Owen (BBW Western Bear Shifter Romance) (Rodeo Bears Book 2)

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Owen (BBW Western Bear Shifter Romance) (Rodeo Bears Book 2) Page 94

by Becca Fanning

  “Who?” Veronica asked.

  “One of the Walkers,” Abby said.

  “We went after one of the bee guys,” Christina said. “He wasn’t so tough after all.”

  “With four on one?” Veronica shrieked. “I guess not. I don’t know how many people would be, even those big men. How unfair and unethical. You fought one of them? All four of you?”

  “We waited until we could get one alone,” Robin said quietly. “It was Christina’s idea.”

  Christina turned and glared. “Well, someone had to take charge around here. Clearly you weren’t going to do anything.” She gestured to Veronica.

  “I was, actually,” Veronica said. “When you launched into your disobedient plan, I was talking with their leader, trying to come to an agreement. You know, the proper and civil way, like adults.”

  Christin huffed. “We’re bears, V. Don’t forget that. Our animal nature changes things.”

  Veronica snatched up her clothes from the floor where she’d left them and yanked her shorts on. “Yeah, well, our human nature doesn’t.” She pulled on her shirt next. “None of you will leave this house for the rest of the night. Do you understand me?”

  They all nodded except Christina. She narrowed her eyes and watched Veronica walk away.

  She dashed to her room and called Slade. He didn’t answer. When his voicemail came on, she said, “Is everyone okay? I have my clan here, and I’ve forbidden them from leaving the house. Please let me know what’s going on. I’m sorry, Slade. Christina just went behind my back and did this, and she doesn’t care that I commanded them to stay away from you. I hope everyone is okay. I’m so sorry.”

  She hung up and paced her room. Should she go over there? See what was wrong? But they might be hostile. They didn’t know the whole situation, unless Slade had managed to tell them some of it. But if he got home when they were in the middle of a fight, how much had he told them?

  And if one of the guys was hurt, they might be going to the hospital now. Maybe that’s why he didn’t answer. She felt so bad about the whole thing. She didn’t want anyone getting hurt, and somehow, she felt worse that it was one of the men who had. If one of her women was hurt, it would be their own stupid fault. They would deserve it. But the men had only been trying to make the situation better.

  She hoped whoever it was would be okay. She didn’t know which was the beekeeper, or even any of their names, but it didn’t matter. Whoever he was, he was one of Slade’s, and that’s what mattered. She didn’t want Slade to be hurt by this. And she really didn’t want him to turn against her through all this. What if he did, though? What if somehow, he thought she’d planned it that way, to get him out of the way so her clan could attack?

  Oh no. It did seem like a solid explanation. She’d set the time and place. How convenient. But then, she’d called him to warn him. To tell him to hurry. That had to mean something, right? He had to know, after all she’d told him, that she would never allow this. Would never order this. As her stomach tightened in panic, her phone rang.

  It was Slade. She held her breath and answered. “Is everyone okay?”

  “Hey. No. Knox is hurt really badly. We’re at the hospital.”

  “Oh my God, Slade, I am so sorry. You know I didn’t allow this. I forbid them from coming onto your property at all. I never wanted it to get to this. I never wanted a fight or for anyone to get hurt.”

  “I know. He’s going to be okay. But Veronica…”

  “Yes?” She gulped. Her mouth was dry waiting for his response.

  “We’re going to have to retaliate. I can’t just let this go. I owe my guys more than that.”

  “Okay, right. Of course.” She tried to breathe. “What does that mean, though?”

  “I don’t know yet. But I told the guys what you and I discussed today. They’re aware of the situation.”

  “But Slade—”

  “I gotta go.”

  “Bye,” she said, but he’d already hung up.

  She continued pacing, now worried for a different reason. What did it mean that he’d told them everything? That they wouldn’t hurt her because they knew? Or didn’t that matter? Maybe they didn’t care that she had forbidden them and they hadn’t listened. Maybe they thought if she couldn’t lead them, that she had to be taken out. Maybe it was going to be a huge slaughter.

  She went downstairs and checked all the windows and doors to make sure everything was locked up.

  “What’s going on?” Robin asked.

  “We have to be prepared for retaliation.” She spoke louder, so everyone could hear her, no matter where they were in the house. “I want a watch all night. Take two hours shifts and rotate. Bear form, around the house only. Stay close. Got it?”

  She heard a confirmation of some sort from each of them.

  “Watch starts now. I’ll go first.” Veronica changed back into bear form, but made sure her phone was close so she’d hear it if it rang again. She walked in a circle around the house, hoping it would burn off some of her anxiety.

