Barbaric Alien

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Barbaric Alien Page 84

by Stella Sky

  "I suppose you are right, Drin. It looks as though every person has someone attending to them now. I do feel extremely tired." As soon as I said it, I felt my body go into exhaustion and I stumbled on my step.

  "I've got you," Drin said as he wrapped his arms around me. Then he picked me up and scooped me into his arms. Before I could say anything, he flew into the air. It was enough to wake me up as I looked around at the sun setting on the horizon. It was a beautiful sight after staring at the aftermath of the explosion for so long.

  "Are you at the base?" he asked me.

  "Yes, I am in the same living quarters as you and your crew. It is the same building," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt very safe in his arms, high in the sky, away from everything. I allowed myself for the first time to feel taken care of, and Drin was good at it. His strong physique was perfect for safety; even the scales of blue, green, and silver were armor. I did not think anything could harm me as long as I was in his arms.

  Soaring high above the city was the most exhilarating feeling and I felt excited and turned on by the strength of this weredragon warrior. It was unlike any experience I had ever had. I felt my nipples growing hard as they brushed against the scales on his chest. I had to keep it together. I could not let lust over take me. I looked up at his square jaw and dark stubble on his cheek as he stayed focused on the destination ahead, his flight path. It was so unusual, and yet it felt so right for me.

  Moments later, I led him inside my living quarters. I got a look at myself in the mirror. “Oh, goodness.” I was covered in dirt, grime, and blood. It was an ugly sight. "I'm just going to jump in the shower quickly. I have to wash this disaster off of me. Promise me you will not leave. I do not feel safe; I still don't understand what happened out there. Promise me you will wait here," I said, feeling very vulnerable as I asked him to look after me. I didn’t like to admit that after the shock of the bomb, the adrenaline had worn off and I was feeling shaking and scared about the whole ordeal.

  "Yes, I will not leave. Take care of yourself; I will be right here," he said to me in a way that made me feel like he might have feelings for me other than assuring my safety out of friendship. It was a strange feeling. I wanted more of it.

  "Thank you, Drin. Make yourself at home, and you are welcome to use the shower after I am done," I said, quickly moving to the bathroom and locking myself in. If he were to attempt to join me in the shower, I would have no will to resist him.

  The hot water felt good falling on my body, washing away the catastrophe that I had endured. I considered myself lucky because I was not inside the building even though I had been only moments before. It was the fact that I had left when I did, coupled with hearing the whistling sound that alerted me to the bomb. That is how I knew to dive into the ditch, which probably saved my life.

  As I showered, I remembered the look of the flare as it spiraled toward the building. It was obviously a missile of some sort, and it had been fired from a distance; it was unlike any missile I had ever seen. My mouth fell open as I realized that it was not of this Earth. It had to be a Drackonian missile.

  But why now? Where were Drin and his crew during that time? I washed my hair vigorously, lathering up in anger as I started to think that maybe they had something to do with it. After all, I knew that they were hiding something, but I did not know what. Could it simply be coincidence that the day they arrived on Earth there was a Drackon missile that attacked the registration building? I started to panic. I needed answers.

  I turned off the water without finishing my shower; soap was still all over my body as I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me and marched into my living room. My hair was dripping wet and stringy around my face. Soapsuds decorated my legs and the towel was so wet, it was clinging to me, but I was on a mission for the truth.

  "Drin! What do you know about what happened? I saw the bomb. It was a missile. It was a missile unlike any I have ever seen. It was not from Earth. What do you know about this? Did you do this?" I rambled on.

  I noticed that he had shifted back into regular Drackon form and his wings and scales had disappeared. He looked at me with sadness in his eyes and said, "How can you think that of me? Whatever have I done to make you think I am a hostile?"

  "It is obvious to me that you and your brother have been hiding something. Every time he finds you with me, you two go on and argue about something or other that I have no idea about, but it must be something. Your unusual story about the asteroid field does not make sense to me. What does make sense is that a couple of hours after you arrive on Earth, there is an attack," I said angrily to him.

  "You are right. But it is not what you think. You might want to sit down," he said to me.

  I looked at him with wide eyes, not expecting that he would tell me that I was right about my suspicions. I was hoping that he would tell me that I was wrong.

  "My crew and I are not responsible for the attack, but it is possible that it is the responsibility of the Drackon. Know that the Earth Council already knows about this. In fact, my king was in the process of telling them this in a meeting when the bomb went off."

  "What are you saying?" I asked as I sat down on the sofa. Then Drin began to tell me about a radical faction of Drackon known as the purists. He told me all about their radical beliefs to keep the bloodline pure and how in recent months, it had grown hostile. I could not believe what I was hearing; the Earth itself was not exactly free of hostile radical groups. I guess it made sense that it happened on other planets as well.

  "The asteroid field? Is that what really happened to your ship?" I asked him.

