Barbaric Alien

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Barbaric Alien Page 80

by Stella Sky

  "Promise me, my sons. Promise that you will return to the old ways of the Drackon. You are hybrids, and though I loved your mother very much, the human female Lila, we must return to the old ways. Many decades of interbreeding with the humans have thinned out the blood of the Drackon; it is time that we return to mating only with Drackon females. Your offspring must be with a Drackon female—promise me that. Promise me that you will take a Drackon female as a wife, and no other."

  "I promise, father," both my brother and I responded. Although my father was not a fanatic in turning the bloodline back to purity in the way the rebel purists were, he did see some sense in preserving the Drackon race. We knew that he loved our mother and did not resent that his children were hybrid tricoloreds, but he did not want us to dilute the Drackon blood anymore by mating with a human female. A human female and a hybrid tricolor would be more human than Drackon, and my father wanted to keep the Drackon line alive.

  It meant so little to me who I mated with, as I was far from thinking in those terms when I made that promise to my father. At that time, I was so focused on my military career in the Drackon battalions. I was a warrior, and a damn good one. I was fast, strong, and smart able to outwit the enemy. This allowed me to rise fast through the ranks and I was now a captain. I was the captain of my own ship, and my younger brother Eral was part of my battalion. I watched over him; he still had a lot of growing up to do.

  Then I experienced a turn of events that changed everything. The growing faction of purists began to turn from speaking about keeping the blood pure too hostile actions in order to keep the blood pure. This meant they were beginning to attack bride cargo ships from Earth. It had only happened once before, as the purist faction had been small and of little threat. But somehow in the last two months, they had grown into a large force that was destructive.

  We had been scouting and patrolling in deep space when we got the call that a purist ship was attacking a Drackon ship. We answered the call for help immediately because the Drackon ship was carrying twenty human females. If the ship went down, killing the females, it could start a war with the Earth, it is what the purists wanted. We had to stop that from happening. Even though I, in a sense, was a purist myself because of the promise I had made to my father, I did not think that violence needed to happen against any human. It should be each individual Drackon’s choice whether to keep the bloodline pure; it should not be forced. But the purists thought that it was not a free choice to make. They thought if the Drackon race was to survive, then all interbreeding with humans must stop against force of death. This way of thinking started small, but over time it had gathered into a large faction that was now going against King Caspin Rykor’s wishes. The king himself was a hybrid tricolor, and the faction was attempting to unseat him. It was all a big mess.

  But we were trying to squash the purist faction before Earth found out about its existence. It had been kept a secret from Earth as long as it could be kept. So it was shocking when I woke up to find myself strapped onto a table under the gaze of a human female. Not just any female: the most beautiful female I had ever seen in my life. Her pheromone scent hit me like a wall, and it confused and distracted me.

  "Where the fuck am I?!" I shouted as I tried to sit up, only to be pulled down by straps on the table.

  "Quiet; calm down. It is okay, I promise. I am Dr. Maltra and you are aboard the A.R.S., an Earth ship. We answered your distress call. You are in good hands; we are friends," the redhead with fierce, sparkling green eyes said to me while she hovered over me. She was petite, and her skin had light freckles. She was pale, but looked very healthy and vibrant. Her ample tits were practically in my face as she hovered over me, doing odd things to me with various medical devices that I did not understand.

  "Why am I strapped down if you are a friend?" I asked her.

  "Because we had to jump into hyperspeed after we rescued you. We strapped you in so that you and your warriors would not go flying across the room," she said as she pressed a cold metal item to my heart with something in her ears.

  "You were unconscious when we found you, all of you. Though so far, I am not finding many injuries. Just a few cuts and bruises; nothing serious. Are you hurt? Can you show me where?" she asked.

  "My brother, my warriors… where are they?" I said, breaking the spell of her hypnotic presence and lifting my head to look around.

  "They are here with you. They have not awakened yet. Now, if you will stop with the questions and tell me where you are injured so that I may help you. I am a doctor. It is what I do," she said as she put her hand on my forehead, pressing my head back down. She was very bossy, feisty, and demanding. I liked it instantly. Those eyes were concealing something, and I wanted to know what. As she let her eyes comb over my body, I thought maybe I knew exactly what it was. She wanted me, yet she was trying to fight it. She was trying to look at me through the eyes of a doctor, yet it was obvious that she was looking at me through the eyes of a lust-filled female. I felt my staff harden as I let that thought fill me.

  "Tell me where it hurts? Do you have any idea why you and your warriors were unconscious? Were you exposed to some sort of gas? Were you in a firefight?" she said as her fingers lightly moved down my face and over my neck. She was examining my body for any pain or tenderness as her fingers moved down my shoulders and over my chest. I involuntarily let out a soft sigh, which caught her attention. I resisted the urge to tell her that my groin area was injured and needed her massaging touch.

