The Artist (The Game Changers #2)

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The Artist (The Game Changers #2) Page 18

by Shealy James

  “What about Jack?” And just like that, reality came crashing down on me. If I left, Dick wouldn’t pay for Jack’s treatments. I couldn’t do that to him. I couldn’t do that to me. All this would have been for nothing.

  “Katherine? You there?” I heard Ward ask.

  “Yeah, I’m here,” I said sadly as I deflated and slid down the wall to sit on the plush white carpet.

  “What about Jack?” he asked again.

  “Yeah. Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere. I was just angry. Thanks.”

  “For what? I didn’t do anything.”

  “No, you did. I needed the reminder.”

  “You’re going to be okay, Katherine. I leave the country tomorrow for that merger with Germany, but let’s talk when I get back.”

  “Yeah,” I said, feeling the tears approaching. “I have to go,” I said and quickly hung up, so Ward wouldn’t hear me cry. I couldn’t keep them in any longer. The warm tears burned my eyes then dripped down my cheeks and onto my dress. I was trapped in this miserable existence, and there was nothing I could do about it.

  I sent Maddox a text letting him know my flight would never be arriving then dropped my phone onto the floor beside me. I let myself sob inconsolably that night while I sat on the floor in a lovely fifteen hundred dollar dress that I cared nothing about.

  Kitty Peters was officially broken.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  It was two days after my mental breakdown when my father called to tell me he was coming to town. I knew I was in trouble because he had meetings scheduled all over the West Coast that week. For him to cancel only meant one thing—I was in deep shit.

  I hadn’t talked to Alexander since the bull-in-china-shop seduction, but that was for the best. I wasn’t sure I could speak to him without canceling the wedding, which would have been the only thing I could do to make this situation worse. Instead, I had holed up in the apartment and continued writing my novel. I drank coffee with milk and sugar and ate foods with actual calories and carbohydrates. It was silly, but food was my secret way of rebelling. I even wore yoga pants for those two days without showering, and it felt good. Really good.

  By the time my father arrived, my junk food was in the dumpster and my yoga pants were replaced by a floral Dolce and Gabbana dress.

  “My office. Now!” he demanded by way of greeting.

  Just as I suspected—I was in deep shit.

  “Sit,” he commanded, and I immediately complied. I shook a little as I tried to sit as still as possible. I couldn’t decide if the shaking was caused by fear or sugar withdrawals, but either way I was finding it very difficult to sit still in Dick’s presence.

  “Where’s Mom?” I asked cautiously while he brought up his computer.

  “Home. She doesn’t know about this.”

  “About what?”

  He typed some more on his computer then turned the screen to me. “This. What the hell is this, Kitty?”

  I was looking at a list of bank transactions. There was a deposit for $928,500 at the top of the list. “I don’t understand.”

  “That is the exact amount of money that has been paid to the University of Washington Medical Center and to the team of doctors from Johns Hopkins for Jack Vaughn’s care. Tell me what’s going on.”

  My brain was having trouble keeping up with this new information. Who would have paid my father back? Did Maverick find out and return the money? Is Jack’s treatment still covered? He must have already had his surgery if they’ve paid that much to the Johns Hopkins doctors, but where did the money come from? “I…I don’t know what that is,” I sputtered.

  “Well, you better figure it out. I’ve had enough of your shit. First, Alex tells me you aren’t being very cooperative so we have to move up the wedding date, and now this. We had a deal, Kitty, and I don’t take kindly to people not keeping their word, not even my daughter.”

  I was sure that if I had the power to turn into the Incredible Hulk, Dick’s tirade would have made me change so fast the building around me would have crumbled. I stood abruptly. I started counting to my father in the same fashion that I did with Alex. Kitty Peters counted when she was mad. Either that or she was going mad. “First of all, Alex is a bastard who’s going to drag your company to the ground if you let him. Second, I have no idea who knows about the money or how they knew how to return it to you, but thank goodness they did. If that’s all of it, then you are no longer the one holding up your end of the deal, which means I no longer have to do what you say.” My rant ended on a squeal, and I turned to get as far away from Dick as I could.

