and retrieve the evening’s deposit, but the owners kept telling her how good a job she did and why then would they want to use anyone else? Megan had sighed and gone back to the method she was using. It was a good job and late night jobs were hard to find. Especially working for such an understanding group of owners.

  She had finished up by checking on her inventory and made sure the schedule was in order for the week. Everyone was on board with the new posting. She had pinned it to the notice board, right below the OSHA notice. She couldn’t imagine anyone having trouble reading the damn thing this week and there were no new requests for time off. Megan finished the night by counting up the stacks of cash with Larry, her assistant manager and sealed it all in the pouch with the receipt safely inside. God forbid the count is off and the pouch has to be reopened. Doing that would involve another half hour of work.

  She got in her car and put the pouch right next to her in the passenger seat. Megan checked the time on her cell phone: four in the morning. Good, she had enough time to get home and not have to worry about a thing. It was all going according to plan. Too bad it didn’t work out so well every night.

  She circled around the bank three times to make the deposit. Skiptrap wasn’t a bad town, but there had been a rash of snatch and grabs over the past few months from the local stores and people were getting nervous. She didn’t care who was doing them or why, it was the local police’s job to take care of such things. Everything looked good at the bank and she pulled up to the night drop, pulled out her key, unlocked it, and reached into the passenger seat for the bag of cash.

  And turned to face the biggest gun she had ever seen in her life.

  The man holding it had a scarf over his face and was wearing a hooded sweat shirt, which was strange since it was the middle of July. He wore a pair of dark sunglasses and lowered the gun at her face.

  “Get out of the car,” he said. “And bring that big bag of cash with you.”

  She put her small car into park and opened the door. She left the engine running just in case. Megan had the bag of cash in her other hand and held it up to the man while he watched her carefully the gun still in his hand.

  “Now give it to me,” he told her.

  “Why did you go and do this?” she asked him.

  “I said give me the money!” He raised his voice. There was nobody else around this early in the morning, but still….

  “You had to really mess things up this time,” she said to him. “Johnny.”

  She saw him nearly jump in the air. His disguise hadn’t been as good as he had thought.

  “You had to get yourself fired from taking money out of the till,” she told him. “Now you’ve gone and robbed me on the way to deposit the cash. What do you think will happen? Bad choices, little man, bad choices.”

  “Then I guess you leave me with no option!” he yelled and pulled the trigger on the revolver he’d aimed at her.

  When the roar from the gun was over, Megan was still standing. She had a powder burn on her manager’s shirt which was going to be a pain for the laundry to remove. The bullet hole was another matter, but the place employed an older Korean lady who could patch anything.

  She looked down at the burn.

  “My new blouse,” she said. “You just cost me fifty dollars. Now you really have done it!”

  Johnny was still standing in disbelief when Megan extended her fangs and sunk them into his neck.

  He tasted lousy, too many pheromones and additives. She stood over him licking the last of his blood off her hands. It was too sweet as well. This was why she kept gaining weight, dammit. Her boyfriend appreciated her soft, round body, but she needed to do something about all the calories she kept consuming from these scumbags. This was the third attempted hold-up in the past year and she was getting tired of these losers and their bad diets.

  At least her boyfriend Steve was going to be grateful. She wouldn’t have to pull him off his video game to get a little blood this evening. What Johnny had contributed would keep her fed for the next week.

  Megan had been a vampire for the past three years. She had been turned by a former employer when she found out what it could do for her career. Although it hadn’t made her rich, being a vampire at least meant she could stay out late and not have to worry about expensive medical bills. She also had to avoid the bright sun since prolonged exposure to it could be fatal. Other than silver, it was the only thing a vampire has to worry about. No one knew their lifespan; no studies had ever been undertaken. Megan had met vamps who were over eight hundred years old and still looked as good as they did when they were turned.

  She still needed to ingest a certain amount of blood or start to decompose. An account at the blood bank helped, but the need could be satisfied with certain types of animal blood. The vamps had long ago reached an accommodation with the mortals on going after humans: no innocent human was ever to be touched or face the wrath of the state. Bloodletting in self-defense did not qualify as a criminal act. All Megan had to do when she had been attacked was to make one phone call to the right government agency. The body of her would-be assailant was picked up for disposal within an hour. She just needed to wait around to make sure they arrived and sign the paperwork. No questions would be asked and Johnny would be listed as another missing person.

