Olympic gold medal,* 187, 204
Olympic silver medal, 18–19, 117, 143, 157, 204
physical traits and strengths, 3, 45
plyometrics training, 158
pregnancy announcement by fiancé, 64–65
pressure felt by, 95–96, 187
professional contract, first, 75
racing seasons
1988, 39–45
1989, 45–56
1990, 56–60, 57–60
1991, 61–64
1992, 64–71
1993, 72–83
1994, 84–88, 90–92
1995, 92–99, 103–6
1996, 5, 117–26
1997, 130–44
1998, 145–53
1999, 154–65
2000, 170–72, 175–87
2001, 192–93, 198–202
2003, 193–98
racing strategy, 5, 33
rehab, 89–90, 129–30
retirement, 204–6
road racing, 192–95
on sacrifice, 142–44, 190–91
showdown with Hatton (as youngster), 30–31
showmanship, 41
single-minded focus, 171
six-day races, 192–93, 195–98, 198–202
speed training, 157–59
strength training, 140–42, 146, 156
superstitions, 145
T-Town velodrome positions, 203–4, 208
titles, total number of, 204
training strategy, 136–37
US Bicycling Hall of Fame induction, 207–8
world record of, 150
Nothstein, Tim,* 24, 34
Nothstein, Tyler “Bones,”* 18, 102, 142, 171, 187–88, 190, 195, 208–10
Nothstein, Wayne,* 23–24, 36, 43–45, 208
Nothstein, Waynette, 24
Odense velodrome (Denmark), 42
Oelkers, Ryan, 86–87, 199–202
Olympic Games
1932, 175
1968, 25
1976, 11
1992, 68–69
arrival of Nothstein, 3–5
Bek at, 13–14
cycling favorites at, 5–6
explosion at, 12
Fiedler at, 8, 12–18
Hartwell at, 6–7, 12
Hatton (Gil) at, 13, 17–18
match sprint, 7–17
medal ceremony, 18–19
qualifying for, 90–92
race for gold, 13–17
selection of Nothstein to team, 75
time trial, 7–8
velodrome, 6–7
arrival of Nothstein before, 172–75
commitment to win, 137
Fiedler at, 177, 181–83, 188–89
keirin race, 188–89
match sprint, 177–87
medal ceremony, 188
opening ceremony, 175
qualifying for, 162
racing for gold, 177–87
riding accident before, 173–74
time trials, 175–77
training, Nothstein’s, 139–42, 145, 149–50, 171
US cycling prospects, 170
2004, 190
track cycling and, 170
Olympic Training Centers
Chula Vista (California), 130
Colorado Springs (Colorado), 31, 104
Olympic Trials (1992), 64–68, 117
Open des Nations event (France) (1992), 69–71
Outlaw, the. See Whitehead, Mark
Pacult, Artur, 171
Palais Omnisports (Paris, France), 69
Palermo (Italy), Nothstein’s impressions of, 92–93
Palermo velodrome (Italy), 93
Pan-Am Games
1991, 61–62
1995, 90, 92, 104–5
1999, 161–62
Paris, Federico, 93, 132
Penn State-Lehigh Valley campus, 50
Pennsylvania Dutch, 22–23
Plyometrics training, 158
Pokorny, Eyk, 77
Pro-Am event (2011), 208–10
Quigley, Ed, 39
Quigley, Eileen, 39
Quigley, Tim, 39, 50, 57, 87–88, 147
Redmond velodrome (Washington), 52
Road racing, 33, 39, 169–70, 192–95
Road rash, 38
Rodale, Robert “Bob,”* 25–26, 208
Rousseau, Florian, 125–26, 152, 177, 183–89
Ruisz, Ed, 157–59
Sassone, Robert, 199
Senior National Championships
1989, 51–57
1990, 59–60
Senior World Championships
1990, 54–57
1991, 62–63
Sercu, Patrick, 198–99
Simes, Jack, 25, 86
Six-day races, 78, 130–32, 192–93, 195–202
Stepniowski, Waldek, 119
Stone Mountain velodrome (Atlanta, Georgia), 6–7
Superbike, 5–6
Superdrome (Frisco, Texas), 148, 156
Swift, Paul, 51–54, 56–60, 66–67, 76, 91–92
Sydney Games. See Olympic Games, 2000
Sydney velodrome (Australia),* 175
Tandem races, 51–54, 57–60, 62–63, 68–69, 117–18
Taylor, Marshall “Major,” 33, 130–31
Team races, 85–88
Team sprint races, 106, 162
Torrey Pines Park (California], 73–74
Tour de France race, 163, 196–97
Tournant, Arnaud, 135
Track cycling, 27, 32–33, 170. See also specific race
Trexlertown “T-Town” velodrome (Pennsylvania), 22, 24–28, 33, 41–43, 57, 76, 85, 101, 136, 200, 203. See also Valley Preferred Cycling Center
USA Cycling team (1996), 6–7, 12
USA Cycling “the Feds,” 5–6, 31, 51, 60, 64, 83, 90
US Bicycling Hall of Fame, 207–8
US Olympic Cup (1990), 57–58
US Olympic Training Centers Chula Vista (California), 130
Colorado Springs (Colorado), 31, 104
Vaarten, Michel, 40
Vails, Nelson, 40, 65
Valencia velodrome (Spain), 68
Valley Preferred Cycling Center,* 206–7. See also Trexlertown “T-Town” velodrome (Pennsylvania)
Vande Velde, Christian, 173–74
Van Eijden, Jan, 188–89
Van Haute, Danny, 83
Balboa Park (California), 74
Cali (Colombia), 134
historic perspective in racing, 33
Krylatskoye (Moscow, Russia), 48
Lyon (France), 56
Manchester (England), 120
Odense (Denmark), 42
Olympic Games
1996, 6–7
2000, 175
Palermo (Italy), 93
Redmond (Washington), 52
Stone Mountain (Atlanta, Georgia), 6–7
Superdrome (Frisco, Texas), 148, 156
Sydney (Australia), 175
Trexlertown (Pennsylvania), 22, 24–28, 33, 41–43, 57, 76, 85, 101, 136, 200, 203
Valencia (Spain), 68
Walsh, Charlie, 80–81
Walsh, Steve, 155, 159
Walter, Heinz, 20–22, 26–27, 31, 41, 99, 209
Walter, Mike, 20, 22, 26, 31, 37, 41, 99, 209–10
Whitehead, Mark “the Outlaw,”* 27, 36–40, 45, 54, 209
World Championships
1990, 60
1993, 77–80
1995, 92–99, 106
1996, 117, 119–26
1997, 138–39
1998, 150–53
1999, 162–65, 171
World Cup
Cali, Colombia (1997), 130, 132–35, 171
Copenhagen, Denmark (1993), 75–76
Italy (1997), 136
nbsp; Trexlertown, Pennsylvania (1997), 136
Yamaguchi, Koichi, 60, 103–4
Yoshioka, Toshimasa, 79–80
Young, Jim, 50, 57
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Internet addresses and telephone numbers given in this book were accurate at the time it went to press.
© 2012 by Marty Nothstein and Ian Dille
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Nothstein, Marty.
The price of gold : the toll and the triumph of one man’s Olympic dream / Marty Nothstein with Ian Dille.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-1-60961-337-2 hardcover
1. Nothstein, Marty. 2. Cyclists—United States—Biography.
3. Olympic athletes—United States—Biography. I. Dille, Ian. II. Title.
GV1051.N67A3 2012
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