Science Fiction Romance: Biomechanical Hearts (Space Sci-Fi Love Triangle) (New Adult Paranormal Fantasy)

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Science Fiction Romance: Biomechanical Hearts (Space Sci-Fi Love Triangle) (New Adult Paranormal Fantasy) Page 76

by Olivia Myers

  Elle moaned and spread her legs wider, begging Lisa with her body to give her the satisfaction that she craved. Lisa complied, kissing her again and this time pressing her tongue deeper into Elle’s pussy. She licked her slowly, making Elle jerk her body as Lisa’s tongue traveled slowly over her clit.

  Lisa pulled back suddenly, standing up and removing her own pants and panties. Elle stared, taking in the woman’s perfectly smooth pussy, and the tight curve of her ass. This woman really was perfect.

  Lisa joined Elle on the bed. The two women gazed at each other for a second, and then resumed kissing. Elle let her fingers wander down the other woman’s belly, stroking the outer lips of her pussy before gently pressing a finger into her wet inner folds. Lisa gasped as Elle found her clit. Elle rubbed it, making the other woman’s hips jerk. Lisa returned the favor, dipping two fingers deep into Elle’s pussy and rubbing her clit with her thumb. Lisa bit Elle’s lip as the kissed, making her moan. The other woman’s breasts pressed into her own chest, and the feeling of her hard nipples pressing into her skin was unbelievably arousing.

  Elle felt her own orgasm building, and thrust her hips against Lisa’s hand. She began pounding her fingers in and out of Lisa’s pussy, and all of a sudden the other woman arched her back, emitting a small scream. Elle could feel Lisa’s pussy pulsing around her fingers as the other woman came, which brought on Elle’s orgasm. She moaned as the pleasure rushed through her, feeling her toes curl.

  After a couple of seconds, both women lay back, only their shoulders brushing. Elle was sweaty, and was jealous that Lisa had somehow managed to not even break a sweat. She closed her eyes, feeling pleasantly relaxed. Lisa’s hand brushed hers, and Elle let their fingers entwine.

  Elle woke up half an hour later when the alarm on her phone began buzzing. She and Lisa were tangled up in each other, and it took Elle a second to get free before she could reach her phone. She blinked at the alarm, disoriented for a moment, and then sighed. She had completely forgotten that she had to get to work today. She would much rather spend the day in bed with Lisa. She glanced over at the bed and saw the other woman looking at her with sleepy, slitted eyes.

  “Work,” Elle explained. The other woman grimaced, then sighed and stretched luxuriously.

  “Call me?” Lisa asked.

  “I promise,” Elle said.


  Elle couldn’t keep from grinning like an idiot as she walked in to work. Annie raised her eyebrows when she saw Elle’s expression.

  “I had a good day,” Elle explained.

  Annie bit her lip, refraining from saying anything more, even though she was obviously curious. Elle settled into the seat behind the counter while Annie collected her things to go home. She listened as the younger woman told her about the orders that people had placed during her shift, and about the bouquets that needed to be made. Elle smiled, nodding in all of the right places, but her mind was still on Lisa.

  After Annie left, Elle got to work on making custom flower arrangements, situating the blooms just how the customers had requested. She usually managed to lose herself in this kind of work, but today she kept getting distracted. Her thoughts returned endlessly to both Lisa and Drake. She had hoped that having sex with Lisa would help to get the dark-haired man out of her mind, but instead both of them had claimed space in her thoughts. She wondered what she would do if they each lived up to their promises and wanted to see her again. She had amazing chemistry with both of them, and both were easy to talk to.

  Elle sighed and rearranged a stalk of Queen Anne’s Lace that had tilted to the side. She really needed to keep her thoughts on work. No one would appreciate it if they got a flower display that had poison ivy instead of climbing ivy.


  She managed to keep her mind on work for a few hours. The calmness of the flower shop gradually worked to ease her mind. The sweet scent of the flowers reminded her, as always, of her sister’s love of the blossoms that had been in their back yard. As often happened when she was working here alone, she thought about her sister. She missed her, as she had missed her for all of these years. She wondered what it would be like to have her sister as a friend now, someone to talk to about all of the confusing feelings that rose to the surface whenever she thought about Drake and Lisa.

