VAMPIRE: PARANORMAL: Out For Blood (Vampire Alpha Shapeshifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Fantasy Short Stories)

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VAMPIRE: PARANORMAL: Out For Blood (Vampire Alpha Shapeshifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Fantasy Short Stories) Page 20

by Powers, Miranda

  “Isn’t it?” he said huskily, watching in avid fascination as her eyes darkened. Sebastian groaned and parted her nightgown. He tugged it off her shoulders and kissed her breasts. She’d gained weight and they swelled softly beneath his tongue.

  Ashleigh’s fingers slid into his hair cradling his head to her as he slid down her body. An anguished cry of rapture broke from her lips when he buried his head between her thighs, her breath catching as his hot tongue sucked and licked at the folds, teeth nipping lightly. He settled his mouth over her clit, sucking gently, and she whimpered in agony when she felt his tongue spear deep inside. Growling with impatience, he tore off her nightgown and flung it aside. Just as eager for him, her hands wandered over him possessively, lingering over the hard abs and sturdy shoulders. She paused at his pajama bottoms as her eyes met his.

  Sebastian grinned and helped her push them off. He took her hand and drew it to him, sucking in a tortured breath as she fingered him gently. “Am I hurting you?” she asked shyly. It was the first time she’d permitted herself to touch him this way.

  He shook his head. “No,” he muttered hoarsely. “You’re...very gentle.”

  Ashleigh’s eyes widened when his cock grew in her hand. “It’s so big,” she whispered in awe, noting how he shook as she caressed him. “Should I stop?”

  Sebastian didn’t answer. He groaned and flung her thighs wide, plunging deep within. She winced as the stretching ache bordered on pain. But soon she was begging him for it, arching her hips and wrapping her thighs around him. He bent over her grunting with each thrust and Ashleigh thought she’d go insane with pleasure. “Bastian!” she screamed.

  He groaned and slumped against his wife. Sebastian buried his face into her hair and held her close. “Did I hurt you?” he murmured against her hair.

  “Only a little,” she sighed. “I’m getting better at it.”

  “There’s no need to improve, my sweet.”

  She giggled and kissed his cheek.

  They slept and made love again.

  Sebastian thought they should get out and see the city. “We’ve been here nearly a week!”

  “So?” she said, nuzzling his neck. “There are sights to see here.” She reached down and cupped him gently.

  “Aren’t you the least bit tired?” Sebastian laughed. “I think I’ve created a monster.”

  “I can’t help it,” Ashleigh giggled. “You’re irresistible!”

  He eyed his wife dubiously. “I am, huh?”

  “Uh-huh.” Ashleigh raised the hem of her skirt. She wasn’t wearing underwear.

  His eyes darkened. “Is that for me, wife?”

  Blushing, she nodded shyly. “Hurry up, I’m cold!”

  Sebastian laughed, hauling her up against the wall and pushing up her skirt. She squealed with astonished delight as he lifted her thighs over his hips and giggled against his mouth when he fumbled with his zipper. “Let me,” she whispered. She reached down and freed him, her eyes closing in bliss as her husband slid into her. “Oh, my love,” she murmured, biting down on his shoulder.

  “Sweetness,” he groaned, thrusting quickly and smothering his wife’s soft cries of pleasure with his tongue.

  Finally sated, Ashleigh allowed her husband to take her out for dinner. She found herself admiring how he looked in a tux rather than what was on her plate. “You are very handsome,” she said shyly.

  “And you’re very beautiful,” he grinned. “You should wear that color more often.”

  “Oh,” she said, blushing. He’d bought her a red lace dress cut down to there. She felt naked. “Don’t you think it’s a bit...revealing?” Ashleigh glanced down at her newfound cleavage. “I might fall into my dinner.”

  Her husband stifled his laughter. “It suits you. You’re a grown woman, love. You should dress like one.”

  Ashleigh smiled at her husband. “You’re right. I think I will.” She slipped off her shoe and toyed with his foot under the table. “Would you like to see the negligee I bought today?”

