Phantom Warriors Volume 1

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Phantom Warriors Volume 1 Page 17

by Jordan Summers

  Her brow furrowed in confusion. “The what?”

  He dropped his chin, resting his forehead against hers. “I’d hoped to be able to explain everything, but I fear I’m too late.”

  Caitlin’s wary gaze met his. “Explain what?” What else besides being an alien bear could there possibly be?

  Her thought slammed into his head. Arctos would’ve laughed if she hadn’t looked so lost. “There’s much more to being my mate than admitting it.”

  She sniffled. “Yeah, I kind of got that, when I leapt across the room. I’ve never been athletic and now I’m some kind of super hero.”

  He frowned. “I know not what that is,” he said. “But you were amazing. Very brave…don’t ever do that again. My hearts could not take the strain.”

  Caitlin grudgingly agreed. “You got it. Now tell me what’s happening, so I can go out and explain it to the group.”

  Arctos paused. As much as he wanted to tell her everything, he couldn’t allow Caitlin to reveal the truth. For one, he had no doubt that they wouldn’t believe her. Two, it would jeopardize the entire Phantom mission to Earth.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, watching him.

  “Nothing,” he said.

  She smirked. “Yes, there is. Every time something’s wrong, your lips thin and a small line appears between your eyebrows.”

  His eyes widened in surprise. This time Arctos did laugh. “I should’ve known that I’d never be able to deceive, my Cat.”

  Caitlin’s expression grew serious. “You shouldn’t even try,” she said, softly.

  “You are right.” He grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles tenderly. “You have my vow that I’ll never attempt to deceive you again. It was dishonorable of me to even try. Can you forgive me?”

  * * * * *

  Caitlin would’ve laughed, if he hadn’t looked so utterly miserable…and adorable. His children would probably end up with that same expression if they were caught being naughty. She tried to imagine Arctos with kids. It was surprisingly easy to do.

  She waited for panic to hit. It always did before when she thought about kids, family, and her future. This time peace settled in her bones, leaving no room for those antiquated thoughts.

  “You’re forgiven,” she said.

  His face instantly brightened. “Thank you,” he said in all sincerity. “Now, I’ll make this quick. I’ve told you where I’m from and what I am.”

  She nodded slowly.

  “I have spoken the truth,” he said.

  Her shoulders relaxed.

  “But I have not told you everything.”

  Caitlin felt the muscles in her shoulders tense. “You’re not married, are you?”

  He grinned. “No, I would never have taken you as a mate, if I already had one.”

  “Good to know.” She was amazed at how calm she sounded, when inside her emotions were rioting. Caitlin did her best to put out all the little fires, but eventually had to let them burn in order to keep her sanity.

  “You asked me how you were able to leap across the room,” he said.

  She swallowed hard and nodded again.

  “When a Phantom Warrior mates, we don’t simply share our bodies and essence with a female,” he said.

  “You sleep with men, too?” she asked as panic reared its ugly head. Caitlin didn’t think she could share Arctos with anyone.

  “No,” he said, his lips firming. “I have only lain with women. Men...” He paused as if searching for the right words. “Our males are very dominant. Most would be unable to submit to that kind of bond. It would be a constant battle for supremacy. Though it is quite common and accepted on Zaron within the Atlantean community.”

  “Atlantean? Like in Atlantis?” She shook her head. “Forget I asked.”

  “You are taking this situation remarkably well,” he said.

  Caitlin snorted. “Not really,” she said. “If you want to know the truth, I’m screaming on the inside.”

  Concern clouded his eyes.

  “Don’t stop now,” she said.

  Arctos nodded. “When we shared our bodies this last time, I bit you,” he said.

  She rubbed her neck. “Yeah, I remember.”

  “The bite transferred some of my beast essence into your body,” he said, ducking his head. “It made passing through you again far easier.”

  “Again?” she asked.

  “It’s how I healed you the first time,” he said.