  “Kitty Peters, you get back here. You’re my daughter, and I will cut you off so fast you won’t know what hit you. Do you think anyone will even bother with you if you don’t have my money and my name behind you?”

  I turned slowly and glared at my father with the anger of twenty-eight years of hate. “You know what? I do think someone would bother with me. Someone might even love me, because I am so much more than you ever let me be. Cut me off, Dad. Go ahead. I never wanted your money anyway.” I grabbed the door handle but paused before I was completely out the door. “And tell Alexander the wedding is off. You two can take your prostitutes and go to hell!” I slammed out the door and made my way back to my room where I was thankful I left my bag packed from the other night.

  I grabbed my purse, making sure I had cash and credit cards. I knew it was only a matter of time before those were cut off. I climbed in a disgusting cab and quickly pulled up my phone and scheduled a flight back to Seattle. The driver drove me to JFK in just enough time to allow me to talk to Maddox and leave a voicemail for Ward giving him a brief update.

  I ran everything over in my head the entire flight to the West Coast. Before I knew it, the pilot was lowering his landing gear at Sea-Tac, and I was home again. Maddox and Nolan were there as promised with smiles on their faces. I found myself wearing the first genuine smile in months.

  “Hey, Kit Kat.” Maddox hugged me warmly.

  “You’re free!” Nolan shouted as he grabbed me and twirled me around. I couldn’t help but let out a giggle.

  “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” I flirted with him as I took in his Armani suit. Maddox was also dressed in a fitted black shirt and charcoal pants. He was a sexy man, and had he been straight, I didn’t think any girl could have resisted him. As it was, he had the perfect partner, who was currently hooking my arm around his as Maddox grabbed my bags.

  “We’re taking you out. Now let’s get you home and settled so we can get to gossiping and drinking.”

  “That sounds like the best idea I’ve heard in months.”

  Maddox, Nolan, and I went to dinner where I promptly filled them in on my soap opera drama.

  “Where did the money come from? You think it was Adam?” Maddox asked.

  “I have no idea,” I told him. “It’s been bothering me, but I don’t even know how to begin to find out where it came from.”

  “I’ll see what I can find out for you, Kit Kat,” Maddox said. He ran a security company and had access to everything. I was sure he could divulge national secrets if he were so inclined, but I think his focus was on private security and the technology that made it profitable. His primary job was to keep wealthy people safe and, well, wealthy.

  “I’d appreciate it, but honestly I don’t know if I want to know. If it were Adam, I’d have to wonder if he knows what I did. And if he knows, then what does that mean for us?” I shook my head and held my hands up. “I can’t even think about it right now. I want to enjoy my first taste of freedom in months. Dick is out of my life for the time being. I’ll have to figure everything out eventually, just not tonight.”

  With understanding, they moved the conversation along by filling me in on all the gossip I had missed while I was gone, which was sadly nothing new. They took me back to their house and put me up in their guest suite, which was nicer than any hotel. I was tempted to ask if I could move in forever, but I knew they
would all too quickly agree. Nolan and Maddox were just that way.

  When I thanked them for allowing me to stay, Nolan had said, “You will stay here as long as you want, Kitten. I’m going to love having another fashionista in the house, and Maddox is going to love having someone who doesn’t roll their eyes every time he tries to be funny.” He kissed me goodnight and left me in the Martha Stewart version of guest accommodations—with a variety of soaps, a lavender arrangement by the bed, a stack of the fluffiest towels known to man, and Egyptian cotton sheets that made me want to shave my head and sleep naked so all parts of my body could rub against them. Gay guys knew how to show a girl a good time…well, Nolan knew how. Maddox would have left me a bar of soap, clean sheets, one towel, and called it homey.

  The next morning, I woke up refreshed and relaxed. I went downstairs only to find Nolan and Maddox had made coffee and breakfast and were sitting in their sunroom like the quintessential cohabitants they were. A place was set for me, so I took it with a smile. Nolan poured me freshly squeezed orange juice while Maddox mixed a yogurt parfait for me.

