The Lake of Love (Adult Novel 18+)

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The Lake of Love (Adult Novel 18+) Page 19

by John Sheridan

  Chapter Nineteen: Frank’s Point Of View

  I leaned back against the wall and sighed. This had been a tiresome night. It was not a good sign when I felt this exhausted at only quarter to eight in the evening. I must be getting old. I let out another deep and sad sigh. That was such a depressing thought. I am only forty-eight, only forty-eight? I am old. Where had the time gone? It only seemed like yesterday that Sheridan was born and now she was having her twenty-third birthday?

  A smile caught my eye.

  It was not a friendly little sweet.

  It was a dangerous smile born from troublesome thoughts.

  The woman was standing by the archway that led into the living room. She had to be no older than my own daughter was, but she was definitely sending me all the wrong signals through her sly little glances in my direction.

  A week ago they would have been all the right signals and I wouldn’t have had even had a moment’s hesitation about taking her someplace quiet so that we could be alone. I could see from here that she had a hot body. Her very small and tight dress didn’t leave a great deal to the imagination. She had long legs, a slim figure, and small, but perky breasts. Even now, a part of me, a very bad part, was whispering dark and dirty ideas into my mind. It was taking every ounce of mental focus to tune out this voice within my head. It was like if someone tossed a ball to you, you would automatically catch it without thinking, or if a child ran out in front of the car, you wouldn’t think, I have to stop; you would just hit the brakes. This was an unconscious action that happened outside of your control because your body simply reacted. I was having the exact same reaction to this pretty young woman. My body wanted her.


  I shook my head from side to side to dislodge the thoughts and headed out of the side door, which led out into the corridor next to the front door of the lake house. I had promised myself that I wouldn’t do this anymore. I didn’t want to do this. I had actually found someone with whom I wanted to be.

  The thought of Rebecca made my heart glow.

  I had never meant for that to happen. I had always had a crush on her, but she was married to Charlie, my best friend and business partner. I had come down stairs late at night to find Rebecca crying her eyes out because Charlie had not come back to the lake house for the umpteenth time that week. I knew that he was having an affair. I know he still is, but he has not decided to inform me who it is with. That is not surprising because I haven’t seen that much of him since Rebecca and I started seeing each other and I have been seeing her a lot. The things that woman has done to me are mind blowing. She had confessed to never actually being with anyone apart from Charlie and said that their love life was stale and robotic. It was the case of the same old boring thing and even that didn’t happen very often. Rebecca was a woman with needs. I just didn’t realise how much she needed. The reason our relationship worked is because I too had needs that Miranda never understood, but together Rebecca and I found a peace that neither of us had experienced before.

  * * *

  I opened the door to my downstairs office and stepped inside. The room had a strange show room type smell to it, but that was no surprise because this was the first time I had actually been in here. Unlike Charlie, I preferred to do my work at our office in down town. It allowed me peace and quiet and got me as far away from Miranda as possible. Our marriage was more extinct than the dinosaurs. I only agreed to go out to dinner with her because I somehow needed to talk her into stopping this divorce. The very thought of letting that woman take half of everything that I have worked so hard to get makes me sick to my stomach.

  I walked across the room and dropped myself down into the leather chair behind my desk. I sat back with the bottle of beer in my hand and placed my feet up upon the large oak desk. Unconsciously I gave the room a satisfactory nod of approval. It wasn’t so bad in here.

  My thoughts drifted back to Rebecca.

  Why hadn’t I married her?

  Charlie had seen her first. It was not like him to be interested in girls. He was the type of young man in university that played dungeon and dragons and stayed in watching cartoons. When he suddenly took an interest in women, I thought the birth of a new era had begun in my life. I believed Charlie had stepped up to become my wingman and together we would travel to world having sex with the most beautiful and exotic women. Of course the only hitch to this plan was that Charlie married the first woman he met. The two of them were madly in love in their own little geeky way. A short time after that I had met Miranda and she was hands down the hottest woman I have ever slept with, but when she got pregnant everything changed.

