Science Fiction Romance: Biomechanical Hearts (Space Sci-Fi Love Triangle) (New Adult Paranormal Fantasy)

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Science Fiction Romance: Biomechanical Hearts (Space Sci-Fi Love Triangle) (New Adult Paranormal Fantasy) Page 1

by Olivia Myers

   Copyright 2015 by Olivia Myers - All rights reserved.

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  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  Biomechanical Hearts

  Science Fiction Romance

  By: Olivia Myers

  Table of Contents

  Biomechanical Hearts

  Bonus Book: The Big Bang Love Affair

  Bonus Book: Pleasure in the Stars

  Bonus Book: Licked by a Vampire I

  Bonus Book: Licked by a Vampire II

  Bonus Book: Wild in the Highlands

  Bonus Book: Trouble

  Bonus Book: In the Arms of the Dragon

  Bonus Book: Ravished by the Dragon

  Bonus Book: Love Invasion

  Bonus Book: Alien Petals

  Bonus Book: Dreaming of an Electric Love

  Bonus Book: Physic Hearts

  Bonus Book: Bearly Saved Christmas

  Bonus Book: Classically Exposed

  Bonus Book: Deep Exposure

  Bonus Book: Ghostly Whispers of Love

  Bonus Book: Step Brother 911

  Bonus Book: The Castle’s Dark Secrets

  Bonus Book: Forbidden Shifts

  Bonus Book: Memories of Passion

  Bonus Book: Taming the Jaguar

  Bonus Book: Nailed

  Bonus Book: My Robotic Lovers

  Bonus Book: Lovers of Poetry

  Bonus Book: Bound to be Desired

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  Biomechanical Hearts

  Stella was restless, though she'd committed to wrapping herself up in a blanket, curling up with a cup of coffee, and spending a good hour with a nice book and the stars floating past. Without stress. A window to the outside in Space Station Orcus was a luxury, but one that she could well afford. She liked to gaze at the stars while she pondered the truths of the Universe, the meaning of life, and the ever-present human desire for companionship – and why she couldn't escape that companionship. A strange thought for a bot seller such as herself, but anything was useful to pass the time while she waited for the delivery man, who, as usual, was late.

  As if hearing her musings from the cargo bay, a loud buzzing noise resounded. Stella stood up, stretching, thankful for the interruption from her meditations. She took her sweet time sipping her coffee as she made her way to the door and laid her hand over the unlocking mechanism to find her usual delivery man. He was waiting with a box that she'd guess was nearly twice his height. The delivery man, Carl, had always seemed to Stella like he must have been the result of a short tryst between a human and a bear – in both intellect and appearance. But no matter, four hours late or not, her goods had arrived.

  “Evening, Miss Stella, this is the fourteenth delivery this month alone. I take it business is booming?” He motioned to the large stack of crates in the back of his truck.

  Stella looked at him flatly. She thought by that point he would have given up with pleasantries, but most people seemed to think her irritability was charming. “I believe a 'good morning' is more apt now, Carl. The goods were due by twenty-two hundred hours yesterday. It is now two in the morning. I don't know if you’re trying to beat your own record for tardiness, but if this continues I’ll ask for a different delivery man next time.”

  Carl managed the grace – or sense – to at least look a bit chastised.

  “Aww shucks, Miss Stella. Don't be so mean! There was some trouble at customs. None of my fault, they just looked real interested in checking all bot cargo.”

  “I’ll wave it one last time. Do me the favor of unloading the crates in the back. I happen to have no staff left for the night, seeing you took so long.” She rolled her eyes as she stepped aside to allow him into her apartment.

  It was nearly four in the morning when the two finished wheeling the bots into Stella's cargo port, but she wouldn't sleep until the shipment was finally unloaded and documented.

  She waved Carl out of her apartment and even gave him a tip for all his help with the unloading. He might not have been punctual, but at least he had the muscles to help with carting the bots around. Once he was gone, she turned to admire her new stock.

