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The Lake of Love (Adult Novel 18+)

Page 6

by John Sheridan

  ‘We’re here,’ informed the bushy faced taxi driver.

  The car pulled to a stop outside the lake house.

  This place never failed to impress me. The lake house was big beyond big. It had more bedrooms than most mansions and was big enough that two families could stay at either end of the house and never actually bump into each other. My dad and Frank had injected a large amount of money into this place. It was a relatively new build, but kept to the old forest cottage design.

  ‘Thanks,’ I replied to the planetoid shaped taxi driver.

  ‘That was six-four, ninety-nine,’ replied the driver.

  I fished through my wallet and handed the man seventy pounds. ‘Keep the change.’ I had always wanted to say that.

  ‘Thanks a lot,’ replied the happy cabby.

  I glanced out the side window at the pouring rain and then turned my attention towards the shivering Lisa. ‘Shall we make a run for the door?’

  She released a long weary sigh. ‘Okay.’

  It was time to get wet again.

  * * *

  I slammed the front door and quickly locked it from the inside. The winds howled like some sort of wild monster, as another wave of rain crashed against the side of the house. It had only been a twenty-yard dash from the taxi to the front door, but I felt as if I had just swum through an ocean. Water was dripping off me into a small puddle on the hallway floor.

  ‘I’m…so…cold…’ Lisa stuttered through chattering teeth.

  She was standing in the hallway holding her arms out to the side. Water was dropping like rain drops from her chin, fingertips, nose, hair and dress. Every inch of her summer dress was clinging to her body.

  ‘Are you okay?’ I asked the stupid question.

  She replied with a shake of the head. I could see she was trembling from the cold.

  ‘Come with me.’ I placed my hand in her delicate palm. She was cold to the touch.

  I stepped by Lisa and headed into a small narrow corridor to the right of the front door. The main living room of the lake house was located in the very centre of the house, but it was a large open room and right now, we needed someplace small and cosy to keep the heat in. We passed several doors that led into unused offices, guest rooms and game rooms. The house had been designed to have a room for everything, but there was more stuff than we actually needed and half the rooms had never been used. It was to one of those rooms I was heading for right now.

  I stopped before a door at the end of the corridor and pulled down on the door handle.

  It opened with a click.

  It had been intended, as a kid’s play room, but considering the small fact that all the children of the men that paid for this lake house to be built are over twenty-one years of age that idea had been scrapped. The room had been converted into a sort of living room used for informal business meetings. It was perhaps the smallest room in the entire house. Only one door led into the room and out of the room. It had a black leather sofa, a hand carved coffee table, a wide screen television and a large stone fireplace and that was it. I think we were the first people to step foot into this room since the lake house had actually been built, but it had everything we needed to warm up and maintain some heat before we froze to death.

  I guided Lisa by the hand towards the large stone fireplace and flicked a hidden switch on the side. Flames instantly ignited within the centre of the fireplace. They were more for effect than anything else, as it was in fact an electric fireplace, but just the appearance of the orange flames flickering within the centre of the fire seemed to add to the feeling of warmth.

  ‘Thank…you…’ stuttered Lisa. She stepped in front of the fireplace.

  I stepped beside her and held my hands out towards the dancing flames. The warmth emanating from fans beneath the fireplace felt like the nicest thing I had ever experienced in my entire life.

  ‘It will get warmer in a few minutes,’ I reassured her.

  Lisa attempted to rub her cold delicate hands against her body, but that only caused her to shiver from the cold water dripping out of her soaking wet dress.

  ‘This is killing me,’ she said through chattering teeth. She turned her back on me and pulled her water soaked hair to one side. ‘Undo me,’ she instructed.

  ‘What…?’ I felt a sudden pressure pull down on my stomach.

  ‘I want to take my dress off. It’s absolutely freezing,’ she replied.

  ‘Yeah, but…’ I tried to reply but Lisa cut me off.

  ‘Conner, do you want me to catch a cold?’ she asked.

  I didn’t like where this was heading.

  ‘No, of course not,’ I countered.

