Violets Are Blue

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Violets Are Blue Page 15

by Velvet Vaughn


  Oblivious to the current of tension flowing through Jake, Violet nudged him with her shoulder. "I didn’t mean for you to pay for Melissa’s outfit. I will reimburse you. And I certainly hope she didn’t talk you into buying another bear."

  "Don’t worry about it."

  "Jake?" She noticed the distraction in his voice and a flicker of apprehension shot through her. She followed his gaze to the side of the building. "What is it?"

  "What? Oh, nothing." He relaxed his shoulders and tossed an arm around her. "My mind wandered."

  She nodded but didn’t believe his explanation for one minute. He kept darting glances over his shoulder and he propelled them along at a rapid clip. Her heartbeat accelerated in direct proportion to their quickened footsteps.

  Once they reached the vehicle, he said, "I’ve always wanted to drive one of these. Mind if I jump behind the wheel?"

  Although he tried to keep the tone light and teasing, she recognized the intent behind the words. It wasn’t a question, but a command. She handed him the keys with trembling fingers. After making sure Melissa was securely buckled in, she walked to the passenger side where Jake held the door open. In a low voice, she asked again, "What’s wrong?"

  In an equally calm timbre, he answered, "It’s possible we were followed. How well do you know your way around the area?"

  "Pretty well."

  "Good. I’m going to take a circuitous route back and will need your directional help."

  "Okay." She clutched the door to steady her wobbly legs and stepped into the Jeep. He leaned in and whispered, "Buckle up," which he covered by a brush on the cheek.

  Jake started the car and turned left out of the parking lot when he should have turned right to head back to Burlington. A quick check of the rear view mirror confirmed the indiscriminate brown sedan followed. When Jake swore softly under his breath, she swiveled to peer out the back window. She spied the car trailing at a respectable distance.

  "Look familiar?" he asked softly.

  "No. I’ve never seen it before."

  "Melissa?" Jake’s question stopped her yammering about Niall and his surgery and her contemplations on whether he would have to wear a cast or not. "Do you like amusement parks?" A nod. "Do you like roller coasters?" A fierce nod. "Okay, hang on." He floored the accelerator. Violet’s body slammed against the seat. When the tan car did the same, he began in earnest to lose the tail. Swerving in and out of traffic at high rates of speed, they would be lucky to not get pulled over…or worse.

  Unaware of the undercurrents, Melissa laughed gleefully from the back seat. "Whee," she screamed, her arms bobbing over her head. Violet tried to smile reassuringly but her stomach was in her throat and catching a breath was next to impossible. After what seemed like hours, but in reality lasted only a few minutes, Jake slowed the car. She checked the stern and was relieved to see no brown sedan. She let out a huge breath and calmed Melissa when she pleaded, "More, more."

  Crisis averted for the moment, she guided him home via the interstate and they stopped at a Pizzeria for dinner. Too distracted from the unsettling car ride, she didn’t notice Jake carry a box inside.

  Basil and oregano scented the air and Chubby Checker urged everyone to do the Twist in the background as a portly waiter led them to a red vinyl booth covered with red and white checked table cloths. He took their order and as he lumbered off to fetch their drinks, Jake caressed her thigh under the table. The gesture wasn’t sexual, but meant to offer comfort.

  Seated across from the adults, Melissa looked at Jake and bounded up and down in her seat. "Now, Jake?" He nodded indulgently. With an excited breath, she reached under the booth and pulled out a box. "This is for you, Violet."

  She stared at the box, stunned. "For me?"

  When Melissa nodded excitedly, Violet looked at Jake. His soft smile was as intimate as a kiss. She longed to reach out and cup his cheek in her hand. She saw a new side to him today, one that proved what a wonderful father he would be. He just met Melissa a few short hours ago and already managed to wrap the little girl around his finger. He was her rock star, movie idol and everyday hero wrapped into one. Violet’s, too.

  She accepted the colorful cardboard package and gently lifted the top flap. A soft gasp escaped as she pulled out the sable-colored bear with Melissa’s eager help.

