Forbidden Fruit Vol 2

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Forbidden Fruit Vol 2 Page 9

by Millstead, Kasey

  Now that I was out of it, Nurse Toni was straightening up my bed. She leaned over, and my eyes locked on to the glorious view before me. Her long, shapely legs were wrapped in white stockings that ended midway up her thighs. Pale-pink suspenders were hooked in to hold them up, but as she leaned forward and the white uniform pulled tight around her ass, I could see the clear lines where the suspenders continued, and the shape of her lacy panties.

  I reached down and quickly adjusted myself, the thought of what lay even higher making my cock twitch. If I had two good legs, I would have been behind her and bending her over even further before she knew what had hit her. But in a sense I was an invalid, completely reliant on everyone else to do everything for me. I smiled to myself, wondering just how far she would go to do everything for me.

  “Okay, awesome.” Nurse Toni spun around and grabbed the handles of the chair. “Let’s go.”

  We were outside in less than a minute, the fresh air hitting me and breathing new life into my lungs. I’d been couped up inside for so long, I’d forgotten how much I loved the outdoors. Nearly every weekend during the past summer had been spent riding my motorbike to the mountains, then hiking for miles and camping down by a secluded river. I would always go by myself, taking my sketchpad and pencils with me, just enjoying the solitude while I drew whatever I saw that inspired me.

  I looked over my shoulder, unable to suppress the grin on my face.

  “That’s more like it,” Nurse Toni said, looking down at me. “We might even be able to get you washed and cleaned up when we get back.”

  Hey, what was that? I’d had that battle too many times to count with the other nurses. I didn’t need someone washing me—not even a pretty little nurse with a tight ass like this one.

  “So, Mr Davidson, what happened to you to end up in hospital?” Nurse Toni asked as we pulled up alongside a bench seat under a shady tree.

  “For starters, seeing as you’re the only person I can remotely tolerate in here, call me Harley.”

  “Okay, Harley, you can call me Toni. So what happened?”

  “I was going around a bend on my motorbike, and a van was on the wrong side of the road. Cleaned me up and knocked me over the embankment.”

  “Geez, you’re lucky to be alive,” she said, stunned.

  “So they tell me.”

  The severity of the accident still hadn’t fully sunk in. I was lucky to be alive and come out of it with only two broken legs and a dislocated shoulder. It could have been so much worse.

  “So tell me, are you always such a miserable son-of-a-bitch to be around?”

  I looked up. She’d kept a straight face, but her green eyes were laughing.

  “Not at all, I’m usually the life of the party. But this accident has cost me my girlfriend, which means I’m not even getting a quick hand-job under the covers.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” she gasped. “Was your girlfriend on the bike with you?”

  I couldn’t help laughing. “No, I lost her because I couldn’t fuck her brains out while being laid up in a hospital bed.”

  “Well, I’m sorry, I guess.” She shrugged, making me laugh again.

  “It doesn’t really matter. I thought I missed her at first, but then I realised it was really just the pussy and daily blowjobs I missed. She’s already moved on to some other poor sucker to fuck her senseless.”

  I was trying to be crude to see what reaction I’d get, but she had a beautiful poker face.

  “So, do you get many visitors?” she asked, without flinching at my crass comments.

  “I did at first. Now it’s down to mainly just my two best mates, Zac and Tyler. They come in a couple of times a week. My other ‘mates’ were only interested in the party-hard, pussy-chasing Harley.”

  She smiled another dazzling smile at me as she stood. “Well, as it happens, I’ve just moved to the city. So if you’re looking for new friends, I have an opening.” As she spoke, she bent down to release the brake on the wheelchair. The neckline of her uniform gaped open, revealing the edge of a pink lace bra, struggling to confine the curve of her milky-white breast. Just that glimpse was enough to catch my breath in my throat. I was quickly discovering everything about this girl was sexy, but it was a contained sexy, like she didn’t have to try too hard.

  Smiling to myself, I couldn’t help wondering, what lay between the suspenders and the lace bra that I hadn’t seen yet.