  Slade paced across the front of the living room, stroking his chin. The little hairs there needed to be trimmed, but it was the least of his worries.

  “I think we should go tonight,” Beck said. He’d been wearing a permanent scowl since he found out his brother was injured. He was ready to fight them all. He was agitated and angry. Even his girlfriend, Harmony, hadn’t been able to comfort him.

  “We have to be smart about this,” Slade said. “And if we go tonight, we’ll be fighting on no sleep, no rest, and emotionally and physically in distress. If we’re going to do this, we need to be in peak condition. Unless, of course, you don’t mind if someone else gets hurt.”

  “Of course he minds,” Amir said. “He knows you’re right. Don’t you, Beck?”

  Beck gave him a hard look, but said, “Fine. Tomorrow then?”

  “Tomorrow,” Slade said. “We’ll get a good night’s sleep and rest up. Then when we’re ready, we’ll go. Agreed?”

  “Agreed,” Amir and Daxton said.

  “Agreed,” Beck said.

  “But.” Slade held up his hand. “I’ve told you about Veronica. Unless she fights, do not hurt her.”

  “And if she joins in?” Dax asked.

  “Then she’ll either have lied to me today, or have changed her mind, and she’s no better than the rest of them.”

  The next evening, they gathered again. They’d spent a large part of the day at the hospital. Knox’s wounds were healing, and quickly. One benefit of being a shifter. But the fact that he still couldn’t use his arm, and his cuts hadn’t yet healed meant that he was badly hurt.

  Slade had been torn about Veronica. She had called to tell him what was going on when her rogue clan went after his guys. So, it was only fair to warn her back, right? But in that warning, he might be setting himself and his guys up. What if they planned something worse for their arrival? Would she tell her clanmates or keep it to herself? He couldn’t be sure. He was far from being able to fully trust her. And she was the leader of a group of his enemies. In the end, he decided to warn her, but give her no time. That way, if any of the other women found out, they wouldn’t have the chance to plan an attack.

  Before he walked downstairs to meet the guys, he sent her a text that simply said, “Now.”

  Slade met them downstairs and looked over them. They had gotten enough rest, he supposed. Even if they hadn’t, tonight was the night. They walked together to the back porch, took off their shorts, and stuffed them into a small backpack. Veronica hadn’t responded by the time he put his phone in the bag.

  They all stepped outside, let the hot night air hit their naked bodies, and shifted into bear form. They took off running, Slade at the head of the pack, toward the Harper property. They arrived at the Harper’s property a short time later and paused in the woods a good distance away.

  The four of them stopped to listen and watch before moving closer. They wanted to be prepared and not be caught o
ff guard.

  “They have a watch,” Dax thought to the others.

  Slade saw the bear walking away from them, circling the house.

  “Is it Veronica?” Amir asked.

  He sniffed again to make sure. “No,” Slade thought. “Charge the watch on my command.”

  His clan nodded and waited for his signal. Slade watched until the bear was making her way back toward the front of the house. Then he lifted a paw and stomped the ground. They ran to her.

  Their thumping paws quickly drew the attention of the watch. She stood on hind legs and howled. As the men reached the house, three more bears came running out to join her. Veronica was not among them. She wasn’t anywhere that Slade could see or smell. Had she decided to leave and not be a part of the fight at all? At least this was an even four-on-four fight then.

  The male bears crashed into the female bears. The sound of growls and snapping teeth filled the air as they bit and swiped each other. Slade managed to whack one of the women with his paw and sent her flying back several feet. She came at him with claws flailing, and he ducked in just enough time to miss being slashed.

  He leapt at her and closed his teeth around her throat. She fell flat on the ground in an attempt to break free. But his jaw was strong. He swiped at her and connected claw to skin. She whimpered under him.

  He thought he had her. But then another bear leapt on him, knocking his grasp free. He tumbled with the new bear, then landed on top of her. He looked back over his shoulder to make sure the bear he’d had his teeth on wasn’t coming after him. But Amir had her.

  When he looked over the fight, all the male bears were overtaking the females. They were winning this fight.

  A loud shot rang through the air. Then someone shouted, “Stop!”

  Eight bears’ heads snapped toward Veronica. She stood at the side of the property, holding a gun high in the air, naked. She’d obviously run somewhere in bear form. To get the gun maybe?

  “Everyone stop right now,” she shouted. “Change back to human form.”

  She stood with her arms crossed, the gun hanging from one hand. The position may have hidden her breasts somewhat, but it didn’t hide enough.