  "No. King Caspin Rykor had forbidden any Drackon from speaking to Earth about the attacks, or that the purist group existed. So we used that story as a cover-up. What happened was we came upon a purist ship attacking a cargo bride ship full of human females. We intervened and fought until the cargo ship could get away. The fighting grew brutal and they blew off half our ship. That is when we went into hyper drive and you found us."

  "So you were lying that entire time?" I said, feeling angry that he was able to lie to me in such a cool manner.

  "I had no choice. We were under the King’s orders to do just that. I do not disobey my king," he said sternly. I had to admire and accept that.

  "So this attack on the registration building? It is the purists?" I asked.

  "It must be. Who else would attack such a target, that would make such a statement? It is not a military target; it is the meeting place of human females to match with Drackon warriors, exactly what the purists are trying to stop,” he said.

  I leaned back on the sofa, feeling the exhaustion washing over me. Now that I had some answers, I felt a bit more relaxed, even though the information was terrifying. The long voyage to Earth, and the disaster zone had finally caught up with me. The hot shower relaxed me and I felt my body get heavy as I listened to Drin talk. He was thinking aloud about the possibilities of how the purists could have launch that missile. I tried to give him my full attention, but I felt my eyes growing heavy, and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

  Chapter 6


  "Felicity, you were right to think my brother and I were hiding something. But it is not what you think. We were not hiding the purist information from you when you heard us arguing. In fact, it is something of a more personal matter. You see, my brother can see it. He can see what I will not admit to myself: that I want you. That is a dangerous thing for me.

  “You see, I promised my father on his deathbed that I would find a Drackon female mate and marry her. I promised him that I would not take a human female for a wife, the way he had with my mother. My father was not a radical purist, but he did see some sense in our duty to our Drackon race in keeping a balance. Since my brother and I are already hybrids, he made us promise to give our offspring more Drackon blood than human blood. I made him this promise. Therefore, I cannot take a human wife, no matter how badly I want one.

  “That was before I met you. Now I struggle with this promise that I made to him, and my brother can see it. He is arguing with me, reminding me; that is why he is angry when he finds me with you. But I do not think I can fight it any longer Felicity," I said, pouring my heart out to her.

  She was very quiet as she listened. I looked over to her, waiting for a response, and that is when I realized… she was asleep. How long had she been asleep for? Had she heard anything that I said about my father and the promise? I looked at her petite body, wrapped in a towel and still wet. The poor, brave soul was exhausted after working so hard to help so many. I admired her. That moment when I landed, thinking that I would rescue her only to find that she was rescuing others was a moment I would never forget.

  She pierced my heart in that moment. She was my true match. Now, there was nothing I could do about it. I thought maybe explaining this to her would help relieve some of the tension I was feeling, but it was of no use. She lay there asleep. I grabbed a blanket off of her bed and wrapped it around her. I then made my way to her shower and washed the dirt and blood off of me. The blood spilled by my own alien race in an attack against the humans who had been so good to us. I knew there was a war coming, and it was not going to be pretty.

  I walked out into the living room with a towel wrapped around my waist. Felicity was asleep on the couch and I remembered that I promised not to leave her alone. I made a quick bed on the floor and quickly fell asleep. But I was not expecting the sweet awakening that happened a few hours later.

  "Drin… Drin, wake up," I heard Felicity's voice in a soft whisper.

  I enjoyed hearing her voice. I opened my eyes to find that she was sitting on her legs beside me on the floor. She had the blanket I gave her wrapped around her body. I was instantly aroused as I looked at her, her long, red, damp hair loose and wild.

  "What is it? Is everything all right? Has there been another attack?" I asked her.

  "No, there has not. There's going to be a war, is there not?" she asked with fear in her eyes.

  "Yes, there will be. King Caspin Rykor has already declared war on the purist faction, but now with this new attack, I assume that Earth will also join," I said to her.

  "There could be another attack at any moment. We are in a very vulnerable place here on the base," she said to me.

  "Yes, I guess you are right. Are you saying you want to leave? I will take you anywhere you want to go, but I must come back for my crew and to depart Earth to join my king," I said to her.

  She was silent for a long time and she looked at me. Then she put her hand on my chest, softly caressing my skin. I was immediately aroused and felt my staff harden. Then she said, "No, that is not what I meant. I meant that we might not have a lot of time left. We will not have any time together, but who knows? We could die at any moment. I don't want to die with any regrets."

  I looked at her and realized I knew exactly what she meant. "Are you sure, Felicity?" I asked her. She had a point. It was possible that we would not live much longer if there were another attack on the city. If there wasn't another attack, I would also be going off to war where chances of living were slim. Suddenly my promise to my father seemed less important. Still, I felt the pull of conflict inside of me. I knew that I would be going back on my word to my father, but my pull to Felicity was stronger than anything I had ever felt, and I could not fight it any longer.

  "Yes, I am sure. I have wanted this since I saw you for the first time," she said to me as she unwrapped the blanket from her naked body. I inhaled her strong scent and my eyes took great pleasure in roaming over her soft, pale, freckled skin. Then she surprised me as she put both hands on my stomach and straddled me, putting one thigh on either side of my hip. She yanked the blanket off of me and said, “You are a beautiful Drackon warrior.”

