Protecting His Mistress...Book 24 in the Kindred Tales Series

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Protecting His Mistress...Book 24 in the Kindred Tales Series Page 4

by Evangeline Anderson

  “I mean it,” Karn murmured, still looking at her with that intense gaze of his.

  He nuzzled his cheek against her hand and Lilli felt the rough drag of his stubble against her palm and fingers. It was a pleasant feeling, she decided, and so was being this close to the big Kindred, especially when both of them were naked. Why, he was so close he could have bent his head and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, which was something she’d seen on the porn vid.

  The idea made Lilli feel hot and cold all over and she tried to push the mental image away. What was it about the big Kindred that brought such illicit thoughts to the surface of her mind?

  “All right,” she whispered. “I believe you, Karn. You can…can get up now. I’d better wash you before it gets any later.”

  “As my lady wishes,” he murmured and rose smoothly to tower over her again.

  Lilli tried to ignore how physically intimidating she found him and reached for the sponge glove which fit over her right hand. It began secreting bubbles and lightly scented foam at once and she reached up and began to rub his broad chest.

  Karn moved obligingly, bending down so she could wash his shoulders and back and holding out his arms so she could soap his massive biceps. Goddess, he was just so big all over, Lilli couldn’t help thinking. But the part that was really big was the one she’d been putting off until last.

  Finally there was nothing left to wash but the Kindred’s massive shaft. Biting her lip, she looked up into his eyes as the soapy glove hovered over his equipment.

  Karn nodded slightly.

  “Go on, little Mistress. I don’t mind your hands on me.”

  “Thank you,” Lilli whispered. She didn’t care what her mother said, she didn’t like to touch him so intimately without his permission. Taking a deep breath, she wrapped her sponge-gloved hand around his shaft and began to stroke slowly up and down.

  A low groan broke from his lips as she soaped him. Lilli froze at once, her hand in mid-stroke.

  “Did I hurt you?” she exclaimed. “Was I too hard?”

  “No, little Mistress.” His mismatched eyes were half-lidded as he looked down at her. “You didn’t hurt me—the opposite. Feels damn good to have your soft little hand on me—even with the sponge glove between us.”

  “Oh, it…it does?” Lilli bit her lip. “How good does it feel? I mean, are you going to…to spill your seed?”

  He raised his eyebrows.

  “Do you want me to spill my seed, little Mistress?”

  “I…I don’t know.” Lilli felt like she was blushing all over her body at once. “I…the girls at the convent…one of them brought in a vid—a porno vid—and lots of us watched it before…before the Sisters confiscated it.”

  “So I take it there was a jerk-off scene in this vid you saw?” he rumbled.

  Lilli frowned.


  “Where someone strokes a male’s shaft until he shoots his seed,” he explained, still giving her that half-lidded look. “The way you’re stroking mine now.”

  “I…I’m cleaning you,” Lilli protested.

  “Mmm-hmm.” He nodded. “Keep cleaning then if you really do want to see my seed. I won’t be able to hold back if you keep stroking.”

  Lilli bit her lip. Should she do this? Her mother had said nothing about it—but she had said the big Kindred would have to get used to Lilli’s touch. Still, maybe she had better not. Though she kind of wanted to…

  “Lilliana, aren’t you ready yet?” Lady Mirabella’s voice calling from the com box in the corner of the room made her gasp and jerk her hand away from the big Kindred’s shaft. “Hurry up! The banquet is in less than an hour!” her mother shouted through the com system.

  “Almost ready, Mother,” she called back loudly.

  “Very well, then. Hurry! I’ve left the shaft oil and stay-hard band out on your dresser. Oh, and a pair of nipple drops—wear them with the green outfit we talked about—they’re all the rage right now.”

  Lilli heard the com box click off and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Karn had gone as tense as she had when her mother was shouting. Now he relaxed somewhat and gave her that lopsided grin of his.

  “Looks like it’ll have to be later on if you want me to spill my seed for you, little Mistress,” he rumbled.

