Barbaric Alien

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Barbaric Alien Page 110

by Stella Sky

  I cried into my bed for hours. His evil brother, who clearly knew who I was when I was at the hotel, had tricked me. He had hunted me. I was nothing but a pawn in the game between him and his brother, and I had allowed him to play me. I was disgusted with the thought of being with his brother.

  When I woke up, the sun was coming up. I was still in my clothes and had cried on top of the bed, not under the covers. I stirred awake. Everything came flooding back to me about what had happened. I had lost the one true love of my life because of my mistakes of being reckless in my last night of being single.

  I poured myself a glass of water and looked out onto the deck outside my room. There were two guards posted, pacing back-and-forth. Clearly Kasian did not trust me. It hurt me to the core. What could I do now? I would be sent away and go back to my life in Los Angeles. I would have no other choice.

  The door opened, and to my surprise, Kasian walked in. He was limping. My heart went out to him.

  "Are you all right? Is your leg hurt badly?” I asked him as I ran to him.

  "Do not act as if you care for me. I know who you really are now. You are to be detained in this room. How did he do it? How did he steal the power receptors? Was it when you were keeping me occupied?” He sneered out the questions at me in a loud voice.

  I was shocked and confused by his questions. I had no idea what he was talking about. But he seemed to have it all figured out the way he was looking at me with rage, and angrily limping about the room.

  "What are you talking about, Kasian?” I said to him.

  "You will not call me Kasian. You will call me Commander Kasian Jade. Now tell me how he did it! Tell me where he is now! Where do you plan to meet up with him?” he asked me.

  "What are you talking about? You are starting to scare me,” I said to him, backing up against the table.

  "I know that you are helping Orik. He put you up to this. He put you into my path, and fixed it with registration. I don't know how. But my security has tracked down the fact that you both stayed at the same hotel in New York, the hotel that I booked for you. You must've told him where to find you and for him to book a room one door down. You have both been planning this from the beginning. You have played me for a fool!" he shouted at me.

  "No!" I screamed out. I thought that this could not get any worse after I realized that the mysterious stranger that I had a one night stand with was in fact the brother of my husband to be, but it just did. It got so much worse. Now Kasian was under the impression that I had something to do with his brother’s antics. He thought that I knew his brother very well and that we had planned something together. Clearly his brother had stolen something from him and Kasian thought that I set it up that way. He thought that I was working with his brother. It was getting worse, so much worse.

  "I swear to you on my life that I had not seen your brother before that night at the hotel. It was nothing but sex and then he was gone. I have not spoken to him since and I had not spoken to him before that night. You must believe me!” I shouted at him.

  "No! You lie! When I took you to see the air filter project yesterday, you had a lot of questions. You had too many questions and knew way more than any typical human female would know about the science of engineering. You asked all the questions that would be questions that my brother would have told you to ask. Then last night, the power receptors go missing! That is too much of a coincidence. There is no way that you could know to ask those questions. I was a fool to think that you were simply a smart female, someone that could be my match… my equal. You blinded me with your beauty. I will never forgive you,” he sneered at me.

  His chest was heaving up and down in anger. He was so angry, I thought at any moment he was going to pick up a chair and smash it on the floor. His anger scared me. What's more is that he had already made up his mind up about me. His paranoia was high and he was putting these false ideas about me into his own mind. What could I do? There was nothing that I could do. So I angrily snapped back at him. There was no point in trying to save what we had together; it was already destroyed.

  "Listen, you paranoid asshole! I don't know what the hell you are talking about! It seems that your brother has really gotten to you in the best way he knows how. I am the one that should be mad at you!”

  He looked at me confused. “What?! You mad at me?!” he shouted.

  "You have an evil brother that you say does things of bad character. Yet you allowed me to stay in a hotel alone and unattended when you already knew that he was in the area. You knew he was out there. Did you not think he would come after me? How did he even know that I existed? How did he know what I look like? How did he know where I was staying? You must have left that information unattended and unprotected, even though you knew he was out there. It is you that has failed us, this marriage. You allowed him to use me as a pawn in this sick game of rivalry that you two have. You are the one that failed, and instead of admitting that, you are trying to cover it up with this paranoia that I must be working with your brother. That is nonsense! Now if you are going to arrest me, or kick me out, then do it. Get it over with. I will not stand here and take any more of your punishment!” I shouted at him.

  He glared at me. He was silent. He knew that I was right, but he was not going to admit it. Instead, he limped toward the French doors and slammed them behind him.

  As he walked onto the balcony he shifted into dragon form. He flew into the air, and then a small army flew up from the ground, an army of Drackon warriors. They followed his lead, flying off into the distance. It was an awesome sight. He was obviously going to go hunt his brother Orik.

  My mouth fell open as I watched them fly in unison, like a flock of birds, but this was a flock of dragons. Their silver wings gleamed in the sunshine as they moved up and down, getting them higher and higher into the sky. It was a Drackon army and I had never seen one before. Chills ran up my arms and goose bumps appeared as I thought about the fact that I was now a possible target of this army, that they thought I was an enemy. They thought I was a spy for his brother Orik, and nothing could be farther from the truth.

