The Legend of Princess Wildheart

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The Legend of Princess Wildheart Page 8

by Snowder, Thomas

  “So I guess we will be camping together for a couple of nights together Duke,” said Pricilla shyly.

  “We will dear, I look forward to it. That’s all we will be doing though, sleeping. I promised your father the King, that your virtue would remain intact until we could be married,” said Duke, smiling.

  “Oh Duke, you will marry me then?”

  “Yes, if you will have me. We could marry after things get settled back down,” he said.

  “Yes! Yes! Of course I will have you! My heart is yours!”

  Pricilla gave Duke a huge hug and kiss.

  A familiar figure entered the stables at this time, it was Prince Tangent. He had his sword and looked to be ready for adventure.

  “Hello, what are you two up to?”

  “Hello Prince Tangent, my girl and I here are just making wedding plans. We are waiting for Prince Morgan to return with Princess Wildheart. Her brother returned to the Kingdom wounded and the other brothers were captured by Barbarians. We four plan to go after them and find out what has become of the other two brothers. We are preparing to depart this day to rescue them if possible,” said Duke.

  “Ah, I see, that would explain all the gear and weapons you are packing up. Do you know if the Princess has made up her mind on which of us has been chosen for her?”

  “I guess with all the excitement no one has had a chance to tell you she chose to be with Prince Morgan,” said Duke.

  “Oh, I see. The family is ok with her choice then?”

  “They let her choose her own future, only wanting her to be happy. They all like Prince Morgan and agree it is a good choice for her. She has chosen Morgan, sorry sir, I know you must be disappointed,” said Duke.

  “Yes, I am disappointed. I like Prince Morgan and all things considered, I cannot fault her for choosing him. The best man has won and I accept the results,” said Prince Tangent.

  “As usual, you show dignity and respect Prince Tangent, I salute you sir,” said Duke.

  “Thank you Duke,” said Prince Tangent.

  “So I am not good enough for the spoiled little Princess,” said Prince Darksoul, who had also come to the stables to see what was going on. “I have been standing here and heard everything you dim wits have said. Good luck to her with Prince Morgan, he probably doesn’t even have his own Kingdom,” sneered Prince Darksoul.

  “She would have never chosen you Prince Darksoul, the Princess has better taste than that,” said Pricilla.

  “I am a Prince young lady and you best hold your tongue, lest I decide to cut it out with my sword,” said Prince Darksoul, tapping his sword and moving toward her.

  “Hold where you are Prince, your life is in the balance here!”

  Duke warned while pulling his sword as Pricilla pulled hers.

  “Two against one are not good odds for me. Be warned though, I can bring misery to you both. I can bring misery to you and this Kingdom. You have not heard the last from me but you will hear from me very soon,” said Prince Darksoul laughing as he jumped on his horse.

  “You better run Prince Darksoul, another step closer and I would have your head,” said Duke.

  “Big talk little man! You and Morgan can enjoy the pain from my blade another time Duke,” said Prince Darksoul, laughing as he rode away and out the castle gates.

  Duke and Pricilla sheathed their swords. Duke was fuming at the thought of Prince Darksoul challenging him and threatening the girl he loved.

  “Not in the same class as you Prince Tangent,” said Duke.

  “I agree sir but watch your back. Prince Darksoul sounded very hateful and I expect him to try to make good on his threats to you and Prince Morgan. That’s the type of person he is,” said Prince Tangent.

  Prince Morgan and Princess Wildheart returned to the stables at this time. They had overheard Prince Tangent’s comments regarding Prince Darksoul.

  “Wait, don’t tell me, Prince Darksoul is being his usual cruel self again,” said Prince Morgan.

  “He didn’t take the news of the Princess choosing you as her future husband well. His contempt and hatred are driving his threats of revenge toward you, the Princess and your friends. I expect him to try to harm you all in the future. Be very careful,” said Prince Tangent.

  “We can take care of Prince Darksoul. Thank you for being so understanding of my choice,” said Princess Wildheart, giving Prince Tangent a hug.