  “Okay, that explains how I got better, but it doesn’t explain the whole beast thingie.” Caitlin had a feeling she knew, but her brain steadfastly refused to process the thought.

  “I needed to share more of my essence in order to complete the bond,” Arctos said.

  “So you bit me?”

  He hesitated, then said, “Yes.”

  She thought about her burning fingers and the snarls coming from her when she’d burst into the other room. “What exactly does your essence do?”

  He sucked in a deep breath and slowly let it out. He was stalling. Caitlin could see it in how he held his shoulders. Arctos’ whole body tensed.

  “Tell me. Please,” she said. “Before I freak out even more.”

  Arctos lifted his head and met her gaze. “It changes your scent, making it more like mine. That way other Phantom Warriors will know you’re my mate.”

  “And?” she said, drawing the word out. Caitlin knew there had to be more to it.

  “It gives you part of my beast.” His answer was so quiet that Caitlin wasn’t sure that she’d heard him correctly.

  “Are you telling me that you somehow put that bear inside of me?” she asked, her voice rising with every syllable.

  Arctos tilted his head and listened. “They grow restless waiting. Soon, they will come in.”

  Caitlin lowered her voice. “I’d appreciate an answer.” She still felt like herself—sort of. Sure, she seemed a little more aggressive than she’d been before. And maybe she was faster and a tad stronger, but was that really because of Arctos’ beast?

  No, a radioactive spider bit you during the night, the voice inside her head snarked.

  “We share my beast now,” he said. “It is part of us both. We can call upon it at any time.”

  “Do I get any say in this at all?” she asked, fearing his answer. Had what he done to her caused irreparable damage?

  He saved your life, that same little voice whispered. Caitlin was beginning to hate that voice.

  Arctos looked grim. “You are not damaged, but you have been altered. You are now stronger than a normal human. Faster. And once you learn how, you will eventually be able to take on beast form. When that happens, you’ll shift. You’ll heal quicker and live far longer,” he said. There was sadness in his eyes now.

  “What about you?” she asked, touching his cheek. Caitlin knew she should be furious with him, but she just couldn’t muster the energy. It was all too much.

  “I am as I was before,” he said. “The only difference is that you are now my mate.”

  “So, you’re here to stay?” she asked, hope blooming in spite of her natural pessimism.

  He shook his head slowly. “You know I cannot. Already the ship I came on is approaching our location. Once it gets here, I have to go.”

  “So that’s it? You’re just going to wham, bam, thank you ma’am me?” Caitlin felt a lick of temper rise beneath her skin. How dare he make her care about him and then fly away.

  Arctos opened his mouth, then closed it again. “I do not recognize this Earth saying,” he said.

  Caitlin jumped off the bed. “So you come down here, pass on your essence, then leave? That’s pretty crappy, if you ask me.”

  Arctos mirrored her movements, his own temper rising to take the bait. “I had no intention of leaving this planet without you,” he hissed under his breath.

  Her hands moved to her hips. “Really? When exactly were you planning to ask me to go with you? As you were getting on the flight?”

temperature in the room heated, matching the rise in pheromones. Caitlin saw Arctos’ nostrils flair a second before he tackled her onto the bed. “It’s not a flight,” he ground out, rolling her beneath him. “It’s a ship. And I would’ve asked you had your friends not shown up.”

  His hard shafted brushed her sex through her clothes. Caitlin felt her face heat. It was followed by an altogether different kind of flush. “We can’t do this right now,” she said sounding far more breathless than she’d like.

  “Then get rid of them, so we can finish this,” he said, rocking his hips.

  Caitlin body softened beneath him. “You’d better let me up.”

  “You cannot tell them about me,” he said, meeting her gaze.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t,” she said. “They’ll think I’m crazy.”

  He rolled off her. Reluctantly, Caitlin stumbled to her feet. When she reached the door, she turned. “You still haven’t asked me to go with you.”

  He propped his elbow up, resting his head in his hand. “Will you?” he all but purred.