  “Yes, I…I guess so.” Lilli nodded. “I, uh, think you’re clean enough now. Maybe we’d better get out of the shower.”

  “As my lady wishes,” he murmured and looked pointedly down at his shaft. “But you’ll have to stop soaping me in that case.”

  “Oh!” Lilli realized that her hand had crept back to his thick shaft, which was still just as long and hard as ever, and she was slowly stroking him up and down. What was wrong with her? She jerked her hand away. “I…I didn’t mean to,” she blurted.

  “Doesn’t matter.” Karn shrugged, his broad shoulders rolling with the motion. “You’ll have to touch me again in a minute when you oil me up.”

  Lilli supposed he was right. But she was still embarrassed about how much she wanted to touch him. It didn’t seem right to want that—he was, after all, only a bodyslave—only a male and thus inferior, at least according to Yonnite society. She shouldn’t feel so attracted to his body or be flattered that he was attracted to hers.

  But she would have to think about her confusing feelings later. Right now the banquet was coming up.

  “Well, let’s get out of the shower,” she said briskly, putting down the soap glove. “Come on—step out onto the mat and you’ll be dried by the blowers,” she told Karn.

  “Yes, little Mistress,” he rumbled and did as she asked.


  The blowers were two nozzles mounted in the ceiling above the entrance to the shower that rotated and shot jets of hot air at him as soon as Karn stepped out of the shower. They felt good and dried him off in no time but damn if his shaft wasn’t still throbbing from the touch of his new Mistress’s hand!

  Karn tried to ignore it as he stepped aside so Lilli could come out of the shower and be dried as well. But he couldn’t help looking at her softly curved, naked body, and wishing he could touch her as intimately as she had just touched him. She was full-figured—what the Twin Kindred called an “Elite”—and she looked like a goddess as the warm jets of air made her long hair float around her face like a golden crown.

  At last, when they were both dry, Lilli went to get dressed. The garment she picked out of her walk-in closet—which was the size of Karn’s entire suite back on the Mother Ship—was much different from the one she’d taken off. It consisted of a see-through green top which clearly showed her full breasts and a long black skirt which split up the middle to show a pair of matching green lace panties.

  Karn had to wear a pair of tight black leather trousers with no crotch, which clearly showed his shaft and balls. He bit back a curse when he saw the trousers, but he wasn’t surprised. It seemed that Lady Mirabella liked to show off her slaves—he would just have to get used to having his shaft on display.

  While he was getting into the leather slave trousers, Lilli sat under a hair-styler which fashioned her honey blonde hair into a rather fussy up-do that Karn didn’t like nearly as well as her natural ringlets. Then she put on some lip gloss and a bit of eye paint—much less makeup than he’d seen other Yonnite Mistresses wear—and looked at herself anxiously in the bathroom mirror.

  “There, I think we’re all ready. Come on, Karn,” she said, nodding at him.

  “Uh, little Mistress? Aren’t you forgetting something?” he asked and nodded down at his still hard shaft. “Aren’t you supposed to, uh, oil me?”

  Normally he wouldn’t have reminded her of such a thing but he wanted to feel her soft little hands on him again—this time without the soap glove in the way. Also, he didn’t want her to get into trouble.

  “Oh, you’re right! Mother said she left the shaft oil for me on my dresser. Just a minute!”

  She ran out of the bathi
ng chamber and returned in a moment with a handful of items.

  “Here we are—come over to the counter, please,” she said, setting everything down on the wide marble counter beside the sink.

  There was a small bottle of bright red oil, a short black leather strap with a silver buckle, and two tiny gold rings with large pear-cut diamond drops hanging from them.

  Karn came to stand beside her and waited patiently while she decided what to do.

  “All right, let’s see. This is the shaft oil, I guess…” Lilli picked up the small red bottle. “But should I pour it directly on his shaft or pour it on my hands and rub it in?” she muttered, examining the back of the bottle, as though looking for instructions.

  “You have to rub it in, Little Mistress,” Karn told her. “It works best that way—if you want me to be nice and hard for display, anyway.”

