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Ravenborne Page 18

by Chandra Ryan

  “Nearly having two of your oldest friends killed on your watch does tend to make one reevaluate things.”

  Following him up a flight of stairs and down another corridor, she considered his words. “Keeping me at arm’s length isn’t going to protect me, Kavin.”

  He stopped in front of a heavy wooden door and, pulling a key out of his bag, opened it. “Maybe not. But until I figure out how to fix things, this is the way it’s going to be.”

  “Fix what? I’m good as new and Jar is with a druid as we speak.”

  Following him into the room she was pleased to find its focus on simplicity and functionality. It was comforting.

  “I’ll take the floor tonight, you can have the bed.” He dropped his bag next to a table before taking off his heavy cloak. “The first bath should be here soon. You take that one, I’ll take the second.” He hung his cloak in the empty wardrobe and then sat down on the bed.

  She hung her cloak and then sat next to him. “Fix what, Kavin?”

  He hesitated a moment longer, but then shook his head. “You. Me. Everything.”

  “But, I’m fine,” she argued. “I mean, I’m frustrated as hell, but I’m sure we both know how to fix that.” And this wasn’t it.

  “No, not that.” He shook his head in a sharp movement before running his fingers through his hair. “Damn, I’m sorry. I don’t know what to do. I don’t think there’s a fix to this. I’ve tried everything I can think of.”

  “You’re scaring me, Kavin. What’s going on?”

  “Something went wrong in the healing. I hoped that time and space would reverse it, but…” His shoulders slumped defeated as he said the words.

  “No, nothing went wrong. I’m fine.” But there was no denying it. He’d started acting withdrawn right after he had healed her.

  “You feel fine, but trust me, I made a mistake.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “When I heal, I wrap my energy around the other person’s. It fills in the gaps and helps the person heal quicker. It doesn’t make it so injury didn’t happen, though.”

  “Which is why I’ve got the scar.”


  “I’m with you so far.”

  “But your injury was pretty bad and we needed it healed pretty damned fast.”

  “Yes…” Long lead-ups never ended well.

  “Healing it took a lot of my energy. Actually, it took more than what I had to freely give.”

  The icy tendrils of panic were quickly spreading through her at his delay. Surely what he had to say wasn’t as bad as stringing it out like this? “Tell me already.”

  “I had to use yours to finish the healing. Our energies are tied, Sara.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means we’re bonded. I can feel everything you can.”

  Bonded? Her heart froze and her mouth was so dry it was hard for her to swallow. What did he mean by bonded? More importantly, what did he mean by he could feel everything she could? “You can read my mind?”

  “Read your mind? Not exactly, but it’s close enough. Too damn close for my comfort.”

  The words stung. She hadn’t thought one inappropriate thing over the past two days. He shouldn’t have any complaints about her. “I’m not the one having the dreams.” Her tone was curt as she bit out the words.

  “And if you were, I’m sure you’d be delighted by me watching them.” He shot her a sharp look as he crossed his hands in front of his chest.

  “You knew I could see your thoughts,” she returned. It wasn’t fair for him to hold her gift against her. She’d been completely open with him about her abilities and she had never pried for information.

  “I knew there was always a possibility you might be reading me. But feeling your reaction to my dreams is completely different.”

  “I can’t help it,” she snapped.

  “I know.” He ran his fingers through his hair again.

  “If my frustration was bothering you, why not…” She left the sentence unfinished, but she was sure her face was red enough to fill in the missing words.

  “In a tent? In the mud? With someone trying to—and almost succeeding in—killing you? I do have some control.”

  “We aren’t in a tent in the mud anymore.” It was a brazen move, but the man had her more worked up than any man had a right. “And I’m pretty sure that as long as I’m wearing this uniform, at least one person is always going to be trying to kill me.”

  He scooted away from her, every line in his body appearing wary of her intentions. “No matter what’s changed, I’m still the Right, Sara.”

  “We’ve talked about that already. I don’t need that promise now that all of my tomorrows are a gift.” She concentrated on how badly she wanted him, on how much she craved his touch. Yes, it was playing dirty, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. She needed his touch.

  “I know what you’re doing. It isn’t going to work.”

  “I would never come between you and the king.” She practically purred the words as she inched closer to him.

  “Sara.” His voice held a question, but he didn’t move away from her again. That was a good sign.

  “Tell me you don’t want to bed me.” At the words, his desire swelled—threatening to consume her. “Or that you don’t want to know how it feels to hold me in your arms.” The need coursing through her was unbearable. “That you don’t want to taste every inch of my body.” She ran a finger teasingly down the front of her tunic. “And I’ll know you’re lying. Because you want me every bit as badly as I want you. And we both know it.”

  His eyes shone with desire. “You don’t play fair.”

  “Life isn’t overly concerned with fairness. I’m not sure how much more of this I can take, Kavin.”

  He inched closer to her, his hand gently cupping her chin. “You are safe here.”

  “It is the safest keep in the kingdom.”

  “Arguably,” he corrected.

  “No more talking. Please, kiss me.”