  Thirty-five new bots in all. Some of her clients’ favorite models had made a return, and some were entirely new products fresh off the production line. It would now just be a matter of testing them. Stella wasn't one to let her toys go without ensuring quality. She was tired, but she figured she may as well use one to relieve her stress and help her get a night’s rest. Now to see which would catch her eye.

  The box she settled on was nearly twice her size, but that didn't matter to her. She managed to wheel it into her bedroom on her own.

  Stella's dealings had mostly to do with pleasure bots, modern marvels of robotics that looked and behaved identically to human beings with none of the extra human baggage. Like emotion or morals. Pleasure bots were made for one purpose, and that was to be entirely non-metaphorical sex machines. Stella found the bots infinitely more desirable for companionship than dealing with another person. And apparently, so did plenty of other people because, as Carl has mentioned earlier, business was booming.

  The box had been labeled RAM-69 (Alternatively F.I.S.T.O.); she figured one couldn't really expect a higher level of maturity from the men who engineered her products. At any rate, this model was brand new, and quite impressive as far as specimens went. At over six and a half feet of lean toned muscle, he cut a prominent figure. His hair was an exquisite platinum that begged to have her fingers run through it. And she did, standing on her toes to reach up and tousle the soft locks.

  Resting her hand on his bare chest for balance, she noted that he was quite warm, but he'd likely been tucked next to the engine, or may have been jostled and turned on during shipping. His face was angular and well proportioned, his eyes the green of forests only seen in photographs. Stella reminded herself to keep breathing, it wasn't often that she was so taken aback by her products, but this one was almost akin to a work of art. But the veritable Greek god in front of her was worth nothing if it did not perform its principal task. This was what Stella was so keen to now find out.

  “R.A.M.-69, your Mistress demands that you bring her fulfillment.” Stella sighed. She didn't know who kept coming up with these activation phrases, but they became more and more off-putting with time.

  The pleasure bot turned to her and spoke in a silky whisper which carried a distinctly Mediterranean inflection. These engineers were good. “This is unit R.A.M.-69, operational and ready to serve.”

  Stella could not help but smile at the emphasis placed on the word serve.

  “I am Stella. Until further notice, I am your new mistress. I want you to demonstrate your talents.” She approached the unit, but to her surprise, it did not move. Maybe the command wasn't recognized by this model. There were glitches now and then. Maybe it was a cheesy model.

  “I, Ste
lla, command you to pleasure me,” she said again.

  Nothing. Maybe he needed literal instructions.

  “You are to engage in sexual intercourse with me.”

  Nothing again. This was becoming increasingly frustrating for Stella. Delivered late. And worthless. Her patience was thin on a good day, and at four in the morning, she had no time.

  Stupid machine.

  She plucked up the crowbar she'd used to pry the crate open and took a step toward the bot. “Get over here and fuck me, you piece of shit!”

  And yet the pleasure bot did not move. She lifted the crowbar to swing at his face—

  But the crowbar never connected. Her hand was stopped by his steely grip. She struggled against the hand, yet couldn't break the grip. The force was clearly bruising her arm, and she was forced to drop the crowbar.

  “Let me go, you fucking hunk of junk!”

  He pulled her towards him. While his skin had been warm, his lips were searing hot. She tried to struggle, but the bot held her fast. More than that, she was losing strength.

  She felt his other hand cover the small of her back, pressing her closer to him. She beat at his steely abs with her free hand, but the struggle felt pointless now. He forced her lips apart, intertwined his tongue with hers, and she found she could no longer resist. The sheer force of his kiss and his arm clamping her against him were an incredibly carnal touch to such a beautifully carved bot. More humanoid than any she'd ever had, and entirely satisfactory according to the wetness now soaking her panties.

