Dr. OB (St. Luke's Docuseries Book 1)

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Dr. OB (St. Luke's Docuseries Book 1) Page 12

by Max Monroe

  I thought maybe he’d shy away from the public setting, but he took what I was thinking and did me one better.

  With his gaze back to mine, he moved my panties to the side and ran his index finger through my arousal—once, twice, three times—and my hips jolted forward in response. His touch was calculated yet gentle as his thumb found my clit, pressing firm enough to spur a shot of pleasure up my spine.

  “Does that feel good?” he asked, leaning forward enough that his lips skimmed the skin of my neck, and I nodded.

  At least, I thought I’d nodded. For all I knew, my head had escaped my body—the only two places I knew with certainty were there were the ones Will was touching.

  His thumb set up a rhythm of smooth, mind-blowing circles on my clit, and I swallowed my moan.

  Good Lord, I wanted more. Needed more.

  “Come home with me tonight,” he said into my ear. He lifted my chin with the tip of his finger, locking our gazes once more. “Let me spend the night with you.”

  “Yes,” I whispered. I’d had the answer prepared before he even asked me the question. Whatever he wanted, I wanted.

  Fingers still toying with me, he moved his lips from my ear to my mouth, and I gasped in surprise. But as soon as the tip of his tongue touched mine, I immediately responded with fervor, pulling his bottom lip into my mouth, sucking on his tongue, until both of our mouths and lips and tongues were dancing the same rhythm together.

  “Let’s go,” he moaned against my lips. I didn’t want to stop, not at all. Not to move from this spot or to come up for air or anything. I just wanted him to keep touching me forever.

  My disappointment was audible when he pulled his fingers from my pussy and put my panties back in place, but it didn’t last long.

  In perhaps the most erotic move I’d ever paid witness to, he lifted his fingers to his mouth, right in front of my face—close enough that I could smell myself there—and sucked them inside.

  “Yes,” I said finally, in answer to leaving—in answer to everything—and he didn’t waste any time, all but dragging both of our bodies toward the exit.

  Time had turned into a blur of hurried kisses and brushing touches and stealing, desirous glances. Somehow, we’d left the bar and hopped into a cab. Somehow, we’d gotten to Will’s apartment. And somehow, we’d found ourselves standing face-to-face, still fully clothed, in the middle of Will’s bedroom with the foot of his bed beside our hips.

  The night had morphed from the speed of light into slow motion.

  We just stood there, looking at one another, the intensity so high it felt like I might come out of my skin. Still, there was something about this moment, this intimate encounter, that had forced both of us to take our time and savor every look, every touch, every tiny little second of time that equaled us, Will and me, together.

  Without words and with his heated gaze locked with mine, his fingers slid up my wrist, to my elbow, until they stopped at my shoulder blade. They rested there for a breath and then slowly, oh so slowly, moved my shirt to the side. His fingers danced, skirting between not moving at all and just barely whispering against my skin.

  I wasn’t sure why, but that one innocent touch, his touch, felt more erotic than the act of sex itself. Maybe I was horny. Maybe I’d reached my threshold of sexless days. Or maybe, just maybe, what had started to occur between Will and me was something words couldn’t explain.

  The electricity of the moment slid up my spine as he started to undress me, first with his eyes, and then with his hands, removing every item of clothing—my bra, my panties, even kneeling in front of me to take off my shoes, with slow, calculated, and unhurried movements.

  Bare and naked and vulnerable for his gaze, I felt him take me in. He didn’t touch me. Kiss me. Say anything. But make no mistake, Will savored me. His blue eyes caressed and whispered against every single inch of my skin so vividly it felt like a real touch.

  I followed his lead, looking into his eyes, and without haste, I removed his shirt, his pants, his socks and shoes, and I didn’t stop until his boxers were on the floor and his tan and toned and muscular form was gloriously naked.

  Will naked.

  Oh boy.

  I had fantasized about this.