  “You are a beautiful human female,” I said in return.

  Her hands roamed up and down my stomach and I took in her great beauty. Her rosy, perfect nipples were hard on her ample breasts. They jiggled with each movement she made. I placed my hands on her hips, letting my fingers sink into her flesh. Touching her made me feel like her pheromones were sinking into my skin, just as they had before.

  She moaned as I kneaded her hips and thighs. I slowly pulled her to me, getting her higher and higher on my stomach. Now her face was aligned with mine. “Kiss me, Felicity,” I whispered to her.

  She leaned toward me and placed her lips on mine lightly. She didn’t kiss me, but instead brushed her lips lightly across mine; she was teasing me. It was payback for the time I teased her on the ship when we almost kissed. But I was hungry. I pushed my head up and pressed my lips firmly against hers. My large hands encircled her small back and her lips parted. My tongue explored her mouth, dancing with her tongue. She moaned a soft moan inside of my mouth. My hands moved from her back to her sides, until my fingers were resting on her breasts. “Oh, yes, that feels so good,” she whispered inside my mouth. I allowed my thumbs to rub over her hard nipples, making them harder. “I want to taste you so badly, Felicity.”

  She pulled away from me and looked down at me with a smile. “I can arrange that,” she said. I arched my eyebrows at her. Then she stood up. I did not know what she was doing. She turned around and then lowered herself on to my face as she placed her hands on my chest. “Damn you are so beautiful,” I said as she hovered just above me.

  I placed my hands on her hips and pulled her to me. I licked her slowly in her wet center, up and down. She shouted out in enjoyment. She tasted so good. I had never been with a human female before. This was exotic and hot for me. I licked soft and slow and then faster and faster. She wiggled her body on top of mine, over and over as she supported herself by pressing onto my chest. She rocked back and forth, riding my face. It was so damn hot and I was so damn hard. “You are so big,” she whispered, and I could only assume that she was looking at my cock. I needed to be inside of her. I moved my tongue to her clitoris and flicked back and forth. “Oh god! Yes! I’m cumming! I’m cumming, Drin.”

  I drank of her juices as she released in joy on top of me. Then she lifted herself up slightly and she buried her head in my chest, panting and moaning. I massaged her ample ass with my hands as I watched her move it in the air, hovering above me. Then her tongue licked my chest up and down and she slithered her body downward along mine. She trailed kisses and licks along the way.

  She reached my hard stomach and kissed and licked some more. Then I felt her small hand wrap around my cock. I growled at the feeling. I could barely hold out any longer. Her lips wrapped around the tip of my cock. “Oh fuck. Oh fuck…” was all that I could say. She began to suck lightly and circle her tongue around the tip. My hands were on her calves, holding her. The sweet sensation she was giving me was overwhelming me. Then she moved her mouth lower down my cock. Her mouth was warm and inviting. She moved it up and down, slow at first, and then faster. “Oh, fuck, Felicity. Damn that feels good.”

  She moaned in response and moved faster and faster until I thought I was going to pop. “Felicity. I want to be inside of you,” I whispered. She moved her mouth off of my cock and then unsaddled my body. It was my turn to be on top of her. I sat up and kissed her hard on the mouth. I pushed her down to the floor on her back. Her hands roamed over my arms and over my shoulders and chest. “Open your thighs for me, Felicity,” I instructed her.

  “Yes, Captain,” she said with a smile. She parted her sweet, milky thighs and I positioned my body between them. She was so petite and delicate and I did not want to hurt her. My weight alone could crush her. I hovered above her and said, “Stop me if I’m hurting you.”

  She nodded yes with a look that said she was anxious and ready for me. I placed the tip of my cock in her slick opening. My long body was stretched over her and her head was aligned with chest. She placed soft kisses on it, enough to drive me wild with lust. Then I pushed a little deeper.

  “Oh yes…” she moaned. I pushed in deeper, and then deeper still, e
ach time stopping to check to see if she was all right. She opened her thighs wider for me, eager to have more of me inside of her. Finally, I had entered her completely and her fingernails trailed down my back. I growled at the sensation. Then I pulled out, but not all the way, and then entered again. Soon we were in a rhythm as I moved my hips, rocking them back and forth as I entered her.

  “Oh, I’m going to cum again. I can feel it. I can feel it happening,” she whispered as her body squirmed underneath me.

  “Yes, cum for me, Felicity. I want you too,” I replied to her moans. Then she shook under me and released.

  Chapter 7


  The vibrations of my orgasm moved through my body as Drin lay on top of me with his large, thick cock inside of me. He was the sight of perfection as he hovered above me. His long, lean body was so firm and toned. I ran my hands down the sides of his body, feeling every ripple of his muscles. But I longed to feel something else, and I had to ask him. After all, this could be the last time either one of us ever made love if the war broke out. He began to move in and out of me again in my sensitive state. “Wait, stop Drin,” I said to him.


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