Trouble in Texas

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Trouble in Texas Page 16

by Leann Harris

  He stepped toward her. “When will the tests get here?”

  She felt the heat of his body like the pull of a gigantic magnet and had to tilt her chin up to see him. The yearning of her heart urged her to slip her arms around his waist and lean her head on his chest, but she resisted the impulse. Her emotions were already raw enough. She didn’t need to grate them again. “Late afternoon. I won’t have to announce when they get here. The helicopter will get everyone’s attention.”

  Derek ran the backs of his fingers across her cheek. “Alexandra.”

  Electricity danced over her skin, making her heart race and longing surge. She closed her eyes to hide her reaction from him. The feel of his lips on hers made her eyelids fly open. A chuckle rumbled in his chest.

  “Close your eyes, sweetheart. It’s not romantic to stare.”

  His mouth covered hers again. The emotion rising in her crushed her resistance like a tidal wave after an earthquake. Too much had happened in the past few days, and Derek’s touch was the one steady thing in her life. She moaned and wrapped her arms around him. Derek didn’t need any further encouragement as he pulled her off the desk. One hand cupped her bottom bringing her hard against his arousal. His other hand threaded through the hair at the back of her head.

  “Ah, Doc.” He sighed against her ear several minutes later. “It’s a crime what you do to me.”

  As a declaration of love it lacked something. The closeness they had shared last night had touched her with a magic that made her believe love could enter her life again. The fear she now faced was whether Derek would allow love back in his life.

  His mouth covered hers again, making her questions about their relationship evaporate like morning mist under the bright sunlight.

  “Derek,” a voice called out. “Derek, you here?”

  Derek’s lips left hers. He rested his forehead against hers. “Damn, what does he want?”

  Before Derek could release her, Billy barged into the office. “Oops.”

  Dropping his arms to his sides, Derek turned and blocked Billy’s view of Alexandra. “You wanted something?”

  Although Alex couldn’t see Derek’s expression, the tone of his voice chilled the room.

  “The doc’s car is outside, running like a top. I even washed it.”

  Alex stepped around Derek’s towering form. She schooled her features in that no-nonsense expression that she wore in the emergency room. “Thank you.”

  Billy handed her the keys to her car.

  “How’s your mother-in-law feeling today?” she asked.

  “Not too good. She’s anxious about what’s happening with the post office. I think she’s also wanting to start on that medicine you ordered.”

  “You tell her that her medicine should arrive this afternoon on an Anderson Oil helicopter. When it does, I’ll send it out to your house.”

  “Got it.” He gave Derek a self-satisfied grin.

  “You open your mouth, Billy, and I’ll personally make sure you need dental work. Do you understand me? What happened in this office had better stay right here.”

  Billy’s expression resembled a pouty little boy who’d been caught stealing cookies out of the cookie jar.


  “Yeah, yeah. I’ll keep my mouth shut.” He paused at the door. “Oh, I almost forgot. Some guy named Beavins called right after you left your office. Said for you to call him back.”

  Immediately Derek dialed the number of the ranch. After telling his brother to bring Cathy and himself into town to be tested, he asked for Agent Beavins.

  Alex moved around the desk and sat down as Derek talked. A frown wrinkled his forehead. Something must’ve happened in the investigation with the DEA agents, she surmised.

  “You leaving right now?” Derek asked the agent. He reached across the desk and grasped her hand as he listened to the agent’s response.

  “Yeah, I know where it is. I’m leaving now. Be there in twenty minutes.”

  “What happened?” Alex asked the instant he was off the phone.

  “Agent Beavins thought I might want to come with them. They think they’ve found the landing field for the airplane.”


  “A site on the western edge of my land, where it joins with the Moore and Schuller properties.”

  Suddenly the tremendous amount of pressure Derek was under hit Alex. One of the problems he was facing would be enough to cause an ulcer, but the combination of a TB outbreak and the drug investigation had to be overwhelming.

