The Lake of Love (Adult Novel 18+)

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The Lake of Love (Adult Novel 18+) Page 7

by John Sheridan

  ‘I don’t actually know where the power box is,’ I confessed.

  ‘What shall we do?’ She cut me off in mid-sentence. Her voice was no longer coming from the direction of the sofa, but directly in front of me. Butterflies began to flutter within my stomach at the feel of her fingers interlinking with mine, as she placed her soft delicate hand in my hand.

  ‘Follow me,’ I said calmly.

  Lisa clung tightly to me, as we walked slowly along the hallway back towards the front door of the lake house. Blue flashes of lightning crackling across the skyline illuminated the large and ever so increasingly eerie lake house. I guided Lisa down the corridor to the kitchen-dining room. The lightning flashed scary shadows across the long empty kitchen, as I opened up a draw and rummaged inside.

  ‘Here,’ I said.

  The sound of a match lighting filled the cold empty kitchen. The flickering orange glow of the little flame danced across Lisa’s worried face. Her beautiful ocean blue eyes were wide with fear. I placed a candle in her hand and held a match to it. An even brighter orange glow filled the kitchen, as the candle took flame. I lit a second candle and headed back down the hallway.

  ‘Wait for me,’ called Lisa. She was only two steps behind, but even that was too far away for comfort. The storm had really frightened her.

  ‘It’s okay. I am not going anywhere,’ I reassured her.

  ‘What should we do, Conner?’ she asked, as we returned to the front door of the lake house. I turned and headed slowly up the stairs towards the second floor.

  ‘I think it might be a good idea if we go to bed and get some sleep. The storm will have passed us by come the morning and when there is more light I should be able to find the power box somewhere in this massive house.’

  ‘Okay,’ replied Lisa.

  We reached the landing of the second floor and walked down another long corridor. The lake house seemed a lot larger in the dark. I stopped at a door and pulled down the handle. The door swung inwards into a bedroom, as another flash of lightning cast blue light throughout the interior of the bedroom. Every family member had a room of their own at the lake house. This was the guest room, which was just down the hall from my own bedroom. It had everything a person would need to make their stay at the lake house comfortable including a large oak chest of draws, a wardrobe, a desk and two single beds separated by a bedside table.

  ‘This will be your room,’ I announced.

  Lisa stepped slowly inside, as if at any moment some hidden monster would jump out from some dark corner of the room and attack her.

  ‘If you need anything,’ I began to say but the beautiful blonde cut me off.

  ‘Where are you going?’ she asked.

  ‘I am going to my room,’ I poked my thumb in the direction of my bedroom just a little ways down the hallway.

  ‘No,’ she said with a definite shake of her head. ‘Please, don’t leave me alone tonight. I’m really scared.’ She grabbed me firmly by the wrist and pulled my arm against her. The back of my hand pressed against her firm breast, which sent lustful thoughts roaming back through the streets of my mind like some sort of angry mob. ‘Look, there are two beds. You can sleep in that one and I’ll have the other. I just don’t want to be alone tonight. Please,’ she looked up at me with big sad ocean blue puppy dog eyes.

  How was I supposed to say no?

  ‘Okay,’ I replied. ‘I’ll stay.’

  A smile that threatened to consume her eyes and ears spread across Lisa’s angelic face.

  ‘Thank you, Conner.’

  Lisa pulled me into the bedroom and closed the door behind us.

  * * *

  The small flickering flame of the candle cast a soft orange glow against the bedroom ceiling. I lay on my back and watched as the shadows danced a hypnotic dance above me. How on earth was I going to explain this to Nathan? I’m practically naked beneath my quilt. I’m wearing nothing but a small thin towel that barely wraps around my body and just a few feet away from me is my brother’s girlfriend who just happens to be the most beautiful woman in the whole of existence and she too was practically naked.

  Was it a mistake to agree to stay with her?

  A thunderclap rumbled overhead and echoed throughout the silent house. Lisa gave out a nervous little whimper. Even the sound of her frightened voice was sexy to me. How had Nathan not slept with her?

  He had to be gay.

