Just A Man (The Porter Trilogy Book 1)

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Just A Man (The Porter Trilogy Book 1) Page 24

by Shannon Youngblood

  Officer Collins must have caught on finally and pulled Hartmann back, before looking back at Alex, “Mr. Porter, I apologize for my partner, we both know you were at your office while the drugging was happening.”

  I watched Alex take a few calming breaths before righting the chair and sitting back down, taking my hand in the progress. I rubbed my thumb over his knuckles, trying to infuse the little bit of strength I had into him.

  Officer Collins turned back to face me. “I apologize for upsetting you Ms. Hightower, we’ll be heading out now. Oh, I did want to let you know, we’ve been keeping tabs on Robert Nelson. From all we can see, he is being an upstanding citizen. He hasn’t missed any parole meetings, hasn’t even been pulled over for speeding. We will continue to watch him, though, until the threats to you have stopped.” He tipped his hat, “Goodbye, Miss Hightower. Let’s go, Hartmann.”

  I watched her stare Alex down as she walked out of the room. The contempt dripping from her confused me, but I ignored it, turning my attention back to Alex.

  “Are you ok, Alex?” I murmured

  He looked at me before giving me a nervous laugh, “You get drugged and you’re asking me if I’m ok?” It was several seconds before he said anything else and, when he did, he spoke so low I almost couldn’t make out his words. “I was so scared, Charlotte. When Bracks saw you crawling into the bathroom, I lost my shit and got in my car to get to you. I couldn’t get to you fast enough. After twenty minutes, you hadn’t come out but I told Bracks not to let anyone in until I got there.” He ran his fingers through his hair, giving it a tug at the end.

  “Danny and Bracks are probably not on speaking terms, since Bracks wouldn’t let any of them in. And then, when I got there and went into the bathroom, I–You–” the tears he was holding back came rushing forward to spill from his eyes, mine continued falling harder.

  “You were just propped up, with your eyes glazed over, and then you said something about my shoes and you closed your eyes. I couldn’t get you to wake up. I screamed at the top of my lungs at you, telling you to open your goddamn eyes. Your heart rate was so low, I was so scared.” He dropped his head in his hands and cried, long and hard.

  After several long minutes, and a million tears later, I scooted over on the bed, inviting him in. I needed his arms around me and I think he needed mine. I didn’t have to ask him to get in bed; when I raised the sheet, he gladly climbed in next to me, curling his body around mine with his arms around my waist. I breathed him in, finding my usual comfort in his scent and his embrace. I needed to close my eyes and just feel him. We both were broken today and needed the glue in each other’s grasp.

  It wasn’t long before I felt the gentle, deep breathing coming from Alex, as he drifted off to sleep. I laid my head against his chest, following him into slumber with the steady thumping of his heartbeat. Some time later, we were awoken to the nurse yipping at Alex. “You get out of that bed, sir. Beds are for patients only!”

  Alex leaned over, kissing my forehead as he extracted himself from my arms and my bed. I pouted at the nurse, who just gave me a scolding look as she took my blood pressure again. Before she left, she said the doctor would be back in momentarily.

  When the doctor came in, he gave me the ok to be discharged, letting me know if I had any future memory loss or any serious dizzy spells, I was to come back in. I thanked him while Alex gathered my things and helped me out of bed. I wanted to walk, but, of course, hospital policy dictated I use the wheelchair. Alex wouldn’t let anyone push me though, only himself.

  When we reached the outside, Bracks was waiting by the car. His face was grim and his sunglasses were on, even though it was the middle of the night. Alex wheeled me over to the car, locked the wheels, and lifted the foot rests.

  I stood up from the wheelchair and walked over in front of Bracks. He nodded his head at me, but didn’t say a word. When I stood up on my tiptoes and gripped his shoulders for balance, he bent down a little to accommodate me. I kissed him on the cheek, which seemed to surprise him. “Thank you for watching out for me. If you hadn’t been there, I don’t know what would have happened. Thank you, Bracks, for saving my life.”

