The Lake of Love (Adult Novel 18+)

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The Lake of Love (Adult Novel 18+) Page 22

by John Sheridan

  ‘When are you free next?’ I probed.

  ‘I’m free to go out on Monday when I finish work. Is that good for you?’ he asked.

  It would mean I wouldn’t see him over the remainder of the weekend. ‘I’ll try to wait until Monday,’ I replied.

  ‘Kevin.’ A woman approached us, as he walked towards the house.

  The woman was slightly taller than me, but then again she was wearing heels which tended to add an extra inch or two. It was clear to see from the very beautiful black and red tube dress that she had a slim and athletic figure. Her breasts were nothing in comparison to mine. They were not small, but in my short time with Kevin, I knew he was very much a breast man. I had the advantage over his wife in that department. She had long wavy dark brown hair, high cheekbones and a really soft gentle face. Her skin was a beautiful mahogany tone, but lighter than Kevin’s. I felt slightly defeated, as I watched her approach us. Apart from the size of her tits, she was far better looking than me. In fact, she put us all to shame. She looked like a catwalk model and had that Tyra Banks elegance about her.

  ‘Where have you been?’ She directed the question to Kevin.

  ‘Paige, I went for a walk down to the lake and got a little lost. This lady was just showing me the way back to the lake house.’

  Paige looked sceptical at me and raised an eyebrow. I don’t think she was buying it, but for some reason she didn’t push the point.

  ‘Thank you,’ she said in a cold manner. ‘Come on.’

  She grabbed Kevin by the arm and marched him off towards the lake house.

  Paige might have been drop dead beautiful, but she seemed somewhat of a bitch. No wonder he had fucked my brains out so hard. Kevin glanced over his shoulder at me and smiled.

  Monday was suddenly feeling a long way away.

  Chapter Twenty-Three: Sheridan’s Point Of View

  The combination of excitement and alcohol, lots and lots of alcohol, had rendered me nothing more than a factory of giggles. I simply couldn’t stop smiling and laughing. I had never expected my parents to throw such an amazing party for me up here at the lake house. It must have cost them so much. Many of my friends must have been flown in just for this weekend. It was insane. The amount of familiar faces that I hadn’t seen in so long was making me drunk with happiness. Everyone I kept in touch with through e-mails, text messages or short phone calls were all here.

  I had spent most of the night working my way through the crowd of friends. I didn’t want to miss a single person, but there were just so many of them and each and every person wanted to have at least one drink with me. Now the world sort of had this strange tilt to it like I was walking across the deck of a ship out at sea. My best friend Bee, which was short for Beatrice, was acting as my human walking stick that allowed me to stand up right, although at this moment in time she was a little worse for wear as well.

  ‘Which one is it?’ giggled Bee. ‘Is it him?’ She pointed to this young good looking guy that worked down at my dad’s office in the town.

  ‘No,’ I scoffed at the thought of it.

  ‘Is it,’ Bee scanned the room for potential boyfriend candidates ‘Him?’ She pointed to a tall blue eyed man with long blonde hair that was tied back behind his head.

  ‘Are you crazy?’ I laughed.

  I had made the unfortunate mistake of confiding in my best friend that I was currently in a relationship with a man that just happened to be married. The first tiny bit of information that I had a new boyfriend had inspired Bee to ask me a million and one questions, but the extra bonus that he was married now made it her life goal to find out who this mysterious man truly was.

  ‘If I tell you,’ we bumped into the back of a man and giggled hysterically. ‘Sorry.’ We moved down the corridor towards the kitchen doorway. ‘If I tell you,’ I repeated, ‘you must promise me you will never tell anyone.’

  ‘I cross my heart and hope to die.’ She made a weird cross gesture across her left breast, whilst laughing like some sort of mad scientist. Bee might have been drunk, but she was the one person beside Charlie that I could trust. She had always been there for me no matter what, and she had told me that Pete, my ex boyfriend, was no good, but I didn’t listen.