  My dad forced me to marry her and in some respects I’m glad I did because I got to play an important part in Sheridan’s life. I don’t think that would have happened if Miranda and I were separated. I did, however, make Miranda sign a contract that stated that if she were to have an affair that she would get nothing from a divorce. She happily signed it like the airhead that she used to be. In her mind, she thought we would be together until the day we died.

  ‘Hi,’ said a female voice from the doorway.

  My heart sank into the pit of my stomach. It was the young woman that had been eyeballing me in the living room.

  ‘Um, hi,’ I replied, as I took my feet down off the desk. ‘Can I help you?’

  The question brought a naughty smirk to her soft red lips. ‘Perhaps,’ there was something dangerous about the way she said that. The woman slowly stepped one long elegant leg in front of the other, as she walked towards me. ‘I heard that you were getting a divorce.’

  ‘You did?’ A frown creased my brow.

  ‘Yes,’ she slowly began to walk around the desk towards me. ‘It must be pretty hard going through something like that.’

  I swallowed the lump down in my throat, as I looked up at her standing over me. I could hear the demon of lust screaming at me to do things that I really shouldn’t do.

  ‘You must get lonely sometimes.’ She bent down towards me, but I was out of the chair in less than a heartbeat. This couldn’t happen. I wanted this to happen. A very big part of me wanted this to happen, but I had to say no. I was with Rebecca now. I wanted to be with Rebecca.

  I got to my feet and stood face to face with her ‘I can’t do this.’

  ‘For fuck sake, Frank,’ said Charlie in a pissed off tone of voice.

  He was standing in the doorway of my office wearing a mask of annoyance.

  ‘You’re going to do this at your own daughter’s birthday party?’ he said.

  ‘No wait,’ I began to say, but he shook his head in disbelief and walked off.

  ‘Charlie, I wasn’t doing anything.’ I tried to walk around the woman, but she blocked my path and smiled that cheeky smile. ‘This really isn’t going to happen.’ I couldn’t believe I actually said those words. I never knew I had them in my vocabulary. It just didn’t feel right saying it. A look of disappointment washed across her face. I pushed my chair to the side and headed around the other side of my desk. ‘Charlie, wait,’ I disappeared out the door after him.

  * * *

  ‘No, no, no, no, no,’ I seemed to chant the words, as I rushed down the corridor after Charlie. It was like some sort of obstacle course with the amount of short skirt wearing young women and overly gelled hair, not quite old enough to grow a proper beard, young men moving throughout the place. ‘Would you wait for one god damned second,’ I skipped past my best friend and cut him off before he could reach the kitchen. ‘It’s not what you think.’

  ‘And what do I think?’ Charlie raised his I am better than you are eyebrow.

  ‘You think that she and I were going to, you know?’ I did a gesture with my head.

  ‘And on the night you had dinner with your wife?’ He shook his head.

  ‘Nothing happened.’ I cut my hands through the air. ‘Nothing happened at all.’

  ‘Yes. Because I stopped it,’ Charlie pointed out. ‘You might actually thank me for it one
of these days.’

  ‘I do.’ I needed to find some way to stop him from talking, which stopped somewhere short of gagging him and locking him away in the utility room. ‘I’m very grateful that you saved me from myself.’

  ‘So you were going to sleep with her,’ he said before I could finish.

  ‘Sleep with whom?’ asked an all too familiar voice from behind me.

  ‘No one,’ I spun one hundred and eight degrees to face Rebecca. She was standing in the doorway to the kitchen with a glass of red wine in hand. My eyes instantly betrayed me, as they dropped down the front of her long red dress. It wasn’t that it was low hanging it was just that Rebecca had very big plump breasts that immediately attracted the eye like some kind of magnet. Even a blind man with no sense of vision would sense the large round wonders before him and unconsciously drop his head to look at them, which is kind of cruel considering he wouldn’t get much of a view. The dress itself displayed her perfect hourglass figure. Rebecca was by no means a slim woman, but she had all the right curves in all the right places. The dress continued to ripple down her body like water pouring elegantly over a waterfall.