  “I’ll think about,” she said tartly, before adding, “though it may take a while to convince me that it’s a good idea.”

  Arctos smiled, his feral grin filled with dark sinful promise. “I believe I’m more than up for the challenge,” he said, glancing down, before meeting her gaze once more.

  She watched him expand and lengthen right before her eyes. Caitlin giggled. “Hold that thought.”

  * * * * *


  “Are you sure you have to leave? Allie asked.

  Caitlin folded the last of her clothes. “Yeah,” she said quietly.

  Allie came around to her side of the bed. “I’m going to miss you.”

  Caitlin choked. “I’ll miss you, too.”

  “Will you at least visit?” Allie asked.

  Their gazes met. “I will if I can,” Caitlin said, then picked up her suitcase and camera equipment.

  “I don’t mind giving you a ride to the airport. I know you said that you don’t need one, but it would give us a little more time together,” Allie said, snagging a tissue from the nightstand.

  Caitlin smiled. “I appreciate the offer, but Arctos has taken care of the transportation arrangements.” The ship was cloaked right outside of town. If she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, Caitlin wouldn’t have believed it.

  Allie rushed into her arms and hugged her tight. Caitlin hugged her back, taking care not to hurt her friend with her newfound strength.

  “I’d better go,” she said. They were going to swing by her apartment in Virginia before they headed to Zaron. Caitlin pulled away, brushing at her tears.

  This trip to Alaska had turned out to be more of an adventure than she ever imagined possible. Caitlin knew that she had her friend to thank for her newfound happiness. Had it not been for Allie’s stunt, she’d have never met Arctos.

  “Thank you for everything,” she said.

  “You’re welcome.” Allie gave her a watery smile as Caitlin stepped through the door.

  “You take care of yourself,” she said.

  “I will.” One hand rested on the doorknob, while her other dabbed at tears. “Cat?”

  Caitlin stopped to look back. “Yes?”

  “Would it bother you if I dated Michael?” Allie blurted. “He kind of asked me out after we found you with the naked guy.”

  Caitlin blinked, then threw her head back and laughed. “Of course not. Go for it.”

  “Good! Because I think he’s the one,” Allie said.

  Caitlin shook her head and smiled. Arctos appeared as if by magic at the bottom of the stairs of the apartment building. He stared at her, his warm brown eyes sparkling in the sunlight. Allie could keep Michael. There was only one man for her and he wasn’t even from this planet.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “Ready,” she said. Caitlin took a deep breath and opened her heart for the first time. She thought it would hurt, but it didn’t. Love flowed through her, raining down upon his golden head.

  Arctos smiled, letting her know without words that he was there to catch her. He’d always be there. For she was his true-mate. His life. His love. And he was hers.

  # # #



  Jordan Summers

  Chapter One

  The music throbbed out a steady beat, rattling his chest. Linx watched as the woman on the brightly lit stage leapt onto a gold pole, hooking one flawlessly long leg around it. She slowly circled the pole, coming to rest on the floor with her thighs spread wide. Only a thin scrap of material kept him from seeing what the human males called heaven. The woman onstage was almost as perfect as the one currently giving him a lap dance.

  Linx was pretty sure that’s what she’d called it. Whatever kind of dance the striking brunette was doing felt good, really good. His body approved.

  The brunette swiveled her hips above his lap, brushing her mouthwatering ass over his growing erection. The blonde onstage frowned and slowly slithered toward him on her hands and knees, her pert breasts defying gravity.

  Linx smiled, imagining what they’d taste like when he rolled his tongue across her peach-colored nipples.

  The topless brunette on his lap scowled at the interloper.

  “Don’t worry, pet. I’ll make sure that neither of you leave unsatisfied.” He stroked the side of her face with his fingertips. “I’m famished for feminine company and I always have a ravenous appetite.”

  Which was the truth, but not the whole truth. Linx had done very well for himself since he’d arrived on the planet yesterday. He still had a few days left and he intended to enjoy every last minute before he got down to the business of seeking a mate. He didn’t think it would take long once he set his sights on a woman.