  The bot pulled back with a wolfish smirk, clearly having detected her arousal. She took a much needed breath before he turned her around. The bot maintained his grip as he pressed her against the edge of her bed and bent her over. Her pants proved little resistance as he tore the fabric away, and she could swear she felt hot breath against her thighs.

  Simulated breathing, that’s new, she managed to think to herself before she felt his tongue inside her. Stella let out a low moan. There it was again, that heat that was so exhilarating and new. She could feel his tongue move inside her, one hand still holding her wrist and the other gently spreading her cheeks. She felt him pull away. No, this couldn't end now; she couldn't be left teetering on the edge of arousal.

  “Fuck no, you aren't done!” She cast a scowl over her shoulder. “Get back to work!”

  The bot laughed, a soft chuckle that made her stomach flutter. He was too realistic. How dare this machine do this to her. He was property!

  Before she had time to snap at him again, he plunged inside of her. There was no gentle touch, just sheer animalistic voracity. She squealed, like she hadn't in so long.

  He was good. Maybe the best she’d ever had. He didn’t feel mechanical at all, moving as if with a desire of his own. She could feel the bot thrust over and over inside of her, pinning her against the bed with a hand on her shoulder and the other bracing her hip. She dug her fingers into the bedsheets, clipped moans escaping with every touch of his hips against her ass. At this rate it was all she could do to keep from losing herself. The bot pulled Stella up by her hair, still riding her but pressing her body close to his. She could feel his oppressive heat, and she was drunk off of it. Every thrust made her legs feel weak. Finally, he let go of her shoulder – only to cup her breasts in his oversized hand.

  He controlled her like she had controlled so many others. It was so exciting to lose herself for once, and this bot was like a tide, implacable waves of pleasure that her body could happily drown in. She could feel herself drawing to a finish, but he wouldn't slow down.

  He yanked out, eliciting a groan of frustration from her at the sudden interruption. But he flipped her so she could see him. That tantalizingly wolfish grin was still present on his handsome face, and those green eyes seemed to bore deep into her, almost as deep as he abruptly plunged inside of her again.

  She arched her back as his rhythm changed to match the new position. He leaned down to put her breast in his mouth. The heat again. Stella felt as if she were melting into the unrelenting fire that threatened to consume her. She tightened her legs desperately around him as a final wave of warmth washed over her, tensing her body and yanking him against her to ride him until she was done.

  “Fuck,” she breathed, closing her eyes and turning her head away from him. She unfurled her legs and gave him a push. “Off. Power down.”

  The final commands were relatively universal, and he seemed to comprehend as he rolled away to leave her in peace. She crawled up to her pillows, anticipating the soreness she would surely feel when she woke. Just how many climaxes had the robot brought her? Three? Four? She was exhausted, but satisfied in a way she hadn't been in years. This model would be a bestseller, she thought as she settled into her blankets. And she’d have it again in the morning.


  The first thing Stella noticed when she blinked her eyes open was that the lights were still on. The second was the clear view of her alarm clock on the opposite side of the bed, displaying that it was ten in the morning. The third was that she shouldn't have been able to see the time because there should have been a six and a half foot robot between herself and her clock.

  There wasn't.

  She jerked up fast enough to make her back crack, scrambled to disentangle herself from her sheets, and nearly tripped over the mess as she stumbled toward the door. It was only when her hand landed on the bypass mechanism that she realized she was naked.

  “What the fuck?” Had someone snagged her robot while she was sleeping, completely naked, right next to it? Who would? Why? How? She ran a hand over her face and leaned against the door to take a moment for processing. She needed coffee – or logic.

  Coffee might bring logic.

  She swept her short, jet black hair back behind her ears and grabbed her jeans up from the floor to wriggle into. She snagged her T-shirt from the lamp it had landed on to pull over her head. Her bra was nowhere in sight, but she spotted her panties on the floor near the bathroom, but ignored them for the moment.