  I sighed with contentment. “You two keep this up, and I’m never leaving. No man will ever live up to you two.”

  They both smiled indulgently then gave each other the eyes that reminded me how much in love they were. Sickeningly sweet, and all I could do was smile and bask in their joy. My life was still a wreck, but they were like beacons of hope and happiness. Ugh! When did I become so fluffy?

  “So, what are your plans for today, Kit Kat?” Maddox asked with a mouth full of bagel. Ahh. That’s more like it.

  “I plan to get in touch with the editor of the magazine I had been working with before I left. I’m hoping she knows of some job opportunities for me. Then I plan to figure out how I am going to pay to live here again. I don’t even have a car anymore, and Dick has cut my credit cards off.”

  “You know we’ll give you whatever you need. I’m sure I have a position available for you. Grant would hire you in an instant as well.”

  “No to Grant, but thanks for the reality check. If I can’t find something, I’ll let you know. I don’t want to find a job only to pay bills. I want to find something I love. If I can’t have the man I want, the least I can do is have a career doing something interesting.”

  “Sure. Sure,” Maddox agreed. “The offer is always there, though.”

  Nolan poured Maddox more coffee as he said, “Speaking of Grant, you should come to dinner with us. We’re meeting him and Eve tonight. It could be good for all of you now that all the drama is behind you.”

  “Why not?” I shrugged. “Clean slate and all that.”

  “Really?” Maddox asked surprised.

  “Yeah. I was never hung up on Grant. If anything, I was always happy for him. I’d love to get to know Eve.”

  “Wow. Good for you, Kitten.” Nolan smiled.

  “Anyone else find it weird that Grant is marrying Eve, and you’re in love with Adam?” Nolan and I looked at Maddox with blank expressions. “Adam and Eve,” he added.

  I rolled my eyes. “Really, Maddox? Quit trying to burst my bubble. I am supposed to be living up my first day of freedom while you two spoil me.”

  He lifted his hands in surrender and laughed. “Sorry. I was simply making an observation.”

  “No more of those. Focus on bliss, my newfound freedom-filled bliss.”

  Nolan held his glass of orange juice and clanked it against mine. “To Kitty’s bliss.”

  After the two lovebirds left for work, I ignored the missed calls and messages from my mother and called Sue, the editor for the online Seattle magazine.

  “Katherine? I’m surprised to hear from you. After your quick departure, I wasn’t sure what to think.”

  “I’m sorry about that. Family troubles. I’m back now and was wondering if you knew of any writing positions available. I’m looking for something full-time and permanent.”

  “I do. Yours is still open. I hired another writer a few weeks after you left, but let’s just say things didn’t work out. I have a full-time position if you’re interested.”


  “For the record, if you weren’t so good at what you do, I wouldn’t be interested after the way you left. I need to know you’re on board, Katherine, or I can’t even consider offering you a position.”

  “I’m here and ready, Sue. My situation is under control,” I assured her.

  “Good. Come in to the office tomorrow, and we’ll figure something out.”

  I smiled and thanked her before hanging up the phone and letting out the deep breath I had been holding. Mentally, I checked one more worry off my list then headed back up to my suite to take a shower. Things were starting to look pretty damn good for Kitty Peters.

  At this rate, I was even looking forward to dinner and clearing the air with Grant and Eve. The last time I spoke to Grant was when our mothers were still trying to marry us off, so I knew it would be uncomfortable at first. Fortunately, though, Eve and I had already had our first awkward encounter at Blythe’s art show a few months ago. Dinner with Grant needed to happen. He had been part of my life since childhood. We never had feelings for each other, so why should it be strange that we didn’t work out? It shouldn’t. Time to move on.

  Turns out, it wasn’t weird at all. Grant greeted me with a hug, and I followed by hugging a very pregnant Eve just as cordially. It was like we were old friends. Maddox and Nolan had smug smiles on their faces. I wasn’t sure if they were for me or Grant or both, but they had been right. It was time to clear the air.

