Forbidden Fruit Vol 2

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Forbidden Fruit Vol 2 Page 38

by Millstead, Kasey

  Now if only he would come home, so she could show him how much he meant to her. She knew she could make him happy, and that they could make it work. He traveled most of the time when they were in school, which meant she could finish her last year of school since she was ahead with credits. After graduation, they could travel together. She would go wherever he wanted. That was the beauty of being a writer. All she needed was a notebook or laptop and a place to relax.

  Stretching out on the chaise lounge on the Davenport’s private stretch of beach, Claire soaked up the sun and tried to let it wash away the dark mood that hovered over her the longer Carter was gone. This wasn’t how she anticipated spending the summer, with him gone and her here alone. Hanging out with Elise, Bobby, and his friends was fun, but not her first choice for how to spend her time.

  Hours later, she was startled awake when a shadow crossed over her, making her shiver without the sun’s warmth. She opened her eyes to see the woman who was with Carter a few weeks back. Claire’s mouth went dry looking over the curves of the woman, remembering the things she told Carter she wanted to do to her.

  “Claire, right?” The woman asked with a friendly smile on her face.

  “Yes. You have me at a disadvantage. I don’t think we’ve ever met.”

  “Mary. I’m a friend of Carter’s. Mr. Davenport’s,” she corrected herself. Of course, Mary wouldn’t know the personal turn Claire and Carter’s relationship had taken.

  “Nice to meet you,” Claire returned her greeting with a smile of her own. “Would you like to join me?”

  Mary looked around and shrugged her shoulders. She reached down and lifted her tank top over her head, leaving her in just a skimpy bikini top. Her breasts practically spilled out the sides and top of the cups. Then she unbuttoned her skirt and shimmied it over her hips. She settled in the chaise lounge next to Claire.

  “Carter mentioned he should be home today so I figured I’d stop by and say hi. Do you mind if I use your sunscreen?”

  Claire shook her head and felt her pulse race hearing that Carter would be back. She watched Mary start to slather the sunscreen over her body. It was very sensual to watch, especially given the thoughts Claire was having. She was hyper aware of the fact that they were alone and anything was possible.

  “Where’s Elise?” Mary asked conversationally.

  “She’s with her boyfriend for the day. They went out on his parents’ boat.”

  “Ahhh. To be young again,” Mary said wistfully. “I remember when it was all lazy days, long kisses, and quick fucks.”

  Claire remained silent, unsure how to respond. It wasn’t as if she really knew Mary and talking about sex just made her feel empty and achy knowing Carter wasn’t there to take care of her.

  “You should really put more sunscreen on.” Mary gestured towards her with the bottle. “You’re looking fairly pink. Wouldn’t want to see you get burned.”

  Claire took the bottle and thanked her. She tried not to feel conspicuous and awkward as she rubbed the lotion into her body. With Mary’s gaze firmly fixed on her movements, she could feel the heat building in her body, and it had nothing to do with the sun.

  “Scoot forward and I’ll get your shoulders for you.” Claire had no choice but to do what she was told now that Mary was standing next to her. When Claire moved, Mary sat behind her so that her outer thigh was against Claire’s hip. A frisson of awareness crept into Claire’s mind and started to take root. She wanted to reach out and run her fingers along Mary’s silky smooth looking legs.

  A hum of approval came from Mary as she massaged Claire’s neck and shoulders, rubbing the lotion in with tantalizing motions. Claire’s eyes closed, and she tried not to moan at the contact. She jumped when soft lips settled on the nape of her neck. Before she could react further they started coasting down and over her shoulder. Mary’s hands ventured down her back and around her ribs, up the front of her to her breasts where they cupped her and teased her hardened nipples.

  “You taste amazing. The salt on your skin is driving me mad,” Mary murmured in between kisses. Claire leaned back against her chest and felt the cushion of her breasts and the pointy peaks of her nipples. It was all so new and exhilarating to have a woman paying her this kind of attention. She arched her back, pushing her breasts deeper into Mary’s hands, wanting more.