  “Alexandra, we need to talk about what’s happening between us.”

  Alex suddenly knew that if they talked about their relationship it would blow up in their faces. Now wasn’t the time for analysis and explanations.

  Rising on her tiptoes, she softly kissed his mouth. “Go on. We’ll talk later when there’s time. Right now, both you and I have jobs to do.”

  He looked at her uncertainly. “You sure?”


  He gave her a proper and thorough kiss, snatched his hat from the desk and left.

  Alex bit her lip and choked back the tears. Then, without thinking, she grabbed for the phone. The helicopter pilot in Midland needed to know when the supplies would arrive.

  * * *

  The time for talking didn’t come that day or the next. Derek called late in the day to say he was staying at the ranch because the DEA agents were staking out the airfield. After talking to Sarah and making sure she didn’t feel neglected, he promised Alex they would talk.

  The next day was filled with people straggling through the clinic. Alex’s time was consumed with charting these patients, questioning how many people lived with them or on their ranch. When she wasn’t filling out charts, figuring how many more needed to be tested, she was trying to calm fears and answer questions. That night she fell asleep on the couch.

  When Alex woke alone in her room the next morning, she blushed to realize that Derek must have carried her to bed, undressed her except for her bra and panties, and placed her between the sheets.

  A gentle rap on the door drew her attention.

  “Yes,” she called out.

  The door slowly opened and Derek stuck his head inside. “You awake, sleepyhead?”

  Alex tucked the sheet under her arms as she sat up. “I guess I was more tired than I thought.”

  He stepped inside and walked to the bed.

  “Thanks for putting me to bed—”

  A speculative gleam shone in his eyes as he waited for her to say more.

  “I mean—”


  “You did carry me to bed, didn’t you?” It was a stupid question. Obviously he was the only one in the house who could’ve.

  “I did.” He sat next to her and laced his fingers through hers. “It’s almost seventy-two hours since you gave me my TB test.”

  She glanced down at his forearm covered by the sleeve of his uniform.

  “This afternoon Sarah will need her test read.”

  Alex waited. He wanted to say more.

  His thumb stroked over the back of her hand in a soothing manner. He looked into her eyes and she saw his worry. “I’m not concerned for myself,” he began. “It’s Sarah. I can tell from the way she’s fussing in the kitchen that she’s nervous.”

  “I am, too.” He seemed startled by her announcement. “Derek, I care for Sarah. No matter how things come out, she’s going to weather this storm. And you’ll be here for her, and in the long run your love will make the difference in her life.”

  “Is Sarah the only one you care for?”

  His question was like a dagger in her heart. How could he ask that question after what they had shared together? She scanned his face, needing some sign from him. Her first instinct was to retreat from the pain, but the uncertainty lurking in the depths of his eyes pulled at her. Maybe he needed reassurance, too.

  Her fingers brushed back the lock of hair resting on his forehead. “No. I’m
especially fond of her daddy. He’s got the sexiest dimple in his cheek that makes me crazy every time I see it.”

  He perked up. “Really.” The dimple appeared.

  Maybe she’d given him a little too much reassurance. Lightly her fingers traced the indentation. “Yeah.”

  His hand came up and covered hers. “Alexandra—” He stopped himself. Pulling her hand away from his face, he kissed the palm and then released her. “I’d better let you get dressed. I get the odd feeling that today’s going to be as crazy as yesterday.”

  That she didn’t doubt.

  When she appeared in the kitchen twenty minutes later, showered and in fresh jeans and T-shirt, Alex realized that Derek hadn’t understated Sarah’s nervousness. The girl was standing by the table, glancing at her arm.

  “Good morning,” Alex offered cheerfully, hoping to ease the tension in the room.

  Sarah’s head snapped up. She tried to smile but her bottom lip began to tremble. Alex opened her arms, and Sarah flew into them.