  “I would like for you to stay for the wedding Prince Tangent. We all value your friendship and like having you around,” said Prince Morgan. “We will be back in a couple of days after we find out what happened to her other two brothers,” he said.

  “Well, I’ve not much to do here by myself,” said Prince Tangent. “Would you all consider bringing me along with you? I think you will find my company enjoyable and my blade to be useful,” he said.

  They all looked at each other and agreed that Prince Tangent would be good to bring along. He was a gentleman and never annoyed anyone in the group.

  “Saddle up Prince Tangent, we welcome your company,” said Prince Morgan.

  The five of them mounted up and after securing some provisions for the journey they all rode out of the castle gates in search of the two brothers. As they rode away Duke told the Princess and Morgan about the fallout with Prince Darksoul. The Princess told Duke and the others about what her brother had told them regarding the capture. She was sure they would still be alive and needing rescue. If only they could get to them in time before the Barbarians did something drastic to them.

  “So it appears that we may now be on a rescue mission. The last time her brother saw them, they were alive,” said Prince Morgan.

  “We will see what we are up against and come up with a plan at that time. Don’t worry Princess, if they are still alive we will get them back,” said Duke.

  “I know we will all do our best to free them. I just hope we are not too late,” said Princess Wildheart.

  “How far away are they?”

  “About a day’s hard ride from what I can gather. I studied the maps and it looks like we could save some time by taking a much shorter pathway through the Dark Forest. I think we should consider this option,” said Prince Morgan.

  “Let's just get there as quick as possible. My brothers lives hang in the balance so I am willing to take some risk if it will help them,” said Princess Wildheart.

  “I believe we would do well to not take the expected path as the brothers took. A better strategy would be to do the unexpected and try a new route. We need to conceal ourselves and gather information about our enemy before being discovered or engaging them,” said Duke.

  “Then through the Dark Forest we shall go,” said Princess Wildheart.

  The five of them rode on toward the Dark Forest and into the unknown.


  They soon came upon a fork in the road with one path being the safer route the King had suggested. The other pathway led into the Dark Forest, which the group had already decided would be faster and shorter. Not far down the trail toward the Dark Forest they came upon a small farm and spotted a woman who appeared to be in trouble. She was standing with her back to a stone well and trying to fight off three large wolves with a wooden pitchfork. Yelling and screaming at the wolves as they continued jumping towards her and falling back as she tried to poke them with the tool.

  Pricilla was the first to see the woman needed help.

  “Look over there! That woman needs our help!”

  Duke looked to see what Pricilla was pointing at and knew what he had to do.

  “I got this!”

  Duke took out his bow and notched an arrow. He took aim and the arrow found its mark right behind a shoulder blade and into the wolf’s heart. The wild animal dropped in its tracks. An amazing shot considering the group was more than a hundred yards away. Notching a second arrow in the bow, Duke managed to drop another wolf in the same manner. The third wolf was still attacking the woman and Duke did not have a clear shot at the a

  “I don’t have a clear shot Morgan!”

  Prince Tangent did not hesitate and took off at a full gallop, not saying anything. He drew his sword as he charged down on the attacking wolf. His horse was charging towards the wolf as he held his sword above his head and in front of him to strike at full speed.

  Princess Wildheart was excited and started cheering him on as he rode hard towards the woman fighting the wolves.”

  “Go Prince Tangent!”

  “Prince Tangent is a man of action just look at him go,” said Prince Morgan.

  Prince Tangent rode down on the wolf and with a swing of his sword the wolf’s head was removed with ease. He then turned his horse and rode toward the woman who was exhausted and crying next to the well. Prince Fancy jumped off his horse and ran over to the woman. She was catching her breath but happy to be free of the wolves.

  “You ok?”

  “Yes, thank you sir. Those wild wolves have been raiding my livestock for weeks now. Today, I thought that I would be their next meal. Thanks you so much for helping me,” she said, smiling.