  Slade gawked at her. Her body was lean and muscular. She must have almost no body fat. Her hips curved wide under her rippled stomach. But her breasts spilled above and below her arms. He was glad in that moment that he was still a bear. He’d have to get a hold of himself before he turned back to human form or everyone would know exactly how he felt about Veronica.

  For a long while, no one changed. Then, Veronica pointed the gun at one of her clanmates. “If you don’t all start to change, I’ll start to shoot.”

  The woman she’d pointed the gun at changed back. Then another, who went to stand by Veronica, trying to hide her naked body the best she could. Then Amir changed. Then Dax and another woman. The rest of them changed almost all at the same time. The group of them stood in a circle, most of them covering various body parts.

  Slade had to work to keep himself covered. But he was still hard looking at Veronica, and he could only hide so much. He dared a glance at her, and she was looking at him. Looking intensely and with desire. They shared a long, intense moment, then she turned away from him, letting her arms fall to her sides, revealing every inch of her body, as she walked to the center of the group. Man, was she trying to drive him mad on purpose?

  “This fighting must stop,” she said. “Someone has already gotten hurt and more people will get hurt if we continue.” She walked over to Slade and stood by his side. “The clans are merging. We will become one and we will work together. Our truce starts now.”

  She looked around, challenging someone to argue with her. Slade wanted to kiss her right then for being so bold. And they were going to join clans? So, she’d decided to step up after all. He wished she’d told him this was her plan, but maybe he hadn’t given her time to. All that mattered now was how they would get their clans to be okay with it. He’d already talked to his guys and while they weren’t thrilled with working with women who had attacked them, they agreed it was better than continuing a war.

  “This is ridiculous,” one of the women said. It must be Christina, based on what Veronica had told him about her. “We are not joining them.”

  “We are,” Veronica said. “We will form one company to make our products together, and we will be sister clans. Anyone who doesn’t like it, can leave.”

  “You can’t be serious,” Christina said.

  “You can’t make us do this!” another woman said.

  “Oh, yes I can, Abby,” Veronica said. “I am the alpha. You will obey or you will find a new pack.”

  “Nothing like this would have happened if Valerie were still here,” Christina said.

  “And if you hadn’t been so interested in fighting,” Veronica said, “she would still be here.”

  Christina glared back at her. “You can’t just kick me out. I live here.”

  “I’m not kicking you out,” Veronica said. “I’m telling you we’re going to work with the Walkers. We are going to stop fighting them. If you can’t do that, then you are free to leave. It’s your choice.”

  The men watched, looking back and forth from Veronica to Slade, waiting for direction. Of course, they all knew Slade had wanted them to work together. They probably just never expected it to actually happen. But Slade was happy that none of his guys seemed ready to take off. He wouldn’t expect any of them to do that.

  After a few tense minutes, Christina shifted into a bear again and ran off. Veronica looked around at the rest of her clan. He could see the hurt in her face and hear it in her voice when she spoke. She was bothered that Christina had left.

  “Anyone else?” she asked.

  Veronica saw Abby’s indecision. Her and Christina had been close. Closer once Valerie died and the position of Christina’s best friend was available. She didn’t envy the decision Abby had to make now. It was either her best friend and freedom or her clan and her business.

  Abby turned to her, tears filling her eyes. “I’m sorry, V. I can’t just let her go on her own. She’ll have no one.”

  Veronica nodded. Abby ran to her, gave her a brief, awkwardly naked hug, then shifted and ran off. Veronica swallowed hard and looked at the remaining members of the group. She’d expected this, though. She had a pretty good idea that Christina would leave. Was half hoping for it. As much as she loved Christina as a sister and clanmate, she was the one always causing trouble. And she reminded her more of Valerie than any of the others. They’d been inseparable before her death and something about Christina being her dead twin’s beset friend made her special to Veronica. But she couldn’t have her causing this trouble.

  Abby hurt worse. Though Veronica thought she’d likely leave if Christina did, she was sadder to see her go. She liked Abby a lot, though she was argumentative. In the end, she usually ended up listening to Veronica. Well, until recently with all this fighting. Her loyalty clearly lay with Christina, though, so in the end, it was better.

  She looked at her two remaining clan members. She knew Beth wouldn’t leave her in a million years. She was the one Veronica was closest to. And Robin had joined Valerie’s clan because of Veronica, so she assumed that loyalty would continue. They didn’t look confused. They looked sure in their decision.

  She looked over at the men. None of them seemed ready to take off, either. She felt a ping of jealousy at that. Slade was a much better leader. His men were much more loyal. Though it looked like one was missing. That must be the injured one, though.


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