  ‘Good, then undo me.’

  I swallowed down the lump in my throat and brushed a few loose strands of wet hair of off her back. Slowly I pulled down the zipper of her dress to reveal her smooth naked back.

  My mouth was suddenly feeling very dry.

  Lisa grabbed handfuls of her dress and pulled as hard as she could to get it off her shivering body. It was stuck so tightly to her that it was not the case of slipping her long summers dress off, but peeling it off instead.

  The dress hit the floor with a heavy splat.

  Lisa turned to me with her bright blue ocean coloured eyes and smiled a sweet angelic smile that had the power to break a million men’s hearts. ‘That feels so much better,’ she announced.

  My eyes nearly popped clean out of my head.

  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

  Lisa was a goddess.

  She was stunning.

  Unconsciously I looked up her and down and then down and up again. The most beautiful woman in the whole of existence was standing in her bra and panties just one foot in front of me. Her body was to die for. She looked as if she could have been a glamour model she had such a finely tone figure. Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined a woman who could actually be this beautiful.

  My eyes betrayed me once again, as they stopped on her large firm breasts.

  The curve of her breasts looked so smooth. Something cried out within the deepest darkest depths of my mind to touch them, to kiss them, to devour them. I could see her erect nipples pointing beneath the fabric of her black bra and I so badly wanted to put them in my mouth.

  Horror hit me like a nuclear explosion in the face, as an uncontrollable pressure suddenly began to build between my legs. I could feel my trousers beginning to bulge, as hardness started to set in at astronomical speed. Quickly I averted my gaze from her breasts in an attempt to stop the lustful thoughts from dancing around my mind, but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t take my eyes off Lisa. I looked up to see that the beautiful blonde was wearing a smile so wide that it threatened to consume her eyes.

  Did she like the fact that she was turning me on?

  ‘Feel how cold I am,’ she said.

  Before I could even begin to react, she grabbed my hand and placed it on her smooth flat stomach. Something dangerous pulsed between my legs and I quickly pulled my hand away, but it was too late, the damage had been done. I could feel my cock growing harder beneath my trousers.

  Instinctively I rammed my hands down into my wet pockets in an attempt to hide the large bulge growing between my legs. It was the only thing I could think of doing to hide the fact that I was getting turned on by my brother’s girlfriend. I attempted to distance myself from Lisa by taking a step backwards, but she wouldn’t let me and stepped closer.

  ‘You must be cold too,’ she muttered. A sly smile crept up the side of her beautiful face. Her fingers began to fumble with my shirt buttons.

  ‘Ah, no,’ I replied. ‘I’m okay.’

  ‘Don’t be silly,’ she protested, as my buttons popped open one after another. ‘You will catch a cold if you continue to wear this,’ she pulled my shirt open and paused momentarily to stare at my rippling abdominal muscles. From the glint behind her ocean blue eyes, I could tell that she liked very much what she saw.

  Did she wan
t me as badly as I wanted her?

  ‘I’ll try to find you some clothes,’ I explained, as I pulled myself away from her and headed out of the door. I had to distance myself from Lisa as quickly as possible. I was having dark troubling thoughts about my brother’s girlfriend that I know I shouldn’t be having. In fact I had never had such thought about any woman ever before. I reached the front door of the lake house and headed straight down the main corridor towards the large open planed kitchen, but stopped at a white wooden door at the end of the corridor. It was the last door before I reached the kitchen. It opened with a click and I stepped into the laundry room. The god-awful stench inside the room instantly dissolved my sense of smell it was so rancid. Three months worth of old dirty washing sat in a foul smelling pile on top of the washing machine.

  ‘What a lovely smell you’ve found,’ said Lisa from the doorway behind me.

  I tried my best to avoid looking directly at her. Just knowing she was standing a few feet away from me in her bra and panties sent pulses of pleasure down between my legs and straight into my throbbing cock.

  ‘I thought I might find some clean clothes in here,’ I explained.

  ‘Won’t there be any in the house?’ asked Lisa.