  Though he doubted he would get soft any time in the future as long as she was wearing that naughty little see-through outfit where he could clearly see her plump nipples and lacy panties.

  “Oh of course—thank you, Karn.” She smiled at him gratefully and squeezed a generous squirt of the bright red oil into one palm. She rubbed her hands together and then, tentatively, took him in hand.

  Karn leaned back against the marble counter and gripped the sides of it with both hands. He had to bite back a groan of pleasure as she began to smooth the slippery red oil up and down his cock. It turned the skin of his shaft an angry bright red which looked kind of ridiculous, but he didn’t even care because her soft little hands felt so good.

  “Oh my,” Lilli remarked, her eyes growing wide as she stroked him. “I…I think you’re getting even bigger, Karn! And harder too.”

  “That’s because your soft hands feel so good on me, Little Mistress,” He growled softly. “Don’t forget to oil my mating fist too—and my balls. But be careful with those—they’re sensitive.”

  “They are?” Lilli poured more oil into her palm and carefully cupped his heavy sac, gently massaging the oil in.

  “Gods!” Karn threw back his head, both hands gripping the marble countertop behind him so hard he felt like he might crack the stone. This was torture—sheer, sweet, sexual torture—and he never wanted it to end.

  “I’m not hurting you, am I?” Lilli looked up at him anxiously. “Or are you getting ready to spill your seed?” She eyed the drop of precum which had formed like a pearl on the tip of his cock. “I…I think I see some ready to come out right now.”

  “No, Mistress—that’s just precum,” Karn told her.

  “Pre…come? What’s that?” She frowned.

  “It’s what comes before the seed. It gets a female ready to take a male’s shaft deep in her pussy.” Karn had to fight to keep his voice from dipping down into a lustful growl as he imagined pressing the flaring crown of his own cock between his little Mistress’s plump pink pussy lips.

  “Oh, but we don’t do that!” Lilli exclaimed. “I mean, on Yonnie Six, anyway. Females never allow males to penetrate them.”

  “Well, that’s not the way it is in most cultures,” Karn pointed out. “In my culture, the male penetrates the female deeply and thrusts his shaft all the way into her soft little pussy before he spills his seed. That’s how they make a child together,” he added, thinking that she might be so ignorant she didn’t even know the facts of life.

  Lilli frowned as she finished stroking the oil on his shaft and straightened up.

  “I’m well aware of the conception methods on other planets, Karn. It’s just that here on Yonnie Six, we all go to conception centers instead.” She shivered, a haunted look coming over her face. “I used to hear stories about the centers back at the convent from girls whose older sisters had gone. It sounded awful.”

  “Really? Why? How do they do it?” Karn was genuinely interested.

  “From what I’ve heard, they strap you down in this chair with two parts to it. The top part holds you in place and the bottom splits open to spread your legs.” Lilli’s eyes went wide. “And then they use this big metal phallus—as big as yours—” She gestured down to his shaft. “To put the baby-making goop inside you.”

  “Do they at least use some lube?” Karn asked. “You know, to get the girl ready first?”

  “You mean like your, uh, precum?” She eyed the droplet on the head of his cock again.

  “Uh-huh. Only my precum has chemicals in it that help a female open and stretch to take my entire shaft and mating fist without pain,” Karn told her. “Do they use something like that at the conception centers?”

  Lilli shook her head.

  “I don’t think so. From what I’ve heard, it sounds like they just, uh, shove it in.”

  “Doesn’t sound too fucking pleasant,” Karn growled.

  “Oh, it’s not!” Lilli assured him. “And it’s cold too. My friend said her sister felt like it was an icicle sliding inside her. They press all the way to the end of your channel and then fill you up with the goop. Then they press a kind of plug that blocks the entrance to your, er, sex and keeps it from leaking out until they’re sure you’re pregnant with a daughter.”

  “Daughters only, hmm?” Karn rumbled. “With my race, we have almost all sons.”

  “Oh, it would be a terrible disgrace to get pregnant with a son,” Lilli said candidly. “I’ve heard it happening every once in a great while but generally the sperm sorter they use at the conception center is so good it almost never happens.”