  His kiss was demanding and hungry, its heat sweeping her away. She needed this—needed him. Leaning back until she was lying on the bed, she savored his strength pressing down on her.

  He growled with approval before slipping his hand under her tunic. A moan caught in the back of her throat as he cupped her breast lightly. It didn’t matter that they were both soaked and exhausted. The only thing that was important was his body on top of hers. That is, until the brief knock at the door.

  “What do you mean you’ll take supper in the barracks?”

  They separated quickly like guilty youths as Lord Smy burst into the room. His tall, thin frame was showcased beautifully in a simple, dark green tunic with a silver trim that set off his eyes and matched his long hair, sterling with age.

  His gaze swept over Kavin quickly before he scrutinized Sara. Then his face fell into one of despair. “What were you thinking? If the king found out about this he’d have a royal fit.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Leissa took a deep breath and tried to will her stomach to settle. She had hoped that getting away from the king’s watchful eye and out of King’s City, the city that surrounded the keep, for a relaxing ride through the forests would help her relax. But it had only upset the baby and her stomach. And now, walking back to her rooms, it was taking all of her resolve not to be sick in the middle of a corridor.

  Though, to be honest, it wasn’t just the ride that had her stomach twisting in knots. The days were passing quickly. And each sunset served as a reminder to her of just how little time they had left. In three days Right Hunter would be back and he would have the Raven girl with him.

  Opening the door to her quarters, Leissa was happy to find the rakishly handsome Lord Quince lounging on her bed. They needed to talk. They had to have a plan ready and in place if the Raven made it to the keep with her gift.

  She wasn’t so happy, however, about the guards he had brought with him. Not that she could s
ee them. They were adept at hiding in the shadows of the room, but she could feel their energy.

  Propping himself up on one elbow, he studied her carefully as she entered the room. “Do you really think you should be out riding in your condition?”

  Ignoring his comment for the time being, she turned to her attendant. “You’re dismissed.” She was safe enough under Elleum’s watch.

  It was only after the girl had left that Leissa turned her attention back to the man occupying her bed. “Do you really think you should be telling everyone I have a condition?”

  “I don’t know about your maidens, but my men are completely loyal to me and no other.”

  “Still, I don’t think we need to start yelling it from the nearest tower.”

  “Who is it that worries you so? The king?”

  Her heart beat faster at his guess but she made sure to keep her face expressionless and her voice steady as she answered. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  He rolled over so he could reach out to touch her. But she deftly avoided his outstretched hand as she walked to the opposite side of the bed and sat down gingerly.

  “You’re the Oracle. Gods, woman, sometimes I honestly think you don’t know what you are. There have been kings in the past and there will be kings in the future, but there will only ever be one Oracle, Leissa.”

  “I didn’t say I was worried about the king, did I? Besides, just because there’s only one of me doesn’t make me all-powerful.”

  “You’re a legend. Your name will still be sung long after the memory of King Davad fades.”

  “I’d hardly say I’m deserving of legend.” Leaning back against the headboard, she closed her eyes and tried to make her stiff muscles relax.

  “Well, that would be where you’re wrong. You’re quite extraordinary, you know.”

  “You needn’t flatter me, Elleum. Golden-tongued lies weren’t part of the deal.”

  “Yes, our deal. The one that I still have no idea what my payment is to be or when it’s going to be collected.”

  “You told me you’d give me anything, do anything, in return for the heir to the crown. So why are you so concerned with the specifics?” Opening her eyes, Leissa studied him closely. He was upset and, unfortunately, she still had need of him. She was going to have to give him something to ensure his continued cooperation. “But, when the Lady Raven is no longer a threat I will tell you everything you want to know. Just as we renegotiated.”

  “My agent has his orders, he will come through. One way or another.”

  “I hope your trust in him isn’t misplaced. He’s quickly running out of time. As are we.”

  “After the last attempt, it’s become more difficult. Right Hunter has become suspicious of even his own entourage. He keeps the Raven girl under guard at all times.”

  The only thing she hated worse than loopholes was excuses. “Do I look like I give a damn about your agent’s difficulties? This needs to be taken care of.”

  “It will be.”

  “If not by them, then by you.”

  “I always keep my word. If my agent fails then I will take care of her.”


  “There will be a feast when she arrives. With all the chaos and confusion, it would not be completely unexpected to have a couple casualties.”

  She considered it for a moment. It was a good plan. “Then we have no problems.”

  “And yet you still look so tense.” He moved closer to her on the bed and ran a fingertip down the side of her neck. “I could help you relax.”

  She laughed sharply at his suggestion. “I bet you could.”

  “I was proposing a massage, but if there’s something you would rather…”

  The glow in his eyes told her that there was something he would rather. “A massage sounds lovely.”

  His look of disappointment only lasted as long as it took her stand and strip off her riding tunic and breeches.

  “But maybe later.” She was already imagining his hands caressing every inch of her body, not in a relaxing manner however.

  He smiled wickedly as his eyes fell to her heavy breasts. Pregnancy did have its advantages. Lying down next to him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and started leaving a trail of kisses from the base of his neck to his earlobe.