  “I’m so glad you could come, Kitty,” Eve smiled. “When Nolan said you were their houseguest, I was afraid they would keep you locked up and forget all about us.”

  “They do love to spoil.”

  “Oh, I know. Grant went out of town for two nights and insisted I stay with them instead of being alone in the house. He said it was because of the baby, but I’m no fool. He didn’t want me to be alone. It didn’t matter, though. When he came back in town, I didn’t want to come home.”

  “Peach! Don’t lie. You prefer living with me over Maddox and Nolan.” I laughed at Grant’s outrage.

  “Sure, hun. Keep telling yourself that,” Eve said with a patronizing smile as he kissed her hard on the mouth. She smiled up at him lovingly before they even broke apart. Eve was a smart girl. She knew exactly what she was doing with Grant.

  I looked away from their happy moment only to catch Maddox’s eye. He winked at me, letting me know all was right in the world. I smiled wider, agreeing with him.

  “Kitty, please tell me you know some embarrassing stories about these guys. Grant knows all my dirty secrets from growing up. My family can’t keep their mouths shut, but the Mitchells keep their shit locked up tight. I need blackmail material.” A girl after my own heart. I might have just fallen a little in love with Eve Bryant soon-to-be Mitchell.

  I smiled wickedly in Grant’s direction.

  “Don’t you dare, Katherine Agnes Peters!” he snapped.

  “Ooh. Pulling out the big guns with the middle name,” Eve taunted. “She must have something good on you.”

  “Something? Girl, I could tell you stories that would have you rolling on the floor.”

  “Let’s not do that. She could barely get out of bed this morning. She needs a forklift to get that belly moving.”

  “Grant!” Eve and I shouted at the same time.

  “What? She’s carrying my baby in there.” He looked genuinely perplexed, the poor bastard.

  “It doesn’t mean you get to comment on her size or how well she’s moving. If anything, you should be constantly telling her how amazing she is for growing a human inside of her.”

  Eve burst out laughing. “I’m so glad to have another woman sitting at this table for once!”

  “Hey! I’ve never said anything but how amazing you are,” Nolan pointed out. Even though Nolan wasn’t in any way effeminate other than his love of fashion, he often took offense
to being lumped with Grant and Maddox, who regularly acted like insensitive testosterone-filled cavemen.

  “That’s because you’re my favorite, Nolan,” Eve said and blew a kiss across the table to a now happy Nolan.

  “What is this? Shit on Grant night? What’d I do to piss you off?” he asked Eve playfully with only a hint of worry.

  “I told you,” Eve reminded him smugly.

  Grant fell back in his chair. “Ugh! Not this again. Kitty, tell her she doesn’t need to be working when she’s this pregnant. She needs to stay off her feet and relax.”

  I laughed. “Oh, no. Women work all the time while pregnant. I’ve heard of many women working until their water breaks.”

  At Grant’s horrified expression, Eve laughed. “Don’t worry. I would at least sit down and put my feet up if that happened.”

  Maddox, Nolan, and I started laughing. “This whole Grant having a baby thing is so much fun. I’m so glad I didn’t miss this,” I told them.

  We continued to talk and laugh, mostly at Grant’s expense, as my friendship with Eve was built and my bond with Grant was renewed. Dinner was a breath of fresh air, and the tension I had felt days ago was practically forgotten.

  Unfortunately, the moment I realized how much I was enjoying myself was the moment I felt the tingling in my spine. My spidey sense forced me to look up at the door, and there, standing at the entrance holding a bag of takeout, was Brock. Our eyes locked, and the smile melted from my face. The noise around me faded while he angrily stared me down.

  Realizing I needed to do something, I excused myself from the table. As he saw me approach, he took the change from the waiter and turned to leave. He was on the sidewalk by the time I caught up to him.

  “Brock, please,” I called out.

  Surprisingly, he froze. Brock slowly turned to face me. “What? What could you possibly have to say to me?”

  “How is he?” My voice was quiet, timid, and afraid.

  “His brother is dying,” he snapped. “How do you think he is?” I gasped, and he tried to walk away.


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