  “Well, thank the Goddess for small mercies,” Karn said dryly. “Wouldn’t want to have a son in your belly, I guess.”

  “I don’t want any baby in my belly—not for a long time, at least,” Lilli said honestly. “I’m just not ready to care for one all by myself and I don’t want to have a child and give it to someone else to raise for me.”

  “The way your own mother did?” he asked.

  Lilli bit her lip.

  “You have to understand—she was very busy with her business at the time. And she did come and see me once a month.”

  Which, according to the Yonnite calendar, equaled to roughly one visit every fifty to sixty days—they had long months on Yonnie Six. Which wasn’t nearly often enough to see your own child, in Karn’s opinion. He felt sorry for his new Mistress all over again, but he also sensed she didn’t want to talk about her mother’s neglect right now.

  “Hadn’t you better put that uh, harness thing on my shaft?” he asked, tactfully changing the subject.

  “Oh—the stay-hard band. Yes, of course!”

  Lilli picked it up off the counter and knelt in front of him to put the harness on his cock. “Let’s see now,” she murmured. “These things can be so tricky…”

  Her position with her face so close to his cock made Karn throb even more. He tried to hold still for the ticklish business of her fitting the black leather strap around the base of his shaft. At first she wasn’t sure if it should go above his mating fist or below it. But the mating fist was too big for it, so that answered that question. Then she had to work out how to fit the bottom part of it around his balls which was fucking uncomfortable and made his sac look even bigger than it was.

  But finally the entire black leather contraption was on and buckled in place so that his shaft stuck out like a big red exclamation point, Karn thought dryly. He felt faintly ridiculous but he supposed every male at the banquet tonight would look the same, so there was no point worrying about it. He wasn’t here for a fashion show, after all, but to get the names of the kidnapped and enslaved Kindred warriors.

  And also to spend some time with his enchanting new Mistress.


  “Lilliana—aren’t you ready uet?” Lady Mirabella’s sharp voice came again from the com box just as Lilli had finished getting Karn all ready to go. “The guests are starting to arrive!”

  “I’m ready. Er…almost!” Lilli looked down at herself. “That is, I have my bodyslave all ready to go and I’m dressed, but I still don’t have the nipple drops on
,” she called, looking down at her bare nipples, which showed clearly through the front of her top.

  “Well then put them on! We can’t greet our guests half dressed,” her mother scolded. “Now hurry! I expect you out here in five minutes!” The com box clicked off.

  Lilli reached quickly for the diamond nipple drops but her fingers were still slippery with the shaft oil and the little things slipped right through her fingers.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed and bent to pick them up. She got them in one hand and started to raise her top…but remembered just in time that she would get oil all over it if she touched it.

  Laying the drops carefully on the counter, she went to the sink and began scrubbing her hands. But the slippery shaft oil wouldn’t come off completely, no matter how much she scrubbed. Still, she got enough off that she could touch the edge of her top without marking it and raised it quickly to bare her breasts. Watching herself in the mirror, she attempted to put the little gold ring around her right nipple…only to have it squirt like a slippery seed out of her fingers again and fly through the air, headed right for the drain of the sink.

  “Oh, n—” Lilli started but Karn caught the nipple drop in one hand, showing amazingly fast reflexes, she thought, for such a huge male.

  “Mistress,” he said, holding it up to show her it was safe. “Why don’t you let me help you put these on?”

  “Oh, but…you can’t touch me right now—can you?” Lilli would have liked his help very much, but she didn’t want him to be shocked by his pain collar.

  “I think if you just press the pause button on my collar’s remote I’ll be able to touch you,” he said. “Why don’t you try it? You’re never going to get these little things on by yourself, I’m afraid.”

  Lilli was sure he was right. She’d never worn nipple drops before and she didn’t particularly want to start now. Still, what her mother said was law so she had no choice.

  “All right,” she said. Picking up the remote, she pressed the little “pause” symbol on it and looked anxiously at Karn. “Now can you touch me?”


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