  "We made him ourselves," Melissa informed her. "He’s full of giggles and magic and dreams and wishes and especially love."

  Tears pooled in Violet’s eyes and she couldn’t stop them from spilling when Melissa handed her the birth certificate and told her they picked out the name JaMe.

  "He’s from us, although Jake paid for it and it was his idea, but I helped and I got to pick out some stuffing, wishes and magic. Jake picked the others. We named him JaMe, well, Jake named him JaMe, because it is his name and my name combined. Me for Melissa and Ja for Jake. JaMe," she added, just in case Violet was too dense to understand.

  "It sounded better than MeJa," Jake joked.

  "I love him," Violet choked out as she hugged him to her chest. "He is the most precious gift I’ve ever received. Thank you. Thank you both."

  She squeezed Melissa’s hand and gave in to the urge to cup Jake’s cheek. He leaned into the touch briefly and then pulled away as the waiter brought their drinks. They ate delicious pizza oozing with gooey cheese and spicy pepperoni with Melissa chattering the entire time. When they finished, Jake drove to Melissa’s house. Keyed up from the excitement of the day, the little girl fell asleep. He steered into the dilapidated trailer park and pulled in front of the dingy white mobile home that served as Melissa’s home. Rusty lawn chairs and metal trash cans partially buried under snow littered the area. Bikes laid forgotten in the yard, covered by a blanket of white. Jake met Violet’s gaze and she shrugged helplessly.

  A loud bark greeted their exit from the vehicle. Shouting could be heard coming from a nearby trailer and someone blasted a television at earsplitting levels. The cloying smell of rotting trash and burnt food hung heavy in the air. Jake carefully lifted the sleeping girl and carried her up the wobbly metal stairs. Violet held open the screen door as she conversed with Melissa’s mom.

  "Who’s he?" Melissa’s mom asked in a shrill tone. The cigarette perched between her jaws stuck to her top lip as she spoke. She eyed Jake up and down and it was clear that although she may not approve of him with Violet, she wouldn’t mind a go at him herself. "Wake up, Melissa." Her harsh tone brought the girl from her slumber. Jake narrowed his gaze at the woman and gently sat Melissa on her feet.

  "Good night," she mumbled as she hugged Violet. Wiping her sleepy eyes with her fist, she moved to Jake. "Good night." She stood on tiptoes with arms extended and he hugged her back.

  "Good night, sweetie."

  "Thank you both. I had a great time." She shuffled off to bed, already half-asleep.

  Melissa’s mom glared at Violet. "Now you listen, girlie, I don’t want no bad influences on my daughter. I work hard to raise her and her two younger brothers and it ain’t easy being a single mom, but you won’t see me parading a string of gigolos through here." Jake raised an eyebrow at her insult but she continued unfazed. "If you can’t keep your pants on long enough to supervise my daughter, I don’t want you and your hunky boy-toy around here again."

  "Listen," Violet began, so furious she could hardly speak. She would be damned if she would be judged by a hypocrite with three children by three different men, none of whom she married. She might say she didn’t parade gigolos through the trailer but she sure as heck met up with them somewhere. "I—"

  Jake stepped in front of her and cut her off. "Jake Kincaid. I’m former FBI, current security specialist. Nice to meet you, ma’am. You have a wonderful daughter and you are both very lucky to have Ms. Anastasia in her life. Your daughter adores her, she adores your daughter and you couldn’t ask for a better influence. I would appreciate it if you would apologize to her right now for your misguided accusations."

sp; Silence. Finally, "Sorry," she mumbled, turning her head in the vicinity of Violet but never taking her eyes off him. "Well, well, Jake, if you and her," she tipped her head at Violet, "ain’t a thing, how about you hang around for a while. We can test your handcuffs. Maybe you could show me your, uh," her gaze dropped to his crotch, "nightstick."

  The only thing stopping Violet from lunging at the woman was the powerful arm Jake threw in front of her. "Again, nice to meet you." He inclined his head. He spun them around and propelled Violet out the door before she could pounce.