  “Later,” he growled, taking a cooling sip of wine. “Maybe you shouldn’t wear anything. Make it easy on me.”

  “Now where’s the fun in that?” She gave him a saucy wink and cut into her steak.

  Sebastian eyed his young bride and his eyes glowed.

  After a carriage ride through the park, Ashleigh rested her head on her husband’s shoulder in the elevator. “I’m sleepy.” she said, yawning.

  Her husband slid his arms around her. “Want me to carry you?”

  “That would be nice.” She sighed as he lifted her into his arms and carried her to their room. Too bad she ended up on the floor.

  “Dad!” Sebastian blurted as they entered the suite. Ashleigh was shocked to see Damien in their room with an ugly scowl on his handsome face. “What are you doing here?” Her husband reached to help her up.

  “I could ask you both the same question.” He stalked over to his stepdaughter and grabbed her hand. “I suppose I already know the answer, Sebastian!”

  “Gee, Dad,” Sebastian said, completely cowed in his father’s presence. “I love Leigh and she loves me.”

  Damien glanced at his stepdaughter. “Is this true?”

  Ashleigh went to her husband without a hint of shame. “I do.” Her husband slipped his arms about her and pulled her close. “I had to marry her, Dad.” He caught her hand and kissed her wedding ring. “We couldn’t wait.”

  Damien sighed and sat down, still feeling a bit woozy from the long flight. “I wish you’d spoken to me about it. There was no need to keep it a secret. Think your old man didn’t notice how you felt?”

  Sebastian glanced at his wife. “How long have you known?”

  “Long enough to know you two shouldn’t have been left alone together. You’ll have to explain this to your mother.”

  “We will.” Sebastian glowered at his father. “So what’s the problem?”

  Damien bristled. “Did I say there was a problem? I just think you should keep it to yourselves for a while.”

  “And why is that?” Ashleigh demanded. “I’ll be nineteen in June!”

  “I know that,” Damien said peevishly. “It’s bad timing that’s all. I’ve got the economic summit coming up and all that. It’s just not a good time.” “Gee, Dad,” Sebastian drawled. “When will be a good time? Leigh’s pregnant!”

  Ashleigh gasped and clutched her stomach. “And you were going to tell me when?”

  Damien couldn’t help laughing. “Look, kids. I’m not unhappy you’re married. I just want to keep it quiet until we get the summit taken care of. Then you can play happy families and I’ll be the first one to congratulate you.”

  “Then what?”

  “How about a honeymoon? Extended of course.”

  It was all too much for Ashleigh. She slid to the floor and wouldn’t get up. Sebastian knelt beside her, glaring at his father. “Now look what you’ve done!”

  Damien didn’t flinch. “You can go to Transylvania. Stay in the castle for as long as you like.”

  Sebastian wiped his wife’s face and brow. “What do you think, love?”

  Ashleigh nodded. “Whatever.” She held up her hand. “Help me to the bathroom. I’m going to be sick.” Her husband picked her up and ran to the bathroom. She would spend the rest of the evening hunched over the bowl. “I suppose I have nine months of this.”

  “Not really. It’s supposed to go away after the fifth month.”

  “Fifth month?” she groaned miserably. “So much for birth control.”

  “I’m not sorry.”

  “Good,” she gasped once she could breathe. “Because you’ll be changing all the diapers.”

  “Leigh,” Sebastian soothed. “It’s okay. Dad’s not angry.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know if I’m ready to be a mother. I just became a wife.”

  Sebastian kissed her cheek. “You’ll do fine. I’ll help you.”r />
  “You better.” She didn’t want to get up, but Sebastian insisted. He carried her to bed and undressed her. “Where’s Dad?”

  “He went downstairs for coffee. I think he’s feeling guilty.”

  Ashleigh sighed. “So what’s the castle like?”

  “Cold and drafty. You’ll love it.”

  She patted the bed beside her. “Come here.”

  Sebastian stretched out and took his wife in his arms. “Do you want to know what we’re having?”

  “No,” she murmured drowsily. “I want to be surprised.”