  The real question was how had Bacchus, Kegar, Talon, and Arctos managed to choose just one?

  Linx glanced at the clock on the wall. It was early, not even sundown. Still plenty of time to sample a dozen more.

  A man, whose face had encountered a fist or two, sat in the corner with his back against the wall, pretending to watch the show. From that tactical position the man could see the whole club, including all the comings and goings, though he seemed more interested in what Linx was doing than anything else.

  Under different circumstances, Linx would’ve chosen the same spot, but he wasn’t here to fight, he was here to fuck. And he wasn’t at all concerned with human males being any kind of threat to him or his current mission.

  Linx had noticed the man when he stepped into the club. It had been hard to miss the lithe auburn-haired woman draped on his arm or the sharp smell of gun oil clinging to his pale skin. Like every other human male Linx had encountered in this place, the man was armed.

  A waitress rushed over with a drink on her tray. She hadn’t bothered to ask the man what he wanted. She’d simply handed the beverage to him and scurried off.

  On this world, Linx had no doubt that the man keeping a careful eye on him and the rest of the club might be dangerous, but in the galaxy he would be considered nothing more than a nuisance. So that’s how Linx chose to view him.

  The blonde, who’d been onstage, plopped down beside Linx, taking his attention away from the man in the booth. She began to massage his arms, using over-exaggerated movements that somehow emphasized her bountiful breasts. “Why don’t you come with me, lover. I’ll show you what it’s like to get a lap dance from a pro.” Her accent rolled off her tongue, making each letter vibrate in her mouth, before a word formed.

  The sound was in no way displeasing. It reminded Linx of a soft continuous purr. He felt a sense of smugness as the two women continued to argue over him.

  “Shove off, Nadia. I saw him first.” The brunette ground her sex into Linx’s erection.

  “Yeah, well, if you hadn’t noticed, Eva, he’s only had eyes for me for the last twenty minutes,” Nadia said.

  “If you mean that in between
watching my act, he’s glanced at you, then you’re right.” The blonde winked. “Shouldn’t you be going home now that your shift has ended?”

  “I could say the same to you,” Eva said.

  Linx’s lips twitched. He still couldn’t get over the abundance of women on this planet. Even in this small settlement of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania there seemed to be thousands of them. Earth was like a virtual buffet and he intended to gorge himself before he was forced to return to the ship.

  He glanced at each woman. Both were beautiful. Stunning in fact. Their breasts were high, firm, and identical. Odd that, but he wasn’t about to complain. Linx inhaled, catching the musk of their arousal. Why should he choose, when they were both so willing to fall into his bed? He leaned forward and whispered into the brunette’s ear.

  Eva grinned wickedly. “You are naughty.”

  “That’s why you like me.” He skimmed her hips with his nails, taking care not to break her fragile skin.

  She glanced down at his burgeoning erection, then raised a brow. “That’s not the only reason, sugar.”

  Nadia opened her mouth to protest, but before she could say a word, Linx pulled her into his arms and kissed her. She practically purred as he ran his rough hand down her bare spine.

  “You’re coming, too.” He gently moved Eva aside and stood, offering his hands to both women.

  They clasped them and rose to their feet like they were royalty.

  “Shall we?” Linx started toward the front door.

  “Not that way,” Nadia said. “There are rooms out the back.”

  Linx shrugged. The closer the better.

  * * * * *

  Tabby pulled her hat down low on her face and adjusted her sunglasses. She took a deep breath and rubbed her sweaty palms on her pants. The moustache she’d applied tickled. She scratched her nose, then double-checked to make sure the lip hair stayed in place.

  “You can do this,” she murmured under her breath.

  She pulled her suit jacket down and loosened the knot on her tie. It was now or never. She straightened her padded shoulders and stepped inside the dingy strip club. Smoke assaulted her nose and threatened to trigger her allergies. She choked, but managed to ward off a sneeze.


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