  It was the thing that drove a wedge between us for awhile. It was hard to go out with her when she hated my boyfriend at the time. The atmosphere between them was so tense, but juggling my time between the two of them was hard work. In the end, it turned out that Bee was right. Pete was trouble with a capital T. He used the credit card my dad had given me to run up all sorts of debts before deciding to dump me for someone else. I never even told Bee about the debts left to me to pay off. I mean how could I tell her after she warned me for so long that he was trouble?


  I took it upon myself to clear my money problems and started working down at a sex club in town. I didn’t want my father to find out what a disappointment I was. I didn’t want Bee to say I told you so and I had no one else to turn to for help. It’s not like I have any qualifications or skills, but I do have a good body. And the money I made selling my body would have eventually cleared my debts at the cost of my soul, but that’s when Charlie turned up.

  Just the thought of his name makes my heart flutter.

  He paid off my debts and promised not to tell my father about the sex club, as long as I quit working there. Charlie was like a knight in shining armour. He pulled me out of a world of darkness and built up a foundation beneath my feet so that I could stand again. Of course, I had always had a little crush on him in that older handsome powerful man type of way, but now I was completely and totally head over heels in love with him.

  ‘Stop,’ I pulled Bee to a stop. ‘That’s him.’ I pointed towards the group of people standing around my father. The four of them were all over the age of forty. I looked out the corner of my eye at Bee. She was wearing a frown upon her brow. It was the type of look you gave when you were not sure if someone was pulling your leg or not.

  ‘Which one?’ she asked.

  ‘The tall handsome one,’ I prompted.

  ‘Right,’ it was one of those drawn out rights that seemed to have at least one hundred I’s after the R.

  On the other side of the room, Charlie spotted me standing in the doorway and smiled a really sweet loving smile. He instantly sucked it in, which made me laugh, because he was standing one foot away from my father. Charlie was a handsome man. He was tall and you could see he took care of himself. He had a strong body, but a kind and gentle face, which gave him that gentle giant, feel to him. He had short light brown hair with strands of silver starting to creep through. He didn’t look old. He had that George Clooney sort of charisma and charm to him. And best of all.

  Charlie belonged to me.

  * * *

  ‘What will happen if your dad finds out?’ Bee was still coming to terms with the age of my new boyfriend. Then again I had actually been wondering what would happen if my dad found out. I don’t exactly believe he would be showering us with his blessings. ‘What would you do if his wife caught you or his sons found out?’

  ‘They won’t catch us,’ I giggled. ‘We’re pretty careful.’

  I stepped out through the front door and walked beneath the twinkling stars scattered across the deep black above. Bee twirled me like some sort of spinning top, as we danced upon the dusty old dirt road that led away from the house. The music was blaring out of the open ground floor windows. ‘This night has been amazing,’ I told her, ‘but it will get better when I get him alone.’

  ‘No way,’ Bee grinned like a madman. ‘You’re not going to do it with so many people in the house. You will get caught.’

  ‘What makes you think we haven’t already done it?’ I replied.

  We hadn’t but she didn’t know that.

  ‘You are so bad,’ Bee shook her head, but her tone seemed envious.

  ‘If you think I’m bad then wait until I tell you about him’

  ‘Who are you t
alking about?’ said a voice from the front door.

  My heart stopped.

  It was Rebecca, Charlie’s wife. She was standing next to my mum.

  I could feel my smile slip from my face and land with a loud splat on the floor.

  How much had they heard?

  ‘Um,’ Bee and I exchanged a nervous glance. ‘We are just talking about this guy at the party that I like.’ I faked a smile in an attempt to hide the fear written across my face. ‘We should go and meet him right?’ I asked Bee.

  ‘Oh, um, yes!’ she couldn’t act casual to save her life.

  I grabbed Bee by the hand and disappeared around the side of the house. ‘That was so fucking scary.’ A nervous giggle leapt forth from my mouth. Once the floodgates opened there was no stopping us. We laughed like two crazy old ladies that live in a house full of cats, as we rushed away out of the line of sight of the woman whose husband I was fucking.