  She turned to inform the woman that she would pick Melissa up at the same time next week and caught her staring at Jake’s butt. "Of all the crude, obnoxious…."

  "Watch your footing," Jake instructed loudly as they descended the rickety steps. He got her inside the car and drove away. "Okay, now you can vent."

  "I can’t believe that woman has the gall to insult me and then come on to you right in front of me like a fly on a side of beef, especially after saying she didn’t bring men to her place. Horrible influence? She’s the horrible influence. I’ve done everything I could to be a good role model for Melissa."


  Jake heard the catch in Violet’s voice and looked over in horror to find tears rolling down her cheeks. "Hey, don’t cry, sweetheart." He reached over and grabbed her hand as he steered to the side of the road. Shutting off the car, he pulled her into his arms. "It breaks my heart."

  Violet hiccupped into his sweater. "I don’t know why she doesn’t like me. I’ve done all I can to help the whole family. I’ve bought them groceries and paid medical bills for the baby."

  Jake rocked her slowly and stroked her long hair. "My guess is that she is jealous of you."

  Violet sniffed and lifted her head to look at him, tears sparkled on her sooty lashes. "Why would she be jealous of me?"

  He brushed a strand of hair from her face. "Because you are gorgeous and successful and intelligent. You are kind and giving. Her daughter adores you." He paused, wanting more than anything to see her amazing smile. "And hey, you deprived her of a night of wicked debauchery with a hunky boy-toy."

  Violet punched him lightly in the chest and gave a watery laugh. "You are so full of it." She wiped the last of tears. "Thank you."

  "I meant every word. You are special and the only woman this boy-toy gigolo wants to be with," he ran his thumb across her chin, "is you."

  "Oh Jake." She closed her eyes. "I need to tell you why being a big sister to Melissa means so much to me."


  "I have…had a younger sister. Daisy."

  "The one in the picture."

  She nodded. "I couldn’t protect her and she…she died."

  "I’m sorry, honey."

  "Me, too," she said. "She went through a trauma when she was eight and it affected her mentally, to the point of institutionalization. As the years passed, her condition progressively worsened. When I was younger, I visited daily and then weekly when the doctors told me that my visits upset her. Eventually I wasn’t allowed to see her at all. She passed away a week before Thanksgiving during my first year of college."

  Jake stroked her hair, letting her get it all out.

  "It’s my fault Daisy is dead. The only thing that eased some of the pain was helping Melissa and her family. I couldn’t help my own."

  "Shh," Jake crooned. "That’s not true. You were young, too. Violet, look at me."

  As soon as their gazes collided, that undeniable attraction surged. "You have to let go of the guilt. Do you think Daisy would want your life to suffer?"

  Her brows creased in thought and her head slowly moved from side to side. "No," she whispered.

  He did the only thing he could think of to ease her pain. He inched forward until their lips met. His intention was to confirm his statement but the kiss quickly turned heated, like it did every time they came together. She swiveled to press her chest to his as he deepened the contact. His hand dipped under her sweater to find her lace-covered breast. She gasped in his mouth.

  She was so hot and sweet, multi-colored bursts of light exploded in his brain. No, wait a minute. He cracked one lid and peered directly into the eyes of an amused cop. The windows were steamed except for a small area Violet’s hair had wiped clean. The man peeked through that spot. "Ah, hell."

  "Mmm," Violet purred as she stroked Jake’s chest. "I’m burning up too but I’d call it Heaven, not hell."

  "We’ve got company," he growled, pulling her vertical.

  "Hum? What?"

  "Company. As in Burlington’s finest."

  Violet gasped as her eyes flew open. The red and blue lights filtering in through the windows accentuated the sparkle in her eyes. She scrambled back to her seat and buried her crimson face as Jake rolled down the window.


  "Evening Former Special Agent Kincaid," the grinning cop greeted.

  "Can it, Turner," Jake grumbled.

  "Evening, Ms. Anastasia. Nice night for a drive."

  Violet moaned then managed, "Hello, Detective Turner."

  Kincaid seethed and Nick couldn’t contain his mirth.