  ‘He was with,’ Charlie begun but I cut him off.

  ‘I was with no one.’ I fixed him with a stern glare. It was the type of glare I had perfected over the years when dealing with rather useless subordinates, but Charlie didn’t even seem fazed. He was immune to my ultimate weapon “the glare of death.”

  ‘Just some woman was chatting to me was all,’ I explained. The second to last thing I wanted was Charlie to say anything to Miranda after I finally managed to get her to have dinner with me. It would ruin everything. But the very last thing I wanted was for Charlie to voice his misunderstanding to his beautiful blonde wife, who unknown to him I was currently fucking.

  ‘He was trying to get it on with some girl in his office.’

  My heart sank into the pit of my stomach.

  I could see the smile slipping from Rebecca’s lips. It was like watching a car crash happening in slow motion. You knew what was going to happen, but there was not a damn thing you could do to stop it. She let out a deep sigh, shook her head in that same old Frank type of way, and walked off into the kitchen.

  I felt like crying.

  I really had no intention of doing anything with that woman.

  I was in love with Rebecca.

  I was head over heels in love with Rebecca, but now it was over. Why would she ever believe that I wasn’t going to do anything with that woman? It was just like the situation with Charlie. I was his best friend and even he didn’t believe a single word that came out of my mouth. It was like the boy who cried wolf. I had fooled around so much over the years that when people saw me with a pretty young woman they automatically assumed I was going to fuck her. Today I was like the boy in the story. It was the day that the wolf actually turned up. I had tried to walk away, but nobody was ever going to believe me.

  It was over.

  Chapter Twenty: Rebecca’s Point Of View

  ‘I swear nothing happened.’ Frank followed me out through the front door. ‘The reason I was in my office was because I was trying to avoid her, but she followed me in.’

  The car boot was already wide open from where Miranda and Charlie had already transported the first couple of boxes of beer into the lake house.

  ‘You have to believe me that I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise our relationship.’

  I tried not to smile.

  I knew Frank didn’t cheat on me.

  I had seen that little slut eyeing him up from the kitchen. You didn’t have to be a mind reader to know what was on her mind, but what surprised me was the fact that Frank had walked away. That was a very odd thing for Frank to do. The man by his very nature was a complete whore. Charlie and I knew all about his many exploits during his marriage with Miranda. I was surprised that she put up for it as long as she did, but then again this past week had allowed me to see a side of Frank I have never known before. I had always fancied him. He had this aura of pure charm that could talk the knickers off a nun. Even in his late forties, he still had the baby faced appearance that confused people into thinking he was much younger than he really was. Of course now odd strands of grey were starting to creep through his beautiful black hair were a faint clue to is real age, but he was still hot. My thoughts drifted to his body.

  My god it was amazing.

  Charlie took care of himself, but Frank was naturally ripped.

  Just the thought of his rippling abdominal muscles and rock hard pectoral muscles was making a rather lovely sensation blossom deep down within my body. Now I understood why Miranda had stayed with him so long. Frank was hot, he was rich and he could make me cum so hard that it nearly blew the top of my skull off. Of course, I have no doubt that if Frank was still with Miranda he would have fucked that young woman, but I could see a change in him since we started being together.

  He didn’t want any other woman.

  Frank wanted me, which is why I sent Charlie into his office to rescue him.

  The question was should I tell Frank this now or tease him some more?

  ‘Please believe me.’ He was practically begging.

  ‘Here,’ I said in a saddened tone of voice, as I pushed a box of beer bottles into his arms. My heart sank down into the pit of my stomach at the look of defeat upon his face. He looked like he was literally about to break down and cry. A strong tinge of guilt sparkled within the centre of my chest. ‘Look.’ I was about to explain that I already knew that nothing had happened when Miranda came out the front door of the lake house and approached us. Frank dropped his eyes down towards the floor and skulked off into the lake house with the box.