  This woman was everything a man could ever want. She had a kind and sweet soul, you could see that from just by looking into her bright blue eyes, but she was also funny and had a story to tell, but most importantly, she was so beautiful she could blow your mind. If she was my girlfriend I would treat her like a princess every single day for the rest of my life and then beyond that into the afterlife. I would never want to be without her.

  ‘Um, Conner,’ muttered the beautiful blonde.

  I turned my eyes towards where she was sleeping, but Lisa was no longer in her bed. She was standing next to mine. The glow of the candles sitting on the bedside table illuminated her entire body.

  My heart instantly melted.

  Lisa was completely naked.

  I swallowed down the lump in my throat, as pressure instantly began to build between my legs. My eyes followed her long elegant legs up from the floor to her. I couldn’t help but lick my lips at the sight of her shaven pussy. My heart began to thump wildly against the inside of my ribcage, as my eyes continued up across her beautifully toned stomach and fell upon her smooth firm breasts. Large succulent nipples met my gaze. I couldn’t believe how firm the curves of her breast were. It was like fresh fruit rip for the picking.

  I looked up into her ocean blue eyes.

  ‘Conner,’ she whispered my name a second time. ‘Can I sleep with you tonight?’ I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. A wave of terror ran down the length of my spine, as even greater pressure began to throb between my legs. Before I could even begin to form any sort of reply she slipped beneath the quilt and climbed into bed with me.

  ‘I’m frightened of the storm,’ she whispered softly into my ear.

  The single bed was never designed for two people and Lisa was forced to press her body against mine so that she didn’t fall off the edge of the bed. My eyes rolled back into my head at the feel of her naked breasts pressing against my muscular chest. She placed her head on the pillow just inches from my face and stared deeply into my eyes. I could feel her delicate fingers stroking slowly along my bicep, as she cuddled into me. I forced myself to take a slow deep calming breath in an attempt to control the lustful thoughts racing within my mind, but all I got was the heavenly scent of summer filling my nostrils from her hair.

  A thousand butterflies fluttered deep down within my stomach, as the demon of terror cried out within my mind. Hardness was starting to set in between my legs and there was not a damn thing I could do to stop it. My senses seemed to be alive like never before. I was aware of everything, the touch of her fingers, her breasts pressing against me, her intoxicating smell, her deep blue eyes and her shaved pussy exposed beneath the quilt.

  My cock un-controllably throbbed beneath the small white towel.

  ‘Oh,’ muttered Lisa. A smile split her lips.

  She could feel it pressing against her thigh, as she cuddled into me.

  Fear ignited within my mind. Instinctively I pulled away and climbed out of bed. I had to distance myself from this goddess of beauty. I started to head for the door, but Lisa called out to me. ‘Wait!’ She threw out a hand to stop me and grabbed a handful of the towel around my waist. The towel came away in her hand.

  My heart stopped.

  The orange glow of the candle light illuminated my cock, as it stood fully erect in the air.

  I was standing naked in the centre of the room.

  I wanted to die from the embarrassment.

  ‘Oh, my god, I’m so sorry,’ I began to apologise, but Lisa instantly cut me off.

  ‘Don’t be sorry.’ Lisa threw back
the quilt and sat up on the edge of the bed. I couldn’t help but stare at her large juicy breasts. They looked so perfect. ‘You said that you found me attractive,’ explained Lisa. ‘Well, I like you too. I like you a lot.’

  Had my brain melted from the shock of what just happened or had this angel of love just told me she liked me too?

  Lisa reached out and placed her palm in mine. Gently she pulled me back towards her until I was standing between her legs, as she sat naked on the edge of the bed. ‘No man has ever looked at me the way you do. I’m usually the object of their sexual desires, but when I look at you I can see that you want more from me than just that.’ She guided me in even closer until the tip of my throbbing cock was just inches from her face. ‘I really like you, Conner.’ Her ocean blue eyes dropped to my cock. ‘Let me do this for you.’

  I couldn’t help but gasp as she took my cock in her mouth.