  “Glad to assist my lady. Prince Tangent at your service,” he said, taking a bow.

  She stood and put her arms around him, giving him a kiss. Prince Tangent felt his head spin from the kiss.

  “Thank you for saving my life. I do not know what I would have done if you and your friends had not happened by as you did,” said the woman.

  The others rode up as the woman was thanking the Prince. She was holding onto him tightly. Prince Tangent was still trying to comfort her.

  “Well, let me introduce my friends. Prince Morgan, Duke, Princess Wildheart and Pricilla,” said Prince Tangent, pointing to each of them with his sword. “Duke killed two of the wolves at a hundred yards with his arrows,” said Prince Tangent.

  “Princess Wildheart!”

  The woman was excited to see the Princess and dropped to her knees while bowing her head. She was just one of many admirers the Princess had in Rose Kingdom.

  “Welcome to my humble farm Princess Wildheart anything I have is yours.”

  Princess Wildheart dismounted her horse and walked over to the woman. She grabbed her arm and pulled her up on her feet.

  “No need to bow dear, we are happy to have been able to help you,” said the Princess. “What is your name?”

  “Elise, Elise Cooper. I live here on this farm which was left to me by my parents. They both died several years ago,” said Elise.

  “Elise Cooper, I am pleased to meet you,” said the Princess.

  “Will you please come inside for some refreshments? It’s the very least I can do for you all. I would be so honored to have you in my home,” said Elise.

  “I don’t know, we are on an important mission with time being very precious,” said Princess Wildheart.

  “Please Princess! You need to take a few short breaks along the way during your journey,” said Elise.

  “Just for a short time, then we must be going,” said Princess Wildheart.

  The group followed Elise into her modest farm house for refreshments. Elise served them all some hot tea and freshly made cake. The group enjoyed the snack as they discussed the wolf attack.

  “I can’t believe it. Princess Wildheart is right in front of me enjoying hot tea inside my home. I am so honored to have you here Princess,” gushed Elise.

  Princess Wildheart smiled. She had not ventured this far away from home before. She thought was nice that others in the kingdom knew and loved her.

  Elise Cooper had caught Prince Tangent’s eye. He was enchanted with her looks and wanted to know her better.

  “Elise Cooper, I think you are very beautiful. May I call on you when we return from our adventure?”

  The other two couples smiled at each other but did not interrupt the Prince as he talked with Elise.

  “Oh my, although I am no Princess Sir but if you wish, I say yes. Please do so.”

  Elise blushed, looking down for a moment and smiling. Prince Tangent was also smiling and could not take his eyes off of the beautiful, shapely woman. She had red hair which complemented her green eyes. He was very taken by her and full of hope that the two of them would soon meet again.

  “Very well then, I will come see you when we return. We must be going now though,” said Prince Tangent.

  Prince Tangent gave Elise a kiss on the cheek, then stood and walked to the door as the others followed. They thanked Elise for the refreshments and mounted their horses as Elise stood on the farm porch to see them leave.

  “Wait Prince Tangent!”

  Elise came running out to him.

  “Bring this back to me when you return,” she said, handing a white scarf to Prince Tangent.

  Prince Tangent tied the scarf around his neck. It smelled of perfume and he liked it.

  “Consider it done, Elise Cooper!”

  Prince Tangent turned his horse to join the others who had already begun toward the trail. He looked back once to see Elise standing there watching them leave. Prince Tangent trotted up to the others in the group as they continued down the chosen path toward the Dark Forest.

  “Elise seems quite nice Prince Tangent, young and pretty,” said Princess Wildheart.

  “I think she may be the one for me Princess. I feel it in here,” said Prince Tangent, pointing at his chest.

  “I am glad for you Prince,” said Princess Wildheart.

  Prince Tangent just smiled, his mind drifting off as the group continued on. Prince Morgan and Duke were riding next to each other in the front of the group.

  “Nice shooting back there Duke. That was very impressive marksmanship at that range. Your bow seems to work very well,” said Prince Morgan.