  ‘I doubt it,’ I replied without looking at her. ‘My family only ever used this place for vacations, which means we only tend to bring along the clothes we intend to wear and when we leave the clothes go with us.’

  ‘What about this?’ she asked.

  I turned to see Lisa holding up the only two clean towels in the whole laundry room. ‘What about them?’ I asked.

  ‘We could wear these whilst you tumble dry our clothes,’ she gestured with a nod of her head towards the tumble dryer.

  ‘That’s a good idea,’ I replied.

  ‘See I’m not just a pretty face.’ She smiled that angelic smile. ‘Well then…’ Lisa reached around and undid her bra. I managed to turn away just in time, as she began to pull the straps down her arms. I could hear her giggling behind me, as she undressed. ‘You really are so shy.’

  * * *

  I sat in front of the large stone fireplace in the corner of the leather sofa wrapped in nothing more than a thin white towel. I felt naked and more than a little embarrassed. Lisa sat at the other end of the sofa wrapped in her own thin white towel. It only managed to reach one quarter of the way down her smooth tanned thighs and only just managed to wrap around her large firm breasts.

  I had to force myself to stare down into the bottom of my half-empty wine glass, which I held tightly between my hands, to stop myself from staring at her smooth and in my own personal opinion very kissable thighs. I took a long deep breath to try to clear my mind of such thoughts. I should not be thinking about getting on my knees and kissing the thighs of my brother’s girlfriend.

  It was wrong.

  A wave of rain crashed against the window hidden behind the long brown curtains. The storm was getting worse. The rain was now striking with such power that it sounded like someone was standing directly outside the lake house and throwing handfuls of pebbles at the window. The winds continued to howl and the sky rumbled overhead.

  Unconsciously I found myself staring out of the corner of my eye towards Lisa’s long elegant legs, as she sat with one leg crossed over the other at the opposite end of the sofa. The very sight of them sent butterflies fluttering within my stomach. This woman was beautiful beyond words. I followed her tanned legs from the ankles up. My eyes travelled over her knees and along her thighs until the bottom of the towel obstructed my view.

  If only it was a few inches higher…

  I heard Lisa giggle to herself and I glanced up into her bright blue eyes.

  She took a sip of her wine and stared intently at me over the rim of her glass.

  Had she seen me looking at her?

  And more importantly, did she like that I was looking at her?

  I nervously turned my eyes back towards my glass.

  ‘Do you really find me that attractive?’ asked Lisa.

  My heart nearly burst through my ribcage and bounced away across the floor it was beating so hard.

  ‘What do you mean?’ I stuttered.

  ‘It’s a simply question, Conner.’ She smiled sweetly at me. ‘Do you find me so attractive that you can’t take your eyes off of me?’

  ‘I…um…’ I was about to think up some cunning lie, but let out a defeated sigh instead. I was as good at telling a lie as I was at singing, which was not very good at all. ‘I’m sorry. You saw me staring at you?’ I asked.

  ‘Yes,’ she replied.

  ‘I don’t mean to.’ I took a sip of my wine. ‘It’s just that I think you’re really beautiful. I’m trying not to look at you, I really am, but I can’t seem to take my eyes off of you.’ I released another long and weary sigh. ‘But don’t worry,’ I quickly added. ‘It’s not like I’ll try to make a move on you or anything. I know you’re with, Nathan.’

  ‘It’s okay,’ she replied softly. ‘I know you would never make a move on me. You’re too much of a good person to do something like that. And,’ she paused for a moment. ‘I don’t mind the way you look at me.’

  ‘You don’t?’ I couldn’t hide the surprise in my voice.

  ‘No. The way most men look at me is disgusting,’ she took a sip of her wine. ‘They only want me for one thing and one thing only, but you have such innocence behind your eyes. When you look at me I feel pretty.’

  ‘That’s because you are pretty,’ I admitted. The words left my mouth before I could stop them.

  Lisa regarded me for a long moment before speaking again. ‘Do you have a girlfriend, Conner?’

  ‘Me? No,’ I replied with a shake of my head.