  ‘Thank you for your help tonight,’ said Miranda, as she approached. ‘I could not have arranged the party without you.’ Unconsciously I found myself looking this black haired beauty up and down. I had never quite understood why Frank would want to leave her and be with me. It wasn’t like I was better looking than her. Miranda was the type of woman that should be on the front cover of one a magazine. She was stunningly beautiful. And I am just me. Yet here Frank is divorcing this beauty without feeling slightly upset about and the thought of me thinking he is cheating almost brings him to tears? It’s very confusing.

  ‘Don’t worry about it,’ I replied with a smile.

  Miranda and I were not friends.

  We got on well enough and had known each other for years because our husbands had worked so closely together for the past three decades, but our relationship had never gone beyond a polite and light conversation. It was not that I didn’t like her. We just never seemed to click in that way, but in this past week things had changed. Frank was my boyfriend. It was true that no one knew about this, but he was my boyfriend and my boyfriend hated this woman like no man has ever hated another living person before. He despised her. Frank had confided in me that he believed she was having an affair, but he didn’t know with whom. He based this on the fact that ever since she started coming up to the lake house she’d been really happy. Our thoughts are that she might be seeing someone in town. Frank’s biggest fear is losing half of everything he owns to this woman, which now extends to my biggest fear. I love Frank and I want him to be happy, but losing half of everything he has worked so hard to get would make him so unhappy that not even I would be able to fix it.

  Miranda was now my enemy.

  Personally, I have no problem with her.

  Frank does and now I do.

  Together we will unlock who she is having an affair with by the end of this summer vacation so that Frank can keep everything that he deserves.

  * * *

  I stepped through the patio doors and a smile split my lips. Nathan and Lisa were standing in the middle of the garden dancing to the sound of the black eyes peas, as it blared out through all the open windows. My son was not blessed with the ability to express himself through dance. Lisa on the other hand had been gifted with the ability to mo
ve on the dance floor, or in this case the lush green grass. She looked like a natural, which only highlighted how bad Nathan was at dancing. This was something my youngest son Conner was explaining to his brother through the medium of stomach splitting laughter.

  I thought I had told him to go slower on the alcohol.

  I walked up behind Conner sitting in one of the wooden chairs and placed a hand on his shoulder. ‘You think that’s pretty funny?’ I asked. His big cheesy grin said it all. I slipped my palm into his hand and tugged him out of the chair. The look of horror in his eyes was priceless. He tried to resist, but I pulled him out into the garden much to the amusement of Miranda and Charlie as they watched from the sidelines.

  ‘Mum,’ he said my name in such a way it sounded like it was spelled with a hundred U’s.

  ‘You don’t want to dance with your own, mother?’ I gave him my most heartbroken expression. The thing about Conner that was different to Nathan was that my youngest son was a mummy’s boy. One sad glance from me and he began to dance. I didn’t think it was humanly possible, but Conner was actually worse at dancing than his older brother. I don’t know why they are such bad dancers when I am so good. It must have come from their father’s side of the family.

  Charlie and Miranda tried to hide their giggles behind their hands.

  ‘Switch,’ Lisa called.

  For some reason Conner seemed slightly more happily and lumbered like a wounded bear towards the Lisa in his own weird interpretation of the thing called dance. Nathan looked towards his father, as he started moving with the elegance of a tree. ‘I don’t know what you’re grinning at.’ He nodded his head towards Miranda and gestured with his light brown hazel nut coloured eyes back towards his father.

  ‘Eh?’ said Charlie, as Miranda led him out into the make shift dance floor.

  Charlie’s moves made the boy’s look like professionals. He was that bad.

  * * *

  It was always a sign you had had too much wine when the world seemed lighter than usual. It was like gravity had taken the day off. The night had gone by without a hitch. The guests were still dancing and singing and having a good time. Sheridan hadn’t stopped smiling since she returned to the lake house. I watched Charlie and the boys disappear into the lake house with Miranda and Lisa in toe. When I was confident that they were out of sight, I turned my attention to the man sitting right down at the end of the garden on the slope that looked out towards the forest that led down to the lake.


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