  “I really like it Morgan, it can hit what I aim at from a distance. A very good bow! It will prove itself to be a valuable asset for me.”

  The five of them continued on toward the Dark Forest.


  As they ventured deeper into the Dark Forest the group came upon a small cottage which appeared to be well cared for. It had an inviting look about it. They decided it would be a good place to stop and ask for information about the Dark Forest. The horses were all thirsty and need some water. Riding up in front of the cottage they hitched their horses to a post by the water trough to let the horses drink and rest a bit. An old man came out the front door and onto the porch.

  “Hello there! What brings you all here?”

  “Hello sir! We are on a long journey and came upon your cottage. We would be pleased if we could stop here for a short rest and water our horses,” said Prince Morgan.

  “Well sure you can friend! My name is Collin Winters and who are you and your companions?”

  Prince Morgan introduced himself and the others to Collin Winters.

  “Whoa! Princess Wildheart!”

  Collin Winters then dropped to his knees and bowed his head before them. He was surprised to get a visit from the Princess way out here in the Dark Forest where few traveled.

  “Arise Collin Winters, I thank you for your honor and friendship,” commanded Princess Wildheart.

  “I am just so proud you have come here Princess Wildheart! Is there anything I can do for you? Just name it! I would be so honored to help you in any way I can!”

  “Thank you Collin Winters. Some water and food for our horses will suffice and we are very grateful for that,” said Princess Wildheart.

  “I shall gladly provide food and water for your horses. I would also like to give you some medicines I make here. I believe they could prove useful in the future,” said Collin Winters.

  “What type of medicine? It may be of use to us on our journey,” said Pricilla.

  “I have white powder that can relieve aches and pains. It was extracted from a willow tree. I also make lemon honey brandies which can sooth sore throats and other ailments,” said Collin Winters. “Here, I would be honored for you to have them,” he said, handing Princess Wildheart a pouch with the whi
te powder and two bottles of brandy.

  “Thank you! You are very kind and generous Collin Winters,” said Princess Wildheart.

  “It is my honor to serve the beautiful Princess Wildheart and her friends,” he said, bowing to her once again.

  “What can you tell us about traveling deeper into the Dark Forest Collin Winters? We have plans to go that route,” said Duke.

  “I don’t care much for The Dark Forest. What can I say? No one goes past here in that direction friend. Well, no one goes there and returns again. It is clouded in mystery and known to have unusual forces at work inside. Some say evil lurks inside. I am not sure myself. I have never considered going deeper into the forest considering the legends that surround it,” said Collin Winters.

  The five of them bid Collin Winters farewell and once again mounted and rode their horses deeper into the Dark Forest. The group was making good time by taking the shorter route and expected the shorter route to benefit them.

  “It’s getting dark soon. We should camp before continuing any further into the forest dear,” said Princess Wildheart to Prince Morgan.

  Pricilla spotted a nice place up ahead for a campsite. It had a small spring pool and some trees for shelter with soft grass for sleeping. The group led the horses to the grassy banks by the pond and removed the saddles and supplies from them so they could get refreshed. They set up a small camp and gathered some wood for a fire. After cooking a small fast meal they sat around the campfire together.

  “I say we all try some of that lemon honey brandy,” said Prince Tangent, smiling.

  “Sore throat Prince?”

  Princess Wildheart smiled at him.

  “If we drink it now maybe I won’t get one,” said Prince Tangent, laughing.

  The others laughed too as Princess Wildheart broke out a bottle of brandy and passed it around. Each of them poured a cup for themselves. The brandy was very good and each of them enjoyed it. Everyone was relaxed as they discussed the journey so far. Princess Wildheart was snuggled up to Prince Morgan as was Pricilla with Duke.

  “I am really taken by Elise Cooper,” said Prince Fancy. “I hadn’t considered the possibility of wedding a commoner until I met her. I plan to court her when we return, I believe we may have something to build on there,” he said, having a faraway look in his eyes.


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