  Hell, I’d probably spent far too much time daydreaming about this very moment. But by the looks of things, I hadn’t been doing a good enough job.

  Without shame, I let my eyes move across his skin, starting with his face and taking my time, moving down, down, down until I reached his hard and straining cock. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of him. He was beautiful. And big. And he was just as turned on as I was.

  Holy moly, his penis is far, far better in real life.

  “Fuck, Mel. You are unreal,” he whispered into the barely lit room, and I moved my gaze back to his. “You are,” he repeated, and I could’ve gone for a swim in the blue depths of his eyes. The waters were that warm and inviting.

  Without touching any other part of my body, his fingers found my hair and gently slid a loose lock behind my ear.

  I moaned at the feel.

  I had never experienced this kind of intimate intensity with someone. Our attraction was almost visible. It could be seen and felt and tasted all around us. I was just tipsy enough to admit this sexual tension had been building from day one, from the first awkward moment Will’s eyes had met mine, and tonight, all of that want had transformed into need.

  My breaths escaped in short, whimpering pants. My nipples grew tight and my breasts were heavy, and I throbbed and ached between my legs. When my hands started to run down my thighs, I wasn’t sure how much longer I could last. The urge to touch him, kiss him, feel him inside of me was unbearable.

  “Spread your legs,” he ordered, sensing I needed something and needed it now, and I obeyed.

  Riveted, I watched as he knelt in front of me, and his new position put him in the perfect place to turn his power of seduction to my pussy. Honestly, I’d never felt more turned on, and fully confident in my body, in my life.

  “Look at you. Just fucking look at you.” From under his lashes, his gaze met mine again, his index finger softly grazing my aching skin. “This is the prettiest cunt I’ve ever seen,” he said. He’d seen a lot of them, that I knew, but the funny thing in that moment was that there wasn’t even a tiny fraying part of me that didn’t believe him. My hips jolted forward of their own accord, begging for him, desperate for more than teasing.

  Grabbing my hips so hard I gasped, he yanked me toward his face and licked through my arousal, taking the taste of me inside and leaving a moan behind.

  It was rough and needy, and the vibration of it felt even better than my very favorite toy.

  “God, Mel, you must mainline sugar, you taste so fucking sweet,” he teased and licked once more, before flicking the tip of his tongue against my clit. I smiled at both the feel and his words, and then he flicked my clit again.

  Oh, fuck.

  “God, you taste so fucking good,” he growled against my skin. “I could eat you forever.”

  Seconds later, he moved to his feet, standing before me again. I laughed my annoyance, a scene from Titanic popping unbidden into my head

  “You’re just as bad as Rose,” I accused. “Promising Jack she’d never let go just before she fucking did it.”

  He smiled and grabbed both sides of my face to bring me close enough that our lips almost touched. “I need to feel you,” he explained. “Us. You and me.”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “Now,” he demanded through gritted teeth. “I need to feel your perfect cunt wrapped around my cock, Mel.”

  God, yes.

  “Get on your knees,” he instructed with one hand gently wrapped around my neck. “Let me see that glorious ass in the air.”

  He didn’t have to ask twice. My knees hit the bed seconds later, and he helped me tip my ass farther into the air.

  “Fuck,” he gritted out, connecting us in one swift thrust.

  A guttural moan escaped my lungs, and sparks danced behind my eyes. God, he felt so good.

  “Never stop doing this,” I whimpered as he picked up the pace, sliding his cock in and out with deep and heavy strokes. “Never ever stop doing this.”

  “Never,” he groaned in agreement.

  Honestly, it was the best thing I’d ever felt. I’d be willing to sign on to live like that movie Groundhog Day as long as today was the one on repeat.

  The tip of his cock rubbed just the right spot, like his length was made to pleasure me, and by the way he was grunting behind me, I could tell he felt the same. Incomprehensible moans spilled from my lungs while Will pushed his cock deep and pulled it back again, speeding up until I developed a keening cry. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I chanted.