  We had started walking again, making our way back to the grey hospital building. I needed to keep her talking.

  “So where are you from?” I asked, hoping she would stop to talk some more.

  “A small rural town, about three hours from the middle of nowhere. I used to spend my days trail-bike riding, or horse riding, sometimes fishing and swimming in the river. It was a great place to grow up as a kid. We used to camp out under the stars in summer, the sky perfectly clear with a million stars shining down on us.” She paused, then pushed the chair forward making the wheels jerk as they moved from the grass to the smooth path. “It’s a big change coming to the city, where it’s all about going out at night and getting as wasted as you possibly can.”

  She tapped me on the shoulder, making me turn around, only to be greeted by a cheeky half-grin. “So I have to warn you, if we do become friends I won’t put up with any bullshit. You have to at least try to be nice.”

  I laughed. Seems I was doing that a lot since she walked into my room. “Hey, I can be nice. In fact, if you and I were just two strangers who met in a bar, I bet I’d be able to charm the pants off you.”

  She threw her head back and gave me a good old belly laugh.

  “Seriously,” I said, laughing along with her. “One drink and you’d be begging to go home with me.”

  “That sounds like a challenge, Harley. So from now on, for as long as you are in here, let’s see if you can charm my pants off.”

  Chapter 3


  BY THE time we were back inside, Harley and I had spent half an hour in the fresh air laughing and flirting with each other.

  When I’d first laid eyes on him, he looked grey and miserable, not unlike the patients I was used to dealing with at Horizons. By the time we returned to his room, he had colour back in his cheeks, and his big brown eyes were shining, the light through the window making the flecks of gold in them more prominent.

  With help from the orderly, Harley’s big, muscular frame was back in bed and I was ready for my next challenge: a sponge bath.

  Blushing furiously, I pulled the curtain around the bed for privacy, and pulled back Harley’s covers. I tentatively helped him take off his hospital gown, exposing his amazingly ripped abs and boxer shorts.

  He looked at me, amused. “Have you done this before, Toni?”

  I pulled my shoulders back, all businesslike. “Of course I have. I’ve given dozens of sponge baths—” I looked up at his face from under my lashes. “—to ninety-year-old men.”

  He stretched out, his good arm hooked up under his head and mischief in his eyes. “Shall I talk you through it? First, you have to lather me up with warm, soapy water, running your hands all over my body. Then, you need to get my boxers off, so you can run those soapy hands up and down my cock.”

  I stopped dead in my tracks. “I’m not washing your genitals. I could lose my job.”

  “Well, what would you do if I had two broken arms? You’d wash them then, wouldn’t you?” He had such a smartass look on his face, awaiting my response.

  “I’d probably get one of the male nurses to do it for you.” I looked at him cheekily. “I’m sure you’d enjoy that.”

  He was still grinning at me, obviously up to something.

  I started washing his arms, careful not to get the water on the sheets. His chest was next, and I unashamedly took a little longer than necessary as I ran the soapy washcloth down his abdomen to the band of his boxers. His body was amazing, each peak and valley clearly defined.

  “Can you at least help take my
boxers off, so I can wash myself?”

  I looked up at his face. He was watching me intently as I slid his boxers down over the two plaster casts.

  I cleared my throat and tried not to look. “I’ll leave you to it, then. Just buzz when you’re finished.”

  I turned to leave, but he stopped me. “This won’t take long. It’s been a while.”

  What did he mean by that?

  He tossed the wash cloth on the trolley, choosing instead to lather up his hands. With one final look in my eyes, he started washing himself, slowly and deliberately stroking up and down his shaft, tempting me, daring me to react. It only took a few strokes and he was hard. I didn’t know where to look, but my eyes were drawn to his hand and what it was doing.

  I took two steps towards the curtain and was just about to push it aside.

  “Stay. It will be a lot faster if you watch.”

  Unable to resist, I turned back around. He was in full motion now, his hand pumping up and down his full length. He groaned, making my gaze lift to his eyes. He was watching me watch him, an ever-so-slight smile across his lips.