  A noise at her door made her look up. A dog was standing outside the glass window, peering in and wagging his tail. Elle looked around, wondering if his owner was nearby, but she didn’t see anyone hanging around. She set aside the arrangement she was working on and got up, walking over to the door. She looked down at the dog. He was a large German Shepherd, and he seemed pretty friendly. He gazed up at her, woofed, and then backed up a step, cocking his head to the side. Elle opened the door, and the dog surprised her by dashing past her legs and into the shop.

  “Whoa,” she said, startled. Once inside, the dog turned around to face her and wagged its tail even harder. For a second she thought something about its eyes looked familiar, but then she shook her head. She didn’t know anyone who owned a dog this big.

  “Hey, buddy,” she said, extending her hand slowly. The dog took a single step forward and licked her hand with a long, slobbery tongue. Elle smiled and crouched down scratching the dog’s neck.

  “Well, you don’t have a collar,” she said. The dog was gorgeous, and she knew he probably had a microchip that would tell her who his owner was.

  “What’s your name?” she asked.

  The dog just wagged his tail and leaned into her.

  Elle laughed. “I think I have some summer sausage in the fridge in back,” she said. “Do you want a piece?”

  The dog woofed softly, which Elle took to mean yes.

  “Wait here,” she said, and then got up and headed into the back room where the fridge was.

  She came back out with a couple of slices of summer sausage, and saw that the dog was, to her surprise, standing exactly where she had left him. “Good boy,” Elle said, and tossed him a piece of the sausage. The dog caught it out of the air with an audible snap of his jaws, and then looked expectantly at Elle for more. She smiled.

  “Uh-uh,” she said. “You’ve got to work for the rest of it. Can you sit?” The dog sat promptly, gazing at her with big brown eyes. His eyes flicked to the sausage in her hand, and then went back to her face. Elle laughed.

  “All right, here you go,” she said, holding out the sausage. “You deserve it.”

  The dog walked forward a couple of steps and took the sausage gently from her hand. He sniffed her fingers and gave them a quick lick before sitting back on his haunches.

  “Good boy,” Elle added. She stroked his head, marveling at how soft his fur was. What was she going to do with him? She didn’t think her apartment would let her have dogs, and even if the apartment manager allowed it, she wasn’t even sure she wanted a dog. It hadn’t crossed her mind until this big, handsome fellow had shown up. She didn’t want to call the pound, though. There was no telling where he’d end up.

  “Where’s your family?” she asked, crouching down again and letting the dog shove his head against her chest. “What am I going to do with you?”

  As if in response to her question, the dog gave her cheek a quick lick, and then danced over to the door. He glanced up at the door handle, and then looked back at Elle. Elle sighed. He was a smart dog, that much was obvious. She still didn’t feel completely comfortable just letting him go in the city, but she knew that he would probably return to his home, if he had one. Or, if he was a stray, he would probably hang around her store since she’d given him food.

  “All right,” Elle said. “Just be careful, okay?” She opened the door and the dog gave her hand one last friendly lick before darting out of her store and starting down the street. Elle watched him go, worried, but glad that he had stopped by. He had definitely lightened her mood.


  Her phone rang that evening after she had gotten home from work. “Hey,” Drake said when she answered. “
I’ve been thinking of you.”

  “I’ve been thinking of you, too,” Elle said, trying to push the thoughts of Lisa out of her head. She was glad to hear Drake’s voice again. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m doing well,” Drake said. “How about you? How’s work?”

  “I’m fine,” Elle said with a smile. “And work is going well. We’ve had a few more customers than normal lately. Which is a good thing, of course.”

  “Well, if you manage to catch a break some time, do you want to get together again? We can go out to dinner, somewhere nice,” he said.

  “Definitely,” she responded, feeling a swooping feeling in her stomach, and a tingle of warmth between her legs, at the thought of seeing him again. “But let’s eat in. I have tomorrow evening off. We could cook dinner, and then spend the rest of the evening together.”