  “Let go, Mel.”

  I shook my head against the blinding pleasure, completely against the prospect of letting this blissful heaven end, but the perfect biology of our two bodies together worked against me. I cried out as everything good and right hit me so hard I thought I might black out, and Will, pressed to the hilt, climaxed inside of me simultaneously.

  Time. Space. Safe sex. None of it existed in that moment. Still connected, all we felt was our perfect, intimate joining and the mind-blowing orgasms that had washed over both us until we were lying breathless and panting on Will’s bed.

  But slowly, as he pulled his cock free from me, everything came filtering back.

  Time. Space. Safe sex.

  Holy hell. What in the fucking fuck?

  I’d never slept with someone unprotected in my life. Even in my five-year stint with Eli, I’d been mindful enough to at least discuss birth control.

  With his back on the bed and his chest moving up and down with deep breaths, Will turned his head to meet my eyes. “What was that?”

  “I have no idea,” I answered honestly, a little scared by the prospect of how powerful it all was—how fully I’d let myself go.

  “That was…” he started, only to run out of words immediately. I didn’t blame him. I couldn’t find any words to describe it either.

  “I know.”

  “I think my orgasm made me lose brain cells.”

  A soft giggle fell from my lips at the starkly honest truth. “Ditto.”

  “Question,” he said, his gaze turning serious as it searched mine. “This is painfully late…but are you on birth control?”

  I nodded, relieved I at least wasn’t that big of an idiot. “Now, sir, I see your bet and raise you one…”

  He grinned. “Shoot.”

  “Have you been tested?” I asked, melting into his happiness like a loon. God, he’s distracting. I shook my head to clear it of his voodoo and remember the responsible things. Adult things. Things I should know better than to wait to ask until after fucking my boss. “No STDs or weird fungal infections I should know about?”

  “Clean as a whistle.”

  “That’s good to hear.”

  He shook his head, closing his eyes—apparently just as embarrassed as I was. “It’s real fucking sad that an obstetrician and a labor and delivery nurse didn’t have the safe-sex talk before the sex actually occurred.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “That’s not something I…uh…do often…or ever, actually.”

  He grinned. “The last time I did anything without a condom, I was a fifteen-year-old virgin and played just the tip with my teenage girlfriend. It had lasted all of thirty seconds before her minister father came strolling in the front door.”

  I laughed at that.

  “Yeah,” he added. “This isn’t how I usually do things.”

  “Me either.”

  “I just wanted you so bad,” he whispered. “Honestly, Mel, I’m not sure I was even conscious.”

  “Me too,” I agreed. Me fucking too. And as insane as it made me feel, I couldn’t think of anywhere I’d rather be.

  “Wanna go again?”

  He didn’t even blink. “I can’t think of anything I’d rather repeat.”


  Melody’s heart, for the price of one comment.

  This morning, for the first time in my New York tenure, I rode the subway without watching the people around me.

  Normally, even when I was reading or pretending to sleep, I had one eye strategically sweeping the area around me. Call it paranoia. Or maybe it was the amount of time I’d spent during my residency suturing some kind of injury from a mugging on the platform or a crazy guy with a knife on one of the cars.

  I mean, overall, riding the subway was just as safe as walking in Manhattan. Though, as a side note, I’d sewn up a pretty healthy number of wounds from mugging while walking as well.

  But really, New York is lovely. You should visit.

  Not to mention, since the first episode of the show had aired, I’d had to make a concerted effort to hide my face from gawking strangers as they snapped pictures with their iPhones.

  But last night, with Melody, had been so much more than I’d expected. The conversation, the vibe, the overall easy flow of every single moment—all of it had been incredible. The best date of my life.

  Also—side note again here—the sex.

  To say I was off my game and just about tapped out for concern about keeping a semblance of personal privacy was an understatement. Luckily, the cloud of all of those things combined, and their power against my command of observation hadn’t resulted in a trip to the hospital in something other than a professional capacity. Though, it probably would mean a few more pictures of me floating around in the cybersphere.