  * * *

  I held my finger to my lip to shush Bee’s uncontrollable giggling. My best friend bit her bottom lip in an attempt to silence the laughter. It did not work and only triggered a similar response within me. A quick glance back down the corridor revealed no one was watching us. I pulled down on the door handle and quickly rushed inside with Bee following one-step behind me. I pushed the door closed.

  ‘Hey.’ I smiled at my gorgeous boyfriend sitting behind his desk.

  ‘Hi.’ Charlie was a mixed bag of emotions.

  He was happy to see me, but not quite sure how to handle the presence of Bee.

  I skipped across the carpet towards his large wooden desk—a desk that had become all too familiar. This had been the very room that Charlie and I had first become intimate with each other. We had started out by kissing, but before I knew it, I was bent over the edge of his grand and expensive table, as he drilled his cock into me from behind. The look on his face when I made him cum all over my tits was priceless.

  Rebecca had never let him do anything like that or any of the other dirty little things I had let him do to me since then. Just the thought of some of the rather rude and unmentionable acts was making my pussy start to ache for him.

  ‘This is my best friend, Bee,’ I told Charlie, as I walked around the desk.

  ‘It is nice to meet you,’ Charlie said with a smile. ‘Sheridan has told me so much about you.’

  ‘All good I hope,’ replied Bee.

  ‘For the most part,’ Charlie flashed me his cheeky grin.

  ‘I know you wanted to keep this quiet, but I told, Bee, about us.’ I turned my eyes away from him momentarily. I wasn’t exactly sure how he would react to this news. Out of the two of us, we both knew that Charlie had a lot more to lose than I did if the news about the two of us ever came out. What would my father, his best friend and business partner, do? How would this effect the family business? Would his wife leave him? Would Conner or Nathan ever speak to him?

  ‘That’s okay. I understand.’ Charlie placed his large powerful hand on mine and pulled me down onto his lap. I felt so tiny compared to his muscular physique, but in a very good way. He had already proved how he could use this strong towering body to my orgasmic advantage when he held me legs spread up against the hotel room wall and fucked me until I was screaming his name. ‘You two are best friends. I wouldn’t expect you to keep secrets from each other.’ Charlie frowned. ‘Although I think this is one secret I will not tell my best friend.’ He grinned.

  Bee and I laughed.

  ‘Yes. I don’t think my dad would appreciate it.’

  ‘I have something for you.’ Charlie reached into his suit pocket and pulled out a very small velvet covered box. I felt so silly at the way my heart fluttered in my chest. I never really expected him to get me anything for my birthday. Most of my other boyfriends would always forget, but I had hoped that Charlie was different. I was so happy that he did not disappoint. I looked nervously at my boyfriend before opening the small box.


  It was a rather expensive looking ring with sapphires and the most beautiful diamonds.

  ‘I can’t,’ I muttered.

  ‘You can,’ Charlie corrected.

  ‘This must have cost you a fortune.’ I took the ring out of the box and placed it upon my finger. It was the perfect fit.

  ‘You are worth it,’ he replied.

  ‘Oh, Charlie,’ I pressed my lips against his. It was a little clumsy, but maybe that was because of all the alcohol currently running through my veins, or it could have to do with the fact that the most amazing man I have ever met had just brought me the most amazing gift I was most likely ever to receive. Butterflies fluttered within the depths of my stomach at the feel of his tongue rolling in my mouth. I stroked my fingers through his hair and pulled him into me, as I kissed him with greater force. A wave of tingles ran down my spine at the feel of his fingertips beneath the base of my dress. He stroked them up along the inside of my thigh. I was quickly regretting bringing Bee in here because there was nothing more I wanted than to feel those well-trained fingers inside of my body.

  ‘You two are so good together,’ said Bee.

  I turned to look at my best friend. ‘Um, wait,’ I held up my hand, as she directed the lens of her camera phone at me and Charlie. There was a click from the cell phone. She had taken a picture of me sitting upon Charlie’s lap with his hand stroking up the inside of my thigh.

  ‘Oh, dear lord,’ Charlie sighed beneath his breath.