  Megan found her regular source from her boyfriend. He’d been agreeable to staying with her after she made the change and wanted to continue the relationship. The only condition from her was that he donate some of his blood to her whenever she needed it. This wasn’t much of a pr
oblem and could be solved by the use of the proper knives and sterile conditions. He could usually tell when she was in a needy mood and he would go get the blades.

  They still lived in the same apartment they had occupied when the two of them moved in together after high school. Both Megan and Steve had family in a nearby decaying industrial town and didn’t want to leave them. When Megan turned, it became helpful because she could take any late night calls when she wasn’t at work.

  It had’nt been a quick procedure to turn Megan into a vampire. Megan never told Steven how she had gone about the process, but it seemed to involve a lot of blood from a vampire donor. Megan hadn’t pressured Steve to convert and he didn’t want to make the change. One vampire in a relationship worked fine for most couples.

  Steve wanted to know why Megan was late when she came home. He was, as she expected, playing video games again. He had a decent job at the local electronics store, but she felt he could do better. Steve lacked the ambition to attend junior college or improve himself and it was starting to bother Megan.

  “I had a former bus boy try to rob me,” she told him. “Idiot tried to stick a gun in my face at the bank drop. Can you believe that?”

  Steve dropped the video controller and ran to her. He hugged Megan to make sure she was okay.

  “Are you alright?” he asked. Then he looked down at her shirt. “Oh my God! What did he do?”

  “Tried to shoot me, the fool. Ruined a perfectly good top, too. Don’t worry the body transport people picked him up already. I will say he was tastier than the last one.”

  “I’m glad you’re safe!”

  Megan had to remind her self that mortals could be killed many ways and didn’t resurrect like vampires. Steve was becoming a little too needy lately and she was going to have to make a decision soon.

  Megan kissed him on the lips.

  “Taste him?” he was eating the wrong foods, all those losers do. It’s what makes them such easy targets.”

  “But,” she continued, “the good thing is that I don’t need any of your blood for another week. I know you’ll appreciate it. Now take my shoes off.”

  Steven took off his robe and got down on his knees. He removed the heels she had been wearing, smothered her ankles with kisses and put them in the closet. He was nude except for a small gold chain with her personal symbol she had placed around his neck after becoming a vampire. It was a way the vamps had of identifying their mortal companions to each other. Should another vampire need help from a human, all he or she had to do was look for the right symbol.

  “Is there anything else you need?” he asked, standing at attention, as she undressed.

  “I need my robe,” he said. “But not the knife or whip. No need for any bloodletting this morning.”

  He went to the closet, took out her favorite house robe and put it around her. As she tightened the tie, he gathered up her clothes and put them in the laundry basket.

  When he returned to Megan she placed one finger in his neck chain and pulled him to her.

  “I’ve had a rough night,” she told him. “I’m going to want some tenderness. Now go in the bedroom and wait for me.”

  Steve walked off and she heard the bed creek as he got ready for her. She had a drink from the faucet- she still needed water- and thought about her relationship with him. Steve had never been the most romantic man, but they had been an item since high school. She was worried he was getting too dependent on her. She needed him for his blood, but he could be replaced by another human. Still, they had been together a long time and she was fond of Steve. But why wouldn’t he just grow up?

  She understood why he liked having her in charge of the relationship. He’d hinted around about playing little games before she was turned, but the sex didn’t really get kinky until she became a full scale vampire. Some of the older vamps had told her it was a temporary aspect of the change and she would grow out of it, but she hadn’t. If Megan hadn’t bled that wannabe robber, Steve would be tied down to the bed right now with her scratching a pattern on his back until it bled. His blood always tasted so nice when he was sexually excited. She’s seen his erection rise to the occasion on his way back to the bedroom.

  But this morning she needed something less intense. Megan padded into the bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed. She could see Steve was excited and ready to do whatever she asked.

  “Get up,” she said. “Off the bed.”

  Steve did as told and she untied her robe letting it fall to the floor. Megan lay back on the bed and looked at him.

  “Now turn around,” she said. “I want to see something.”

  He did as told right next to her. Megan traced the brand on his thigh with one finger. It had healed up nicely and looked pretty. It had been his idea. He wanted to show obedience to her after she had changed and a few of the other vamps told her it was a good idea. It showed the permanence of the relationship. She had done it with a few strikes from a piece of hot metal while she had him tied down over the table. God, she got wet just about thinking how he squirmed.