  Mary didn’t disappoint. One hand slipped into the cup of Claire’s bikini while the other one traveled down her body and delved into her bottoms, finding her wet and swollen with arousal. Between Mary’s fingers tweaking her nipples and working magic between her legs, it didn’t take long for Claire to find herself close to the edge and ready to let go. Without thinking, she shifted her body so that she could stroke Mary’s inner thigh, inching up towards the vee between her legs.

  When her fingers crept under the fabric of Mary’s bikini bottoms and found her smooth, wet folds, Mary ground her palm harder against Claire’s clit and she flew apart. Her body shook and a cry of utter abandon floated along the breeze. She inched a finger inside Mary’s pussy, wanting to explore and see what it was like to give another woman an orgasm. Mary swung her leg over the other side of the chair which opened her up to more of Claire’s attention. Her finger slipped in deeper, and she rubbed along the inside of her. Her eyes never left her hand as she was transfixed by the sight of her hand disappearing into Mary’s bottoms. It was thrilling.

  “What the fuck is going on out here?” Carter’s deep voice rang out, startling both women into breaking apart. He stood just outside the doors of the house wearing khaki shorts and a tight t-shirt. He looked so fucking good.

  Mary licked her fingers and sent Carter a heated look. “Just tasting Claire here. I must say she’s quite the gem. Have you had a taste yet, Carter? If you haven’t, you have no idea what you’re missing.”

  Claire’s face burned with embarrassment at being caught. It was one thing if Carter wanted her to join them. It was another to be alone with Mary and acting on their sexual impulses.

  “Inside, now.” He pointed to Mary and turned to walk in the house. At the threshold, he turned back and addressed Claire. “Go get some clothes on. I asked Elise to come home for dinner now that I’m back. We’re going to a nice restaurant so dress appropriately.”

  With that, he and Mary were gone. Why did he want Mary to go with him and not her? She hadn’t seen him in two weeks, and he barely spared her a glance. Fighting the urge to cry, she grabbed her stuff and went to her room to get ready for dinner.

  Chapter Four

  Carter slammed his bedroom door behind him and turned to face Mary. His anger was so palpable that it filled the room. He couldn’t believe she had the nerve to touch what was his. He had told her Claire was off limits, and he meant it.

  He spent the last two weeks trying to get Claire out of his head. Blow jobs from two different women on set did nothing to help. They fell flat to what he knew he had with the young girl waiting at home for him. For God’s sake, he even found himself missing her. It was then he realized he was in trouble of epic proportions where she was concerned.

  “I’m not sure I understand why you’re so upset. I was just having fun with her. Instead of interrupting my impending orgasm you should have just stripped and joined us.” She crossed her arms, pushing up her ample breasts and Carter cursed under his breath. He didn’t want Mary to know about the state of his relationship with Claire.

  “I told you she was off limits. I don’t want you coming onto my daughter or her friends. We discussed that before and I thought I made myself clear.” He mirrored her stance and pinned her with a glare. He couldn’t understand why he didn’t want to share Claire. He just knew he didn’t.

  “Sorry. I didn’t think you’d mind. Especially with the way you reacted when I talked about her while we were fucking. Just pretend it never happened.”

  “The problem is it did happen.” He didn’t want to admit that he was not only incredibly aroused by them playing with each other, but that he
couldn’t get the image out of his head. “Maybe we should take a break from each other.”

  “A break? Carter we’ve been having fun with each other for years now, and you want to walk away over one incident with a young girl? This is ridiculous.” She stepped forward and ran her hand down his body, cupping his erection. “You’re turned on by what you saw. Maybe instead of getting angry, you should channel it into a more constructive emotion.”

  She stroked him just the way he liked it. They had a lot of history, so it didn’t surprise him. But still, it wasn’t right. Especially not when Claire was in the house. They might not have talked exclusivity, but the blow jobs in Spain aside, he didn’t want to disrespect her.