  “Do you wanna give me a hand?” he asked softly. “It’ll go even quicker if you wrap your hand around it.”

  I shook my head slowly. As inviting as it was, I could lose my job if anyone walked in. Hell, I’d lose it now just for watching him.

  He ran his eyes slowly down my body. “I know what you’re wearing under your uniform. I saw the suspenders when you were straightening up the bed before.”

  Self-consciously, I pulled my uniform down.

  He smiled. “Lift it up.”

  I could feel my heart racing as I watched the scene before me. His hand had slowed and was now concentrating on rubbing over the soft velvety head, using the pre-cum as lubricant.

  “Lift it up,” he repeated breathlessly. “Let me see how far those legs go.”

  Quickly glancing over my shoulder toward the door, I stepped closer to the bed. His eyes followed my every move as I slowly raised the edge of my uniform to just above the top of the stockings.

  “Can you come closer, so I can touch you?” he asked breathlessly, his hand picking up speed, pumping ferociously up and down the full length of his thick, hard cock.

  I stepped closer and he tried to reach out, but his newly-healed shoulder must have hurt.

  “Fuck it!” he growled frustratedly. He looked me in the eye. “I can’t do both things, I can’t do this—” He indicated to his fist. “—and touch you.”

  I rested my hand on his chest to feel his heart beating at a million miles an hour, then ran it down gently over his abdomen.

  He was looking at me, his brown eyes huge and dark, his breathing uneven.

  With another glance over my shoulder towards the door, my hand continued down into the trail of fine hair. I realised I was holding my breath, and reminded myself to keep breathing.

  I could hear Maggie in the next room, and I knew she would be coming in to Harley’s next.

  “You need to stop. We’ll get caught,” I told him quietly. “Maggie’s on her way in.”

  “I’m fucking hard, Toni, and I need to come. Can’t you see how hard I am?” He grabbed my hand that was resting on his abdomen, and in one move wrapped it around his shaft, his own hand holding mine in place. It was rock hard and hot to touch, and so big my fingers didn’t meet around its girth. I wanted so much to help him, but I knew Maggie would be here in about ten seconds.

  Reaching over to the side table, I grabbed the only thing I could think of—a glass of cold water—and tipped it over our hands. His hand flew up, and mine grabbed for the edge of the sheet and pulled it over him just as Maggie walked around the curtain.

  The surprise in his eyes was almost comical, but it quickly turned to understanding and then a threatened smile.

  “Oh great, you’re here, Maggie,” I said lightly. “I spilled some water on the bed while I was doing the sponge bath. Can you help me change the sheets?”


  My first day on North Ward was over, and it had been a mixed bag of good and bad. On the plus side, Harley was amazingly hot and sexy, and would inspire me to get out of bed in the morning. On the down side, Harley was hot and sexy and my patient.

  Casey came into my room without knocking, and made herself comfortable, reclining on the bed. “So, are we going out to celebrate tonight? You made it through a whole day unscathed, and a little birdie told me you made friends with the hottie in room ten.” She gave me a wink, making me smile at her calling Harley a hottie.

  “Yes, I made friends with Harley. He’s not so bad, just lonely and bored, I think.” I went and sat on the edge of the bed beside her, kicking off my shoes and pulling the hair tie out of my ponytail. “When we went for our walk, he told me that he likes to draw. I might go buy him some art supplies. You know, a sketchpad and stuff, so he has something to fill his time.”

  Casey sat up. “That sounds like a plan. Buy the hottie a present so you’re more like a friend, and less like his nurse. Brilliant!”

  I hadn’t thought of it that way. I’d already crossed the line when he’d grabbed my hand and wrapped it around his erection. Would buying him a gift be blurring the lines even further?

  Casey nudged me. “Hey, what are you daydreaming about?”

  Heat started to crawl up my cheeks as I remembered watching Harley getting himself off.

  “Okay, spill it. This looks too good to keep to yourself.”

