Protecting His Mistress...Book 24 in the Kindred Tales Series

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Protecting His Mistress...Book 24 in the Kindred Tales Series Page 9

by Evangeline Anderson

  Deeply embarrassed, Lilli pulled away and clamped her thighs closed. What was wrong with her? She had never done anything like this before. Then again, she’d never slept with a male in her bed before either. But having a male in her bed couldn’t explain her wanton behavior, or the tingling neediness she felt in her nipples and pussy…

  “Hey, Lilli?” the big Kindred rumbled. Taking her by the shoulder, he tugged gently until she turned to face him.

  “I’m sorry.” Lilli could feel how hot her cheeks were—it almost felt like she had a fever! “I…I didn’t mean to,” she said, unable to meet his eyes. “I was…I was only half awake and I didn’t…didn’t know what I was doing.”

  “It felt to me like you were rubbing your soft little pussy against my shaft,” Karn murmured. He looked down at the white silk sleep trousers he was wearing and Lilli was mortified to see that there was a wet spot over the straining bulge of his morning erection.

  “Oh my Goddess—did I do that?” She felt like she wanted to sink through the bed and then keep on going, through the building beneath them and on into the ground, straight to the center of the planet. Anything so she wouldn’t have to see the embarrassing result of her morning desire. “I’m so sorry!” she told Karn. “I never meant to—I mean I don’t…don’t know why I would do such a thing.”

  “Maybe because you were feeling excited?” he suggested. He lifted her chin with one finger so that she had to meet his eyes. “Hey, Lilli—don’t look so upset. I don’t mind.”

  “You…you don’t?” Lilli looked up at him, searching his gold and blue eyes to see if he was telling the truth.

  “Hell, no.” He gave her that charming, crooked grin of his and she felt herself melting a little.

  “I…but I ruined your sleep trousers,” she pointed out.

  “No you didn’t. And even if you had, I wouldn’t care,” Karn murmured. “I think it’s damn sexy your little pussy got so hot and wet when you rubbed against me. Hell, if I hadn’t had the trousers on, I might have slipped right in the way you were working yourself on my shaft.”

  Lilli looked at him with wide eyes.

  “Then it’s a really good thing you had them on! Mistresses are never supposed to let their bodyslaves penetrate them.”

  “Of course not,” Karn agreed easily. “But they don’t generally let their bodyslaves sleep with them, either—do they?”

  Lilli bit her lip.

  “I…I guess not. I was just so upset last night and you were so sweet about holding me and making me feel better. I…I didn’t want you to leave.”

  “That’s all right, little Mistress—I didn’t want to leave either,” he murmured and brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes. “You’re beautiful in the morning—you know that?”

  Lilli blushed again, but this time in pleasure.

  “You really shouldn’t say such things to me,” she murmured.

  “But shouldn’t a bodyslave always tell his Mistress the truth?” Karn countered. “How can I lie when you look so fucking gorgeous?”

  “Karn…” Reaching up, she cupped his cheek in one palm. She liked the rough scratch of his morning whiskers against her palm. “You’re beautiful too,” she whispered. “Or, well, handsome, I guess you’d say.”

  “Thank you.” He turned his head and pressed a kiss to her palm.

  “You know, when Mother said I had to get a bodyslave, I didn’t expect to like him,” Lilli admitted. “I’ve always been a little bit afraid of males—maybe because I was raised in an all-female convent. I liked one of my mother’s bodyslaves who was kind to me, but she sent him to the mines years ago and I never really got to know any others.” She sighed. “What I’m trying to say is, I never thought I’d feel this way about a male—especially my own bodyslave.”

  “And what way are you feeling, little Mistress?” His mismatched eyes were half-lidded as he asked the question.

  “I…I don’t know,” Lilli confessed. “I just know that when I’m with you I feel safe and protected. And I like talking to you and being around you.” She shook her head. “I don’t have a word for all that, I don’t think. I just know I want to be near you.”

  “Want to be near you too, baby,” he murmured, stroking her hair again. “And it’s okay not to have words for it—the feeling is enough, I think.”