  I let go of his shoulders and took a step back. He didn’t respond, but I could tell that he was feeling a bit emotional too. He opened the car door for me and let me climb in with Alex right behind me. It had been a long night and I wanted to get home and go to sleep, with Alex wrapped around me. I laid my head in Alex’s lap and let the motions of the car rock me into a deep sleep.

  Friday June 19, 2015- I didn’t die today

  Chapter 30

  When I woke up, it was full daylight out of Alex’s floor to ceiling windows. The sun was high in the sky and, my phone, which was plugged in and laying on the stand next to me, stated it was 11:28 am. Next to my phone, I found a glass of grapefruit juice and 2 ibuprofens. I sat up gingerly and, thankfully, didn’t feel dizzy. My body was sore, but I wasn’t sure if that was the dancing, the sex from the night before, or the drugs.

  After I drank my juice and took the pills, I headed to the bathroom to freshen up a little. I felt grimy and sticky, and I still had round circle marks on my body from the monitors at the hospital. A shower was definitely in order. I loved Alex’s bathroom so much. I was pretty sure it was bigger than my whole apartment.

  I took my time getting undressed, thinking about how Alex must have taken care of me the night before, stripping me and putting me in a pair of his boxers and one of his t-shirts. Everyday I was falling a little more in love with him. I wanted to tell him, Shit, I wanted to scream it for everyone to hear, but I was still so worried that he would reject me. I knew he cared, after last night there was no doubt in my mind, but love? I wasn’t sure and I wasn’t ready to say it and not hear it back. I didn’t think my heart was strong enough for that.

  After I finished my shower, I pulled on a silky black robe that was hanging from the back of the door. I towel dried my hair and headed downstairs to see if I could find the man I had been thinking about since my eyes opened and I reached consciousness.

  When I got to the top of the stairs, I was momentarily taken aback at the sight in front of me. Sitting on the couch was Alex, Danny, Jerry, and Brigitte. Bracks was standing at the front door and the tension in the room could be cut with a knife. No one was talking and no one was looking at each other, with the exception of Danny. My best friend was shooting daggers from his eyes into Bracks.

  Alex looked up and saw me first, getting up from his perch on the couch to meet me at the bottom of the stairs. He pulled me into his embrace and kissed the top of my head, “Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?” he whispered into my ear.

  “Good,” I said, “Why is everyone here?”

  “They all just wanted to make sure you were alright, and wouldn’t take my word for it,” he shrugged, slightly tense. Alex wasn’t used to people second guessing him, so I knew this was new territory for him.

  When I finally let go of his hug, he took my hand and walked me over to the couch. Danny stood first, grabbing me in a bear hug, dislodging my hand from Alex’s.

  “Don’t you EVER scare me like that again, baby girl!” he yelled, squeezing me a little tighter. He sounded terrified and relieved at the same time. I gulped back the tears. I didn’t want to cry anymore.

  When I looked up at his face, I saw his lip was cut. Pushing back and keeping my arms on his shirt, I asked, “What the hell happened to your lip?”

  He looked down at his toes, kicking at the hard wood floor. “I kind of lost it when he wouldn’t let me in the bathroom to get to you.”

  “What the hell do you mean, you lost it?” I said, throwing my hands in the air and stomping away from him and then back to him.

  Before I knew it, I was being grabbed around the waist and pressed into Alex’s chest with his arms around me, “I told you Danny and Bracks got into it.”

  I looked over at Bracks, realizing he had his sunglasses on again, but this time I could s
ee the purple around his eye, only partially covered by the glasses. I couldn’t believe they got into a fight because of me. I didn’t even know what to say. I was so stupid to have gone out last night. I should have just stayed home and done dirty things with Alex. I couldn’t hold back the tears anymore, so I spun around and buried my head into Alex’s chest.

  He held me for a long time, eventually sitting down on the sofa with me in his lap, and, when I turned back around a little later, everyone was gone, including Bracks. I looked back up into his eyes and saw everything I needed to know.

  “I love you, Alex,” I whispered, leaning my face in and stealing a kiss from his lips. I never wanted to let him go.