  "I know you aren’t too familiar with the area, Former Special Agent," he stated, with just the slightest curve to his lips. "But there is a hotel—your hotel—a couple of blocks on down the road. If you would like, I can give you a police escort."

  Obviously unhappy to have to set through this harassment, Kincaid heaved an annoyed sigh.

  Nick pulled out a ticket book. "According to the rules and regulations, you do know what rules and regulations are, don’t you Former Special Agent Kincaid?" He couldn’t help but get in a dig about Kincaid’s breech in taking Ms. Anastasia along when he questioned the janitor. Without waiting for a response, he continued, "I could haul you kids in for public indecency. Obstructed view due to fogged windows." He tried not to laugh, he really did. "Illegal use of the tongue," he added with a guffaw, bending over and slapping his knee.

  "Wise ass," Kincaid muttered, looking straight ahead.

  Nick snickered all the way back to his car. It'd been a stroke of pure luck that he was driving on this road after leaving work. He recognized Violet’s Jeep parked on the shoulder, thinking she may be having car trouble and needed assistance. It hadn’t been until he pulled up behind that he noticed the steamed windows. That’s when inspiration struck. Flicking the lights on, opening the glove box to find the ticket book he always carried but rarely used, and he was off to poke more fun at Supercop.

  He started the car and began to follow the Jeep. Jake told him about the tail to Burlington, gave him the license plate to run, and asked if he would see Violet home after she dropped him at his hotel. Would Kincaid give the pretty little professor a good night kiss? He bet against it. There was only so much humiliation one man could take in a night. Here came the moment of truth. Kincaid drew up to the lobby, shoved the car into park and stepped out as Violet slid across the seat. Nope. No kiss. He owed himself twenty bucks.


  January 14

  "Violet, it’s Phil Wasserman. I don’t like having to tell you this, but your step-father failed to check in with his parole officer."

  Violet dropped into a chair. "I see."

  "His boss hasn’t seen him in a week and his apartment is empty."

  Violet laughed without humor. "Maybe you should check my mother’s house."

  There was an uncomfortable pause. Finally Mr. Wasserman said, "I’m not going to beat around the bush, Violet. We did check with your mother. She’s missing as well."

  Violet's eyes closed in disappointment.

  "And her bank account has been cleared out."

  Tears built but she refused to shed them. After everything Willie Jack had done to Violet and Daisy, Loretta still chose to run off with him. This officially severed any relationship she hoped to ever share with her mother.

  She thanked Mr. Wasserman for the information and asked that he keep her regularly updated.

p; Her doorbell rang and she jumped, her nerves on edge. She didn’t feel like company right now but when the person refused to take the hint, she quieted Zeus, scooted him away from the door and peered out the peephole. Her shoulders drooped. Todd. She did not feel like dealing with him right now but he obviously knew she was home or he would have given up and left.

  "Zeus, sit. Quiet," she ordered, using the command that he didn’t necessarily like but nevertheless obeyed.

  With a deep sigh, she deactivated the alarm and opened the door, a falsely bright smile in place. Zeus bared his teeth.

  "Todd. What a surprise. What are you doing here?" If it sounded a little accusatory, she couldn’t help it.

  He held up a plastic bag in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. "Hey love, I thought we could watch a movie and hang out. We haven’t done that for a while," he added tentatively, his smile faltering.

  Violet hated the hurt sound in his voice. They hadn’t hung out in a while, ever since the killings started. And honestly, she hadn’t missed him. Jake consumed her thoughts.

  She wished Jake was standing in her doorway instead of Todd but he would be working late tonight trying to track down the serial killer before he struck again. Jake hadn’t told her, but even the newspapers figured out that he struck every three days. That meant another female was in grave danger tonight.

  Possibly someone she knew.

  Suddenly spending the evening alone wasn’t so appealing. "I’d like that."

  Relief washed over his face and his shoulders relaxed with an exhale. "Great, great."

  Zeus was not so happy. His front paws danced on the hardwood floor, just itching to get his claws into Todd. Violet held him back while Todd entered. She spotted a police car stationed across the street. Jake’s doing, no doubt.


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