  Alex’s eyes filled with tears and her heart flooded with love. This child had managed to slip beneath her guard and find a part of her heart that still worked. Alex’s gaze locked with Derek’s. Her dad had pulled off the same trick. Father and daughter were firmly entrenched.

  “I’m scared.”

  “I know, honey. But there’s nothing to worry about. I’m here. Your dad’s here.”

  After a few moments Sarah pulled out of Alex’s arms and gave her a watery smile.

  Alex smiled back and gently wiped a tear from Sarah’s cheek. “Let’s eat. Then I’ll read your dad’s test.”

  Breakfast was cold cereal and fruit. After the dishes were loaded in the dishwasher, the three sat back down at the table. Alex had a washable marker in her hand.

  “All right, Sarah. Let me show you how the test is read.” She motioned to Derek. “Deputy,” she said in mock severity, “would you please roll up your sleeve.”

  “Which one?” he asked.

  Alex knew he was striving to make this moment light. “The right one.”

  He unbuttoned his cuff and rolled up the sleeve. Alex took his hand and pulled so his forearm rested on the flat surface of the table. “First I’ll draw a line around the reaction area.” She traced the edge of the rising. “Then with this metric ruler, I measure the size. Since your dad has been exposed to TB, that puts him in a high-risk group. If the lump is under five millimeters it’s considered negative. Over is positive.” She placed the ruler by the reaction area. “Four millimeters. It looks like your dad’s test is negative.”

  Sarah flung herself into Derek’s arms. “I’m so glad, Daddy,” she whispered.

  “I am, too, sweetie.”

  Alex breathed a sigh of relief. If Sarah had TB—which they didn’t know at this point—her father wasn’t the one who had given it to her.

  Derek’s gaze met hers and Alex was struck by the thought that it had been the height of stupidity to make love to a man who might have TB. Not only had she not known if Derek had been positive for TB, but they also had not used any form of birth control. As a doctor who treated people for all the diseases they got from unprotected sex, she should’ve acted with more wisdom.

  Unfortunately, she had acted like a woman in love—stupid.

  Alex stood. “I’m going to drive my car over to the clinic to let everyone know I’m there. Sarah, you’ll need to come over after noontime.”


  As Alex left the room, she thought she saw Derek mouth the words I love you over Sarah’s head. She couldn’t be sure.

  * * *

  Derek left his office and walked down the alley between the buildings. His backyard was directly behind his office and single jail cell.

  Fear clutched at his heart. He had this terrible premonition about Sarah. If the worst came true, he was sure that Alexandra would do her best to help Sarah get well. There wasn’t another doctor he would rather have take care of his daughter.

  Sarah greeted him at the door, her faced pinched and worried.

  He tried to appear confident. “You ready?”

  She nodded. “I don’t think my test is going to turn out as good as yours.” She pushed up her sleeve and Derek saw the swelling on the inside of her forearm.

  He took her hand. “However it turns out, sweetie, we’re going to get through this together.”

  Her tearful expression cut through his heart.

  “Remember what Alexandra told you the other day, about your guardian angel guiding her here? Well, I have to agree with her. I think we’ve got the best doctor in the state.”

  She thought a moment. “I think you’re right, Daddy.”

  “I know I am.”

  * * *

  Sarah and Derek showed up, hand in hand, a little after noon.

  “Hi, guys,” Alex said, trying to appear casual. She was nervous about Sarah’s test results.

  “How’s it gone this morning?” Derek asked, trying to appear calm, but she knew from the strained look in his eyes that he, too, was concerned.

  “Busy. Billy has active TB. Lorraine’s is inactive.”

  “Inactive?” Sarah’s brow wrinkled in a frown.

  Alex sat in one of the chairs in the waiting room and patted the one next to her. Sarah joined her.