  For a moment, he just stared at me. There were no words spoken. His eyes shone a brilliant amber yellow and sparkled at me. There was love there, I knew I wasn’t imagining it.

  “You are MINE, Charlotte. MINE,” he growled, capturing my lips for a kiss that possessed my soul. His lips crashed against mine, demanding entrance. I willingly opened them to greet his tongue with my own. He hadn’t told me he loved me too, but I didn’t care anymore about the words. I could see it in his eyes and in the way he was consuming me in a frenzied passion. He didn’t need to say the words to me, I already knew.

  After too short of a time, Alex pulled back and put his forehead against mine. “We need to take it easy today, baby. You’ve had a very traumatic evening last night. Come, let me make you lunch?”

  I grabbed his hand as he pulled me toward the kitchen and squealed when he lifted me up and placed me on the stool. After giving me a chaste kiss on the lips, he went about preparing us both lunch. He looked smooth and in control, maneuvering around his expansive kitchen. I was content with sitting there and staring at him forever.

  “You know, Charlotte,” he said, grabbing a wooden spatula and testing it out with a few swats to his palm, “Bracks told me about your dancing yesterday, and I must say, I was very disappointed to hear about your illicit dance moves.” His words hinted anger, but his tone and his eyes twinkled with jovality.

  When he moved closer to me, I felt my breathing grow ragged and I knew I was getting wet. I watched as he continued to playfully swat his own palm regarding me, and waiting for a response. For someone who was trying to make me take it easy today, he was sure getting me all worked up.

  “I was doing it all for you, “I barely managed a whisper, “All I could think about was dancing for you and only you. My drunken mind even thought about doing a nice strip tease for you.” My cheeks flared to life at my boldness, but I kept my gaze on Alex.

  When he finally reached me, he put the spatula down on the counter and scooted himself between my legs.

  “Mine,” he said, cupping my face and kissing my inflamed cheeks.

  “Yours, only yours,” I said back.

  This kiss was different. It was soft and warm. My knees turned to jello and I moaned into his lips. When he pulled away from my lips, he nibbled around my jaw and my collarbone. Every kiss, every nibble was accented with the word ‘mine’. He was claiming my body and claiming my heart in the only way he knew how.

  “Alex,” I moaned.

  “Yes, Charlotte?” he asked between kisses.

  “I think something is burning.”

  “Shit, shit shit.” He raced over the oven to turn it off and pull out the burning chicken. When he turned around and looked at me, I couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped my throat. He looked so upset, like that chicken was the last chicken left in the world and he’d just charred it into a black smoldering mess.

  “It’s ok, Alex, I promise,” I said through fits of giggles. “We can just order pizza. As long as I’m with you, I don’t care what we eat.”

  I saw the tension leave his muscles immediately. He really had been trying to impress me with his domestic capabilities. I jumped off the stool and walked over to him, placing a kiss on his cheek, “Thank you for trying.”

  He grabbed me around the waist and leaned down for another kiss. “You’re a remarkable woman, Charlotte Ann-Marie Hightower. How did I get so lucky? What kind of pizza?”

  “You choose, just no mushrooms.” I scrunched my nose up.

  Matching me, Alex screwed up his face at me. “I hate mushrooms,” he stated.

  “Good God, I love you,” I murmured.

  “Say it again,” he asked, closing his eyes, a smile playing at his lips.

  “I love you.”


  After a lazy lunch of pizza on his living room rug, we put on the TV and watched nothing in particular, snuggling up on the couch and just holding each other like we couldn’t get enough. We both dozed a little and would wake up randomly and kiss for a while. When I asked him for more, he told me I needed to take it easy. I knew I should be resting today, but I wanted him too badly.

  Sometime around 5 pm, the doorbell rang and Alex got up to answer it. I couldn’t see around Alex, but I knew the voice was Bracks. The talked quietly, so I couldn’t hear them, before Bracks stepped into the apartment and shut the door behind him.

  “Charlotte, I’ve got to take care of something in my office, are you ok out here?”