  “I shouldn’t let you call me baby or pet me like this,” Lilli whispered, nuzzling against his hand. “And I shouldn’t…shouldn’t feel so strongly about a bodyslave. Especially when I only just met you yesterday.”

  “I know,” Karn said simply. “But I don’t see you kicking me out of your bed, Mistress.”

  “Maybe because I don’t want to kick you out.” Lilli gave him a flirtatious little smile, even though she knew she shouldn’t flirt with her bodyslave. “But…” She paused, not sure how to continue.

  “But what?” Karn asked and the look on his face said he was really interested and would wait all day if necessary to hear her thoughts.

  “Well, it’s just…something that Priss said last night that’s kind of bothering me.”

  Karn snorted.

  “Just one thing she said bothered you? I thought pretty much everything that came out of her mouth was fucking awful.”

  Lilli knew she shouldn’t let him speak ill of another Mistress like that, but it just so happened that she agreed with him a hundred percent.

  “She is awful,” she admitted. “But she said something about a Kindred bodyslave, uh, killing his Mistress.”

  “Oh yeah—I heard her talking about that.” Karn’s face was grim. “She was getting pretty graphic, wasn’t she?”

  “She said he…he ripped her head off,” Lilli whispered. “But I thought you told me that the Kindred don’t hurt women?”

  “We don’t.” Karn’s voice was firm. “We’re biologically hardwired to protect and care for females. It’s probably one reason we’ve become such a popular choice for bodyslaves among the Yonnite elite,” he added ruefully.

  “I’m sorry—I shouldn’t have asked,” Lilli said, looking down at her hands.

  “Of course you should. You have a right to feel safe with me,” Karn said, frowning. “It’s my belief, though, that this Kindred bodyslave Priss was telling you about, was framed. I just don’t see how any Kindred could kill a female so brutally—not even one who had enslaved him.”

  “Priss did say I ought to check my mother’s records,” Lilli said, brightening. “I wonder if she would have something about the case in her files?”

  “Possibly,” Karn rumbled, looking thoughtful. “Though you’d have to be certain not to do it when she was around. I could help you, little Mistress. We could investigate the case together.”

  “Oh, I like that!” Lilli exclaimed. “Like another secret—just between the two of us!”

  “Exactly.” Karn cleared his throat. “You, uh, know where your mother keeps her information from the Sacred Seven, do you?”

  “Oh, yes. It’s her private office in the far corner of the East Wing,” Lilli said. “She showed it to me and gave me the combination to open the door the first day she brought me home. She’s very proud of her place in the Sacred Seven,” she added, frowning. “I think she hopes I’ll follow in her footsteps.”

  “Do you want to?” Karn asked.

  Lilli shook her head.

  “Not really. Being in the Sacred Seven seems to mean attending lots and lots of parties and events and award ceremonies and banquets like the one last night.” She made a face. “I hate that kind of thing. I’d much rather stay home and read a good book or watch a vid all snuggled up on the couch.”

  “You’re an introvert,” Karn said, giving her a smile. “I thought so. Being around a big group of people makes you feel nervous and drained.”

  “That’s exactly how I feel!” Lilli looked up at him. “How can you already know me so well?”

  Karn raised an eyebrow.

  “Isn’t it a bodyslave’s job to know his Mistress’s like
s and dislikes?”

  “Well, yes, I suppose. But I never knew of a bodyslave who took such an interest in his Mistress’s thoughts and feelings before.”

  “Well, I’m interested in yours, little Mistress.” Karn stroked her cheek. “Very interested. I want to prove to you that Kindred can be gentle.”

  “You…you do?” Lilli whispered. For some reason her heart had started pounding as she looked up into his mismatched eyes.

  “We have to be,” Karn rumbled. “After all, we’re often so much larger than our mates. For instance, if you were my mate and I was going to make love to you, I’d be extremely careful because you’re so much smaller…so delicate and sweet.”

  Lilli, who had always been on the plump side, had never been called “delicate” before. But she found she liked it—liked it a lot.

  “What…what would you do if I was your mate?” she asked Karn. “I mean, how…how would you touch me?”

  He stroked her cheek gently.