  I moved over to the bed and sat down with my arms crossing my chest. I was so damn angry. How dare he! Then the anger turned to sorrow. We had spent almost two days together, beautiful, blissful, love-at-first-sight days. Now, my heart was broken and there was nothing that I could do about it. Kasian had already made up his mind about me. I didn't know what was to be done. Everything hurt; even my body felt sore.

  Then there was a tap at my door. I was surprised by it. I opened the door and saw that there was a tray of food and drinks on the hall table outside the door. I stepped out the door to see a guard posted at the top of the stairway, his back was too me. I wondered if they all thought I was some sort of ridiculous spy.

  I grabbed the tray and took it into my room. There were two boiled eggs, toast with a small jar of strawberry preserves, a pot of coffee, and a salad of freshly picked greens. Obviously thrown together by one of the security. I wished that I could at least be in the kitchen. Cooking would get my mind off of things, but they would probably think I was trying to poison Kasian. I rolled my eyes at the thought and turned on the radio to some calming classical music. I ate the meager breakfast and then grabbed a book off the shelf. It was going to be a long day.

  Hours later, Kasian still had not returned. I wondered if he was even on Earth anymore. What if he had gone back to Mooreah? I could not stand being in the room anymore. I opened the French door onto the balcony; the guards gave me a look. “I just need some fresh air,” I said. The guard nodded yes, but said nothing. I took a deep breath and sat down on the floor. I figured they would be more at ease if I weren’t on my feet. What did they think I was going to do? Jump over the rail?

  After a while, the sun was beginning to set. I grew very sad as I realized that Kasian was not returning. I might as well take a bath and go to sleep. I moved inside and closed the French doors. I opened the main door to find a lunch tray and a
dinner tray waiting on the hallway table. I laughed as I realized that I had not even noticed them knocking. I grabbed them both and took them into my room. The lunch tray had two sandwiches on it with fruit. The dinner plate also had two sandwiches on it, with a salad. I frowned at them both. I took the lunch tray out onto the balcony. “Hungry?” I said as I set it down for the guards. I did not wait for them to answer. Instead I walked back in. I ate the dinner and then retired to a long bath in the only room where I had some real privacy.

  Sinking into the tub, I let the tension wash off of me. I had to change the way I was thinking of this disaster or my heart would not be able to handle it anymore. I had to think that my love with the alien weredragon Kasian was completely over. There was nothing that was going to change his hate for me now. I deserved this after the way I behaved at the hotel in New York. I took a Drackon stranger into my room and had sex with him. It was a room that my betrothed had paid for, on the night before I was going to meet him, and that was very wrong. No amount of trying to convince myself that I was drunk was going to make me feel better. If it were the other way around and Kasian had fucked my sister, if I had one, I would be very angry and brokenhearted as well. Would I be able to marry him after that? Probably not.

  Bam! The bathroom door slammed open. I was startled and shot up in the tub.

  “Kasian!” I said.

  “Get out of the tub,” he said angrily as his eyes moved down over my body. Then he moved into the room. I could hear the drapes being pulled across the French doors. I rubbed a towel on me quickly and then grabbed a long silk slip and pulled it on. I wasn’t exactly dry and the silk stuck to my wet body. I walked into the bedroom, drying my hair in the towel. I gave him a mean look. I wasn’t going to let him bully me, or scare me anymore. This was all over, as far as I was concerned.

  “What is this? Am I a prisoner now? I want to go home,” I said to him.

  “Why him? Why did it have to be him?” he said smashing a vase on the floor. My eyes grew wide at his anger.

  “I didn’t know who he was. I can tell you a million times and you won’t hear me,” I shouted back. He paced back and forth and I could tell that he was still injured. “Just let me go. You have made up your mind to hate me forever. Let me leave this place and you,” I said as tears began to form in my eyes.

  He looked at me startled and said, “Is that what you want?”

  “No,” I said faster than I knew what I was saying.

  He stomped toward me and pressed a hard kiss on my lips. I needed him. I knew that he hated me for what I had done with his brother, but somewhere deep inside him, he loved me. Those first two nights together before he found out what I had done with Orik, there was true love there. I wanted to get back there. I knew that this moment of hate and passion mixed together was all that he could give me at the moment, and I was going to allow it.

  "You belong to me,” he said as he picked me up off the ground like I was as light as a feather. His hands grabbed the back of my thighs as I wrapped my legs around him.

  "You will be with no one else. You are mine, Kelly.” He said this over and over. It hurt me deeply to hear him have to say it over and over, as though validating that I was his. As though putting it into words would make it real, that his brother could never ever touch me again. I knew it hurt him to the core to imagine me with his brother. I didn't know what I could do more in order to let him know that I truly was his and no one else's. I was already his captive and allowing it. What more could I do to make him see that I was devoted to him?