  Chapter Twenty-Four: Charlie’s Point Of View

  I sat in nothing more than my boxer shorts on the chair by the window and looked up at the moon in the midnight sky above. The party had finally started to wind down. Many of the guests from town had taken a slow and intoxicated drive home, whilst many of Sheridan’s younger and more energetic friends were still dancing and laughing their asses off down stairs. They were going to suffer for this wild night in the morning, but then again that’s what being young is about. I’m just happy that Sheridan enjoyed herself so much.

  My cell phone beeped. I had a message. It was from Sheridan. It read ‘Come to my room.’

  I let out a long deep sigh. I wanted nothing more than to go to her room.

  I typed a quick message back. ‘I can’t. Someone will see me.’ I sent it.

  I know that it’s wrong that a man of my age should be having an affair with a woman that has only just turned twenty-three. The very thought of fucking my best friend’s daughter was wrong on more levels than I could even think of. It wasn’t like I was some dirty old man that had been eyeballing her for years. She wasn’t even on the radar until I spotted her in that sex club, but those cute perky breasts, nice ass and smooth legs were not an easy image to shake.

  At the time, Rebecca and I were going through many difficulties, but Sheridan stirred primal emotions that I have never felt for my wife. I had tried to ignore the feelings for her, but by doing this, I also had to create a distance between us and avoid her. This only upset Sheridan and that was the last thing I had wanted. When she had stormed into my office in tears I felt heartbroken that I had been the one that had hurt her so much. Before I knew it, we were kissing. Even thinking back on it now it all feels like somewhat of a blur. It was like a dream that came true. I had fucked my best friend’s daughter over the edge of my desk.

  My cell phone beeped. I read the message. ‘I really want to see you.’

  ‘I want to see you too,’ I sent back.

  Our relationship now had grown into something special. It had started with secret rendezvous at hotels, or at the office down town or in the back seat of my car, but now I was in love. I wasn’t intoxicated with lustful emotions. I didn’t want to just fuck her brains out all night long. I loved her. I loved Sheridan. She was everything and more. She’s funny and sweet. She’s charming and kind. Even with the big difference in our age we have so many things in common that it is not even funny. We can spend the night talking about everything and nothing.

  A new message appe
ared on my phone. ‘I love the ring. Xx.’ it was quickly followed by a second. ‘I want to say thank you. I want to make love to you.’

  Sneaking down the hall into her bedroom and making love to her when there was a houseful of guests and her parents, my wife and my children was wrong, wrong and wrong, but why did I want to do it so badly?

  Another message appeared on my phone. ‘I’m touching my pussy and thinking of you.’

  Oh my god.

  Did she know what she was doing to me?

  I could feel a warm pressure building between my legs.

  ‘This is not a good idea,’ I told myself, as I got up out of the chair. My heart was beating a hundred miles an hour within my chest. What if someone caught me sneaking into her bedroom? What if they walked in on us having sex? This could back fire in so many different ways, but on the other hand, my hot gorgeous young and heavily intoxicated girlfriend was lying naked in bed stroking her fingers along the slit of her pussy and waiting for my cock.

  I had made up my mind. I headed towards Sheridan’s bedroom.

  * * *

  ‘This is insane.’ I felt like I needed to remind myself of this small fact, as I tiptoed half-naked down the landing. I could hear voices travelling up through the house from those remaining people downstairs. I did consider turning back and bolting like some kind of Olympic sprinter towards my bedroom, but what was the point? I was so close to Sheridan’s bedroom and I wanted her so badly.

  My heart nearly exploded in my chest at the sound of a bedroom door opening a little further down the corridor behind me. I quickened my pace and nervously glanced back over my shoulder to see who it was.

  Oh my god. It was Rebecca, my wife.

  What was she doing up?

  There was no time to waste. If she saw me rushing across the landing in my boxer shorts in the early hours of the morning she would know that I was doing things behind her back. I charged into Sheridan’s bedroom without knocking and pushed the door closed behind me. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. That was too close for comfort.


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