  “Would you like me to show you, little Mistress? It might be easier for you to understand that way.”

  Lilli nodded her head even though she was pretty sure this was wrong.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, Karn—show me.”

  “Lie back against my arm, then.”

  He got her settled comfortably in the crook of one muscular arm so that Lilli was lying on her back and he was leaning over her.

  “First of all,” he murmured in her ear. “If you were my mate instead of my Mistress, I’d touch you very gently, all over.”

  Lilli shivered as his big, warm hand brushed lightly over her body, paying special attention to the ripe tips of her nipples, which were pressing up through the thin fabric of her nightdress, and the V between her legs. Involuntarily, she parted her thighs, giving the big Kindred easier access to her pussy, which was just barely covered by the bottom edge of her dress.

  “Oh, Karn,” she whispered. “That feels really good.”

  “Of course it does, baby,” he murmured, looking into her eyes as he brushed over her nipples again. “Feels good to me too, to bring you pleasure.”

  “You, uh, certainly are,” Lilli admitted. “Though…” She bit her lip. “I’m not exactly sure you should be. Touching me like this, I mean.”

  “But I’m only touching you over your nightdress—just to show you how I would treat you if you were my mate,” he pointed out. “I can stop if you want me to, though. I’ll never do anything you don’t want, Mistress.”

  “No, don’t stop,” Lilli begged softly. “I guess it’s okay as long as I have my nightdress on. And…and you can call me Lilli or baby if you want to—just when we’re alone, like this, I mean.”

  “Of course, baby,” Karn rumbled. He cupped one of her breasts and leaned down to suck her nipple through the thin fabric.

  “Ohhh…” Lilli moaned and arched up, thrusting her nipple more fully into his mouth. This wasn’t so bad, she told herself. After all, he had sucked her nipples the night before when he was helping her apply the diamond nipple-drops. Surely it couldn’t hurt to let him do it again.

  But then his big hand moved down between her legs, to cup her pussy.

  “Um…Karn?” she whispered breathlessly, shifting uncertainly under his hand. “I…I’m not sure about this.”

  He released her nipple with a sucking kiss and looked at her with half-lidded eyes.

  “I’m just touching your soft little pussy to show you how I would treat you if you were my mate, baby,” he murmured. “And of course, the nightdress is still between us. Though I can stop if you want.”

  He started to withdraw his hand but Lilli stopped him with a hand on his arm.

  “No, wait!” she begged.

  The need inside her was growing, the tingling that seemed to come from the place on her inner thigh where she had been injected the night before was growing stronger—more insistent.

  “It’s okay,” she told Karn. “I mean, since we do have my nightdress between us.”

  “Yes, we do.” His long fingers stroked over the sensitive outer lips of her pussy, tracing her slit with a light, teasing touch that made her feel hot and trembly all over. “Though of course,” he added, “This thin little nightdress is so short that if you spread your thighs a little further it would pull up and only cover the top part of your soft little pussy. And I’m afraid that would leave the entrance to your pussy all open and bare.”

  “Oh…” Lilli bit her lip. “Would…would that still count as having the nightdress between us, do you think?”

  Karn appeared to think about it for a moment.

  “I think so, yes,” he said at last, nodding. “After all, it would still be covering part of your pussy, which makes it more proper since you’re my Mistress, not my mate.”

  “But I want to know what you’d do if I was your mate,” Lilli whispered.

  “Then maybe you’d better spread your thighs a little more, baby,” Karn growled softly, looking down into her eyes. “Though I warn you, opening your thighs nice and wide might make your soft little pussy lips open too. And I can’t promise that my fingers might not slip inside your hot little cunt.”

  His hot, dirty words made something low in her belly clench with need. Heart pounding and breath coming short, Lilli parted her thighs as wide as she could.

  As Karn had said, the nightdress rose up with her gesture and her pussy lips—now swollen with need—parted as well, opening to show him her slippery inner folds.

  She half expected the big Kindred to dive right in, but Karn surprised her by simply cupping her again.

  “See there?” he murmured, nodding down to where he was touching her. “Your nightdress is still covering the top part of your soft little mound. So this is all right, don’t you think, baby?”