  He grinned and kissed her hair. “Okay.”

  Damien came back and found his children in bed, arms wrapped lovingly about the other.

  He sat back and chuckled to himself, wondering if he should tell Kate. But he thought better of it. “I’ll let the baby tell her for me.” He stayed until morning and let them see him off.

  Later when Kate gazed upon their first grandchild, Damien saw her eyes were wet with tears.

  “I thought you were happy for them,” he admonished gently.

  “I am,” she laughed. “I am.”


  A Paranormal Vampire Romance


  Chapter One

  Loretta knew she was being followed. The person was sticking to the shadows and hoping that she wouldn’t notice but they moved clumsily. Probably a low level mugger who was hoping to get the drop on her. The snow kicked up around her feet as she walked. The sky was dark and heavy, threatening to drop a blizzard on top of the city. Loretta was in no mood to deal with a mugger. Her hands tightened around her keys, positioning them so she could lash out when the person made their move.

  She turned to the right quickly, leading whoever it was away from her car. The sidewalk was empty. It was the middle of the night. Loretta could hear the footsteps behind her. As they walked faster towards her, she gripped the keys tighter. Fingers grabbed her wrist as Loretta spun around on her heel, ready to slash the keys across the mugger’s face.

  But suddenly there was a blur of color. The mugger soared through the air and hit the ground with a thud. A figure dressed in all black was on top of the man.

  “Stop!” Loretta cried, going to yank the figure off the unconscious man.

  The figure went still and moved swiftly off of the mugger. Her heart beat quickly as the man stepped forward into the streetlight. His skin was pale and his eyes dark – and his fangs extended.

  “What do you want?” Loretta said, crossing her arms.

  “I heard you were putting the word out that you wanted someone to Turn you,” the vampire said, “And you pay handsomely for it.”

  “Yeah, that’s right. But are we actually going to discuss this here? I just left my friend’s party and now you knocked out this guy on the street.”

  “He was going to mug you.” The vampire said stiffly.

  “Sorry, not interested in you being the one to Turn me. Thanks anyway.”

  The vampire mumbled something under his breath as Loretta walked past him, heading back towards her car. She sighed. What a mess. Yes, she wanted vampires to speak to her about turning her into one of them but no, she didn’t want it to turn into a big fuss in the middle of the street. Loretta couldn’t wait to get home and crawl into bed and try to forget the entire night. The party had been a wash, like she knew it would be, and then the mugger on top of the vampire. She had the worst luck.

  Loretta was actively looking to be turned into a vampire. For years, she had dreamed of it. She was born into a family of Guardians. Ever since she was a kid her father had explained to her that their family were protectors of the supernatural – the guardians tasked to make sure the regular world didn’t find out about the supernatural world.

  But Loretta didn’t want to just be a Guardian. She wanted to be a vampire. Ageless and forever, she admired their world from afar. Why did she need to guard their secrets and only stare from the outside? Her parents had been proud of their bookshelves boasting all their knowledge. They were gate keepers of all things supernatural. But as Loretta grew older and found out more about this life chosen for her, she realized she wanted more than that.

  She wanted to become one of the supernatural.

  After her parents passed away, Loretta put her feelers out, trying to find a vampire who would be suitable enough to be her Maker. Sadly, all her feelers had turned up, so far, was a bunch of weirdo vampires hoping that turning her meant they would have someone to sleep with for the rest of their lives. She had a couple show up just to try to talk her out of it, to tell her that she would regret her choice.

  But Loretta knew she wouldn’t. She wanted to be part of that world and she would make sure she would get it.

  As she pulled up into her apartment complex on the outskirts of the city, exhaustion settled in. Her friend’s birthday party had been boring and endless. If Loretta had been a vampire she would have been able to take care of that mugger by herself.

  Eyes closing with exhaustion, Loretta walked up the steps to the second floor of her building. She yawned and fumbled for her keys. When she opened her eyes, she saw someone waiting outside her apartment and froze.