  "We were caught in an asteroid field. A large one took out half of our ship and we had to seal it off and jump into hyperspeed very quickly. The crew did not have time to buckle in with a large rock barreling down on us. The jump knocked all of us clear across the flight deck and we hit the wall. The next thing I knew, I was waking up here," I said, lying to her.

  It was the standard story that my crew and I had memorized if we ever were caught in a situation such as this. The threat of the purists was something we were prepared to keep a secret from Earth, and that meant getting our lies straight. If any of my crew woke up, they would have the same exact story.

  She looked at me confused and said, "Then when did you activate the distress call if you were unconscious from hitting the wall?"

  She was wise. She was observant. She was dangerous. I smiled at her and said, "It is automatically activated when half of your ship is blown off. It is that way on all Drackon ships."

  Her shoulders dropped as she let down her guard and believed what I had told her. Then she continued, "I understand. Now tell me, Drackon weredragon, are you injured?"

  "My left arm feels a little tender and bruised, but honestly, I will not know if I'm injured until I move. Since I am so tied down to this table, I will not know what hurts until I try to move it," I said, arching an eyebrow at her.

  "Oh, I'm so sorry. Allow me," she said as she went to work unbuckling the straps that attached me to the table. When the last one was off, I sat up. I was fine, except for my left arm. I stood up on my feet and walked around in a circle while she watched. I liked watching her watch me; it was enjoyable to see her head arched back as she looked up at me. She was very petite.

  "Well, Dr. Maltra, I seem to be fine..."

  "Yes, you are," she whispered under her breath.

  "What was that?" I said, looking at her and noticing that her gaze was directly on my crotch. Her head snapped up and her eyes met mine immediately as she said, "What? Um, I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

  "I said I seemed to be fine, except for the soreness in my left arm," I smiled and walked directly toward her. As I got closer she took a step backwards still looking up at me.

  "If you will sit down, I will take a look at your arm. I will examine it with the scanner for any internal damage," she said, clearing her throat.

  I sat down on the table and she grabbed a device. A blue light scanned over my arm and then she looked at the screen on the device. She was quiet and focused as she worked. I enjoyed watc
hing her work. I knew this type of behavior from a human female. It was familiar to me. The Drackon females were very docile and did not do much but breed and keep house on the world of Mooreah. But the human females were far more dominating.

  I had seen it and lived it because my mother was a human female. She was a very intelligent woman that spent her time learning new information every day. She enjoyed her work examining plant life on the planet of Mooreah, our home. She never stopped moving. I admired that quality in her. I admired it even more, the more that I became familiar with the Drackon females, whom I quickly found boring. Now, for the first time, I was seeing that focus and determination once more, and it came in the form of Dr. Maltra.

  "You do not have any broken bones or damaged tissue. You are only a little bruised. You should be fine after I put this arnica ointment on you and bandage it. It will need to be done for an entire week, then you will be healed."

  "Thank you, Dr. Maltra," I said, taking this time to look at her petite but ample form. She was delicious. I allowed my eyes to move over her slowly. I felt her gaze land on me, but that did not stop me from looking at her hips and firm ass.

  "I'll get the ointment. I think it would be wise for you to keep an eye on your warriors. No doubt they would be comforted if they saw you since they will be waking up on an unfamiliar ship," she said as she moved away from me.

  I didn't bother meeting her eyes as she talked to me; instead I kept my eyes on her firm ass as she walked away and I said, "That is a great idea, Dr. Maltra."

  When she returned, she had ointment and a bandage roll that she sat beside me.

  "Lift your arm, please," she said as she poured some ointment into her hands. I smiled, knowing that she was about to put her hands on my strong, hard arm. I lifted it for her and she looked at it for a second before she placed her hands on it. As soon as her hands were touching my skin, I got another strong whiff of her pheromones, but this time it was as if I wasn't inhaling it. This time it felt like my skin was soaking in her pheromones from her hands. I grew hard instantly. She tilted her head and looked up at me with her large, green eyes and black lashes, as though she felt it too, but how could she?

  "Everything all right?" I whispered in a thick, throaty voice that I did not mean to speak in; it just happened.

  "Yes, fine…" she said as her eyes unlocked from mine and moved back to my arm. Her fingers began to massage my sore muscles with the ointment, and it felt like heaven. It felt so damn good that I thought I might explode at any second, as I grew harder and harder. If she were to look down at my lap, it would be very obvious. I willed her silently to look, hoping she would catch a glimpse at just how large I was when I was hard like this. I found myself wanting to impress her. I found myself wanting her. It was so extreme that I wanted to take her right then and there, as though we were the only ones in the entire room. But then we were interrupted when we heard…


  The sound of my brother's voice immediately snapped me out of the spell this human female had me under. Not only did it remind me that we were not alone, but it reminded me of my promise to my father. It was a very timely interruption, but all selfishness aside, I was glad to know my brother was awake and all right. I jumped off the table and together, Dr. Maltra and I moved to his side.

  "Eral, are you all right?" I asked him as a put my hands on his arm.

  "Yes, I think so. Drin, where are we?" he said with his brown eyes wide, looking around.

