Laura's Secrets

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Laura's Secrets Page 6

by Augusta Wright

  “You’re supposed to help your neighbor, but they have to help themselves, too,” agreed Jim.

  “I know, but they seemed so helpless. I don’t know what else to do.”

  It was late when they quit playing poker for the night. Laura rose from the table, wiping tears from her eyes because she had been laughing about something funny Jim had told on Rowdy.

  Rowdy bent down and kissed Laura on the lips. “I had a wonderful time tonight. See you in the morning. Tell us what you want done tomorrow and we’ll take care of it. Good night.”

  She managed to say, “Good night.”

  Jim leaned down and kissed her on the lips also. He whispered in her ear, “You taste like honey. Sweet dreams, Laura, darling.” When the door closed behind him, Laura stood motionless for some time, touching her heated lips.

  Sweet dreams! How could she dream when she was too keyed up to sleep? She lay in bed thinking of the two men in the lean-to who’d kissed her. She might ask one to stay, but which one? She cared for both. How could she choose?

  Thinking of chores she could not do by herself got her mind off the men and their beautiful bodies and back onto more practical matters. She drifted off into a restless sleep where both Jim and Rowdy kissed her and touched her in special ways. Sweet dreams.

  Laura had breakfast almost ready the next morning when the men came in. Pouring cups of coffee, they talked with Laura as she put the food on the table. After the blessing, they discussed what chores and repairs were needed. One major job she needed them to do was trim and shoe the horses’ hooves. She requested repairs to the fence around the garden to prevent wildlife from eating her vegetables and work on the winter wood supply, too.

  Jim and Rowdy spent most of the morning repairing the garden fence making it higher to keep out animals that would rob Laura of her precious vegetables. While they went off into the forest to drag in fallen trees to cut into firewood, she gathered the ingredients to bake their favorite apple pie for supper. She did not know any other way to repay them.

  Laura slid the pie into the oven and returned to preparing and preserving the fresh meat and turkeys they had butchered.

  Later in the evening, when they came back to the cabin, she placed baked potatoes, a large bowl of gravy, and fried liver on the table. When she joined them, they said the blessing. While they ate, Laura was unusually quiet. They attempted to get her to talk, but she would not respond with her happy chatter. Perhaps her sadness came from knowing they would be leaving soon. Their restlessness became more evident to her every day.

  She rose and refilled each man’s coffee cup. When she sat back down, she thanked Jim and Rowdy for all the work they had done for her.

  “We’ve been helping each other. Remember? We needed a place to stay and you needed our help with repairs. So I think we’re even,” declared Rowdy.

  Jim remained silent.

  Tears rolled down Laura’s cheeks. “There is no possible way I can ever repay you for all you have done to help me. I have nothing of value except the ranch, and it is mortgaged.”

  The men moved to kneel on either side of her, wiping her tears with their work-roughened hands, all the while making soothing sounds of comfort that touched her heart.

  “Here now, woman! We wanted to help you. You fed us and gave us a place to sleep.” Rowdy patted her shoulder.

  “But I have nothing else to give you,” Laura sobbed into her handkerchief.

  “But you do,” murmured Jim.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You could choose one of us to stay and take care of you. You know we care for you, and you can’t do everything by yourself,” Jim said tenderly.

  Laura stared at him as if seeing him for the first time and said, “Oh, I could never choose between you. I care for both of you too much!”

  “But, Laura, you have to choose one of us to stay and help you save the ranch,” declared Rowdy.

  Laura looked from one dear handsome face to the other as a thought began forming in her mind. “Why do I have to choose one? Why can’t I have both of you?”

  A loud silence followed her questions. Neither man moved or breathed. “Are you saying you would wed both of us?” Jim choked out.

  She dropped her red face into her hands. “I don’t want to wed anyone. Is it possible to bed both of you at the same time? One of Cora’s girls said she did such a thing. I wondered how. Would it be fair to ask it of you?”

  After a long moment, Jim asked, “Are you saying you want both of us at the same time or one of us one night and the other the next?”

  “I don’t know if it is possible for us to lie together at the same time, but, if so, you must agree to teach me what I am supposed to do to please each of you. We could learn together. But if you don’t want to, I’ll understand.” Tears of shame splashed down her cheeks.

  “Rowdy and I need to talk outside. We’ll be right back.” Taking Rowdy by the arm, Jim dragged him out onto the porch and closed the door.

  Laura crept to the door and pressed her ear to the wood, anxious to hear what they might be discussing.

  “What the hell are we going to do? I want her so bad but I don’t want to share her with you or anybody,” Jim said.

  “Well, I feel the same way. Whoever wants to get married should ask her to marry him and stay here with her on the ranch,” declared Rowdy nervously.

  “I will ask her, and if she says yes, you will have to leave,” replied Jim.

  “I will ask her also, and if she says yes to me, you will have to leave,” argued Rowdy.

  When they went silent, she flew back to the table and resumed her seat.

  They returned to kneel on either side of her chair. Rowdy grabbed her hand and asked in a loud voice, “Laura, will you marry me?”