  I told Casey what had happened, and she pumped me for more and more details.

  “Oh my God! You should definitely go for it. He’s hot, and obviously in need of a little helping hand.” She winked at me. “And the hand he wants is yours. God, I totally would if they’d let me work on the men’s ward.”

  I knew she wasn’t joking; she would have joined in without even being asked, but I had that annoying voice in the back of my head telling me it was unethical.

  We got changed and headed to the local art supply store before going back to the dorm to get ready for a night out.

  I didn’t have a lot of going-out clothes, so Casey had taken to lending me hers, which was fine, except I was a lot taller. That meant her short dresses were barely long enough to cover my ass. She decided a short, tight-in-all-the-right-places black dress would do the trick, then convinced me to let her put soft curls in my hair.

  “You need bright red lips, I think,” she told me, surveying the vixen she had created. “You have to give the hottie something to fantasise about when he jacks off tonight.”

  I started to object to her talking about Harley jacking off while he thought about me, but who was I kidding? I wanted him to.

  “Okay, so here’s the plan,” Casey said, as she came in close as if we were on a secret mission. “Saunter into his room like you’re not wearing the shortest, sexiest dress on earth, and just casually give him the sketchpad and pencils like it’s no big deal. If his cock doesn’t get hard when he sees you, then I’m putting money on him needing to come out of the closet.”

  Standing outside Harley’s room dressed up looking like, well, Casey, I took a calming breath. I fluffed out my soft curls a bit more and moistened my lips. Nervous butterflies were going crazy in my stomach, but I was ready. I was going in.

  Chapter 4


  I COULDN’T believe what an idiot I’d been to try to push her like that. Fuck, if she hadn’t been so quick to cover me up when Maggie walked in she could have lost her job, and it would have been my fault. What did I think she was going to do? Slip her panties off and climb on for a ride? What a fucking moron!

  She had seemed to enjoy watching, though. She was one of the most naturally beautiful girls I’d ever seen. Not just pretty or attractive, but sexy, too. The look in her eyes when she saw how hard and big I was, is something I will never forget. Her pupils had dilated, and I could have sworn she was getting wet as she watched, which made me soar closer to the edge.

  If only she�
��d waited another thirty seconds, I would have been shooting my load and then maybe I’d be able to stop thinking about it and relax. But I couldn’t. I was still horny as hell, with no release in sight.

  “Hey, Harley. How ya doin’, man?”

  I looked up to see Zac and Tyler casually stroll into the room with a much welcome bag of burgers for dinner.

  “Here you go,” Zac said, tossing me the overstuffed bag. “Thought you’d appreciate some real food for a change.”

  The smell of the burgers filled the room, and I started salivating. My dinner had been served half an hour earlier, but I hardly ate any of the hospital muck they tried to pass off as food.

  The guys dragged over the visitor’s chairs and we got stuck into our burgers and fries, while I subtly mentioned the new nurse that had started that day.

  “So, did you give her a hard time, like you do all the others?” Tyler laughed before stuffing his mouth with fries.

  “No, she’s okay, actually. Kinda cool, ya know?” I looked up at them, hoping I hadn’t sounded as ridiculously nervous talking about her as I’d felt.

  “Just how cool, exactly?” Zac asked with a big knowing grin on his face.

  I shrugged, trying to brush it off as nothing, just a passing comment.

  There was a light knock on the door, and we all looked around at the same time. The door opened, and there she was: a fucking goddess, otherwise known as Nurse Toni.

  Her smile faltered when she noticed Zac and Tyler sitting there, staring at her with their mouths hanging open. She hesitantly stepped into the room, smoothing her little black dress down over her ass.

  Fuck, she looked amazing.

  She shook off her obvious nerves and walked more confidently up to the bed, her ruby-red lips parting into a smile. I would have given anything to have those lips leave their lipstick stain around my growing cock. To have her take me in her mouth, licking and sucking. I closed my eyes for a brief moment as the image danced in my head, an involuntary groan escaping me.


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