  I waved my hand at him and grabbed the remote, changing the channel to some reality show with housewives. I must have dozed for a little while as well, because when I woke up, my head was in Alex’s lap and he was sitting reading his e-reader.

  “Good morning, sleepy head,” he said, leaning down and kissing my forehead.

  “What time is it?” I asked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes so I could look at the man I loved.

  “7:30. Would you like to go to dinner with me?”

  He took off his glasses as I sat up, looking at me. I couldn’t tell what it was, but I saw something behind his eyes. He looked worried? I don’t know why he would look worried. I mean, I know things were rough with the outside world, but here in his penthouse, in our bubble, things were beautiful and serene.

  “Are you with me, my daydreamer?” he asked, amused.

  I mentally shook my head, “Dinner sounds great, but I don’t have anything to wear.”

  He looked down a little sheepishly before looking back up, “I may have a few things in the closet that I bought for you.”

  “You picked out clothes for me?” I asked a little dubiously.

  “Well, technically my personal shopper did, but I bought them. I wanted to make sure you had things while you were here.”

  I wanted to be mad at him. I didn’t want his money. I just wanted him. But the look in his eyes told me that he didn’t know how I would receive the news and he was hoping I wouldn’t refuse them. I was raised better than that, so, of course, I would accept them as a gift, but in the future, we were going to have a discussion about going overboard with gifting.

  “Thank you, Alex,” I said, after a few moments in my head.

  He looked at me like I had five heads and, when I smiled at him, I saw the tension and fear leave his eyes. He truly thought I would be mad. Maybe he knew me better than I thought. I hugged him around the middle and smiled against his chest.

  “Let’s go get dinner!” I said, looking up and claiming his mouth for my own. Life was so good.

  Saturday June 20, 2015- I’m pretty sure he loves me.

  Chapter 31

  Sunday found Alex and I being extra lazy and lounging around the house. He spoiled and doted on me for hours. When I tried to offer to do some cooking, he shot me down and told me to relax, and I did. I took a steamy bath while he caught up on a few emails and took extra time with my hair and shaving. Alex made me feel special and loved and I wanted to return the favor however I could.

  We slept, watched TV, and loved each other all day. It was probably one of the best days of my life. I wasn’t ready for Monday to come. The fear associated with the outside world was enough to strangle me. I wanted to live in peace with Alex and just be happy. Hadn’t I been through enough?

  Around 5 pm, Bracks showed up at the door to speak w
ith Alex. The two of them went into the office and shut the door. The urge to press my ear to the door was overwhelming, but I wasn’t one for eavesdropping. If what they discussed concerned me, I’m sure Alex would let me know, and if he didn’t, then it wasn’t something I needed to know. My head was too full with problems anyways. I didn’t need any more.

  Bracks came out a short while later and nodded at me, before letting himself out of the penthouse. When I looked back over, I saw the door to Alex’s office was still open. Hoping that he wasn’t too busy, I walked over to the open door and knocked. When he looked up, I saw fear in his eyes and the knot, previously missing from my stomach, returned. Our bubble had been popped.

  As I stepped in, I saw his invisible mask fall into place and he smiled up at me. This time, though, I wasn’t going to let him off the hook that easy. I could read him better than that, and, as much as I didn’t want to know what was happening, I needed to be aware.

  “What was that about?” I asked, walking over to his side of the desk.

  “Just business, Charlotte, nothing for you to worry about,” he said nonchalantly, wrapping his arms around my hips.

  I sighed, not believing it for a minute, but, I knew if it was something truly bad, he would tell me, at least I thought he would. I thought about this for a bit, but the flutter of kisses being applied to my stomach dragged my thoughts far away.

  His kisses became more demanding and insistent as he pulled me closer to his exploring mouth. I tilted my head back enjoying the feeling of ecstasy. Alex knew how to heat my blood and make me a helpless wanton, and I didn’t care. I wanted him everywhere and told him so through helpless mumbles.

  I felt him laugh against me as he worked his way up my stomach, between my boobs, and up my neck, finally latching onto my lips, and pulling me down into his lap. It didn’t matter how many times we indulged in each other, we were both always ready for another helping.


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