  A million sensations ignited within my body, as an overload of pleasure rushed up my spine at the speed of light and exploded like a supernova within my mind. ‘Oh!’ I groaned loudly, as the entire shaft of my long hard cock disappeared between her soft red lips. The feel of her tongue gliding along the underside of my shaft sent quakes of pleasure flowing throughout my entire body. Lisa began to bob her head back and forth in very rapid movements. Unconsciously I ran my fingers through her beautiful blonde hair and she turned her ocean blue eyes up towards me. A silent connection sparked between us and she giggled with a mouthful. Lisa pulled me from her mouth and began to jerk her hand along my cock.

  ‘You told me earlier that you were a virgin,’ she said. With each jerk of her delicate hand greater pressure built between my legs, as all my consciousness and awareness gathered in one place. ‘What is the furthest you have ever gone with a woman before?’

  ‘I…’ A loud groan escaped my lips and my cock pulsed within her soft grip. ‘I’ve only ever kissed a woman before,’ I said between deep breathes.

  ‘So this is your first blow job?’ she asked with a smile.

  ‘Yes, oh god,’ waves of pleasure were crashing against the shore of my mind. The overwhelming feeling between my legs was quickly heading towards the critical point. I was starting to lose what little self-control I had left over my body.

  ‘It’s okay,’ she whispered a soft reply, as her hand jerked faster than before. ‘This is your first time. It can be a little overpowering. Just relax and let go.’ My cock disappeared back inside her mouth. The powerful suction of her lips was drawing my entire awareness down between my legs. Sensations of ecstasy were flashing like some sort of fireworks display within my mind. The pressure was rapidly building. My breathing was growing shorter and sharper.

  ‘Oh, Lisa,’ I called out.

  My cock erupted within her mouth.

  The feeling of ultimate bliss ignited from deep within my body. Every ounce of tension and frustration within me instantly disappeared, as a light, almost floating sensation, flowed smoothly throughout my entire being. Lisa continued to bob her head back and forth, but I couldn’t take it anymore. My body felt numb and my strength had completely left me. I fell limp and rested a hand on her shoulder. For a long moment I couldn’t say or do anything. Lisa took my cock out of her mouth and showed me what I had done.

  She swallowed it down.

  A smile that threatened to consume her eyes spread across her angelic face.

  ‘How did your first blow job feel?’ she asked.

  ‘Amazing’ I panted, as I tried to catch my breath. ‘That felt so amazing.’

  ‘This is just the start.’ She grinned. ‘I’m going to teach you so much more…’

  To my horror, the bedroom door opened with a click.

  Lisa and I turned to face the bedroom door, as someone stepped into the room. My eyes scanned the new comer up and down. It was a beautiful woman with jet-black hair dressed in a business suit. Her bright blue ocean coloured eyes were wide with shock.

  ‘Miranda?’ said Lisa.

  My heart sank down into my stomach. This was Miranda West? I had never met her before today. I had known her husband, Frank West, for many years, but I never expected him to have such a beautiful wife. What was she going to say now that she caught Lisa and me naked in the bedroom together?

  Miranda silently shut the door.

  ‘Oh dear,’ sighed Lisa.

  Chapter Eight: Reunion

  Lisa and I walked into the darkened kitchen in nothing more than our thin white towels. Familiar voices spoke within the darkness and silhouettes of family members illuminated by the occasional flash of lightning could be seen walking through the ground floor of the lake house.

  ‘Got it,’ boomed a male voice from somewhere down the hallway.

  The electricity was restored to the lake house and all the kitchen lights came to life. I could hear the distant throbbing of the tumble dryer from the laundry room, as it restarted the drying cycle of our wet clothes. All eyes in the lake house turned to Lisa and me and everyone suddenly stopped what they were doing. Mouths hung open in shocked expression. I glanced nervously around the room. It must look fairly suspicious to see Lisa and me practically naked in towels that barely reached around our bodies.

  ‘Our bags were lost at the airport,’ explained Lisa.

  ‘We only arrived with the clothes we were wearing and they were soaked through,’ I quickly added. ‘But when we tried to dry them the power went out.’

  A collective sigh of relief came from mum and dad. That was one awkward moment averted.

  ‘Why didn’t you turn it back on?’ asked Frank West, my father’s business partner, as he walked into the kitchen. His eyes instantly locked onto Lisa like some sort of wild creature about to pounce on unsuspected prey. His eyes looked her smooth long elegant legs up and down and then down and up again. You didn’t have to be a brain surgeon to know what he was thinking.