  He kissed my lips hard and with fury to claim me. I groaned loudly at his assault on my senses. He kissed me down my chin and down my neck, ravaging me. He carried me to the bed and laid me down on my back as he laid on top of me. His kisses went from my neck down my shoulders, down my breast. He ripped the slip down the middle, in one clean line, from neck to belly. He let out a growl at the site of my naked breasts. His mouth went directly onto my nipple, and then the other as he eagerly licked and sucked each of them. He kissed down my belly, making circles around my belly button. Then his hands reached further down onto my center. His fingers moved, rubbing up and down on my slit. I moaned and arched my back up toward him. Then his head went lower, kissing my belly until his face was between my thighs. I opened wider. I wanted to be open and available to him.

  "I need you, Kasian,” I whispered to him.

  He stopped kissing me. He got up on his knees and looked down at me. Then he stood up and walked back and forth in the room. He ran his fingers through his hair in a rage.

  "What is it? What did I do?” I said to him.

  "You fucked my brother, that's what you did!" he yelled at me and gave me a very dirty look.

  Tears began to well up in my eyes as I sat there naked on the bed.

  "How many times can I tell you, Kasian. I did not know that it was your brother. I just thought it was some mysterious stranger and I was celebrating my last night of being single. I have every right as a woman to do what I want to do before I marry. It hurts me that it hurts you so much. But I truly didn't know he was your brother,” I said to him between crying and gasping for air.

  He stopped pacing and looked at me tenderly. For that moment, he was the gentle Drackon warrior that had saved me in the forest. He was that gentle man that had spent nights with me before everything became chaotic and messy. He sat beside me on the bed and then looked away from me as he whispered words that I knew hurt him to say out loud.

  "It is just when I hear you say that you need me in a moment of heated ecstasy, I can imagine you saying those same words to my brother when you were fucking him."

  I gasped. I didn't realize that he would think such a thing, but why wouldn't he? I guess I would think the exact same thing if I had found out that he had fucked my sister. Every time he touched me or would say that he needed to be inside of me, I would imagine him saying the exact same thing while fucking my sister. I cried harder. I sat up in bed and cried with my face in my hands. I felt his arms go around my shoulders as he pulled me against his body.

  "Shhhhh..." he whispered, consoling me as I shook from crying.

  He kissed my shoulder and then put his fingers on my chin and turned my face toward him. He kissed my mouth and I kissed him back slowly.

  "I know what will make a difference,” he whispered to me. He stood up from the bed and moved to the corner of the room. He pulled off his clothing and stood there naked before me. His long, blond hair was messy as it reached down to his shoulders. His chest was strong and broad. He was so muscular and toned at his very tall height. My mouth fell open just looking at how beautiful he was. Soft, strawberry curls surrounded his very large, rigid cock. It stood straight up and was smooth and perfectly pink. His strong, muscular thighs bulged. He was perfect.

  He lowered his head and looked up at me through his piercing blue eyes. Then in a flash he shifted into dragon form. My breath caught in my throat. This was the first time that I had seen him naked in dragon form. The sight was awe inspiring. Beautiful silver threaded wings stretched out behind him to their full length and then folded back behind him with the energy of his shift. Shiny silver scales covered his chest diagonally from his shoulder across his belly down to the opposite hip. He was breathing hard and the scales moved up and down on his chest.

  I laid back down on the bed, waiting for him. He stepped toward me. My breath caught in my throat. I was very turned on by his weredragon appearance, but also a little scared by the rage he had in his heart. He lay on top of me and pressed his lips against mine and his body pressed between my thighs. I was lost in that moment. My hands went up to his hard abs and hard scales. I opened my eyes to see his massive silver wings hovering over us. I could not believe that a naked dragon was on top of me.

  When I was with his brother, he never transformed into a dragon. This was my first time being with an alien weredragon in full transformation and it was the hottest thing. I was careful not to speak. I did not want my wor
ds to remind Kasian of my time with his brother. It was hard to restrain myself as he kissed my breasts. Then he moved lower and lower until his face was between my thighs. I didn’t know how much of this I could handle while remaining silent.

  Chapter 8


  The pain when my brother said those words to me, that he fucked Kelly, was unlike any pain I had ever felt in my life. It felt like one thousand knives were stabbing me. It felt like I had been punched in the gut and all the breath taken out of me. I didn’t want to believe that it was true. There must be some mistake. But the way that Kelly reacted when she first saw him let me know that it had to be.

  But when Agent Teqin reported to me that my brother had been spotted at the same hotel that I had reserved for Kelly, my paranoia got the best of me. Suddenly it all seemed to fit together. They were working together. This was why she had asked so many questions at the air filter project. She was finding out information for Orik. It all seemed so easy, but how could I have been so wrong about her? Everything seemed to feel exactly as it should when falling in love when I first met her. But now I realized that it was not true. I told no one about my suspicions of her; they would not have any patience with her. They would report her directly to the king and to the Earth Council. This was the first time that I would be betraying my king in such a way. However, I could not turn her in. I had to know more first.


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