  “Now turn back around,” she said to him.

  Steve did as told and she extended one bare leg to him.

  “Kiss,” was all she had to say.

  He began working on her ankles and then down the inside of her legs as she smiled at his level of detail. He knew better than to leave any spot of her pale skin uncaressed. He’d neglected to kiss her toes one time and she made him do it for an hour until he got it right. But this morning he was in rare form. Megan laid there and just felt his tongue slide over the inside of her knees and up to the wet mound between her legs. Steve gave it some attention and began working to the middle between her legs. She held his head in place until she felt her pleasure begin to rise.

  “Stop,” she ordered and he froze.

  Megan rolled over on the bed and spread her legs out.

  “Now work on my back,” she told Steve.

  Steve began kneading the muscles in her neck which had become sore over the course of the shift. Just because she was a vampire didn’t mean she no longer suffered aches and pains. One of the older vamps had told her it was something you needed to adjust to. A broken back, for instance, wouldn’t kill you, but it would need time to heal on its own. You still might need it treated. Internal organs did regenerate, something else not understood. The bullet which passed through her earlier had already closed up and the blood vessels had sealed instantly. It hurt like hell for a few seconds, another reason she had taken Johnny down with one bite. But now it wasn’t bothering her, unlike her shoulder, which had a pinched nerve in it that kept getting messed up. Megan considered going to a doctor who specialized in vampire problems, but wasn’t sure if her insurance would cover the treatment. For now she had Steve’s fingers to work out the tension.

  Steve was starting to kiss her back. She hadn’t told him to do it, but enjoyed his attention just the same. Then he began licking down her back all the way to her rear and further to the bottom of her legs. She could feel his erection on her. The sensation and the knowledge that only she could make him hard was delicious.

  He liked having her tell him what to do in bed and it had taken a whole new direction when she became a vampire. It began with his suggestion that she brand him. The neck chain just wasn’t strong enough for Steve. He didn’t to get legally married and neither did she. Besides, even though real vampires didn’t have issues with crosses, there was all that silver in a church. Too much silver near her could spark a reaction. So he suggested the branding. Megan loved the idea and it nearly drover her insane when she took a local course offered at a tattoo shop on how to do it. They even had it done at a party with her vamp friends in attendance. The only thing which had broken the mood was a cell phone going off just as she was heating up the metal on a gas flame. It had taken a few more strikes than she had expected to get her symbol on his thigh and he’d cried at the end. The guests had told her it was one of the most beautiful things they had ever se
en; an outpouring of love and devotion they would treasure forever.

  After the burn had healed, Steve became very submissive to her. Not just the boring “Yes-Goddess-how-may-I-please-you” submissive, but agonizingly submissive. He wanted her to pick out his clothes for him, tell him when to go to bed, what to watch on TV and when do sweep the floor. She finally had to put her foot down and tell him not to lick the heel.

  It finally hit a peak when they were watching TV one night and he asked permission to go to the bathroom.

  “Steven!” she yelled. “This has gone far enough!”

  He immediately fell to his knees and tried to kiss her feet.

  “I’m sorry if I bothered you,” he tried to say while she picked her feet off the floor and put them on the couch.

  Megan grabbed him by the hair on the back of his head and brought him up to her face. She had to fight the urge to keep her fangs retracted. Getting angry as a vampire could be dangerous.

  “Look at me!” she said, holding his pathetic face into her blood red eyes. “I am not your mother, do you understand? You need to be able to do things on your own!”

  He didn’t say a word and dropped his head. She forced him to look at her.

  “Do you hear me?” she continued. “You are getting too dependent on me!”

  “I just wanted to make you happy,” he tried to say. She saw the tears start and it really made her mad. He was trying to play on her sympathy.

  “No you don’t, Steven. You want a fantasy. You don’t love what I am; you love what you think I should be. And there’s the real disconnect.”

  The tears had now turned into real crying.

  “Cut it out,” she said.

  She made the mistake of slapping him. Exactly what he wanted. He was reduced to crying like a five year old girl who just had her toy stolen.

  “What am I going to do with you?” she said. “Goddamit, go use the bathroom before you piss all over the floor. And get right back here.”


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