  It was impossible to break into her apartment. Her full hand signature and a retina scan were required to get in. Stella didn't play with half-assed security. But a robot had never gotten up and walked away. Was it glitching on some sort of autopilot? Maybe it had never turned off, and had wandered away to further fulfill its purpose after she'd fallen asleep. If that was the case, a stark naked six and a half foot sculpture of a bot shouldn't be hard to find.

  She nodded to herself, as if physical affirmation would cement the idea in her mind, and headed to the shower. As the fog of panic and confusion ebbed, she realized how incredibly sore her body was. The inhuman strength of the robot had done a number on her much smaller body. As she slipped out of her clothes again in front of the mirror, she caught a glimpse of several distinct prints on her soft, milky skin. On her left hip, specifically – bruises. From the bot's fingers. She turned, clenching her jaw when she saw another deep purple mark on her ass and one coloring her shoulder the bot had grabbed to hold her in place. She was tender, but even a robot shouldn't be able to achieve such an effect so easily. The R.A.M.-69 would need his strength dial modified before she let him out to play. If she ever let him out.

  Out of the shower, she headed straight to her closet to rifle through her options. Much like her business operation, her closet was a perfectly organized selection of garments ordered by type and color. Which made it all too noticeable when something was amiss. Stella frowned as she reached for an empty hanger amongst her old work jackets – a distinctly oversized one previously belonging to her father. The baggy old thing was kept more for sentiment than use, but she occasionally snuggled up with it. Even so, empty hangers went in a basket to be re-used so she could avoid clutter. And the likelihood that she would forsake such a simple habit, even once, was admittedly unlikely. Nobody could have entered the apartment without her consent. She didn't sleepwalk.

  How likely was it that the robot had “thought” to put on clothes before
leaving? Some of the models came in varying levels of sentience – if one could call it that. They excused themselves, made small talk, and covered their nakedness with a sheet if so programmed. Was it so farfetched that R.A.M.-69 might have the decency to wear clothes before scouting out his next mistress or master?

  She dropped the hanger aside and reached instead for something functional and form-fitting. She had a robot to hunt down and she'd probably like to be comfortable doing it, but she also had appearances to maintain. The pants clung to her thighs and would slip easily beneath her boots when she dragged them on later, and her shirt clung to her narrow curves while the neckline plunged to allow the barest glimpse of the valley between her breasts. Stella frequently juxtaposed her sexuality with modesty, but figured she would need a bit more of one than the other where she was going.

  She knew a few places to spread the word, but there was one that would guarantee results. The Blue Blood Brotherhood could easily search the space station for her wayward bot. Her only inhibition was the fact that the Brotherhood was governed more or less solely by her former lover, Rhett. She wasn't one for owing favors, and was even less inclined when it involved him. Their romantic relationship hadn't been salvaged, but their working relationship had. All the same, things always went more smoothly when she didn't have to deal directly with the arrogant fuck. He had a talent for tweaking her nerves like nobody else, and he knew it.

  She shoved her pride aside as she let herself out of her apartment and headed up to the Blue Blood level. Much like their name suggested, the gang lived in the upper crust of Orcus, and Stella had climbed rank to earn her place there without drawing vicious glances from its inhabitants. If she had any luck, she'd run into Marc, Rhett's mild-mannered best friend and second in command. He was usually minding the shop while Rhett was out playing.

  Of course, she could never count on being so lucky. She reached the exterior door of the Brotherhood's headquarters. The gang took up a large sector of the upper level of Orcus, but couldn't necessarily claim the entirety of the space. The space station was, after all, quite large. Members sprawled across every level from the comfortable upper crust to the energy-burning rooms in the lower center of the giant hunk of metal. The oversized cell Stella stood outside of at the moment was the main family shop, a provider of essential goods and scarcely found odds and ends. Their relationship had been established by her frequent visits for hard to get materials and her patronage was one of the few fibers holding their business relationship together. She never could afford to make an enemy of Rhett. And he knew it.


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