  He was clearly a vampire, but he had a different aura from the others. He was tall with eyes that were a stormy blue. His features looked as if they were cut from fine marble and he was wearing a jacket, trying to blend in with the other humans, as if he truly felt the cold. Loretta found herself entranced at his eyes – she hadn’t seen a color like that on a vampire before.

  He was fit and well built. She knew he would be strong enough to take anything who may attack him. The power emanating from him made Loretta think that this was a very old, very ancient vampire. His handsome and severe features made her palms itch.

  “Uhm. Hi. Let me guess. You’re here because of my ad.”

  The man nodded, “That is right.” His voice was smooth and had a light accent to it that Loretta couldn’t pinpoint.

  “I’m exhausted,” She said walking up to him, sliding her key in the lock, “Can we meet tomorrow night?”

  “I’m busy tomorrow night.”

  “Then another night.”

  “I’m busy the rest of the nights.”

  Loretta let out a sigh and turned to look at him, feeling tired and annoyed, “Listen, I get it. You’re a super old vampire. Probably really imposing to literally everyone else you run into. But I’ve seen them all, okay? And if you’re here about the ad, you obviously are interested in what you get in return so spare me the notion that you are too busy to ever come back.”

  The corners of his mouth quirked upwards, “I suppose you got me there.”

  He looked down at her and their eyes locked. Loretta felt a shiver run through her and goose bumps pop up all over her skin. Even though his body gave off no heat, Loretta had to suppress the urge to move closer to him, as if for warmth.

  “So come back tomorrow, okay? We can talk then. And don’t try to glamor me. It won’t work.”

  “I know. You’re one of the guardians, aren’t you? Rare for one of them to want to be one of us.”

  “Don’t try to psycho analyze me either.” Loretta mumbled and tore her eyes away from his, hopping the front door to her apartment.

  “Tomorrow night then.” The vampire said, his voice like silk.

  Loretta nodded and shut the door. Her heart was beating quickly. She was used to seeing vampires from all different walks of life but something about this one was different. The strength he exuded…he was ancient. It was rare for Loretta to find an ancient vampire.

  With a sigh, she padded over to her bedroom. Her cat meowed at her, almost questioning why she had been out so late. She didn’t bother to undress. Loretta flopped into bed and closed her eyes, ready to fall fast asleep.

  Chapter Two

  Loretta didn’t mean to but she found herself checking the clock often the next day. She spent the day working f
rom home – guarding the secrets of the paranormal world wasn’t exactly an office job. She woke up late in the afternoon and tried to focus on her work. Currently she was translating an old scroll from a werewolf who was paying her to translate. But it was dry, dull work and Loretta found her mind wandering.

  She couldn’t stop thinking about what would happen after the sun went down. Would the ancient vampire show up right away? Would he wait until the dead of night? And would he change her tonight? Loretta hoped he’d give her at least another night of getting her affairs in order. She knew enough to know that once she was bitten, she wouldn’t be good to do much except lay buried in the dirt somewhere, hoping to be reborn correctly.

  Sun set came and went. Loretta tried to keep herself busy but ended up giving up on trying to translate the scroll. The words seem to lodge into her head like stones. Instead, she found herself in bed, watching TV. Waiting.

  It was a little past midnight when she heard the knock on the door. Loretta almost leapt out of her skin with excitement. She opened and the door –

  And there he was. He was wearing all white, which seemed to blend in with his pale skin. His blue eyes jumped out at her, almost an electrifying blue tonight. His hair was messy, as if he run through the snow. Yet he wore no jacket to blend in. His sole purpose was coming here to see her.

  “Hey.” Loretta said, unsure why her heart was beating so quickly.

  “Hello again. May I come in?”

  “What’s your name?”


  “Going to guess that wasn’t the name you were born with.”

  “No. The name I was born with is now part of a dead language.”

  Older than she had thought, Loretta mused, before taking a step back.

  “I formally invite you in, Atlas.”

  He nodded at her and stepped inside slowly, almost afraid he would burst into flames. When nothing happened, his features seemed to relax.


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