  I pushed through the door to St. Luke’s Obstetrics and Gynecology without hesitation for the first time in weeks, excited for the day, and immediately started scanning the space for her.

  It was stupid, really. Mel was always fucking late. But rationality wasn’t an emotion, and frankly, it was no match for one either.

  “Interesting night, huh, Dr. Cummings?” Marlene asked as I passed her.

  Melody’s knees high and spread, her hands clenching my throat as I rode her hard and fast the second time. Her eyes blazing up at me like I might just be the best thing she’d ever felt. God, yes. Last night had been more than interesting. It’d been everything.

  Smiling, I nodded my affirmation and continued down the hall, only turning back to look when I realized Marlene didn’t know anything about me and Melody, but she was already gone.

  I wonder what she’s talking about.

  Whatever it was, I didn’t feel like dealing with it right then.

  I went straight to my office to drop off my briefcase, but I checked the inside of every exam room as I passed about as discreetly as I could, just in case Melody had chosen the night after we’d slept together to be prompt for the first time in her life.

  She hadn’t, by the way.

  God, I’m going crazy.

  Things had ended well, far too late into the night to help Melody get up this morning, but there’d been kissing and general contentment on both sides.

  But it’d been six hours since she’d climbed into the cab I’d called for her—after she refused to stay over and deal with explaining to Janet—and five since I’d felt any real sort of certainty about where we stood.

  We’d slept together on the first date, and while I wasn’t even remotely complaining, I also couldn’t shake one nagging question. Does first-date fornication ever lead to a real relationship?

  It sure as hell never had for me. Not with Lana or Megan or Seela…yeah, the number isn’t important here… It was the principle. Could sex—and significant but fairly superficial interest—ever be a good foundation for more?

  I wasn’t convinced it could.

  Though, to be fair, I’d never lasted more than four months in a relationship anyway. Georgia always told me it was because I chose the wrong women, but I don’t think that was it. I was pretty sure it had more to do with the fact that being with the same woman for the rest of my life sounded like just about the worst thing I’d e
ver heard…until recently.

  And no, it wasn’t the moment I laid eyes on Melody.

  It was just around the time I slid inside of her.


  Sort of. It was really good.

  Glancing up to look out in the hallway for her, I noticed the time on the clock above my door. 9:05 a.m.

  Shit. I had better get busy seeing patients even if my nurse wasn’t here to help me. She was lucky last night had gone the way it had.

  Ugh, Will. No. Thinking those kinds of things is the reason dating your subordinate isn’t a good idea.

  In reality, part of me was just nervous she wouldn’t show up at all. Like somehow, I’d conjured the whole thing—even imagined her—in my mind. I smiled at quite possibly the most insecure conversation I’d ever had with myself and grabbed my coat to scoot up to the front and bring my own patient back. It’d be better if I at least multitasked—worked and talked myself off of the emotional ledge simultaneously.

  “Did you see Dr. Obscene last night?” I heard Melissa say as I made it to the front.

  Goddammit. Would there ever be a time I traveled to the front of my office and didn’t hear someone talking about me anymore?

  Also, I’d completely forgotten that episode had even aired last night. I’d been busy.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Don’t call him that. I can’t work with a man named Dr. Obscene,” Marlene retorted.

  “It’s not like it’s his actual name. Relax. It’s just fitting after he…well…he…”

  “God, you’re blushing,” Beth commented on a whisper.

  “Of course, I’m blushing! It looked like he was whacking his mole!”

  “Oh my God!” Beth’s whisper was now more like a shriek. I couldn’t say I blamed her. I felt a little like screaming myself.

  “Beating his meat. Slapping his stick. Stroking his ore.”

  “We get it!” Marlene snapped, and for once, I agreed with her. My brain felt like it was on overload. Good God, did she mean what I thought she meant?

  Fuck, I might come out of my skin.


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