  “Mmm, that sounds like an amazing plan, Elle,” he said.

  She grinned. “See you at five?”

  “See you at five,” he assured her.


  The dog stopped by her store again the next day. She was glad that he had come in the morning this time, since if he had come in the evening, Elle wouldn’t have been there. She wasn’t sure if Annie would have let the dog in or not, and she really didn’t want him to get shooed away. She liked having his company, and this time he stayed for a few hours, lounging in front of the counter and greeting customers with a wagging tail when they came in. Everyone liked him, and Elle was reluctant when he stood by the door and whined to be let out, but she was becoming more and more certain that he had a family that would be waiting for him - he was just so well behaved, she couldn’t believe that he was a stray.

  She got out of work at two and ran to the store to get some supplies for the dinner she and Drake had planned for tonight. She didn’t know what foods he liked, or disliked, so she decided to go with pasta. Who didn’t like pasta? She also grabbed a nice bottle of wine, deciding to make the evening as romantic as possible. On her way out of the store, she saw a woman that reminded her of Lisa, and she felt a pang of desire go through her. She sighed, half annoyed and half amused at herself. How could she find two people so equally attractive?

  Back at home, she hopped in the shower, scrubbing away the scent of the flower store. She chose a subtle perfume to wear for the evening, and then dressed in a slinky black dress. She let her hair fall to her shoulders, and carefully penciled liner around her lips. Her goals for this evening were twofold: to have sex with Drake again, and also to get a better feel for his personality. The first one would be easy, but the second goal would be harder. She knew that she and he were physically compatible - extremely physically compatible - but she didn’t know anything about his life, his goals, or even what sort of food he liked.

  Drake got there right on time; five o’clock on the dot. Elle let him in, and stood on tiptoe to kiss him in greeting. He kissed her back, deepening it and making Elle flush with desire. She considered forgetting the dinner she had planned and just going straight to the bedroom, but no, the bedroom could wait. Grinning, she led him into the kitchen.

  Drake cut up the garlic cloves with the dexterity of an expert chef. She smiled when she saw that; she had teased him earlier because he had admitted that he didn’t really cook that much. She had called him the perfect bachelor, and he had laughed. “Well, hopefully you’ll get me to change my ways,” he had said, staring deeply into her eyes.

  And now he looked like a natural in the kitchen. Elle shook her head, amazed. He really was an interesting man. He was pretty much perfect, physically, and he seemed intelligent and eager to learn about her, which was another thing that she liked. He still didn’t talk much about his own life. Elle couldn’t decide if that was because he had something to hide, or because he just didn’t do much. Watching his muscles ripple as he moved across the kitchen, Elle couldn’t believe that he didn’t have more stories to tell. He looked like a man who was constantly active; not like she expected a guy who worked with computers to look.


  “This is amazing,” Drake said, putting his fork down. His plate was clean, and this had been his second helping. Elle was glad that she had chosen pasta; he obviously liked it.

  “It was pretty good,” she agreed. “We should try making something more complex next time.”

  Drake smiled in agreement and grabbed his plate. When Elle rose to help clear the table, he waved her off.

  “Let me do it,” he said. Then he grinned. “I’ll meet you in the bedroom.”


  Lisa called Elle the next morning. Elle was surprised at how glad she was to hear the woman’s voice. Even though she’d had an amazing night with Drake, Lisa had still been in her thoughts a lot. Too much, really. She felt bad thinking about Lisa when she was with Drake, but she knew that when she saw Lisa again, she would be thinking of Drake.

  “I’ve missed you,” Lisa purred, her silky voice making Elle think of their time together in her bed. She bit her lip to try to keep her focus on the conversation.

  “I’ve missed you too,” Elle said. “Would you like to come over? Or we could go out for coffee again, if you’d rather.”

  “I can come over,” Lisa said. “I’ll bring coffee. And something else. I have a present for you.”

  “Oh?” Elle frowned. “I don’t have anything for you.”

  Lisa chuckled, a sound that aroused Elle more than she was expecting. “Yes you do,” Lisa said.