  “No,” he croaked out and removed her hand from his throbbing erection. “I think you should go. I’ll call you.”

  Mary gave him a disbelieving look. He wasn’t surprised. He wasn’t acting like himself. If he had seen her with a woman before, he would have joined. Not lectured her and sent her packing. He stormed into the bathroom and proceeded to shower in preparation for dinner. And he may have jacked off to visions of Claire pleasuring Mary, and Claire’s name may have left his lips as thick jets of his come swirled down the drain.


  Claire timidly sat in the backseat of Carter’s Range Rover. Elise had come home and the trio headed out for dinner at the upscale steakhouse in town. Carter had yet to say anything to her. He came out of his room dressed in slacks and a charcoal gray button down shirt. The scowl on his face did little to distract her from the thick column of his throat that stood out and made her want to lick it. She tamped down those desires, though, knowing she had to play her part tonight in front of her friend and still find a way to tame his anger.

  She knew she would die if her relationship were over before it ever really started thanks to her impropriety with his friend. And that thought led her to questioning what exactly Mary was to Carter? Was she his girlfriend, fuck buddy, what? The thought of them still together made her stomach churn.

  Sitting at the round table in the restaurant with Elise on one side of him and Claire on the other, had Carter sweating bullets. It was certainly an awkward situation to be in, and he had no one to blame but himself for it.

  The car ride over was silent and tense. Or at least it was for him and Claire. Elise was oblivious and babbled on about her new boyfriend Bobby and their day on the boat. Carter wasn’t looking forward to meeting this boy. Elise was his baby girl, and he hated the idea of her with boys. He shook his head at the irony of it all. Here he was loathing his daughter having a boyfriend her own age, while he was imagining bending her friend over the table and fucking her until she couldn’t stand. Things were more twisted that he even wanted to admit to himself.

  While he and Elise engaged in conversation, Claire remained quiet. He caught her looking out the window at the ocean. He found her biting her lip and wringing her hands. He needed to engage her, but wasn’t sure what to do considering Elise didn’t know about them, and he wasn’t sure if he ever wanted her to find out. His plan was to fuck Claire out of his head. Ever since Elise’s mom, he hadn’t stayed with a woman for a long period of time unless you counted Mary. He didn’t count her, though, because they mostly played with other women and weren’t exclusive in any way.

  When his daughter excused herself to the bathroom, he took the opportunity to set Claire’s mind at ease about his behavior earlier that afternoon. He ran his hand up her leg and grabbed her thigh, getting her attention. She looked at him with such vulnerability on her face, that it made his heart squeeze. He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and ran his finger down her neck.

  “I’m sorry for the way I acted earlier,” he murmured and placed a kiss where his finger just was. She was intoxicating to him with her scent and the softness of her skin.

  “I’m sorry too for acting so inappropriately,” she whispered.

  “Just you and me, yeah? From now on, no other people until you go back to school and we separate.”

  Claire’s heart plummeted into her stomach with his words. Was this all she was to him? A summer fling?

  “But what if I want more?” She couldn’t stop the words from escaping her mouth.

  “More what exactly?” He quirked an eyebrow at her and studied her intently.

  “More of you. Us. What if I don’t want this to end when I go back to school?”

  Carter cringed inside at her question. He knew where this was heading, and it meant this was only going to get messier. He really wished he were man enough just to walk away now before she got hurt. Especially since convincing a young girl to be his dirty, little secret wasn’t going to be easy. She had stars in her eyes. He had reality in his.

  “Claire, I’m flattered that you would want that with me, but you need to consider the fact that I’m old enough to be your father. Elise probably wouldn’t understand and your parents would never understand. Trust me, I know. I’d kill a man my age for sleeping with Elise. There is no way this could work. All I can offer you is the here and now. We’ll spend time together when we can and we won’t spend time with anyone else but each other. That has to be enough. If it isn’t, we can’t go on.”

  Claire swallowed hard and fought the tears that threatened to fill her eyes. Why couldn’t he see what she did? That it didn’t matter what anyone else thought? That Elise would eventually come around because she loved them both. Claire knew that would be the case. She just wished he would realize it too.