  "It is all right. We are with friends. We were rescued by an Earth ship known as the A.R.S., and they are helping us. This is Dr. Maltra. She is going to check you out to see if you were injured. She is to be trusted," I said as I looked at Dr. Maltra standing beside me. She looked at me with a soft smile, as though she appreciated me introducing her in such away. I don't know how long we were staring at each other, but it felt like a few minutes and must've been obvious, because my brother interrupted and said, "If you are done staring at the human female, do you think you can unstrap me, brother?" His tone was stern, and I knew why. He was thinking about the promise, the promise we made to father. His tone was his way of reminding me.

  "Yes, I'm so sorry," Dr. Maltra said as she began to unstrap Eral. She began to nervously ramble as she said, "Your vitals look normal; please tell me if you experience any feeling of injury or dizziness."

  I looked at my brother, who was staring at me with a cold stare. His eyes never moved from mine and I sort of rolled my eyes at him and took a few steps back as he sat up and then walked around on his feet. He stretched his arms high over his head and twisted at the waist. He lifted his knees and did a thorough check. "I think I'm all right. What about you, Drin?"

  "No need to worry, brother. Just a little injury on my left arm, but the doctor here is taking good care of it. She was just about to bandage it," I said as I looked over at Dr. Maltra and smiled. Just when I was going to feel excited to continue our little massage and bandage routine, the door to the infirmary opened.

  "Dr. Maltra, please report." A human male with silver hair and a muscular build walked in with purpose. Judging by his uniform, he was a captain. He stopped in his tracks when he saw my brother and I and said, "Pardon me, Drackon. I was not aware that any of you had awakened. Allow me to introduce myself; I am Captain Jones. You are on the A.R.S., a research vessel from Earth. We are glad to be able to assist."

  "Captain Jones, I am Captain Ky-Vesa. On behalf of my crew and of the Drackon, I would like to thank you for your assistance and rescue. We were in dire straits. Thank you for your medical care as well; it is top rate," I said as I looked over at Dr. Maltra. She blushed a little.

  "I would like to think the rescue would be returned if the situation were reversed," Captain Jones said to me. Then he continued, "Captain, are your warriors in good condition?"

  "Yes, all is well; a few minor bruises and cuts. I know the others will awaken shortly, as they were just knocked unconscious by hyperspeed and not being belted into seats. Perhaps minor concussions, but nothing major is expected."

  "That is good to hear. Captain, if you are up to it, would you join me in my office to discuss the circumstances and details of what happened? It will need to be logged, as you know the procedure," Captain Jones said to me.

  "Of course. I am ready to do that now," I said stepping toward him.

  "I will join you," my brother said.

  "No, Eral it is best that you stay here so that when the other warriors awaken, they have a familiar face that can explain to them what has happened," I said to him.

  "Yes, of course, Captain," my brother said to me.

  "Lead the way, Captain Jones," I said as I followed him out of the infirmary and into the halls of the ship. I wasn't worried at all to leave my brother alone in case Dr. Maltra began to question him; he would have the same asteroid story that I had. It is what I was going to tell the captain for his log and for the relations between Earth and Mooreah.

  As I sat with the captain in his office, I found him to be an honest and honorable human. I explained the asteroid story and how our ship became damaged. I explained hyperspeed and knocking us unconscious and our distress signal. He seemed to believe the story. When all was logged and final, he looked at me and said, "After your rescue, Captain Ky-Vesa, we made the jump to hyperspeed as we were unsure about how your ship was damaged. If you were under attack, we wanted to move as far away from any sort of threat as fast as possible. We are very close to Earth and because of that, we are going to go ahead and enter Earth's atmosphere. There, you can meet with the Earth Council and establish communication with whomever needs to be notified on Mooreah. I am sure Earth will be more than happy to get you on the next cargo flight to Mooreah for you and your crew."

  "Thank you, Captain Jones; that is more than suitable. I will need to notify my superior once I have established communication from Earth. My crew and I would be honored to join you on the journey to Earth, as I have never seen the beautiful planet, and neither has my crew.
I hold you in the highest esteem for your rescue and hospitality. How long before we arrive on Earth? I hope that we are not taking up too much space and resources aboard your ship?"

  "No, not at all. We arrive in a week. This research vessel was equipped to handle six more months in space, so we have plenty of resources, food, and water available for you and your crew. And as for space, you, the captain of your ship, will have your own quarters in the guest cabin. However, it is the only sleeping space we have free and I'm afraid the rest of your crew will need to make camp in the infirmary. We shall make it as comfortable as possible for your crew."

  "That is more than adequate, Captain Jones. Thank you again. Now if you'll excuse me, I would like to see if my crew has awakened and if they are in good medical standing," I said as I stood up, ready to leave the office.

  Captain Jones stood up and extended his hand to shake mine and said, "Of course. A good captain is always thinking of the crew. Dr. Maltra does have some experience seeing to the medical needs of weredragons, so you are in good hands."


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