  “Rowdy, you are dear to me, but I have made a promise to myself never to marry again. Jim, I feel the same about you, but I will not marry either of you.”

  “But, Laura, we both care for you.”

  “That is why I cannot let this go on. I am beginning to learn about my needs and want both of you to teach me more. If you choose not to, I’ll understand. But if we lie together, you have to promise me to leave soon after.”

  When they demanded to know why, she told them explicitly, “I was fifteen when I was forced into an unwanted marriage to an older man because of my parents’ financial problems. I won’t be forced into another marriage because I am alone with no money. I’m willing to sleep with both of you because I care for each of you, but I will not marry either of you.” They stared open-mouthed at her. When they did not quickly respond, she said, “If sleeping with me is so bad, then you can leave now.”

  “You don’t understand; we want you so much, but we want you for ourselves. Will you spend one night with me, and the next with Rowdy?” Jim asked.

  She stood up and began to pace and soon arrived at a decision “No. I am curious about what it means to make love to someone. You see, I want someone who cares about me to teach me how to love. I would like to learn from both of you—together. Is it too much to ask?”

  “I would agree to anything to be able to kiss you and love you the way I have in my dreams,” agreed Rowdy with emotion in his voice.

  Both faced Jim who asked in a low voice, “When?”

  “We’ll plan on tomorrow night with the understanding that after we spent the night together, you will have no bonds on me and I will have no bonds on you. Agreed?” They nodded, kissing her on each cheek as they left the room without another word.

  “What have I done?” Laura held her hot face. Taught to be chaste and pure, she read her Bible daily and had learned sleeping with anyone except a husband was sinful. However, life in the wilderness had a way of dealing from the bottom of the deck, forcing one to adjust to situations or die. Was this a do-or-die situation? She would ponder on that.

  While she finished cleaning the kitchen, she began to think about what would happen after supper tomorrow night. All she had to do was l
ie there, and they would do all the work. That should be simple enough. A man got his pleasure once, and that was it. At least that was what had happened with Abner. Would these men be any different? Her feelings for them had caused her to make a stupid decision. Her fears of having someone rule over her again kept her from wanting to ever marry again. When they left, no one would ever know what she had done. Simple enough. Tonight she would write in her journal about the agreement. But what would she write about tomorrow night?

  Chapter Ten

  Laura woke refreshed from a wonderful night’s sleep. The night before, after she’d finished writing in her journal, she had set her mind at ease about the coming night. She had been able to sleep.

  Laura outdid herself at breakfast with huge biscuits, gravy, fried eggs, bacon, and lots of coffee. She was happy. They shared breakfast as if it was a normal day, but she could tell Rowdy and Jim were extremely nervous about the coming night. Their nervousness endeared them more to her. She tried not to think of the coming night as well, but…when her gaze fell on one of them she could not help but wonder what the night would bring.

  The men worked twice as hard to complete the chores Laura needed for them to finish. She’d asked them to lay in a good supply of firewood for the winter. She watched as they used their horses to drag in more dry trees from the forest to be cut into small logs and kindling. She worked to help out as much as possible while completing her own chores as well.

  At about four o’clock, Laura suggested they quit and go relax and bathe in the river.

  Jim and Rowdy headed for the river with scented lye soap Laura had made, towels, and their clean clothes while Laura went to the cabin to warm water for her bath. She needed time to bathe and wash her hair.

  She left her long blonde hair down to dry as she prepared the evening meal. When the men came in, they gaped at her. She’d never worn her hair any way but braided. Tossing her head, she preened under their approval as their eyes widened and so did the bulges in their pants.

  Too excited to wait any longer, Laura asked, “Are you ready to begin? What do you want me to do first?”

  Jim spilled his coffee on the table, and Rowdy dropped his fork on his metal plate. Jim looked up. “I, uh, I suppose the first thing we need to do is put your mattress on the floor before the fireplace. I don’t think your bed frame could support all of our weight.”

  She followed them as they carried the corn shuck mattress over in front of the fireplace. Kneeling, she straightened the covers. “Now what do we do?” she asked.

  “We will leave the cabin for a while so you can get undressed and under the covers,” croaked Jim as he and Rowdy turned heading for the door.

  Nervously removing her dress and underclothes, Laura stood naked in the middle of the cabin, the cool air raising goose bumps on her bare skin. Slipping between the covers, she heard the door of the cabin open, sounds of feet shuffling in, and the whisper of clothes being removed. Then bare feet padding around to each side of the mattress. Laura, lying in the middle of the mattress, squeezed her eyes shut so she would not see the naked men. Their warm bodies touched her on each side as they slid in next to her. No one moved, as they lay there barely breathing.

  Laura heard the rustle of the covers and felt their bodies turning toward her. “Laura open your eyes and look at us,” Jim whispered.

  “We want you to feel comfortable and unafraid,” said Rowdy in a warm caring voice.

  In the glow from the fireplace she could see each handsome man hovering over her. “Will you show me how it feels to be loved?”

  Jim kissed her tenderly on the mouth. She shivered. He drew back. “Have you ever been kissed in bed?”

  She shook her head.

  Rowdy lifted her left breast and fondled the nipple, “Did your husband ever do this to you?”