  Actually, Lilli thought it was far from all right and she couldn’t believe she was acting this way. What would the Sisters of Chastity say if they could see her now?

  But the tingling in her thigh, which had spread to the other sensitive parts of her body, was getting stronger. It helped her overcome her inhibitions and open to the big Kindred—it made her never want to stop.

  “It…it’s fine,” she whispered, reaching up to stroke his bristly cheek again. “Now show me, Karn. Show me how you would touch me if you were my mate.”

  “I’d be very, very gentle,” he murmured and she felt one long finger slide into her slippery folds and begin circling her clit. “Because you’re a virgin, aren’t you, baby?”

  “Oh!” Lilli gasped and her hips bucked up at the gentle contact. “Oh, Goddess! Yes…yes, I am,” she panted as Karn continued to pleasure her. “I mean I…I’ve never been penetrated before.”

  “And do you have a maiden barrier? Inside?” He illustrated by sliding that single finger into the opening of her pussy and pressing gently inward.

  Lilli shook her head.

  “N-no,” she stuttered. “I know some females in other cultures or species do, but I don’t.”

  “Good. Then there’s nothing to stop me from doing this.”

  Karn slid his finger all the way inside her and she felt him press against the end of her channel.

  “Oh!” Her hips bucked again. “That feels…different.”

  “Do you want me to stop?” His thumb had replaced his fingertip now and he was once again circling her aching clit. Lilli had the urge to press her legs together, to push him in deeper for some reason. She had to fight to keep her thighs spread wide instead.

  “No,” she whispered. “Oh, Karn, that feels so…so I don’t even know. I…I feel like I’m climbing towards some kind of peak somehow.”

  “You’re getting ready to come—to have an orgasm, baby,” he murmured. “Have you ever had one before?”

  Lilli shook her head doubtfully.

  “I…I don’t think so. I know an orgasm is what happens when males spend their seed. But I don’t…I didn’t know women could have them too.”

  “Oh, they most certainl
y can, little Mistress.” Karn’s eyes flashed. “It would be my very great pleasure to give you your first orgasm, if you’d let me.”

  “How…how will you do it?” Lilli gasped.

  “Just like this,” Karn assured her. “Slow, steady, gentle stroking all around your Goddess pearl should bring you over the edge before you know it.”

  “Yes,” Lilli whispered, moving her hips again. “Oh Goddess, yes—I can see what you mean. Oh, Karn, I feel so close—”

  “Lilliana, aren’t you up yet?” her mother’s voice interrupted her bliss—blasting from the com system box over her bed. “This is ridiculous! I’ve never known you to sleep in this late. Whatever are you still doing in your bedroom at this hour?”


  “I’m up!” Lilli jumped guiltily and looked at the box. Her heart was pounding as she sat up in bed and pulled the covers up to her chin, as though her mother could see her instead of just hearing her.

  “Well get a shower and come down for breakfast,” her mother instructed. “You can’t stay all day in bed, sleeping your life away!”

  “Yes, Mother,” Lilli said quickly. “Are you waiting for me to eat?”

  “Certainly not—I don’t have time for that,” Lady Mirabella snapped. “I have business to attend to. Oh—and while you’re in the shower, be sure you shave. The Civics Award banquet is tonight and you’ll need to wear formal panties along with your outfit.”

  “Formal panties?” Lilli asked doubtfully. She still wasn’t sure about all the different forms of dress she was supposed to get used to. Back in the convent things had been so much simpler.

  “Yes—they’re very small and ornamental,” her mother said. “I got you a whole drawer-full along with the rest of your wardrobe before I brought you home from the convent. Be certain they fit you correctly. Oh—and be sure that new bodyslave of yours knows how to kiss them.”

  “Kiss them?” Lilli asked blankly.

  “Oh, I forgot this will be your first truly formal social event.” Her mother sighed in a long-suffering way that sounded extremely loud through the com box. “When you’re presented at a formal event, your bodyslave must kneel and kiss your panties. It shows your power over him and his respect for you. Be certain your bodyslave knows how to do it correctly. I do not wish to be embarrassed at a formal event!”


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