  ‘I didn’t know where the power box was,’ I admitted.

  ‘Not to worry,’ replied dad. ‘We have plenty of clothes you can borrow.’

  ‘Thanks, Dad.’

  ‘And you must be, Lisa?’ asked mum. She was grinning from ear to ear. ‘I knew, Nathan, had found himself a girlfriend, but I never expected him to find someone to beautiful.’

  ‘Oh…um…’ Lisa blushed.

  ‘Mum, don’t embarrass her,’ said Nathan, as he escorted mum away from the beautiful Lisa. ‘Why don’t you go get out of those wet clothes and run yourself a nice hot bath. There will be plenty of time to talk to, Lisa, tomorrow.’

  ‘I think you may be right,’ agreed mum. ‘I nice hot bubbly bath does sound like a very good idea right about now.’

  I breathed a sigh of relief, as everyone began to get back to what they were doing before Lisa and I came down stairs. Unconsciously my eyes turned towards Miranda. She had a beauty that could rival Lisa’s. Her hair was as black as space and her face had a sort of innocent gentle angelic quality to it. I could see from the business suit that hugged her slim body that she liked to keep herself in shape, but when it came to the chest department Lisa won hands down.

  Miranda’s eyes were locked on me. Her gaze was so intense that I started to feel incredibly small all of a sudden. I glanced away from her momentarily and then looked back hoping to find her now engaged in another activity, but her eyes still burned a furious hole through the side of my head.

  ‘Let’s take these up, shall we?’ asked dad.

  Dad was a tall middle aged man in his early fifties. He still had a full head of hair, but it had turned from brown to mostly silver. Like always, he wore an expensive looking business suit and even after walking through such stormy conditions, he appeared ready to head straight into a business meeting. He picked up a couple of the bags piled on the cold floor and headed out of the kitchen. Nathan picked up the largest of the bags, whilst Frank picked up as many as he could carry and they all followed dad out of the room, but before disappearing from sight Frank gave Lisa one last sly glance out of the corner of his eye.
  Oddly, a sense of anger began to boil deep down within my stomach.

  It subsided, as Frank disappeared from sight.

  Was I jealous at the way he was looking at her?

  The gorgeous Lisa stepped passed me and approached Miranda. This was it. Lisa was about to beg Miranda not to tell her boyfriend that she had caught his girlfriend sucking his younger brother’s cock. My heart was threatening to break my ribs it was beating so hard. Lisa stopped directly in front of Miranda.

  ‘You cannot tell anyone what you saw,’ said Lisa. It sounded more like an order than a request. ‘Not even, Nathan.’

  Certainly not Nathan!

  ‘I’ve been keeping your secret for a long time. Now you must keep mine.’

  Lisa was keeping her secret?

  Miranda let out a sigh and nodded her head, ‘fine.’

  That was it?

  ‘Just promise me one thing,’ added Miranda. ‘Don’t get caught again. You know what will happen if you do.’

  ‘We won’t,’ assured Lisa. Miranda stepped by Lisa and headed out of the kitchen without saying another word. Lisa turned to me and smiled softly. ‘It’s okay.’

  ‘It is?’ I asked. I wasn’t really sure what had just happened.

  Lisa approached me and placed a soft hand on my naked chest. The tip of her fingernail mapped out the curve of my pectoral muscle and stroked gently across my nipple. Butterflies began to flutter in my stomach, as she stepped closer towards me. I couldn’t take my eyes from those ocean blue windows that allowed me a glimpse into her soul.

  She looked so beautiful.

  ‘Do you regret what we did?’ she asked. Her voice was so soft it was almost a whisper.

  My reply came instantaneously.

  ‘I would never regret being with you.’

  ‘You are sweet, Conner.’ Lisa leaned a little closer. Unconsciously I leaned forward to meet her. A wave of pleasure ran up my spine, as she pressed her soft lips against mine. Instinctively I reached up and gently cupped the side of her soft angelic face in the palm of my hand. Lisa opened her mouth and my tongue slipped inside. Something warm began to glow within my stomach at the feel of her tongue dancing a private dance with mine.


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