  She shook her head again.

  “But I do like it,” she whispered.

  Jim claimed her mouth again while Rowdy continued to fondle, kiss, and nibble on her nipple drawing it into his hot mouth. She moaned in pleasure. The unfamiliar feelings burned a path down into her belly.

  Jim kissed a trail of hot kisses from her earlobes down her neck to her other nipple where he lapped it with his tongue until it had peaked. He then began to tenderly bite and draw on it. Laura felt as if flames were consuming her. She arched her back, lifting her breasts to them, and begged for more. They touched her everywhere as she writhed.

  Jim kissed his way down her hot body while Rowdy kissed her on his way upward, claiming her willing mouth with his tongue. Unsure at first, she soon began to enjoy it, and when she tongued him back, he placed her hand on his large, thick penis.

  Never having touched a man before, she wanted to see what it looked like. But now all she did was run her palm up and down his stiff shaft. Rowdy moaned pushing back and forth. Just as she began to focus on Rowdy, Jim began kissing her between her legs. What is he doing? Is that possible? Oh yes! Crying out in rapture, she forgot everything but the moment. She felt like cream rising to the top of milk. Enjoying every sensation as it continued to build. It felt like she would explode, but how could she? Something wonderful was happening to her. She thrashed about, lost in the most wonderful feelings.

  Rowdy was kissing her body and sucking on each of her breasts as Jim continued worshipping her secret place with his magical tongue. It did not take long before her wanton abandon caused her to shudder and beg them for more. As she urged him on with her bucking and cries, Jim continued to tenderly ravage her as he pushed his tongue in and out until she screamed out her release. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Don’t stop!”

  As she began to weep, they tenderly hugged her.

  Jim and Rowdy sat up, while she came down from her sexual high. She stretched before them, glowing, experiencing the most wonderful sensations of her life. This was nothing like the horror she’d experienced when Abner raped her on her wedding night. This was caring, sensual, and so enjoyable. Shy, she wanted to know more about what had happened to her.

  “You’ve never experienced a release like this before?” as Jim leaned over and kissed her again between her legs.

  “No. My husband crawled on, rode me, yelled some, and crawled off. I thought that was all there was. I didn’t know I was supposed to enjoy it, too.”

  “But you told us you had been married for five years,” Rowdy said. “Did he not want you to respond to him in that way?”

  “Once I felt something and began to move under him. He told me not to act like a whore, so I stopped. Was I wrong to do that?” Shame filled her at what she had admitted.

  Rowdy exploded. “It was wrong of him not to let you seek your release as well. I can’t believe a man would do that. You could’ve given him so much, but he didn’t allow it.”

  They kissed her face and mouth, taking turns as they worked their way down to her breasts again. Jim placed his hard penis in her hand, as Rowdy had done. She gripped it tightly. Emboldened, she asked, “May I see you both? I’ve never seen a naked man before.”

  They proudly knelt, presenting themselves for her inspection. She moved closer. “They are different, yet alike. May I touch them?”

  They nodded.

  As she fondled both, the men each gave a strangled cry. She stopped. “Have I hurt you?”

  “Oh no, your touch feels wonderful.” Rowdy moved back and forth in her hand.

  She continued stroking watching how their penises responded to her movements.

  “Our concern about loving you is you will be with child from one of us,” Jim said.

  “You have nothing to worry about. I’m barren. Abner had other children, but I never could conceive. He was always angry with me because I couldn’t.” She’d never thought to have to expose her shame so openly.

  “Please don’t be sad. Let us make you forget the past and enjoy the present.” Jim lowered her back to the mattress and spread her legs with his knees.

  Rowdy moved aside.

  Jim kissed her as he moved slowl
y downward. Feeling him pushing at her entrance she asked, “Will all of you go in?”

  He reassured her. “I am pretty sure it will if we take it nice and slow.” He kissed her passionately, pushing gently into her softness with his unyielding rod. She moaned at the pleasure. He stopped moving and whispered in her ear, “You’re so tight I feel as if no one has been here before me.”

  “My husband was old and it didn’t stay hard for long, but he did take my maidenhead on our wedding night. Yes, I have been bedded.”

  “But, Laura, have you ever been made to want it?” Jim pushed his way deeper into her. He began the dance of love with her. “Put your legs around me and move back and forth with me.”

  “Am I doing this right, Jim?”

  “Oh honey, you are doing it so right.”

  Laura continued as he had instructed her and soon she was not able to control her body or her yelling as she climaxed again and again. Jim followed close behind her. Watching her reactions to his lovemaking.

  As she began to return to earth after the swirl of their lovemaking, she looked around and asked, “Where did Rowdy go?”

  “He left quietly so we could have some time alone.”

  After a while, Rowdy returned and lay down by Laura whose breathing had returned to normal. She placed her hand in his and waited for him to make the next move. Jim lay on the other side. Rowdy turned toward Laura and stroked her face. He began to kiss her waiting lips. Jim stroked her breasts, helping to build the fire in her again.

  Rowdy threw his leg over her hip, pulling her to her side and closer to him. It didn’t take long before she encircled his hardness and began stroking it.


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