  Walking away now wasn’t an option. She would take the next two months and show him they were meant to be together. So instead of telling him what she was thinking, she just nodded. When relief flashed across his face, she turned away from him and took a sip of her water. She really had her work cut out for her.


  “I’m going to pop some popcorn. Does anyone want anything else?” Elise bounced out of her seat and looked at Claire and Carter. They were all in the media room at the beach house. Claire has settled on the couch with Carter in the back row, which left Elise on the couch in front of them. At first, Claire was fearful Elise would comment on the seating arrangements, but she took it in stride and didn’t even mention it, much to Claire’s delight.

  The past week since Carter’s announcement at dinner had been long and torturous. Bobby was out of town with his parents so Elise was always around. Not that Claire didn’t like spending time with her, it was just that she yearned for more alone time with her father. That wasn’t to say they didn’t have a few stolen moments. Light touches under the dinner table. A groping session in the ocean. A heated kiss in the pantry. And she snuck into his room once or twice. It still wasn’t enough, though.

  Elise returned with the popcorn and dimmed the lights. The movie was an action flick that was loud and filled with hot men, which was why Elise agreed when Carter suggested it.

  Claire was thankful for the loudness of the movie when Carter slipped his hand down the front of her knit shorts and immediately found her clit. Within seconds, it was throbbing and swollen, peeking out from her folds and begging for more attention. His fingers dipped inside her and rubbed her G-spot while his palm ground down on her. It was heaven, and she couldn’t help the mew that escaped her lips. She flung her head back on the couch and closed her eyes, savoring each touch and sensation. She wanted the feeling to last forever, at the same time she wanted it to wash over her and completely drag her under.

  It didn’t take long for her to go from zero to primed. She sat on the edge of release and tried to hold back. Carter wasn’t having it though. He added a second finger and pumped a little faster. She opened her eyes and looked down at the muscles in his forearm flexing with each thrust of his fingers. It was highly erotic to see his hand down her pants. Her hips raised, and his free hand clamped over her mouth when her orgasm hit. It was both long and forceful. It always seemed to be whenever there was a risk of them getting caught.

  Claire fell against the back of the couch l
ike a limp noodle. Her legs felt tingly and numb as aftershocks worked through her body. Carter’s lust filled eyes locked with hers as he brought his two fingers to his mouth and sucked her juices from them. She wanted nothing more than to climb over him and fuck him senseless after witnessing that act.

  Carter brought his finger to his lips and hushed her. Then he drew the zipper down on his shorts and freed his erection. It stood long and proud against his stomach. He slouched down in the cushions and pumped himself a few times before crooking his finger at her. She licked her lips and reached out to wrap her hand around him. She slowly ran her hand along his length, teasing him. Come seeped from the tip and she spread it over his length. He released a long, deep sigh and settled even further into the couch. His eyes were hooded as he watched her.

  Turning him on never failed to heat her up all over again. She was squirming with need, and he wasn’t even touching her. She never realized how sexual she was. It was like she could have sex all day, every day. It was an incredibly novel idea, if only it was possible.

  Carter grabbed Claire’s hand and stopped her movements. He was going to come, and he wasn’t ready. They had no tissues, and he wanted to prolong it a little longer. He took in a deep breath and attempted to calm his body. He had plenty of sex since his first time at the age of fifteen. He wasn’t a quick trigger by any means, but every time with Claire was a struggle to keep it in check. More often than not, his body wanted to race to the finish line. It wasn’t something he was used to.

  Claire rose from the couch and grabbed a blanket from the other side of the room. When she came back, she stopped at Elise’s couch and leaned over. Carter cursed and started to tuck himself back in his pants, but stopped when she looked up and gave him an excited smile. She practically bounced back to him. When she got in front of him, she pulled her shorts and panties down her legs and tucked them in the cushions. Thoroughly confused, he shook his head at her behavior.


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