  “You can tell your guardsmen to leave,” she whispered once she’d reached her goal. “I promise, you’ve nothing to fear from me.”

  At the snap of his fingers, two men stepped out of corners. “You’re dismissed.” She loved how hoarse his voice was and how he hadn’t once take his gaze from hers as he issued the command. She was the center of his existence.

  The door clicked softly as he ran a finger from her ribcage to her waist. They were alone. Wasting no time, she immediately unbuttoned and took off his shirt before throwing it to the floor. She smiled as she took a moment to admire his well-defined torso. “You are the most striking man I’ve ever had in my bed.”

  “And you are the most maddening woman I’ve ever bedded.” His kiss wasn’t the tender endearment of love. It was the harsh promise of hunger and it was exactly what she craved.

  Raking her nails down his ribs, she smiled teasingly. “I could be more demure if that would please you.”

  “You demure? It would be amusing to watch you try.”

  She bit him on the shoulder in retribution before correcting him. “I’ve been demure in some of my previous incarnations.”

  “Must have been very boring. I’m glad to have been born in a more…stimulating era.” He waggled his eyebrows as he smiled at her.

  “I should gag you for that wretched attempt at a pun.”

  “Ah, but then how could I say all those sweet things you love to hear?”

  “Sweet does nothing for me. I would much rather you tell me something dark and dangerous.” Pushing him back, she untied his breeches before slowly sliding them down his legs. “Like what you’re going to do with King Davad once the baby’s born and your family is the one with the crown.”

  “Gods, woman. You have the body of an angel and the mind of a devil.”

  “Which is it that keeps you coming back?” After throwing the garment next to his shirt she began to make her way back up his body but stopped so she could kiss the sensitive skin of his inner thigh.

  “I think it’s that delightful mouth of yours.”

  “Then you should really enjoy this.” Positioned over his already hard cock, she smiled to herself before gently stoking its length with the tip of her tongue.

  He groaned as his hips twitched to bring her mouth closer to its goal. Looking up at him, she caught his gaze with hers before taking him fully into her mouth. She wanted to watch his eyes cloud with desire.

  His fingers threaded through her hair and, as he gently tugged at the strands, he cursed under his breath. “Definitely the mouth.”

  She laughed softly before releasing him to lick his hardened shaft from the base to the sensitive tip. Sitting up, she rocked back on her heels and let her hand take over for her mouth.

  “I find myself at a disadvantage.” The thick layer of need in his voice made her shiver with pleasure. “My lady has no clothing to remove.”

  Leaning over to bite his hip, she smiled. “Improvise.”

  A startled cry left her lips as he flipped her over, his weight pressing her into the mattress.

  “I could start here.” His teeth found the sensitive spot between her shoulder and neck that always made her skin break out in goose bumps.

  Sighing, she wound her arms around his neck so her fingers could play with the hair at the nape of his neck. “That is a very good starting place.”

  “Here might be better, though.” One hand cupped her breast, his calloused fingers rubbing her nipple into a taut peak.

  “That is—” Her sentence was cut short as his hand left her breast to slip between her thighs. A moan caught in the back of her throat and her legs opened up to him of their own accord as h
is thumb circled her clit slowly.

  “Hmm… Now that’s the reaction I was waiting for.”

  Closing her eyes, Leissa revealed in the sensations as his kisses moved down her collarbone to the breast he had just teased. His mouth was tantalizingly warm as he kissed the sensitive skin. Spreading her legs wider for him, she raked his back impatiently with her nails.

  “Sorry, sweetheart. I’m in the mood to go slow tonight.”

  Sharp waves of pleasure danced through her as he ran his tongue over her nipple just as one finger thrust inside her.

  She cried out and without thought, thrust her hips toward his hand, encouraging another finger to join the first. “More. Gods, please.”

  Warmth enveloped her as he took her breast into his mouth and plunged a second finger into her. Moving to the rhythm he set, she rubbed her clit into the palm of his hand and moaned. He was the only man she had ever found that made her feel alive. The only man who made her forget about dying—even if it was just for an hour at a time.

  “Please, Elleum.” She needed to feel him inside her, stretching her body to fit his own.

  “Not until I’ve tasted you.”

  He worked his way down her body in a series of kisses and nibbles that set her already overly sensitized nerves on fire. But even that was nothing when compared with the whirlwind of sensations he unleashed when his tongue swept between the red curls that hid her desire. No longer able to think, she surrendered to the pleasure. In such a short time he knew her body better than even she did.

  “Gods, Elleum.” Her voice held some of the reverent awe she felt toward his skill, but she was beyond masking her feelings at this point.

  “You taste so sweet.” His tongue wound around her clit in a slow circle. “Sometimes I wake up craving you.”

  His words were almost her undoing. Moaning, she rocked her hips toward him, encouraging him to take more. And, as he did, her world broke into blessed release. Crying out, she held onto his shoulders as she reeled in the bliss. When she could take no more, he began kissing his way back up her body.

  “Vexing woman, I crave you more than the very air that keeps me alive.”


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