  It was all Elle could do to keep from moaning out loud.

  Elle answered the door. Lisa wore a flowing skirt that fell to her knees, and a tight, lacy shirt.

  “Glad you found my place easily again the second time,” Elle said, letting the woman in.

  Lisa frowned for a split second in confusion, but then her expression cleared and she smiled. “I have a good memory.”

  She extended a small paper bag to Elle, who took it excitedly. Peeking in, she saw the next book in the series she had been looking at when she and Lisa had met at the bookstore.

  “You do have a good memory!” Elle exclaimed. “Wow, I can’t believe you thought of this.” Grinning, she set the bag down on her counter. “It must have just come out.”

  She felt a sudden stab of guilt that she’d been seeing someone else. How would she ever choose between these two wonderful people?

  “I knew you’d like it,” Lisa said, returning Elle’s grin with one of her own. Elle reached for the other woman and gently pulled her closer. Their lips met, and the now-familiar wave of desire flooded through Elle.

  “It’s time for your present,” Elle mumbled into her friend’s lips. She led Lisa to her bedroom.


  Elle rested her forehead on the cool counter top. She was sitting by the cash register, tired yet happy. She’d been seeing both Drake and Lisa on and off for almost two weeks. Every day she fell more and more in love with each of them. She’d seen both of them yesterday, the second day in a row that she’d managed to split her time between them. She was exhausted; she’d stayed up late the night before lying in bed and talking with Lisa.

  She was also mentally exhausted. The guilt of seeing them both was really starting to wear on her. Even though neither one had broached the subject of an exclusive relationship with her, she knew that the depths of her feelings for them would end up making both relationships more complicated.

  When the door to the store opened, Elle picked her head up. She felt groggy, and she felt the faint, ominous beginnings of a headache. She was relieved to see that it was just Annie coming back from lunch.

  “I got your sub,” the young woman said, depositing a bag on the counter next to where Elle was leaning. “They were out of sweet pickles, so I asked for bread and butter. I hope that’s ok.”

  “It’s fine.” Elle began unwrapping her sandwich.

  “You look wiped out,” Annie said, perching on a stool and biting into her own sub. Elle just glared at her. Annie rolled her eyes, makin
g Elle chuckle. She realized that Annie acted a lot like a younger sister would. She felt a rush of affection towards the girl.

  A bark at the door made both women turn and look outside. –The dog was waiting outside. She got up to let him in.

  “Whoa, do you know that dog?” Annie asked, putting her sub down.

  “Yeah, he’s been coming around for a while.” Elle suddenly wondered if the dog came here when Annie was working. “Have you seen him before?” she asked.

  Annie shook her head. “Is he nice?”

  “Yeah,” Elle replied. “He’s super nice. I let him hand out in here during the day sometimes. The customers all love him. I’ve started calling him Rex.” The name seemed fitting for such a big, regal animal.

  Annie approached Rex and let him sniff her hand before reaching down to pet him. The dog held still, allowing the attention for a moment, and then walked over to sit next to Elle. He leaned against her leg, and gazed up at her with adoration. Elle smiled down at him and petted him.

  “I guess you’re his favorite,” Annie said, returning to her bench and picking up her sub again. “Do you have any idea who he belongs to?”

  “None,” Elle said. “He comes here almost every day, though.”

  “Are you going to keep him?” Annie asked, in between bites.

  “I don’t know if I can,” Elle said. “Plus, look at him. He’s gorgeous, and is obviously being fed and groomed by someone. I don’t want to just steal someone’s dog.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” Annie gave the dog one last considering look, and then changed the subject. “So what’s been up with you lately? You’ve been alternating between being super energetic and happy, and then being equally tired and grumpy.”

  Elle sighed, returning to her seat behind the counter. Rex followed her, and she ripped off a small part of her sub and tossed it to him. She’d been expecting Annie to notice her odd behavior soon, but had been hoping she could go a bit longer before having to explain herself to the girl. “I’ve been seeing someone,” she said. And then, after a pause, “Actually, two someones.”


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