  ‘I’m surprised,’ countered Lisa. ‘Usually all the nice men are already taken. Why is it that you don’t have a girlfriend?’

  Nice men? Does that mean that she actually likes me?

  ‘I guess I am waiting for the right woman.’

  Lisa let out a laugh. ‘Is that so?’ I nodded my head slowly in reply. ‘Is that what you tell all the girls before you get them into bed with you? It must be a good turn on when you act all shy and say the right things. I bet you say you’re waiting for the right girl, that special someone and then have your wicked way with them, am I right?’

  ‘No, it’s nothing like that,’ I tried to explain.

  ‘I’ve heard so many men saying the same thing to me before, but all they’re really after is a one night stand. It always makes me laugh when men say they’re waiting for the one and then have sex with different woman while they wait.’

  ‘I’m not like that,’ I quickly cut in.

  ‘Is that so?’ asked Lisa. ‘So you’ve never had a one night stand?’

  ‘Never,’ I replied with a shake of my head.

  ‘Well, you would have had to sleep with your ex-girlfriend and considering she is your ex-girlfriend I am guessing she was not the one,’ added Lisa.

  ‘I’ve never had a girlfriend,’ I could feel my cheeks starting to glow an embarrassing red.

  Why was I telling her all of this?

  Lisa cocked her head to one side and looked me dead in the eyes. ‘If you’ve never had a one night stand and have never had a girlfriend, have you ever actually slept with anyone before?’

  I took a very big mouthful of wine.

  My silence said it all.

  ‘You’re a virgin!?’ Lisa couldn’t hide the shock in her voice.

  The room fell silent for a very long uncomfortable moment. The only sound came from the howling winds and the rain pelting down against the window.

  ‘I envy you,’ she said into the silence.


  ‘I wish I had the self-control to wait for that perfect someone. I’ve been used by every man that I’ve ever been in a relationship with,’ she explained. ‘At the time I truly believed each of them was that perfect someone I had been waiting for, but I guess in my eagerness to find that special man I ended up
turning a blind eye to my ex-boyfriends bad points. They all used me for one thing and then cast me aside once they were finished with me.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ I replied. ‘You deserve so much better than that.’

  Lisa flashed me a smile that melted my heart.

  God she was beautiful!

  ‘Thank you, Conner.’ She let out a deep sigh, as memories of past boyfriends flashed across her mind’s eye. ‘Most men like the fact that I have a pretty face, slim body and big boobs. They never want me for who I truly am, but for what I can do for them in the bedroom. The last couple of boyfriends I have had were just the worst. It was only sex, sex and more sex with them.’

  Lucky bastards…

  ‘Nathan treats you right?’ I instantly regretted saying that. ‘I’m sorry. That’s none of my business.’

  ‘No, it’s okay.’ Lisa smiled a heart warming smile. ‘Nathan and I…’ She picked her next few words very carefully. ‘…Are in a complicated relationship. We have never actually slept together or kissed for that matter.’

  Why had he never kissed this angel of beauty?

  Could my brother possibly be gay?

  ‘In many ways we are not even really boyfriend and girlfriend. You could say I’m single and free to do what I want.’ Lisa gave her head a quick shake and quickly changed the subject. ‘So, are you currently interested in anyone?’

  Yes, you! I decided not to voice that last part out loud.

  ‘There is someone I like,’ I admitted.

  ‘Do you think that she could be the one?’ asked Lisa.

  I replied by shrugging my shoulders, ‘I guess I will know when I know.’

  Suddenly the room was cast into darkness.

  The lights flicked off and the electric fire, with its charming flame effect, instantly disappeared into the darkness of the night. Thunder rumbled overhead and a flash of blue illuminated the room.

  ‘What’s going on?’ asked Lisa.

  I got up off the sofa and headed for the door. My finger flicked the light switched on and off several times but as I suspected nothing happened. ‘The power must be out.’

  ‘Can you get it back on?’ I could hear the fear in her voice vibrating through the darkness. A loud thunderclap echoed throughout the lake house.


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