  “Let me see if I can explain this. Lorraine had been exposed to the TB germs since she lives with Norma and has the bacteria in her body. But her body’s defenses are working, protecting her from getting sick. So even though Lorraine’s carrying the germ, she can’t give it to anyone.” Alex drew a deep breath. “If I don’t treat her, she could carry the germ in her body the rest of her life and not get sick. Or, at some point in the future, her body’s defenses could become weak, the TB germ could flourish and she’d get active TB. For that reason, I’m going to put her on medication.”

  Derek and Sarah were quiet. Alex stood. “C’mon back to the examining room.”

  A few minutes later Alex studied Sarah’s arm with a sinking heart. Six millimeters. She glanced up into the worried expressions of both father and daughter. “You’re at six.”

  Sarah’s face tightened.

  “Let’s take an X ray.”

  After developing the film, Alex put it on the viewer.

  “How does it look?” Derek asked over her shoulder.

  There was a small spot on the right lung. Sarah had only recently contracted the disease. Alex couldn’t prevent the smile breaking out on her face. She turned to the others. “It’s good news. Although Sarah has active TB, it’s in the beginning stages. I’m going to get her on medication, and I see no reason why she won’t be one hundred percent cured within a year.”

  Alex watched the girl’s expression carefully, gauging Sarah’s reaction. A positive attitude was an important ingredient in getting well. The girl’s struggle showed plainly on her face. First fear, then doubt, then a spark of hopefulness.

  Alex clasped Sarah’s shoulders. “Do you believe me? Do you trust me to do everything I can as a doctor to help you get well?”

  The little spark flared. “Yes.”

  The trust Sarah had just handed Alex healed another part of her broken heart. And for the first time in a very, very long time Alex was glad she was a doctor. “All right, sweetie, we’re going to do this together. I’m going to get your medication, and I want you to take those pills before you leave the clinic. Let’s weigh you.”

  “Why?” Sarah asked, stepping onto the scale.

  “Because of your age, I have to base the amount of your medication on your weight.”

  After Alex took Sarah’s weight and figured the dosage, she gave Sarah her medication.

  “Are you going to get sick?” Sarah asked after swallowing the last pill.

  Alex took Sarah’s hand and squeezed it. “Thank you for being concerned, but I’ve worked with other people who have had TB and not gotten sick. But people like me who work with infectious patients are tested often. Before I leave, I’
ll test myself.” She turned to Derek. A muscle in his jaw flexed and his gaze bored into hers. Alex had the feeling he was annoyed at her for some reason. “You’ll have to notify the school about Sarah. And I think until we know the situation, it would be best if they canceled school for the next few days.”

  “Would it be easier if you went there this afternoon and did all the tests at the same time?” Derek asked.

  “You’ve got a point.”

  “I’ll take you over after I check with the sheriff and get an update on things.”

  “All right. Also, I’m going to need for you to sit down with me in a day or so and look over the list of people I’ve tested and let me know if we’re missing anyone.”

  He nodded. “It seems you’ve got your job cut out for you.”

  “It should be better in a couple of days once I get a handle on things.”

  “I hope so, Alexandra. I really hope you’re right.”

  * * *

  Derek turned off the kitchen light and walked into the living room. He saw Alex close her eyes and lean her head back against the cushions of the sofa.



  “Roll your head forward.”

  She obeyed. Her hair parted like a curtain revealing the delicate white skin at the base of her neck. The sight hit him like a fist in the gut, and he wanted to kiss that tender spot. Alex moaned in delight as his fingers worked the tension out of her shoulders.

  He felt he was caught in the violent winds of a tornado. Everything around him was moving and shifting with a speed that made his head spin.

  In the midst of this confusion there was a growing center of calm—his feelings for Alexandra. He loved her. After the night of passion they had shared, he’d had little doubt of his feelings. And he knew from Alex’s response to him that she definitely felt a passion for him.

  But what had made his love for Alex absolutely dead-on right was the moment she had held Sarah in her arms this morning.

  The one critical point in this relationship that worried Derek was to what degree Alexandra cared for him and Sarah. Did she care enough to commit her life to them and stay here in Saddle?


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